PAG r FOCTlt TfH MICIMirGAllr DAL T~ S7 MRH 4 -"I __________________________________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Revised Tutorial System . .0. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the autliority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'y mal, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER-SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. Colege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO' DOtTOtl' LOS ANcIFLES - SAID FAANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dnnis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . Mel Fineberg . Editorial Staff B s f.f . . . Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor , Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Gannon P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy Business Manager . tAst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD A. GOLDMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The U.S. An Aid To China? 0. . Y ESTERDAY'S headlines in The Daily which read, "Russo-Finnish Con- flict Halted," marks the end of the youngest of the three current wars in Europe and the Far East. With one conflict eliminated from the field of competition for world attention, it is hoped that more care and efforts at a speedy, peaceful solution of a war, which although it has been of longer duration than any of the others, has received much les publicity-the Sino-Japanese struggle. When the next Congress meets, it will be faced with making the momentous decision of deciding where America's influence min the Far East is to be-for law and order, or for aggression. Since the violation of the Nine-Power Treaty which Japan voluntarily signed, her leaders have been engaged for two and one-half years in an unprovoked and cruel attack on China. 1 SPITE OF numerous protests on our part of Japan's violations of American rights un- der the treaties and in spite of our revulsion at Japan's treatment of China as evidenced by numerous petitions and editorials in American newspapers, we have been allowing Japan un- limited access to our markets and materials. Legally, and theoretically, we are neutral, but in practice we are one of the unofficial 0.u0 indispensable partners in Japan's aggression against China. In violation of the very treaty which we persuaded China to accept, we are furnishing a steadily increasing percentage of the necessary and vital war materials to Japan, who doesn't have them and without them could not continue destroying China. Japan receives over 90 percent of all of her scrap iron and steel and copper from the United States. Every week special steels, alloys, metal- working machinery, trucks, lumber and lubri- cating oils are shipped from our ports to those of Japan. An embargo on just the 90 percent of Japan's aviation oil alone which America furnishes, could practically stop the bombings of open cities. WHAT we are helping Japan do is against our political and economic interests, and our security in the Pacific. Although our trade with Japan has been two or three times as large as that with China, China offers a greater potential market. While Japan's industrial market and development is largely completed, China's is still in the embryo stage. In 1937, an enormous program of industrialization, railroads and high- ways was started under a stable and progressive governmet. If that program can be continued under China's own leaders, the economic needs and purchasing power of 40,000.000 people will be greatly enhanced and will be felt all over the world. More important than our economic interests is the violation of one of the finest traditions and moral senses of the Americans-the feeling and respect for human freedom. Yet for two years we have been supporting a destructive attack on a nation which is innocent and for which we had a special responsibility. Our moral feelings are against Japan, the aggressor; but our material strength is against China, the vic- tim. Here is definitely a case of not, "practicing what we preach." In answer to the question,."Would an embargo on war materials to Japan lead to war?" it could be said that we can only get into a war with JaTnan if she iesnto war with us or if we go A NEWLY reorganized tutorial plan for independent men was announced yesterday in The Daily by Phil Westbrook, '40, president of Congress. This plan includes ar- rangements for 50 students from the ranks of Phi Eta Sigma and Tau Beta Pi, scholastic honor societies of the literary college and the engineering school, to form a panel of tutors for students who, for one reason or another, have fallen behind in their academic work. This new tutorial system-or, rather, this new reorganization of a system that operated last year-is significant. It shows a greater interest in campus affairs by the student body, as repre- sented by Congress. Again, it shows a similar interest, a more active participation, being taken by a student organization. It displays, as well, a more thorough interest in academic questions and in their solution through student aid, some- thing likely to prove economical for the in-' structed as well as an excellent form of review for both tutor and tutored. TJHE establishment of the panel of tutors and the arrangement for registration of students needing scholastic help is the first step toward student government at the University; or so it seems, and so it may well be. Student government, active and effective, is something greatly to be desired at Michigan, and the only way it can be set up is through actual accom- plishments by student representative bodies. Congress is such an organization, and the step it has taken can be made an entering wedge for student government. The purely academic importance of the plan is undeniably great. It will permit independent men, students who were formerly forced to gd to regular tutors or to spend valuable hours chasing instructors from one end of the campus to the other, to get student aid at reasonable rates or at no expense. This aid will be called upon for minor points, little things that amount to great and important issues if they accumu- late, with which one would not bother to go to a regular departmental tutor who would charge a much higher price for his services. AT the same time, giving aid will prove to be valuable axperience for the honor students of the tutorial panel. In order to help a student it will be found necessary to review the material of the course in which he needs aid. Often these review-courses will be those which are somewhat forgotten and from which the pros- pective tutor will get little value unless he re- views and freshens the material in his mind. Thus the tutors will benefit from the instruction probably as much as the needy students, squeez- ing a little more value from their time at ther University. The potentialities of the tutorial plan are unlimited in their value. How far they are to be realized depends on the tutors and upon the tutored-and upon Congress. Good work has been done thus far by that organization; may it be continued. - William Newton Ann Arbor Is No Better *. * T HE WORLD has moved a long way since the day when American col- leges were places where men wore raccoon coats and drank hard liquor, but sometimes it seems that the movement isn't as far forward as we think. The latest crime which can be attributed to the college life is the death of a youth at Colum- bia, Mo., following his initiation into a secret drinking "fraternity." As a result of the death- which was caused by the boy's strangling in the bed. clothes-Missouri officials are conducting an investigation on the campus to see what the conditions are which permit such a tragedy to occur. The official query is only a day or two old, but even here at Michigan we know what they will discover. Missouri has one or two organ- izations which call themselves "fratenities," adopt some phony Greek letter name, and meet a couple of times a month for a drinking bout of one kind or another. They receive no sanc- tion from the University, they serve no real pur- pose, and really only reflect the attitude of the members who affiliate themselves with such a group. Nevertheless, such organizations do exist and are a constant source of menace to the reputation and welfare of any college. THEY are dangerous because they give a kind of personal sanction to unintelligent and improper use of intoxicants. If the Missouri youth had not drunk himself insensible he would have been able to release himself from the sheets which strangled him. Instead, his light-hearted attitude toward liquor has resulted in a scandal which will damage the reputation of the Univer- sity of Missouri, which has taken the life of a young man, and has resulted in grief for his parents. Here in Ann Arbor the situation is no differ- ent. Students here still participate in drunken orgies and join secret drinking "fraternities." Michigan has been fortunate, however, and no real accidents have occurred. Missouri's fate should be an object lesson to us. Every effort should be made here to pro- mote a student attitude of intelligence in regard to liquor problems. Organizations which are formed only to promote intoxication should die for want of student support. The responsibility for improvement belongs to the student body itself, and not to University officials or anyone else. - Paul Chandler sist aggression and to support Japan's attempt i, L. .t . ... . . .".. ..Y .. n yc ~ n tr GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVE R SOMEBODY once said of John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men that it is honestly writ- ten, but that the net effect is one of fakery. It is certainly a testimony to Steinbeck's genius that public praise for a weak novel affected him so little that he followed it with The Grapes Of Wrath. The film version of Steinbeck's great novel needs no comment. But Gulliver cannot refrain from a few remarks on Lewis Milestone's movie version of Of Mice And Men. It is a great picture. Granted. It is also, however, better than the book from which it was taken-a situation without precedent in Hollywood history. This book, taken together with the fact that within the space of two weeks Gulliver saw two of John Steinbeck's novels made into great motion pictures, has been almost too much for him. The picture is better than the book because it teeters on the brink, but does not fall into the pit of mucky sentimentality which Stein- beck dug for George and Lennie. Under the sensitive direction of Lewis Milestone, the lit- tle people of the book come to life far more significantly than they did in the novel. The weakest figure, Lennie, is still weak; it is still difficult to feel yourself into the semi-articulated desires of a low-grade moron. But aside from Lenmie, and the situations which center around him, there is not a flaw in the picture. That cannot be said of the novel. THE young American composer Aaron Cop- land wrotethe music for the picture. It is superb. The acting can be compared only to the acting in The Grapes Of Wrath-not one figure is slighted. You see Charles Bickford, who has been growling around in Grade C mur- der mysteries for years, as you haven't seen him since Anna Christie. You see Burgess Mere- dith with most of the ham sliced off. You see Betty Field not as a silly schoolgirl, but as a fine actress, carefully picking out and building up those nuances of character which Steinbeck only indicated. Roman Bohnen of the Theatre Guild, who makes his film debut as old Candy, is magnificent. And Leign Whipper, as crippled old Crooks, the Negro who lives in the stable and reads books-he can't play cards with the rest of the boys on the ranch because he's black -contributes the most haunting characteriza- tion which any Negro has ever achieved on the screen. But once again, as in every great film, it is the director who binds together the separate strands of the actors and fuses them into a picture of unified mood. And it is the mood which distinguishes this picture so sharply from The Grapes Of Wrath; the latter is perforce a mural, a picture which must shift in mood as you move from one scene to another. Of Mice And Men is a miniature (the John Steinbeck of Tortilla Flat), and as perfectly done in its own way as the mural. The mood, the unifying theme, is that of comradeship and tenderness- a compound which has been missing in the American arts since Walt Whitman. One exam- ple: George meets old Candy for the first time. Candy's right hand is gone and as they are walking along George notices it and stares. Candy immediately freezes up and stops talking, whereupon George throws his arm around Can- dy's shoulder and they walk on . . . the poten- tial antagonism is destroyed. So it is with'the entire film. The scenery of the Far West i utilized to implement the theme of tenderness, and the picture ends in the forest where George has killed Lennie. No one is there now but a little squirrel sgittering down the side of a tree, and the autumn leaves are blowing about. THEATRE By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER The thirty-fifth annual presentation of the Junior Girls Play, given to an enthusiastic audience last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, was a howling success. The word is probably well chosen, for the amount of audience participation by the be-gowned senior girls who filled the entire first floor was of a calibre to put to shame the proverbial Irish fight crowd on St. Patrick's Day. Richard McKelvey's script contained enough plot to hang the usual series of songs and dances on and was especially commendable for the number and quality of the gags it contained. We will not spoil your pleasure by retelling them, but if you haven't heard them you prob- ably will within the week. This script was played with enviable verve and enthusiasm by a tre- mendous cast which made up in these qualities for a regrettable lack of some others, notably poise and diction upon occasion. The costuming was superb, and Robert Corri- gan's sets were all that could be desired from a scenic viewpoint. Notable among the actors, or better, actresses, was Margaret Schiller's Anne, who convulsed the show with her brightly played comedy, her dancing and the most in- imitable giggle heard on the Mendelssohn stage in many a year. At least two other comediennes deserve more than passing comment. These are the delightful caricature of Mrs. Fairfax-Hollingsworth played by Joan Baker, and Doris Wechsler's almost too true imitation of a - lady gym teacher. Very helpful also were Mary Ellen Wheeler as a be- wildered Phibete, and Harriet Schocraft's bit, entitled simply Eater. rMn h-r-on f +h non a P1nnn Annnhlp C 0e Drew Pearson d Robert S.Alen WASHINGTON MERRY GO-ROUN WASHINGTON-Apropos of Sen- ator Alben Barkley's offer to resign as Democratic Fioor Leader, made in the heat of the Hatch bill fight, it has never leaked out that some time ago a plan to "boost" Barkley out of the leadership was secretly dis- cussed at the White House. Initiator of the plan was Demo- cratic Elder Statesman Charley Mich- elson, who called on the President shortly after the death of Justice Butler, while Roosevelt was ponder- ing the appointment of Frank Mur- phy to take his place on the Supreme' Court. Michelson suggested that in solving his Supreme Court problemn the Pres- ident might at the same time find a . solution for the muddled Senate1 leadership. He pointed out that Bark- ley had not been very good as Senate leader, while Jimmy Byrnes of South Carolina would be excellent. But, Barkley had been a loyal friend of the President's, so Michel- son proposed that he be put on the Supreme Court to fill the Butler va- cancy. Then Byrnes could be the Senate leader. The President, however, pointed out that a considerable kick-back from Catholics could be expected if they saw Butler's place go to a non- Catholic. Thiswas especially true in view of the fact that he had ap- pointed Felix Frankfurter, a Jew, to replace Brandeis, also a Jew. Michelson said he thought the ap- pointment of a Catholic to the Su- preme Court could wait until the next vacancy. He thought there was sure to be another vacancy. But Roosevelt still felt the new Supreme Court Justice would have to be a Catholic. And that meant Frank Murphy. The only other Catholic candidates were John P. Devaney, former Chief Justice of the Minne- sota Supreme Court, and Justice Harold Stephens of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. The former didn't want the appointment, and the President thought the latter didn't quite measure up to it. So Frank Murphy went to the Su- preme Court and Alben Barkley re- mained in the Senate. Emperor Jones Finnish Minister Procope gave a luncheon the other day. A nurber of. distinguished guests were present, all of the arriving promptly at the appointed hour of 1:15. The lunch, however, was a little late in being served. The guests all appeared to be there, but nothing happened. Finally cocktails were passed, pink and insipid in appear- ance but carrying a powerful wallop. Minister Procope and his aides "skoaled" and "skoaled" and "skoal- ed," until some of the guests began to be a bit dizzy. One forty-five rolled around, and still no lunch. Finally at 2 o'clock, the Minister made a little announce- ment. "You see," he said' half apologizing, half smiling, "I am a very poor man, and I cannot have lunch without my banker." At this point, in stepped Export- Import Bank czar Jesse Jones. All hands may deny it, but it is a fact that both Taft and Vanden- berg emissaries recently sounded out Dewey lieutenants on the proposi- tion that he take second place on their tickets. The answer that came back was short and emphatic--"No!" Dewey was represented as feeling that if he doesn't make the grade this year he is young enough to wait for another try, meanwhile building' himself up by again running for Governor of New York.. Therefore in the current race he hasdno intention of playing second fiddle to anyone. It's all or nothing with him. Both the Taft and Vandenberg camps believe that, despite the New Yorker's lead in popular polls, he is steadily losing ground with the Re- publican leaders who will control the votes at the Philadelphia convention. The Taft-Vandenberg strategy is to avoid any head-on collision with Dewey in states where his public popularity ensures his winning pri- maries. Instead they will urge un- instructed delegations and secretly line up the local GOP chiefs, who pri- vately are cold to Dewey and will go against him at the convention if they aren't tied up by a primary vote Thus Taft and Vandenberg managers figure they can outmaneuver Dewey despite his greater popular strength Taft In The Midwest An illustration is Iowa, where Dewey has consistently topped polls while Taft and Vandenberg hav carefully sidestepped a showdown Under cover they are busy wooing th Republican leaders who will have a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1940 S VOL. L. No. 118 L . i . Notices 0 Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:A Value $39.00. Open to all undergrad- A uate students in German of distinct- 1 ly American training. Will be i awarded on the results of a three- hour essay competition to be held under departmental supervision on March 21, from 2-5 p.m., 203 U.H.E Contestants must satisfy the depart- ment that they have done theirp ceading in German. The essay mayc be written in English or German. 4 Each contestant will be free to choose his own subject from a list of at least 30 offered. The list will cover six chapters in the development of Ger 1 man literature from 1750 to 1900, o each of which will be represented by o at least five subjects. Students who0 wish to compete must be taking a course in German (101 or above) at the time of the competition. They should register and obtain directions as soon as possible at the office of i the German Department, 204 Uni. versity Hall. Kothe-Hildner Prize in German: F Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective- I ly, will be awarded to students taking 1 German 32 in a translation compe- p tition (German-English and Eng- t lish-German) to be held March 21, c from 2-5 p.m. in 203 U.H. Students n who wish to compete and who have e not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately and obtain directions. i Faculty of the College of Literature, p Science, and the Arts: The five-week d freshman reports will be due Satur- day, March 16, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren c Exhibitions Landscape Architecture Exhibit ofs plans and photographs of examplest of the work of professional landscape architects and planners from New York to Hawaii is on display in the exhibition hall of the Architecture Building. It will be open until the end of next week. Of special inter- est are he plans of the International Peace Garden in North Dakota and Manitoba, a plantation village inb Hawaii, New York City parks, etc. 1 Lecturest University Lecture: Mr. Homer L.x the motiyes for Taft's second-andc happier-try .at the farm issue in Springfield. Springfield is only 80. miles from the Iowa line, within easy reach for the many Iowa party lead- ers invited to lunch with Taft. Thei speech was easily broadcast through-t out Iowa, but technically, Taft was not barging into MacNider's home grounds.j If these seem to be fine points, they nevertheless count up in politics. More than one campaign has been lost because they were overlooked. 1 NOTE-Taft's speeches are acon- stant worry to his able press director, Forrest Davis. Taft writes them him-s self, is rarely finished until just be-1 fore delivery, with the result thatr Davis is unable to get them to the press in advance.- Merry-Co-Round GOP strategy during the Hatch bill battle was matchless, Led by brainy Senator Charles McNary, the Repub- licans said nothing, let the Democrats do all the arguing, and voted for the, measure as a bloc. When GOP Sen- ator John Danaher of' Connecticut started sounding off and offering amendments, he was quickly and forcefully silenced . . . Theodore Metcalf, who as Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska started dishing out hon- orary titles of "Admiral of the Ne- braska Navy," has tossed his hat into the ring for a seat in Congress. Met- calf wanted to try for the Senate, but when serious competition developed switched to running for the House Politicos have long been im- pressed by the way South Dakota State GOP Chairman J. D. Coon gets around to so many meetings. Now they are wondering if the fact that he has an identical twin brother doesn't explain the mystery. The two brothers live in duplex houses, are law partners and when at college kept each other's dates with girls. The cotton picking machine is mak- ing slow headway in the U.S., but in Argentina it is becoming as popular as its predecessor, the American auto- mobile. Three years ago, the Argentine Cot- ton Board purchased a U.S. mechani- cal cotton picker for experimental -purposes. After elaborate tests in the rich cotton areas of the Argentine Chaco, where the land is flat as a table, it was officially announced, that "tests with this cotton picking ma- e chine have convinced the authorities . of its efficiency and all around super- e iority over manual picking." a While it is Brazil rather than Ar- hantZ, Chief of the Division of Wild ife Management in the Forest Serv- ce in Washington, D.C., will lecture )x "Vegetation, What It Means" un- ler the auspices of the Michigan ceademy of Sciexace, Arts, and Let- ers, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, March 5, in the Natural Science Auditor- um. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Louis Unterimeyer schedule: Today's Lecture: "Old and New 43ngland," 4:15 p.m. Rackham Am- hitheatre. Friday, March 15. Informal dis- ussion ("Old and New England"). :15 p.m. East Conference Room, Rackham Building. University Lecture: Dr. Luigi Vil- ari, formerly in the Italian Ministry f Foreign Affairs and on the staff f the League of Nations, will lecture n "Italy and the International Situ- ation" under the auspices of the De- partment of Political Science at 4:15 pm. on Friday, March 22, in the Lec- ure Hall of the Rackham Build- ng. The public is cordially invited. Pharmacy Lecture: Dr. Frank B. Kirby, Director of Education, Abbott Laboratories, will give an illustrated ecture on "The Cascara Country", his evening at 7:30, Room 151, Chem- stry Building. This lecture will be =nder the auspices of the Apothe- aries Club of the College of Phar- nacy. The public is cordially invit- ad. Dr. Raphael Isaacs will give an Illustrated lecture entitled "Is There . Jewish Type?" at the Hillel Foun- dation tonight at 8:00. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Harold S. Gray, World War conscientious objector, will speak on "Facing Conscription," at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, March 17, in Room 316 of the Michigan Union, under the sponsor- ship of the Fellowship of Reconcilia- tion. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Philosophy 34 will meet in 2225 An- gell Hall on Friday. Today's Events Graduate Students: A meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 in the Ajmphitheatre of the Rackham Building to discuss plans for the formation of a graduate coun- oil. The purpose of the council would be to promote and cordinate gradu- ate activities, both social and edu- cational, and to better relations be- tween graduate students and faculty. Your attendance is necessary to as- sure success. If unable to attend, please indicate your interest by sign- ing list at the Information Desk in the Rackham Building. Alpha Phi Omega will meet in the Upper Room of Lane Hall tonight at 8:00. All Scout trained men invited. Sigma Eta Chi will meet at 8:00 p.m. today at Pilgrim Hall. Varsity Glee Club: Those members whose names have appeared in the D.O.B. will please report promptly at 7:30 tonighe. After a short rehearsal in the Glee Club rooms records will be made of the Club, in Morris Hall. Get eligibility cards. The University Of Michigan Flying Clu~b will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Arrangements for the flying meet Sunday afternoon will be made and election of officers for the year will be conducted. Plans will also be made for the incorporation of the flying club. Glider Club will show a 1-hour colored film on "The 1939 National Soaring Contest at Elmira," tonight at 7:30 in Room 348, West Engineer- ing Building. Members requested to attend and the public is welcome. Ann Arbor Independents meeting today at 4:15 p.m. in the League. Professor Robert Angell will review "The Idea of aChristian Society" by T. S. Eliot, at Lane Hall Library, today, 4:15 p.m. University Girls' Glee Club rehear- sal tonight at 7:15 in Game Room of League. Michigan Dames: Book group has i.ts ,meeting at the home of Mrs. W. G. Logan, 931 Dewey tonight at 8 o'clock. Coming Events Pi Lambda Theta's guest tea which was to be held this week, 'will be post- poned till Thursday, March 28. Independent Girls: All independent women interested in lower cost hous- ing and other economic and social 'advantages of cooperative living are invited to attend an informal tea at the Alice F. Palmer Cooperative House at 1511 Washtenaw Saturday.