GenieraIy fair today,
Y r e
i 4bp Air
t Ir t
Win Big
Sweden Urges
Allies To Send
Finns Full Aid
Or None At All
Von Ribbentrop Speeds
To Rome As Britain
Releases Italian Ships
Fighting Continues
On Viipuri Front
With Sweden reporbed warning
the Allies they must send a large
Allied force to aid Finland or none
at all, Russian-Finnish peace talks
last night reached the stage of major
power politics.
Stockholm sources expressed the
opinion this political game involved
an Allied desire to keep Russia busy
in Finland lest peace there enable
her to assist Germany. A deci-v
in the talks, now being continued
through direct negotiations between
Moscow and Helsinki, may be reach-
ed by Monday or Tuesday at the
Forestall Passage
Sweden was said to have told the
Allies it would attempt to forestall
passage of any Allied force "inade-
quate" to help the Finns because
only a large force could help defend
Sweden if Russia or Germany in-
vaded that neutral country when
Allied troops start through. A full
army corps, it was added, would be
"gratefully welcomed" by the Swedes.
Comment at the Swedish Foreign.
Office on the reported notice to the
Allies was that the question of war
or peace in Finland is "a Finnish
' While Germany's Foreign Minis-
ter, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, rode
toward Italy on a special train for
week-end conferences with Premier
Mussolini, Great Britain took some
of the thunder out of his visit by
releasing 13 Italian vessels and their
cargoes of German coal. The shis
were seized in the past week in Bri-
tain's blockade of German exports.
In return for the release of the ships,
Italy will send no more vessels to
the Low Countries to load German
Seeking Italians' Support
It had been said Von Ribbentrop
would use the coal' incident as an
argument in seeking Italian support
to stop Allied aid to Finland while
Adolf Hitler attempted to make peace
in the north.
There was curiosity in Berlin and
other European capitals over the an-
nouncement that Hitler would speak
to the Reich today (Sunday, 6 a.m.
E. S. T.) irl an unusual Memorial Day
address. It was regarded as signifi-
cant that Hitler himself would speak
insteadof the customary military or
naval leader.
In actual warfare, fighting con-
tinued around Viipuri, with Finland
admitting that the Red Army had,
gained a "restricted foothold" on
the northwest shore of Viipuri Bay.
That move might allow the Red Ar-
my to encircle the ancient port and
outflank the western end of the Man-
nerheim Line.
On the Western Front, the French
reported several German patrols had
been repulsed.
Talk Tuesday
Begins Series
No stranger to Ann Arbor is Louis
Untermeyer, noted poet and anthol-
ogist, who will return to his favorite
campus haunts tomorrow before
opening a three-week series of lec-
tures and conferences here Tuesday.
Mr. Untermeyer presented a sim-
ilar series of talks and discussions
during his stay here last year in the
capacity of visiting lecturer under
the auspices of the English depart-
ment of the engineering college. Pop-
ular with students and faculty alike,
he returned again for a short stay
last semester.
The general topic of the series this
Assumes Medical Post
Foremen Meet
Here April 13
For Convention
Second Annual Session
Will Be. Held At Union
And Rackham Building
Foremen of Michigan and Ohio
will collaborate April 13 with the Na-
tional Association of Foremen to
bring to Ann Arbor the annual Michi-
gan-Ohio Foremen's Conference for
the second time in as many-years.
Sponsored by the Extension Serv-
ice under the direction of Dr. Charles
A. Fisher, the Conference will concen-
trate its activities in the Rackham
Building and the Union.
The morning session will find dele-
gates registering at 9 a.m. in the
Rackham Building while Mr. L. Clay-
ton Hill, works manager of the Mur-
ray Corp. of America, Detroit, will
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chairman of
the department of civil engineering
and director of plant extension in
the University, will give the welcom-
(Continued on Page 8)
'Hi-F atlutin!' Costume
Rehearsal To Be Held
The students, villains and gossipsj
of Temple Grove will put on their'
Sunday finery today when the Junior
Girls Play, "Hi-Falutin," has its first
dress rehearsal in Lydia Mendelssohn
A host of choruses and dance num-
bers, ranging from the street-clean-
er's brigade to the bloomer girls of
Temple Grove Seminary, will occupy
the stage at 2 p.m. After 7 the.speak-
ing parts of the play will have their
Ticket sales at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn box-office will open at 10 a.rA.
tomorrow. All seats will be reserved
for the four performances of the
show Wednesday through Saturday.
Dr. McKhann
Will Assume
Medical Post
Famed Children's Disease
Specialist Is Appointed
To Succeed Dr. Cowie
Duties Will Begin
Here September 1
Dr. Charles Fremont McKhann of
Harvard University was named yes-
terday to succeed the late Dr. David
Murray Cowie as chairman of the
department of pediatrics and com-
municable diseases here.
Dr. McKhann served as assistant
professor of pediatrics and commu-
nicable diseases at Harvard Medical
School and Harvard School of Pub-
lic Health from 1929 until 1936. In
that year he became associate pro-
fessor, a position which he still holds.
He will assume his new post here
Sept. 1.
Author of many contributions to
medical literature, Dr. McKhann is
a specialist in the field of children's
diseases and for many years has
been particularly interested in pub-
lic health and preventive medicine'
as they pertain to child welfare..
Born in Cincinnati, Dr. McKhann
was graduated from Miami Univer-
sity in 1918 and received his doctor's
degree from the University of Cin-
cinnati in 1923. He served his in-
terneship at Cincinnati General Hos-
Dr. McKhann was visiting pro-
fessor of pediatrics at Peiping Union
Medical College, Peiping, China, dur-
ing 1935 and 1936.
He is visiting physician at Chil-
dren's and Infant's Hospital and
physician at N. E. Deaconess Hos-
pital in Boston, and is consulting
physician at Maynes Memorial Hos-
pital for Contagious Diseases in Bos-
ton and at Cape Cod Hospital in
Hyannis, Mass.
He is a member of the American
Medical Society, the New England
Pediatric Society, the American Pe-
diatric Society, the American Acad-
emy of Pediatrics, the Society for
Clinical Investigation, the American
Public Health Association, and has
served as past president of the So-
ciety of Pediatrics Research.
Dr. McKhann is married an is the
father of three children, all boys.
Honorary societies to which he be-
longs are Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha
Omega Alpha and Delta Omega.
Ticket Prices Announced
Tickets for the Michigan AAU
Track Meet which is being held March
23 in Yost Field House for the relief
of Finland are priced at 75 cents
and $1.25, Toivo Liimatainen, presi-
dent of Suomi Club, announced last
night. Feature of the meet will be the
appearance here of Paavo Nurmi and
Taisto Maki, Finnish track stars
Prof. Focillon's
Talk On Manet
Is Tomorrow
Prof. Henry Focillon of the College
of France will discuss Edouard Ma-
net, the famed French impressionist
painter of the 19th century, in a
University lecture to be delivered at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room 102 of
the Architecture Building.
Professor Focillon is at present a
visiting professor at Yale University.
His appearance here is sponsored by
the romance languages department.
A member of the faculty of the
history of art department at the Col-
lege of France, Professor Focillon is
considered an expert on Occidental
art. He is a member of the perma-
nent committee of letters and art
of the League of Nations. His books,
including "History of Painting in the
19th and 20th Centuries," "The Art
of the Romanesque Sculptors," "Oc-
cidental Art" and "Piranesi," have
succeeded in winning for him the
rank of one of the foremost world
authorities upon the history of art.
Initiation Rites
Held Yesterday
By Sororities
162 Women Are Inducted
Into 19 Campus Groups
As Pledgeship Climax
One hundred and sixty two Uni-
versity women became active mem-
bers of 19 campus sororities yester-
day in traditional initiation ceremo-
nies, climaxing pledgeship.
The women initiatid are:
Alpha Chi Omega: Barbara Mc-
Laughlin, '43; Barbara Curtis, '42;
Joan Genug, '43; Lucille Woodward,
'43; Katherine Taylor, '43; Louise
Higbee, '43; Virginia Stover, '43;
Dorothy Farnsworth, '41; and Rose-
mary Smith, '42. Alpha Chi Omega
also affiliated Rhoma Heal, '41; and
Elinor Fearls, '42, Wednesday.
Alpha Delta Pi: Louisa Pfretz-
chner, '43; Mary Louise Mills, '41;
Mary Elizabeth Mayfield, '41; Gloria
Carll, '43; Ann Derrick, '41; and Faye
Kilbourne, '41. Alpha Epsilon Iota:
Betsy Honhart, '43M; Frances Cos-
tello, '43M; Martha Jane Downs,
43M; Lila Gairns, '43M; Frances Sul-
livan, '42M; Dr. Victoria Fitzgerald,
Grad., and Margaret McMahon, '43M.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Lois Arnold,
'43; Elaine Barth, '43; Deena Bieber,
'43; Ruth Bloom, '43; Paula Cope-
land, '42; Dorothy Davidson, '43;
Elaine Gordon, '43; Patricia Kunz-
man, '43; Jane Lewin, '43; Rosamond
Meyer, '43; Adele Neiman, '43; Vivian
(Continued on Page 6)
First Of Lecture
Series On Marriage
To Be Held Today
Disciples Guild will hear Mr. Law-
rence Quinn of Ann Arbor talk on
"Friendship and Courtship" at 6:30
p.m. today at the Church of Christ,
initiating a series of three lectures
on "Friendship, Courtship and Prep-
aration for Marriage."
The lectures, open to the public,
will also feature a talk next Sunday
by Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton of Ann
Arbor, on "Problems Concerned in
Engagement and Preparations for
Marriage and Home Building."
Mabel Douglas, '40; Erma Erle-
wine; Lewis Hetzler, '41E; and Har-
old Rudolph, '41L, will lead a stu-
dent panel discussion Sunday, March
Parley Committee
Will Meet Today
Members of the Spring Parley fa-
culty and student continuations com-
mittee will meet at 4:30 p.m.,today
in the League to discuss plans and
to decide upon a general topic for
Wolverines Capture Six
Of Nine First Places;
O.S.U. Takes Second
He dt, G ha reet
Set New Records
(Special To The Daily)
COLUMBUS, O., March 9.-Michi-
gan still rules supreme over Western
Conference swimming, for the in-
vincible Wolverines rolled up 71 points
here in the beautiful Ohio Natatori-
um tonight to capture their eleventh
title in the past 15 years.
As customary, it was a two team
meet, with Michigan winning six out
of nine events to finish 24 points
ahead of second-place Ohio. The
rest of the field ended far below, with
Northwestern scoring 17, Iowa 13,
Michigan will probably have to
do without Jim Welsh in the Na-
tional Intercollegiate Swimming
meet, it was learned here today.
According to Dr. Howard Brun-
dage, "He must stay here about
two weeks. He has a serious at-
tack of lobar pneumonia."
Welsh rested comfortably in
Grant Hospital, with his tempera-
ture and pulse improved. His spir-
its were high, making visitors feel
that he might be better before
Brundage predicted. The National
Intercollegiate meet will be held
on March 29 and 30.
Minnesota 10, Chicago-and Illinois 5,
Indiana 4, and Purdue and Wiscon-
sin none.
Michigan smashed two more marks
tonight in its overwhelming victory.
Heydt bettered the 1:37.1 backstroke
mark set here last night with a 1:36.8
performance. Gus Sharemet figured
in the other record as he churned the
century free-style in 52.1 to knock
five-tenths of a second off the old
mark set by Tomski last year. It was
the fastest 100-yard swim this sea-
son, and only two-tenths of a second
over Tomski's great varsity standard.
What Michigan didn't win tonight,
Ohio did. The Buckeyes dominated
the diving with their powerful corps
of Al Patnik, Earl Clark, and Jack
Ledford finishing first, second and
(Continued on Page 3)
Firm Indiana Challenge;
Nors Amass 71 Points
Gargoyle's Wunsch Seeks Beauty:
Beauty Cabinet' To Be Chosen
In Gargoyle Elections Tuesday
Students will go to the polls Tues-
day to elect a "Popular Front" of
beauty, including a queen and cab-
inet of nine other gorgeous gals to
reign over the campus, now groan-
ing under the anarchy that has been
the rule here ever since Marcia Con-
nell completed her term as queen
in her junior year.
According to Ellis Wunsch, '40, ed-
itor of Gargoyle, which is sponsoring
the balloting, the contest is being'
held this year to prove that beauty
did not graduate from Michigan
along with Marcia, "Four Out of
Five" notwithstanding. Marcia is
gone, says Wunsch, but not beauty.
And so, from all the girls on cam-
pus, a queen and nine others to
form a "Coalition of Beauty" will
be elected by students from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Tuesday.
And the whole thing is going to
be run democratically, Wunsch