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February 14, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-14

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, ;Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen.
Elliott Maraniss .
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder .
Norman A. Schorr . . .
Dennis Flanagan .
John N. Canavan.
Ann Vicary.
Mel Fineberg . .
Business Staff
Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager .


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
*Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

Orgainization For Finnish Relief
To The Editor:
carried on in a highly organized, and, I take
it, very effective manner, in the girls dormitories
and sororities. This is no hit or miss collection.
Every girl is approached individually and m-
First a meeting of the corridor chairmen is
called by the housemother who gives a short
talk, followed by the announcement that every
girl is expected to add her 50 cents to the drive.
She asks if there are any objections, and after
a short silence she assumes the matter to be
settled. After this, the responsibility for each
corridor rests with the chairman
Each chairman .then calls a meeting of her
corridor. The affiliated girls are approached
through their sororities, but the independents
are more of a problem. Their names are listed
by the chairmen who assumes personal respon-
sibility for going to see each one after the meet-
ing to collect the money. No girl has to give.
If she likes she can explain to the chairmen
why she does not wish to contribute to tb,
Aside from the matter of pressure in the
dormitories and even greater pressure in the
sororities, other methods are used to get the
girls to chip in their 50 cent pieces. In the firt
place, strong emphasis is placed on the fact that
the money is not being used for munitions.
Furthermore (and perhaps this hits closer to
home) in return for each 50 cents the donor
receives a ticket to a concert, a special benefit
concert, to which the traditional Everyone is
going. An additional inducement is offered in
the fact that Herbert Hoover himself may be
A slight rumble of protest has sounded through
the dormitories. Some of it is a purely finan-
cial reverberation. "If it were just a nickle or
something I wouldn't mind. But 50 cents!"
Some of the girls, however, object on prin-
ciple to giving money for Finnish relief. They
feel that this organized drive is a definite at-
tempt to drag us out of our already too shaky
neutrality. Nor can they quite see the point of
sending to Finland money that is badly needed
in America.
Somehow these complaintshseem to be voiced
in the same spirit in which people complain
about the cold or about the amount of rain in
Ann Arbor. No one, apparently, is seriously
entertaining the idea of refusing to give to the
fund. Many of the girls who feel most strongly
about the whole matter are bowing to the in-
An organized drive like this was never made
while the Spanish republic was being defeated.
China is still fighting an aggressor nation, yet
there is no move on the part of dormitories and
sororities to get up a collection for her aid. It
takes Hoover's relief fund to rouse enough pres-
sure so that even those who disapprove are
almost forced into giving.
I hope there will be more protest, protest
backed by some idea of action, than I have so
far heard.
-- Barbara Woolcoti.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
An Understanding
Of Religious Beliefs .
KENNETH MORGAN, director of the
Student Religious Association, op-
ened the Association's new lecture series on
"The Existence and Nature of Religion" with a
discussion of "What Is Religion?" yesterday eve-
ning. The series thus opened presents a source
of valuable information and formulation of
opinion to students here at the University.
The question of what religious faith to fol-
low, what doctrines to believe in, what creeds
are right, is one which has been thrown at Man
from the first day of his existence; and he is
likely to seek an answer to it until the day when
his species passes from the earth. The youth.
of a nation-or, rather, of the world-is the
group to which the question of religion should.
be most important, for the youth of today will
be the guilding and ruling group of tomorrow,
What we believe in is bound, whether we so
desire it or not, to influence what we do, the
way we live. One of the basic ideas behind our
democratic form of government is necessarily
tolerance, and tolerance is a virtue to be learned
through religion. It may well be said that the
adherents of one faith are not tolerant toward
the followers of another. Yet, it will be found,
this intolerance is due more to ignorance than
to disapproval.
Students, no matter what they, believe in or
do not believe in, Buddhists or Christians, ag-
nostics or atheists, should be eager to learn
all that is possible about religion as a whole and
about specific religious faiths. Such knowledge
will aid them in developing tolerance and in
organizing their own thought-thought, in re-
lation to every subject from politics to personal
ethics. The lecture series begun by the SRA's
talk offers an opportunity to acquire this knowl-
- William Newton.
More Sportsminanship
At Sport Meets .. .
T HE INEVITABLE impulse on the
part of a majority of those attend-
ing basketball games to boo opponents and offi-
cials has rankled those who retain some sem-
blance of sportsmanship. The Code of Sports-
manship for Students formulated by The Daily
Northwestern, therefore, is of great interest.
In the Jan. 5 edition of the paper, there ap-
peared the following:
"Tomorrow night Northwestern will play its
first conference basketball game against Purdue
in Patten gym.
"In the past Northwestern fans have been
subject to criticism by opposing players, friends
of the visiting team, and officials who work the
In an effort to seek student cooperation for
good sportsmanship in the stands, The Daily is
printing here the following Northwestern code
of Sportsmanship.
1. That opposing players deserve the
same treatment as our own players.
2. That officials may make mistakes, but
-that they certainly deserve fair and cour-
teous treatment.
3. That heckling of opposing players
about to attempt free throws simply must
not occur.
4. That good sportsmanship is as neces-

Army Recruits From The N.Y.A.
To The Editor:
Afriend of mine was in line the other day
waiting to be stripped of his civil liberties and
social security in order to be measured for a
shell-hole, a cross and a poppy, when he noticed
the following news item which appeared re-
cently in the New York Post:
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.- .P)-The Na-
tional Youth Administration said today it
had asked State NYA directors to turn over
to the United States Army recruiting ser-
vice, upon request, a list of all male en-
rollees between the ages of 18 and 25.
Officials said the order followed a sugges-
tion by the recruiting service that perhaps
many young men now receiving from $14 to
$21 a month from the NYA would find the
army's base pay of $21 a month for a re-
cruit, plus food and clothing, more attrac-
NYA agreed to provide these lists, offi-
cials said, with the stipulation that there be
no recruiting on the site of an NYA project
or during working hours.
The NYA will not officially encourage en-
listment in the military service, authorities
Now I've been sort of out of touch with the
campus for a few months and I'm not sure what
the boys in Ann Arbor are thinking these days.
But it strikes me, as this country covers the
S1914-1917 period in double quick time, that this
offer ought to appeal to students on NYA.
NYA workers should at least have this propo-
sition called to their attention - and they
shouldn't scoff at the base bay of $21 a month,
plus food and clothing. That isn't the whole
Look at the future in it!
-Bob Perlman, '39.
I'd R ather
IT IS A YELLOW CLIPPING, old and tired; it
has been lying in an envelope in the office
library for 16 years. It bears a dispatch from
Berlin, Germany, dated July 13, 1924, and starts
thus: "German fascism is 'on the skids.' The
developments in Italy rising out of the murder
of Deputy Matteotti have had marked effect on
the fortunes of German fascism, while develop-
ments in France . . . have taken a great deal of
wind out of the sails of the Fascist movement
. in this country .. .
"The most striking evidence of this fact is the
resignation of Hitler as leader of the Deutsch
Voelkische, or, as it is sometimes called, the
National-Socialist party. He has been succeeded
temporarily by the Fascist Deputy - Straffer.
Added to these factional squabbles there is a
serious lack of funds confronting the Fascist
movement . . "
Another clipping, dated May 14, 1926, is head-
ed: "German Fascists Found No Menace," and
declares that Berlin police officials "who yes-
terday discovered a mass of documentary evi-
dence which revealed the existence of a plot to
establish a German fascist dictatorship, are now
inclined to consider the existence of the alleged
plot greatly exaggerated."
These old clippings are almost too interesting.
Each is a frozen snap judgment; history written
while it was happening, and now each is em-
balmed in a brown-paper envelope, the withered
corpse of a dead idea. For example:
"BERLIN, Oct. 13, 1930-Fascism, garbed in
brown shirts and tan riding breeches, marched
defiantly into the Reichstag's plenary chamber
this afternoon and somewhat awkwardly de-
posited itself in the 107 seats reserved for its
protagonists on the extreme right side of the
house . .
"The 107 deputies, led by Dr. Frick, their
floor leader . . . made a theatrical entry which
sent waves of laughter through the chamber.
"Adolf Hitler remained in seclusion at a
small downtown hotel, but maintained regular

courier service between it and the Reichstag."
One wonders whether the couriers told him
how the other deputies had laughed.
Another clipping, very choice, is dated Berlin,
Oct. 19, 1930, and runs as follows: "'I regard
the National Socialist (Fascist) Party as a flash
in the pan which will soon be over,' declared
Thomas Mann, the author, today..
"Questioned on the similarity, if any, between
Italian and German fascism, the 1929 Nobel
Prize winner answered.
"'There is one great difference between them.
Our Fascists display an appalling unworldiness'. "
A collector's item among clippings is this, dat=
ed Jan, 1, 1933, and also from Berlin. (The most
interesting clippings are those dated Berlin), It
declares: "The revolt in the (Nazi) party's ranks
has left it in anything but a fighting condition.
... It is doubtful whether Herr Hitler will risk
a clash at this stage . . . Remains to be seen
whether Herr Hitler is strategically situated to.
take up the cudgels. Informed political circles
say that he is not and that General von Schleich-
er is determined to cure him of any desire for a
fresh fight. In this the Chancellor has the
complete backing of President von Hindenburg."
Von Hindenburg, who was to turn Germany
over to Hitler in 29 days.
I have before me a news story about some who
think the current agitation about the Christian
Front is exaggerated and absurd. It is on fresh,
white newsprint. It will take this clipping at
1Aa.- 1n v-i,Z rj a s- 1 I -r H1~-1 1"ll e in if

l 7
Drew Pedrson~
~I~ Robet S. Allen
WASHINGTON - According to
most of the people of Louisiana there
have been two Louisiana Purchases.
One was in 1803 when the struggling
young Government of the United
States purchased the vast Louisiana
territory from trance.
The second was in 1936 when the
Roosevelt Administration suddenly
wired the U.S. district attorney in
New Orleans to drop the income tax
suits against Seymour Weiss and
other Huey Long supporters. Shortly
,thereafter Seymour Weiss, previously
;bitter against Roosevelt, appeared at
the Democratic National Convention
in Philadelphia as an enthusiastic
Roosevelt rooter, and the entire
Louisiana delegation voted for the
President's nomination.
Now in 1940 comes the report of a
Third Louisiana Purchase. A good
part of New Orleans is buzzing with
rumor thatthe grand jury investi-
gation of the Maestri-Long machine,
which rules southern Louisiana, sud-
denly has been dropped on orders
from Washington. Furthermore, it
is reported that in return for this the
Maestri-Long machine will support
Roosevelt for a third term.
The run-off primary election in
Louisiana takes place on Feb. 20,
winding up the hot gubernatorial
race between Huey's brother, Earl
Long, and Sam Jones. Further in-
dictments of the Maestri-Long ma-
chine would of course tend to swing
the election to Jones, which for the
first time in years would free Louisi-
ana from Hueyism.
The Real Facts
Rumors of a Third Louisiana Pur-
chase have become so persistent re-
cently that The Washington Merry-
Go-Round has made a careful check
of the facts, and is able to report the
following :
The first primary election in Lou-
isiana this year took place on Jan.
16. The week before Jan. 16, a fed-
eral grand jury was sitting in New
Orleans considering indictments for
selling hot oil. Among those whom
the grand jury had under investiga-
tion were William Helis, one of the
biggest oil operators in Louisiana,
and his partner, Robert Maestri,
Mayor of New Orleans and backbone
of the Long machine.
On Friday, Jan. 12, while the grand
jury was in session, John Rogge,
Assistant Attorney General in charge
of the Justice Department's criminal
division, got a telephone call from
Washington and stepped out of the
jury room. He had been in New
Orleans handling the Louisiana
prosecution personally and had done
a spectacular job.,
Rogge was absent from the jury
room for nearly an hour. When he
returned, he informed the grand jury
that he had been talking to Wash-
ington, and that it was Washington's
wishes that no political figures be in-
dicted until after elections.,
This provoked considerable resent-
ment from the grand jury, one of
whose leaders protested: "Aren't we
the grand jury? It is for us to de-
cide whom we shall indict, not Wash-
However, Rogge, although obvious-
ly not pleased with his telephone in-
structions from Washington(, per-
suaded the grand jury to suspend its
operations, so that it could resume
after elections.
Note-The Justice Department,

when questioned about this, admit-
ted the telephonic instructions were
sent to Rogge but said it was made
clear the grand jury could proceed
on Wednesday, Jan, 17, one day after
Muestri's Partner Indicted
However, Earl Long, the Maestri
candidate, did not win on Jan. 16,
and the grand jury was not called
back on Jan. 17. In fact, it has not
been called back at all. Presumably
this was because of the second run-
off election on Feb. 20 and pre-
sumably also because any more in-
dictments of "political figures" still
would upset the Huey Long gang in
Particularly significant is the fact,
that on Jan, 12, the day Rogge got
the phone call fronm Washinlgton,
William Helis was Indicted. Pre-
suambly Delis was not a "political
figure." However, he is the partner
of Macstri. Mayor Maestri, a "po-
litical figure," was riot indicted.
Since then Justice Department of-
ficials have explained that through
a technicality in the hot oil law
the fact that it was not promulgated
-Maestri is in a position where he
did not violate a federal law, even
though he made a fortune in hot oil.
In Louisiana, however, it is point-
ed out that a state law provides that
no member of the Louisiana Conser-
vation Commission can hold oil-leases
or royalty rights; and that Maestr
while chairman of the Conservation
Commission held such leases. Fur-
thermore, Justice Department offi-
cink nlmit that nvone that violate

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1940
VOL. L. No. 94
Cancellation of Student Tea: There
will be no Student Tea this week as
announced yesterday.
The Michigan Society for Group
Hospitalization has given notice of a
revision and liberalization of its con-
tracts as follows, which will shortly
be embodied in a rider that will be
sent to each contract holder for at-
taching to his contract:
"The revised certificate provides
coverage for every type of case ad-
missible to a hospital. This includes
hospitalization not only for those
cases ordinarily cared for in general
hospitals, but also for hospital care
of contagious diseases, pulmonary
tuberculosis, and nervous and men-
tal diseases. This means that every
type of case admitted to a hospital,
with the exception of maternity care,
which is available after the subscrib-
er has been enrolled for twelve con-
secutive months, will be covered im-
"The new certificate will not only
provide this full coverage for a period
of twenty-one days as heretofore but
additional protection will be provided
for a period of ninety days at a dis-
count of 50 per cent from the regular
hospital charges. The extension in,
days applies to every enrolled sub-
scriber, making it possible for each
member of the family included'in the
subscribers' contract to be hospital-
ized for as long as 111 days each
Shirley W. Smith
Do not attach Campus parking tags
for any preceding year to 1940 license
plates. Parking lot police have in-
structions to remove any last year's
tags attached to this year's plates.
Committee on Parking
Marsh and Mandelbaum Scholar-
ships for 1940-1941: Students in the
Literary College may now file appli-
cations for the above scholarships, on
blanks to be obtained from the office
of the Dean of the College, 1210 Angell
Hall. All applications must be re-
turned to the same office on or be-
fore March 1. Awards will be an-
nounced sometime in April.
For the photograph required, either
a snapshot or a duplicate of that at-
tached to the student identification
card may be used.
The Marsh Scholarships have re-
cently carried stipends of $50 or $75.
The Mandelbaum Scholarships, of
which three are awarded to men stu-
dents in the Literary College, carry
stipends of approximately $350. The
scholarships here named are restrict-
ed to those who are students of the
Literary College only, and in award-
ing them consideration is given to
character, need of financial assist-
ance, and scholarship, in the order
Owing to the limited amount of
funds available, awards under these
scholarships are normally granted
only to students whose enrollment
in the college, has exceeded one year.
eviations from this are made only
in very exceptional instances.
Eligibility for Second Semester:
Students applying for eligibility cer-
tificates for the second semester are
reminded that they must present first
semester report cards at Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall, in order to assure im-
mediate receipt of their new cards.
First semester eligibility certificates
will be invalid after March 1.
All Applications for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University must be re-
turned to the Graduate School Office
by February 15 in order to be given

Henry Russel Award: Nomination
blanks have been sent by campus mail
to department heads and other ad-
ministrative officers. In the event
that any of those failed to reaph their
destination, additional blanks may be
obtained from the Chairman of the
Committee, R. L. Wilder, 3001 A.H.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts; School of Music; and School
of Education: Students who received
I marks of "I" or "X" at the close of
their last semester or summer ses-
sion of attendance will receive a grade
of "E" in the course unless this worlk
is made up by March 12. Students
wishing an extension of time beyonc
this date in order to make up thi
work should file a petition addressed
to the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4 U.H. where it will
be transmitted.
Choral Union TMembers in good
standing will be issued pass tickets foi
the Bartlett and Robertson concert
Wednesday, February 14, between the
hoursof 9 and 12, and 1 and 5.
Summer Employment: All student
who wish to register with the Bureat
of Appointments for summer jobs arc
notified that registration forms ma)
.be obtained Tuesday through Fridal


February 15, at 4:15 p.m. in 205 Mason
T. Luther Purdom,.-Director
University Bureau of Appontments
and Occupational Information
Electrical Engineering Sophomores
and Juniors: The Dayton Power and
Light Company, Dayton, Ohio, has a
limited number of summer positions
f or selected undergraduates in E.E.
Those interested call at Room 274
W. Engr. Bldg., and if interviews are
desired later, notify Mrs. Shutko in
the same office.
Phi Sigma: No meeting this week.
The Congress Cooperative House,
909 East University, is accepting ap-
plications for board this semester.
An appointment for an interview may
be obtained by telephoning 2-2143,
or coming to the house.
Cooperative Boarders: Katharine
Pickerill House, girls cooperative, 328
E. William St.. is open for applica-.
tions for boarders for the second sem-
ester. Phone 2-1454.
Ushers of Theatre Arts Committee:
Lists are posted on the bulletin board
at the League for the puppet show
this Friday and Saturday. Sign up
before 4:30 on Thursday.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of ,the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Motor Equipment Repairman1 B,
salary range: $105-125, Feb. 23.
Motor Equipment Repairman A,
salary range $130-150, Feb. 23.
Institution Stores Clerk C, salary
range $80-100, Feb. 23.
Stores Clerk C, salary range $80-
100, Feb. 23.
Institution Stores Clerk B, salary
range $105-125, Feb. 23.
Stores Clerk B, salary range $105-
125, Feb. 23.
Liquor Store Clerk Cl, salary range,
$95-110, Feb. 23.
Game Ornithologist It (open to men
only), salary range $200-240, Feb. 28.
Radio Inspector, salary $2,600, Mar.
Assistant Radio Inspector, salary
$2,000, Mar. 4.
Complete announcements o in file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Academic Not"ices

MWF at 10.
MWF at 10.
MWF at 2.
MWF at 9.

32 meets in 306 M.H.
34 meets in 205 M.H.
108 meets in 406 M.H.
114 meets in 401 M.H.


OF THE RAREST of artistic collabora-

tions is the Piano Duo. For every success-
ful team 'of this sort one can name at least a
dozen soloists and almost that many larger
groups.: This fact malkes the more interesting
the appearance at Hill Auditorium tonight of
Bartlett and Robertson, noted British duo pi-
anists, in the ninth concert of this year's Choral
Union Series.
The reason for the scarcity of artists in this
particular medium is the less understandable
when the number of pianists now trying vainly
to earn a living as soloists is recalled, and when
one remembers that for the excellent duo pi-
anists there is a constant and appreciative, if
not too numerous public. Yet, when one men-
tions Frey and Braggioti, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Ncaier Bartlett and Robertson, and the now de-
funct team of Maier and Pattison, the list is
close to its end. Only a few others have at-
tained any world-wide or even national celebrity.
Of the many other attempted collaborations
most have perished ignominously. This fact is
due, we believe, not to any technical difficul-
ties with the medium, since any two reason-
ably good pianists can decide upon a rhythm
and play the notes at a satisfactorily simultan-
eous time, but upon the elusive but omni-
present question of temperament.
For this is no dictatorship like an orchestra
director's, nor the absolute dominance of a
soloist. This must be a partnership of the mood
and the spirit as well as of rhythm and dynam-
ics and such a partnership is extremely difficult
to achieve. Bartlett acnd Robertson are pre-
eminent in their field largely because they have
been able to do just this. Their concert last
year was the artistic high spot of the Choral
Union Series and there is every reason to ex-
pect as much from them tonight. For those
who want to hear polyphony played with rare
feeling and clarity we can whole-heartedly
recommend their exquisite playing of Bach's To-
night's program includes three movements from
one of the sonatas, another prelude, and the
famous Jesu, My Heart's Joy.
For the romanticists Schumann and Chopin
are included in arrangements by Mr. Robertson.

Political -Science 52, MWF, 9, will
meet in Room 205 Mason Hall begin-
ning Wednesday, February 14.
Political Science 52, TTS, 9,and
TTS, 10, will meet in Room 2003
Angell Hall beginning Thursday, Feb-
ruary 15.
Political Science 92 will meet in
Room 1035 Angell Hall.
English 30 ID will meet Thursday,
2-4 p.m., 3217 A.H.
English 232. Organization meeting
will be held today, 4 p.m. 2213 A.H.
Psychology 38, 138: Students who
are entering the laboratory this sem-
ester are requested to attend an in-
troductory lecture at 5 p.m. today in
Room 31P6 N.S. Bldg. Thursday
laboratory section meets this week;
all others have their first meeting next
English 301E. There will be ai or-
ganization meeting at 5 p.m. today in
3232 A.H. N. E. Nelson
English 298. Students in Iy. sec-
tion who have not already reserved a
period for consultation should do so
this week. I shall be in the Hop-
wood Room every day from 9 to 12
R. W. Cowden
English 298. Students in my section
will meet in Room 3216 Angell Hall,
today at 4:30 p.m.
E. A. Walter
Mathematics 193, Introduction to
the Theory of Sets. Preliminary
meeting to arrange hours, today at 5
o'clock, in 3201, A.H.
Mathematics 58, Spherical Trigo-
s nometry. Preliminary meeting to
a arrange hours, today at 4 o'clock
e in 3011 Angell Hall. Anyone unable
y to attend, please leave schedule in
y the Mathematics Office.

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