THEMCHIGAN, D4ALY ing Fashions Feature Femininity In Suits And Blow yes ' Plaids, Stripes And Pastel Color Combinations Are Shown Sheer Blouses, Tailored Shirts Vie For Honors Pastel Colors Keynote Trend In New Jewelry For Spring h ff S Trimings With Eyelets, Lace On Light Material Add Softness To Outfit By LOIS SHAPIRO Do you remember the days of your infancy when the game of peek-a- boo occupied a great deal of your time? Well, springtime fashions dic- tate a returr to the days of child- hood what with sheer blouses trim- med in eyelet material. That new blouse for your spring suit can be sheer batiste, chiffon or silk, but it must have the feminine touch of a lacy or eyelet collar and 'uffs, in order to soften the unavoid- able harshness of any suit. One mod- el has the entire front tucked in very tiny gatherings of material, a tiny Peter Pan collar and cuffs with lace edges. The frillier, the more femin- ine, the fussier your blouse, the greater exponent you are of this spring's fashion. Sheer Blouses Take Lead Jabots edged in lace, eyelet em- broidery and rosebuds are part of the embellishments on these sheer batiste blouses. Entire yokes of lace and embroidery are popular. Sleeves are short and full on these blouses, and the bottoms are finished finely so that they may be worn either inside or outside of your spring skirt. Some of the sleeves have lace inser- tions to match the bibs of lace in the front of the bluse. Other numbers have entire fronts of lace, with just the sleeves and backs sheer silk or chiffon. Swiss organdies provide the starchy side of your costume but these, too, are softened with innu- merable feminine details. On the other hand, for the more tailored young woman, who, in spite of the severity of her spring suit, wishes to preserve the tailored as- pect, those classic silk shirtwaists continue to appear on the horizon. They come in all the delcate pastel shades one could wish-rose, light blue, gold, and cool green. Shfrwaists Are "Covered UV" Short sleeves are the most popular for warm weather, but the "cover- up" idea has pervaded the fashion sanctum so that eVen shirtwaists are being shown with long full sleeves, and 'tight cuffs. ack to the sheer blouses again, thes'e, too, apiear especially in chif- fon, with xong, full, flowing sleeves, to fiear out the "cover-up" slant on sprilgtinie f hions. Tailored col- lars A-4d c16sligs accompany the distinctly frilly and feminine sleeves to prdduc'e a compromise in the spring blouse, a pleasing and smart addition to any wardrobe. Co*wed Laces Add 4ikhy_1' -Saddles To add new ife to saddle shoes now dull and slightly-worse-for-the- wear looking, try using colored shoe laces. These laces, which haye proved especially popular on campuses of Eastern colleges, can be obtained either in solid colors, or in plaid or checks. Bright red laces, for example, will brighten up a navy blue outfit, o gayly complement a red plaid skirt Miniature Spoon Engraved With Wearer's Initials Become Popular Here By LORRAINE SCHWAB Spring will blossom out this year in a bevy of pastels - especially in jewelry. Although simplicity is the keynote, colors run rampant. For l i your sweaters, the latest style is a necklace of twisted ropes, either in one color, or in a combination of two colors. Of, if you prefer, wear a dainty heart locket in simple gold or ornamented with your school crest. With suits, the c.crrect thing to wear is a bright lapel pin - jeweled for your dressy suits or carved wood- en or ivory masks for the strictly sport ensemble. Another tricky gad- get is the sweater or lapel pin in a miniature spoon with the wearer's name engraved on it. Charm Bracelets Fade Charm bracelets are fading from the fashion field, but they are being replaced by seal bracelets and gold chains. The same type of chain is also being used as a necklace on dressy frocks. Speaking of dressy clothes! There's a wealth of jewelry designed to add a spring touch to date and evening ensembles. Pastel pearls, for in- stance, are very light weight and quite inexpensive. Another unusual combination of necklace and brace- let representing a circus with minia- ture cages, caliopes and elephants hung from a white chain. This type of thing can be worn for dress or sport wear, but if you prefer it can be obtained in carved ivory for dress wear only. Jewelry Fads Given Among the loveliest of the current jewelry fads are the painted china pins, bracelets and pendants. The bracelets are groups of buds and flowers and in their pastel colors and lend that special touch that livens up the sombrest of outfits. Formals jewelry consist of GWTW necklaces for your Southern belle gowns, or for the sophisticate, the jewels may be rhinestone or of any of the various stones, which match your gown. Clips in flower pattern or pearls are still good for all formal occasions. Animals are taking their place in the jewel field and are much in evi- dence as, . for example, the silver horses and dogs for blouse and lapel pins. Incidentally, these accessories are equipped with safety catches and are fashioned to suit the most metic- ulous of wearers. Rope Strands Shown Red, white, and blue is also very popular and can be obtained in the twisted ropes or in triple strands or links. These, also, come in pastels and will be worn well into the sum- mer. For your spring prints or dark sheers there is a spring necklace of large white disks worked in delicate filigree. A bracelet also goes with this. All in all, spring jewelry shows dis- tinct originality and is designed to make its wearer a well-dressed wom- en in any group. SpringHair-Dos kMay Do As Much, As Clothes For Yu New hair-dos each spring seem to more or less naturally follow each spring-struck women's new-clothes mood-and they definitely do as much as new clothes towards pick- ing up one's snowed-under poise and personality. This year, neatness in hairdress has the spotlight, and you may safe- ly be seen in either a short, neat coiffure or a longish neat coiffure. Hair this year, however, is at its best brushed up and back from the ears in front, and in wide deep waves in back. Four inches, they tell us, is far enough for hair to extend down the back of the neck. Curls must be neat, too, with em- phasis placed secondly on their soft- ness. Soft bangs or a light pompa- dour over the forehead are suggested unless one has particularly delicate features. LADIES' TAILORING Individual custom-made suits. Remodeling of coats and suits a specialty. MARY HIUTZEL Phone 3468 506 E. Liberty f> . C Masculine Wisdom Condemns Feminne Fashion Weaknesses 'Coeds Choose Saddle Shoes For Wardrobe n Two pairs of saddle shoes in every closet and a pair of white mocassins on every shelf: that is our program! At least there are moccasins now to relieve the monotony, or should it be monopoly, that prevails over co-r I ed feet. Even these may not last, for they are difficult to keep on after they've reached the sloppy stage. If you remember last year, hurach'es made a claim to lasting popularity, but were soon run out for the same reason that is being predicted for the Indian's favorite shoe. If they do find a permanent niche in the Michigan wardrobe, it will probably be in the i modified style that includes laces, some support in the instep and a reg- ulation low heel. Wedges Are 'Popular ' Another style that Hollywood, New York and blacked-out Paris seem to think should be the boon of the campus-ite is wedge heels, also known as props. 'There's been no sign of them ,here yet, and it doesnt' look as if there will be. Perhaps the long and the short of it is that Mich- igan is conservative in its shoe favo-' rites. Its only recent fling is in a few pairs of brightly colored suede{ shoes, but they're not at all preva- +lent. These, and moccasins, have',. brought down the sale of saddles, but have not threatened their leadership. p Spectators Retain Vogue High heeled "date shoes" are more original, but spectators are still the most popular. Any kind of pump, with originality in the toes, is the right thing to look for. Toes can be cut out in many designs, or filled, in with contrasting leather. Squared toes are proving successful too. But the truth of it is that saddles are used as dates shoes too. So this is the strange kind of style story that doesn't predict anything, with the p possible exception of modified Indian moccasins, and upholds the banner. of an old favorite. The saddle shoeI R inarrhpq ,nn' By H. SCHIAPARELLI HAUFLER You girls have sought everywhere for your fashions. You've borrowed from Bali, stolen from Spain and robbed from Robin Hood. You've gone into dithers over South-Sea sarongs a Lamour, you've swiped the turban of the Whirling Dervish and you've copied from Cleopatra. Now why in hell don't you come home for a change? I wouldn't have you do this simply as a jingoistic, Martin Dies-y form of Americanism. But in the first place I, for one, am strangely nauseated by the sight of an Anerican girl paracd,- ing as the Queen of Sheba or the rUnion Jack. And in the second place, I think I've got reason on my side. Enlance Your Advantages For instance, one of the things that dress is supposed to do, as I under- stand it, is to enhance your natural advantages and to make less obvious your shortcomings. If you are broad you wear stripes up and down, not around like -convicts. Well now, suppose you are at that stage when the facial contours begin to sag, when wrinkles appear, when, to be Romantic about it, the Worm: of Age is consuming the Rose of Youth. What does the average, irra- tional fem-inanity do? She imports something from Asia or Africa or Timbuctoo and hopes that the exotic- ness will smother the senility. The result is that she usually resembles a Voodoo idol. Look Youthful Again But if she would just capitalize on the principle of American men's hats, I say, she could look youthful again. For all a man has to do is flip up the brim of his hat all around and he can pass anywhere as a high-school adolescent. Just that upward flair of a fedora melts away the years like water from the Fountain of Youth. Another reason why girls empha- size fashions, I presume, is to add to their chances of catching men. Again I say that American women are look- ing afar when the real gold is in their backyards. For none of you coeds would ever descend to the plebian clothing of Kentucky mountain women. Never would you wear ginghams or linsey- wool-seys or Daisy-Mae skirts. Never would you stoop to this, although you know full well that Kentucky is the White And Frilly Are Spring Handkerchiefs Part of your laundry lost in the shuffle? More birthdays coming up with nary an idea for a gift? New touches needed for an old formal that still has life? Try stocking up on handkerchiefs. White and frothy to match the new spring blouses are a collection of lacy squares that lend a finishing touch to black and navy suits, or to a sleek new pocketbook. Naive and peppy are the huge colored squares that go with new prints, silk or cotton, or around the, head for rum- ble-seat riding. Gift handkerchiefs are lovely in delicate white with appliqued ini- tials in bold or subtle colors. One particular model i sof soft imported linen with rounded lettering worked into the materials at one corner. land of child-marriage, where the girls have reached their zenith in the art of man-catching. Flour-Sacks Are Useful one of your chief fashion quests, apparently, is for foreign fabrics and strange colors. I see in Vogute that Matelasse crepe and melusine an'd Gauguin pink are in for a revival. Again you pass up a sure-fire bet. For if there is any fabric that has more creative popsibilities than the flour-sacks of the sharecroppers I have yet to see it. The sharecropper uses the flour-sack for every purpose from diapers to evening gowns, al- ways with that distinctive decora- tion, "Dorsel's Seal of Kentucky" or "Harvest - Maid Brand" that no amount of bleaching will quite re- move. S p rin g H a rvest o f R e t t n i a at~ .,. E +. {. RUBINSTEIN' ,." ' NEW ~~\ f~. ~4it I r Pretty i'n Our EASTER Head Sizes to 24 \~ A LOVELEY HANDKERCHIEF, with daffo- There's a magic to this wonderful Apple Blossom Fragrance of Helena Rubinstein. It's not nectar or ambrosia, but just the most heavenly sweet scent you have ever experienced. Fresh as the morning, gay as the song of a lark, warm as a maiden's first blush, it will captivate you and "him" sure as anything. You should try the refreshing lilt of the Cologne (1.00), 'the more lingering essence of the Eau de Toilette (1.75), or the gentle mist of the Dusting Powder (1.00-now also availabla in a handy shaker-top box at only .50), or the exhilarating coolness of the Bath Oil (1.00, 2.00). Whichever you try, you'll want the whole sequence, and you'll be back for more again and again. It's lmagic, we repeat. .:a _. ~, Y:.;; "j \-:, :! i _: ' More charm, more chic in these Easter Straws and Felts . . gay with flowers, feathers and i II I F