T MiCl sT DAILY FemIlnarnties ay SEQV Checks Are Favored UJI "In the spring a young girl's fancy-" not only "turns," but is prac- tically revolutionized with sunny days arid balmy breezes indicatiig that spring fashion, Fashion, FASHION should be uppermost in the minds of all who would follow the trend of the times. Personal satisfaction is involved. Ah, mie! what joys--what self-con- fidence as one views one's self in that most delightful ;?) of creations--the Easter bonnet with a little lace and little fluff and feathers and straw, and lots of stuff. Young Man's Pancy Also Turns but there's soinething else involved. For who can forget that "in the , f r -f3 M 'wA Ow spring a young man's fancy" also "turns," and not to thoughts of fashion, but who can tell what feminine forethought will help his fancy turn in the right direction. And so we find our Susie -the heroine of this account---attending style shows right and left and armed with the latest fashion magazines under both arms, proceeding to plan out her campaign. "This year," says Susie, "things are going to be different. I will choose the dominant color for my wardrobe first, thus, avoiding the conglomeration I usually end up with when nothing matches anything else." "In fact," says Susie with her head in the closet as she peers wistfully at last year's wardrobe, "I see nothing now that will go with anything else so I will begin anew." So saying, she tosses discretion to the winds and her old wardrobe to her mother's favorite rummage sale and begins to decide on "THE DOMINANT COLOR." And Susie Chooses A Ndvy Blue Color, tone, hue. shade-a riotous assemblage from whence to pick and choose. "I suppose it's unimportant whether I pronounce cyclamen with A broad "i" if I want it for mny color, but I guess I'll stick to something a little easier and possibly a little more becoming," says our Susie, who we have just decided is a redhead. And so we come to navy blue as a basic color which is practically inevitable when it's spring and when the person has plain intelligence and a simple aes- thetic sense as does our Susie. This thinking, this pondering, this preparatory step has taken our Susie well into March. Now comes the big " important ste--the buying. Susie starts her first shop- ° pig tour armed with the prime requisite-a well-filled pirse (that is, filled with money, dough, argent, pecuia- and not junk). First step in buying for Susie is "THE BASIC SUIT." This garment requires alnost as much thought as the pre- liiinaries, but with its color already chosen, it's only a matter of days before Susie ends up with "a darling little number" which has two pieces, white pique collar and cuffs, and is "quite tailored." Shopping Becomes Mlore Difficult From now on the way proves far from, smooth. Susie get through the buying of a white chiffon blouse and cherry red accessories for the shit without too muchi difficulty. But when it comes to buying "THE LITTLE SILK DRESS" with "THE EXTRA LITTLE HAT" to match, she allows herself to be swayed by a "darling little number" in an off- shade of Kelly green which has no hopes of matching the cherry red accessories and even mildly clashes with navy blue. And when she is overcome by a black check skirt she throws caution to the winds, ending up Awith a congloihera- tion. "Next year," says Susie to herself, "Things are going to be differeit. I will choose 'THE DOMINANT COLOR' for niy wardrobe first, and after I have bouight 'TiE BASIC SUIT' I will buy everything else to match, thus, avoiding the con- glomeration I have now when nothing matches anything else." Footnote to Susie's final statement: the only thing positive about next year and Susie and spi'inl is that '"In the Spring a young girl's fancy" will ttirn again to fashion, Fashion, and FASHION. Checks add gaiety to this softly draped gown whose molded waist- line and shirred bodice mark it 1940. SocidiWhirl Needs Formals With_'Oomph' Extra telephone buzzing speaks for the unusually active social season that includes formals and formals both professional men and fratern- ity men. To take the Odonto men's eyes away from feminine teeth, just don one of the numerous figure flatterers that Ann Arbor shops' are now show- ing. Blue and white checked taffeta has a pert crisp effect that is height- ened by a swishing red sash six inches in Width. Klock red carnations to adorn the hairline will counteract the no-flower system of the Uni- versity. Crisp biack lace will make a dancer look mysterious, especially if the ac- companying mantle is draped grace- fully about her head. A smoothly fitting decolletage bodice accents the tiny waistline and sweeps out into an enormous yardage of skirt and hemline. Wear jeweled bracelets or hairclips with this model, although it is startling and effective when re- lieved. To gain confidence after having been officially summoned by Ann Arbor police to Crease Ball, try win- ning the jury over with a feminine Gone With The Wind model. Pink tulle,, miles of it, can frame a face of smiles to best advantage. Off the shoulders, this model sets off to best advantage that Christmas necklace that has until now gone unused. Cam- pus pearls gain glamour, too, when added to this costume. Spring Gowns May Be Suited To Many Roles New Formals Are Saucy, Feminine, Bewitching Or Spectacular In Style What is there about a spring even- ing that is different from any other? It could be the new spring formals which can make you look an imp, an angel, or a woman of the world. So choose your role and the dress to fit it. Perhaps you would like to be saucy and yet not impertinent. You feel as fresh as a peppermint stick (and look like one too) in a striped taf- feta formal of lollypop red, candy green, navy, or black. Check Youxr Gown Check and double check one of the new checked taffeta formals, especially good in black and white accented by a scarlet midriff. If you have some gypsy in your soul, try a bold plaid taffeta skirt and, to be paradoxical, top it off with a baby blouse of ruffled organdy. If, on the other hand, the stars put you in a celestial mood, wear some- thing very ethereal and utterly fem- inine. Scarlet O'Hara has left the same influence in fashions as she did in the hearts of her admirers. Why not borrow some of her style? A printed gown with ruffled skirt, puff- ed sleeves, and boquets and presto, you become a southern belle! Starch- ed chiffon strewn with daisies or marquisette with inserts of biack chantilly lace will make your date hum, "I'm going to dance with a dream." "Sky Is The Limit" But if you yearn to subtley play the femme fatale, the sky is the limit for your witchery. Wear a skirt sheathlike as the Washington Monu- ment or bouffant as the capitol dome. With one, you will revel in jet embroidered on pastel wool jack- ets; with the latter, white quilted satin and black faille or a white lace mantilla and ruffled skirt mys- teriously surrounding a black taffeta bodice with the new lowered midriff waistline. And to make an extra spectacular entrance, cover your gownwith a flambouyant cape of green and fushia stripes. Individualism Comes Into Own In Pajamas Candy stripes, crazy cottons, daffy designs are all in their element in the wee small hours when the most reserved of campus queens can "let go" on the matter of taste and let their weirdest flights of fancy take form in pajamas, The day of Dr. Dentons leaves the first breath of spring weather, and in its place comes dainty dimity, broadcloth if you like that smooth feeling, and for the very, very hot weather blister sheer. As for line, that never changes. The woman who likes her night clothes tailored in the winter will like them that way in the summer and the nightie fiend can no more be swayed in cold weather than in warm: Still further to the left's the individual who refuses to change either line or material in any season. Hats Tilt Forward Easter Parade Means Brand New Bonntet Bonnets to the right of us and bonnets to the left of us. Big straws, little straws, sailors, felts, turbans and cartwheels, all ready to shine in the Easter parade! There's a spring hat for every mood and every occasion. A blue felt hat with an enormous white plume in the back will be suit- able for every festive occasion. But a little cap of white dove wings with a chou of hydronaga ilowers and a gossamer green veil is definitely for only very special leap year occasior-. On Easter day for church and dinner a new narrow brimmed sailor in con- fection pink straw with a gray veil, or a head-hugging pique halo which stands stiffly out at the sides, with gardenias and a tiny veil to top it off, will complete the holiday. There is nothing like a fetching bonnetfor leap year. A pale blue rough straw bonnet with pink flowers nestling under the brim is guaran- teed to invoke a leap year declara- tion. In the same category, too, is a white pique hat with a high crown and tiny brim. A black veil forms a deep band around the crown of the hat and comes to a bow in the back. A black pill-box of black grosgrain which follows the line of the head down to the nape of the neck where pink and crimson roses cluster is appropriate for more prosaic occa- sions. By J. BASCOMB SLINK In the spring (and almost any oth- er time) a young man lightly turns to thoughts "de l'amour," while the object of the results of his thinking, the female of the species, lightly, turns to thoughts and purchases of clothes, usually reliable sources re- ported late yesterday. Semi-official bulletins indicated recently that spring was at our very door, knocking for admittance with a gentle hand. Therefore (to proceed quite logically), the local lads and lasses should begin to prepare for serious concentration on the subjects of the Arboretum and wardrobes. Advice To Lovelorn Advice to lovelorn (prospectively), males can best be given by well meaning friends - yes, the best one will tell you - and fraternity broth- ers. But the clothes-lorn women - ah, the women - they should be ad- vised not necessarily by one who knows, but certainly by one who sees and suffers. Firstly, girls, don't buy any more of these horrid, horrid bandanas you dote on. And you might ditch those you already own. Or, as a compro- mise between your own desires and what doesn't look too disalluring, keep away from color combinations like orange-and-red head - covers worn with baby-pink sweaters. Clean Saddle Shoes Secondly, you saddle-shoe addicts, why not get two pairs of the old re- liable? Then you could be persuaded to keep one set clean for extra- special, peachy, keen, formal dress- up occasions, maybe. Sure, saddle- shoes of the dirty type are nifty for the well known sloppy weather of Ann Arbor (keen climate here, by the way); but nobody, regardless of his broadminded attitude, could say they are "purty" and still claim sanity. Thirdly, sweaters are nifty, too. BUT - ah, yes, but - they often look distinctly like the place of which the name is banned from these col-" umns: climate fabulously hot, popu- lation reportedly horned and bearing pointed tails. Oversize torso-cover- ings are all right, but this sort of thing can be, and has been, carried much too far. One or two or even; three sizes too large may be par- doned, but anything in excess of this Corduroy Shoes Are New Newest in shoe styles for spring are corduroy shoes in natural or bright color. The shoes match three- quarter length coats and make a smart rainy day costume as the cord- uroy is water-proof. The shoes are made of flexible corduroy, have thick rubber soles, and tie at the ankle. is sort of lily-gildingish. Besidi he swell Ann Arbor men don'tMit. Silk Hose Has Uses Fourthly, wenches, ybu might put in a supply of silk stockings -- okay, hose. Bare legs are tolrbe V to be encouraged if theye a That is, they are tolerable, if they aren't muddy. Muddy legs are ugly, regardless of shapeliness. Ala dA6&- ings do help camouflage the iud. Fifthly, many, many, many, many of you might do well to invest in some safety pins. Yeah, and use thdi to take tucks in slip straps.,The way co-eds' slips dangle belowdr* a hems (they are hems, aren't they?) leads a guy to think there isn't W in in town - the kind that is luag excepted. Sixthly - aw, heck, gals,. think back on "Four Out of Five." Mostof the remarks made therein are tru Y applicable to your attire and hatof the rest of your gender spaq, rW about the American collegiate se, the night communique reported pa- terday. New Fabrics WilBe Made OfAir, Water In 20 years, we will be wearing clothing made from coal, air, RAd water. For the first time laboatdy technicians have been successfui in making a cloth of purely mineral pro- ducts. A new fabric has been develod made from just these things: kil, air and water. The new cloth re- sembles silk, but is even better, 4 texture and appearance. F-ohi the practical aspect it is pi'ctictl* wrinkle proof, easily washaleid very fast drying and its wearing C11 A* ties are amazing. At present, the new material1" ing used for such widely varied modities as hosiery (the new , r stockings which have been sow advertised oflate) to th b and fishing lines. But the industry will start using it it production of pajamas, lingeried bathing suits probably this year. Other original fabrics are in e process of development. One Q ale from glass is already being ;r curtains and upholsteryCor s So far it has not been employed tuc- cessfully in the clothing industry. Another fabric is made fromi 004 in and is similar to wool in textd. It is already being used widely ix Germany and Italy. Male Authority Gives Advice On Correct Campus Clo --. UTZEL ' ANN ARBOR Spring and Easter - the tw most importon.t .dates in th fashion world - make their a# pearance on almost identicc days this year - Spring on t 21st and Easter on the 24th c March! We've been plannin for this double event for week - with results we know you a anxious to see. )t ofI I ksA 4e y~ \? 41 ;R:114 ' ' 004 'y f .J here! ad with iteoWmes a multitude of new styles .." Our windows are bright with the sparkling new rmerchan- dise. Our stocks are crammed with suits that hug your hips - dresses that were never more flattering - coats that swing straight and full or button tightly in smart 1940 versions of the fitted reefer - and oodles and oodles of You may rely on us and our clean- sing processes to protect and pro- long the wear of your new,. fash- ionable clothes. II