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March 09, 1940 - Image 1

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Is Deferred Rushi:
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VOL. L. No. 114





Peace Negotiations
Reach Final Stage
Is Swedish Report

Speaks Tonight

Arts Academy
Will Convene
Here Friday


Trackmen ualify

For Colference


Russia Demands Finland
Accept Her Condition
Before Truce Is Made
Karelian Isthmus
Fighting Continues
(By The Associated Press)
Peace nego tions between Russia
and Finland, under way secretly fo
several weeks with neutral Sweden
acting as intermediary, have reached
the final stage, Swedish sources re-
ported today (Saturday).
Russia has demanded that Finland
accept Soviet conditions even before
,the warring nations agree to an arm-
istice, it was learned. The Finns ex-
pressed a desire for an armistice
when the negotiations began but the
Russians declared peace conditions
must be laid down before hostilities
are suspended. -
Reports that fighting had stopped
on the Karelian Isthmus, major the-
atre of the uhdeclared war for the
last month, were denied by a Finnish
spokesman in 'Helsinki. He said the
"situation has not changed."
Russia is reported to have demand-
ed as her peace price the entire Karel-
ian Isthmus, the besieged city of Vii-
purl, the entire northern coast of
Lake Ladpga, the Hanko Peninsula
and naval port, and a portion of the
Petsamo district in the Arctic.
Those terms are much more severe
than those Finland refused to accept
last fall before Russia attacked her.
Finnish Foreign Minister Vaino
Tanner, talking by telephone with
the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbla-
det yesterday, said Russo-Finnish
contacts remained unbroken. Con-
tact is known to have been established
between Elias Erkko, Finnish Minis-
ater to Sweden, .and 14a ,me .Alean
dria Kollonta, Sovet Miniser
The pesce moves earlier had taken
a new turn with reports that Ger-
many might k Italy to help halt
allied aid to h Finns while Adolf
Hitler undertakes to make a settle-
'We Cannot Accept'-
Finn#s $itrust Terms
HELSINKI, March 8.-(A')-There
was no rejqicing in Finland tonight
lver the prospect of a peace with
On the streets of the capital men
looked at one another with grave
faces and said, of the reported Soviet
peace terms: "We cannot accept."
-Bitterly, some Finns saw only this
in the Russian offer to trade peace
for large and strategic area of Fin-
land and military concessions: a bid
to gain time to perfect offensive
strategy. ,s
Others thought it wa a "bargain-
ing offer," which might be scaled
down if Finland looked upon it seri-
Ribbentrp To Seek
Italy's Aid In Finnish Deal
ROME, March 8.-()-Diplomatic
circles tonight expressed the belief
that German Foreign Minister Joa-
chim von Ribbentrop in weekend
conferences with Premier Mussolini
would seek Italy's aid in forestalling
Allied aid to Finland while Adolf Hit-
ler tries to arrange a Finnish-Rus-
sian settlement.
Others expressed the opinion that
Il Duce might be asked to appeal toi
Undersecretary of State Sumner
Welles for United States aid in medi-
ating Soviet claims on Finland when
President Roosevelt's envoy returns
to Rome about March 16.
Diplomats said von Ribbentrop
probably would press on Mussolini
and his foreign minister, Count Gale-

azzo Ciano, the urgency of helping
bring about peace between Russia
and Finland to prevent a spread of
the Northern War.
Britan, France
Promise Finns Aid
PARIS, March 8.-(P)-The Bri-
tish-French Allies kept a wary eye
on Russian-Finnish peace moves to-
night for anv sign of a German dinin-

Union To Pay
$100 For New
opera Script
With "Four Out of Five" success-
fully staged, the Union yesterday
turned its attention to next year's
r show with the announcement that it
i will pay $100 for a suitable script.
Taboos on subject matter will be
limited as far as possible, according
to Robert Mix, 140, general chair-
man, but the form of the Opera
makes certain demands. Scripts
should provide for a show which, with
specialty numbers, should run from
two to two and a half hours.
The theme, Mix added, should have
some relation to college life, yet
should not be too local in scope. It
should capitalize as much as possible
* on the humorous aspect of men
dressed as women. Deadline for sub-
mission of scripts has been set for
April 20.
Selection of a student's script for
use in the Opera will make him eli-
gible for further rewards. Under
the terms of a contest sponsored by
the American Society of Authors,
Composers and Playwrights, musical
plays written and produced by col-
lege students may bring their auth-
ors a $750 scholarship. In addition
the winning play from each of eight
sections throughout the country will
be given a reading and careful con-
sideration by Broadway and Holly-
wood producers. This year's script, by
Max Hodge, '39, former editor of
Gargoyle, will be submitted.
Henry Focillon
To Offer Talt
Here Monday
French Painter Is Subject
Of University Lecture
By Educator From Paris
Prof. Henry Focillon of the College
of France will speak on "Manet et la
Vie Moderne" at 4:15 p.m. Monday in
Room 102 of the architecture build-
ing in a University lecture sponsored
by the romance languages depart-
Professor Focillon, who is on the
faculty of the history of art depart-
ment at the College of France, is at
present ahvisiting professor at Yale
Considered an expert on Occidental
art, he is a member of the perma-
nent committee of letters and art of
the League of Nations. Many of his
books, including "Piranesi," "History
of Painting in the 19th and 20th.
Centuries," "The Art of the Roman-
esque Sculptors,"* and "Occidental
Art" have won him international
fame as an authority upon the his-
tory of art.
Edouard Manet, the subject of Pro-
fessor Focillon's lecture here, is one
of the most noted of French impres-
sionist painters.

* * *
Dr. Louis Mann
Replaces Wise
In Talk Here
Chicago Rabbi Will Deliver
Final Speech In Series
Of Religious Lectures
Presenting the Jewish viewpoint,
Rabbi Louis L. Mann of the Sinai
Congregation of Chicago will con,6
elude the Student Religious Associa-
tion lecture series on "The Existence
and Nature of Religion" at 8 p.m.
today in the Rackh ,xn Lecture Hall.
Dr. Mann takes tie place of Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise who was previously
scheduled to speak' but who has been
ordered by physicians to rest be-
cause of a throat infection. Dr. Mann
speaks as the. last in the group of
nationally known lecturers, the first
three of whom have already discuss-
ed the atheist, Catholic and Protes-
tant positions on religion.
Lectu>rer on rabbinics at the Uni-
versity of Chicago since 1924, Dr.
Mann has also been an Ayres lec-
turer on "The Evolution of the Soul."
HTe was a member of the White House
Conference on Child Health and
Protection and was a member of the
Red Cross Emergency Flood Com-
He is acting natiohal director of
Hillel Foundation and a member of
the executive board of the Central
Conference of American Rabbis.
Plan Track Meet
For Finnish Relief
Seven hundred tickets for the ben-
efit Michigan AAU track meet to be
held March 23 in Yost Field House
have been allotted for sale in Ann
Arbor, Toivo Liimatainen '41E, pres-
ident of Suomi Club, announced last
The track meet, which is being
held for Finnish relief, will be fea-
tured by the appearance of the Fin-
nish stars, Paavo Nurmi and Taisto
Maki, who are touring the country
at present.

Papers Before Michigan
Society Slated To Reveal
Progress In Knowledge
Folklore Section
May Be Formed
Culture and learning will be the
order Friday and Saturday of next
week in Ann Arbor when the Michi-
gan Academy of Science, Arts and the
Letters convenes for its 45th annual
session devoted to discussion of the
latest developments and research in
its various fields.
The Academy meeting will be divid-
ed into 14 sections, each of which
will hear papers read and talks de-
signed to add to the fund of knowl-
edge already in the fields of anthro-
pology, botany, economics, forestry,
geography, geology and mineralogy,
history and political science, land-
scape architecture, language and lit-
erature, philosophy, psychology, sani-
tary and medical science, sociology
and geology.
Folklore Sectibn
This meeting will be featured by
a consideration of a motion establish-
ing a section in the Academy on
Michigan folklore. Prof. Ivan H.
Walton of the English department
of the College of Engineering, will
lead a folklore group in the Friday
and Saturday sessions.
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the
University Museums, will give the
presidential address at 8 p.m. Friday
in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. His talk, "Museums
and Eduqation," will be followed by
a reception.
Reeves To Speak
Other principal addresses during
the course of the meeting will con-
cern "Foreign Policy of the U.S. And
the War" which will be analyzed by
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
science department; "Thinking Dis-
orders" considered by Mr. Norman
Cameron of the University of Wis-
consin; "Vegetation-What It Means"
discussed by Dr. H. L. Shantz, chief
of the division of wild life manage-
ment of the U.S. Forest Service, and
"Some Problems of Relief Adminis-
tration in Michigan" explained by
Mr. George F. Granger of the state
department of social welfare.
Officers of the academy are Dr.
Guthe, president; Prof. Charles W.
Creaser of Wayne University, vice-
president; Prof. Leigh J. Young of the
forestry school, secretary; Prof. E. C.
Prophet of Michigan State, treasur-
er; Prof. WilliamC. Steere of the
botany department, editor; and Dr.
W. W. Bishop, chairman of the De-
partment of Laboratory Science, li-
'Challenge' Postponed
"The Challenge," magazine pub-
lished by the American Student
Union, will not go on sale until the
first -part of'next week, it was an-
nounced yesterday.



Team Places

Mermen Virtually Clinch
Title With Two Men
In All But One Event
Heydt Sets New
Backstroke Mark
(Special To The Daily)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 9-
Michigan's indomitable Wolverines,
without the services of their middle
distance star, Jim Welsh, still man-
aged to lead in the preliminaries of
the Western Conference Swimming
Championship here tonight by qual-
ifying 16 individuals and two relay
teams for tomorrow's finals.
Defending champion in the 220-
yard free style and outstanding fa-
vorite in the quarter-mile, Welsh was
confined to a Columbus hospital with
lobar pneumonia shortly before the
meet got under way.
But Michigan got along without
him as it smashed two conference
marks and turned in top perform-
ances in five of nine events.
As expected, it was Ohio that
showed up second best tonight, as
they qualified 11 individuals and two
relay teams. Northwestern and Iowa
men came next in line with six while
Minnesota had five, Chicago, Wis-
consin, Illinois and Indiana one, and
Purdue none.
The Wolverines 400-yard freestyle
relay team clipped a second and
two-tenths off the record of 3:33 it
set last year. With Gus Sharemet,
Ed Hutchens, John Gillis and Char-
ley Barker swimming the distance,
the speedy Michigan quartet de-
feated the second place Iowa squad
by ten yards with their record
smaing 3:33.6 performance.
The rest of the times ere disap-
pointing as most of the expected
record-smashers loafed through their
races with mediocre performances.
Gus Sharemet, who was considered
almost a sure shot to break the pres-
ent century mark, failed to win his
heat tonight as he placed second to
Dick Fahrbach, the Northwestern
Fahrbach swam out to an early
lead and when big Gus put -on the
pressure to catch his rival, he bumped
the rope, lost his stride and a touch
decision. The time of the heat, best
of the 400-yard freestyle races, was
53.2 seconds.%
Another favored Wolverine, Bill
Beebe, third in the Big Ten backstroke
(Continued on Page 3)
Local Beauties
Parade Charm
To, Snag Votes
They're all wearing their best these
days and they're smiling their pret-
tiest, for the voting is set for Tues..
High class pressure groups are
working overtime, and they haven't
any time for home work.
What's the reason? It's the cam-
pus election Tuesday for the pur-
pose of selecting a queen and cab-
inet of nine to reign over the local
pretties. Brains will be no prereq-
uisite in this contest, Ellis Wunsch,
Gargoyle editor, wheezed last night.
All that's wanted is beauty.
The election will be held demo-
cratically with proportional repre-
sentation holding sway. The" elec-
tion is being sponsored by Gargoyle
and is being engineered by Norman
A. Schorr, local expert on P.R. and
supervisor of Student Senate Eec-
The victorious queen and cabinet
will appear in the March "popular
front" number of Gargoyle.

Fire Damage Set
At Nearly $2,000
The damage caused by the fire
at Mosher-Jordan residence halls
late Thursday night has been esti-
mated at between $1,500 and $2,000.
Though the cause of the fire is

Four Matmen
Will Compete
In Meet Final
(Specia To The Daily)
LAFAYETTE, Id., March 8-In-
diana's.. one-year reign at the top
of the Big Ten wrestling heap was
seriously threatened tonight as
Michigan's Wolverines kept pace
with the favored Hoosiers by plac-
ing four men in the Conference fi-
Captain "Butch" Jordan, Don Ni-
chols, Harland Danner, and Bill
Combs qualified for tomorrow after-
noon's title bouts to equal the In-
diana array of four finalists. The
Wolverines' other semi-finalist, Jim
Galles, dropped his second decision
of the season to the Hoosiers'
Chauncey McDaniels.-
Tonight's performances made
Michigan and Indiana co-favorites
to cop the championship, with Iowa,
placing three men in the finals, close
behind. Minnesota and Ohio State,
with two finalists apiece, and Wis-
consin, with one, will fight it out
for the remaining honors. .
Jordan stayed in the running for
the heavyweight crown with a close
semi-final win over Iowa's Johnson,
5-4, after defeating Levy, of Minne-
sota, 7-2, in the afternoon. The
Wolverines will face George Downes,
Buckeye heavy, who pinned him in a
dual meet two weeks ago, for the
title tomorrow. Downes entered the
finals by throwing Illinois' Sikich,
runnerup in the Nationals last 'year,
in 5:10.
Nichols scored a satisfying 12-8
victory over "Tuffy" Inman, Hoosier
175-pounder, who holds two dei-
sions over him this season, in the
afternoon, and breezed in to the fi-
nals with an 8-5 win over Ohio
State's Sawchyn. The other finalist
is Whitmore, Iowa, who licked Rob-
(Continued on Page 3)
Gov. Dickinson
Threatens Suit
In McCrea Case
Suspension Order Defied;
Governor May Force
Issue WithLitigation
LANSING, March 8. (A')- Gov-
ernor Dickinson suspended Dun-
can C. McCrea as Wayne County
prosecutor today, and followed up the
unprecedented action with a threat
of litigation when McCrea defied him
to enforce the order.
The order forbids McCrea to exer-
cise the authority of his office pend-
ing ouster proceedings that will re-
sult from his recent indictment by
Judge Homer Ferguson's one-man
grand jury in Detroit.
Atty.-General Thomas Read said
it was the first time in the history
of Michigan that a governor had at-
tempted to suspend a public official
pending the completion of ouster pro-
Willard McIntyre, deputy attorney
general, and Arthur Gerish, chief
clerk, served the suspension order on
McCrea and reported back that the
prosecutor had refused to recognize
it as legal.
McCrea 'Welcomes' Order;
Calls Action Illegal
DETROIT, March 8--P)--Duncan
C. McCrea, Wayne County prose-
cutor, who has laughed at two in-
dictments charging him with pro-
tecting gambling and said he wel-

comed. Gov. Luren D. Dickinson's
order for ouster proceedings refused
today to be suspended from his of-
fice pending the outcome of the
ouster hearings.
Refusing to formally turn over
his office to a representative of the
Atty. General this afternoon, Mc-
Crea said:,
"The Governor has no right under
the law to sunnnd me until T havep

Six Wolverines Advance
To Semi-Final Meet
Piel Wins 60-Yard Da]
Roy Cochran Snap
Record For Quarte
March 8-The prospects for a se'
enth successive Michigan Indoor 'I
tle looked more favorable tonight
five members, of Ken Doherty's fir
Wolverine track team qualified A
the finals and six for the semi-fina
to be held tomorrow .night.'
Indiana's Roy Cochran hig
lighted the night with a 48.4 secor
quarter mile in the semi-finals, cr
ating a new Conference record, at
bettering the existing world reco
of 48.9. Cochran has a 48.3 tin
run two weeks ago up for approv
as a new record. Warren Brelde
bach coasted in behind the flyir
Hoosier to take secotd, with Shae
leton of Purdue nosing out Mich
igan's Jack Leutritz for the thin
qualifying position.
Michigan placed four half mile
and one quarter miler in the ma
and qualified three sprinters a
three dash men for the semi-final
Indiana, the Wolverine's arch riv
for conference honors this yea
qualified six men, Illinois five, Wil
consin, Iowa and Northwestern thre
and Ohio State, Chicago, \Pur
and Minnesota two each.
Sophomore Bud Piel, running wit
e fever sprang a furprise when 2
outfooted the defeiding dash kn
Myron Piker of Northwestern In 8,
seconds, tying last year's wnnin
Michigan got a fairly good brea
in the drawings for the heats, an
the opportunistic Wolverines too
advantage of this to gain unexpecte
places in the dash, hurdllesand88
Al Smith started the evening o
by winning his heat of the dash i
6.3 seconds. After Piel's performanc
Bill Harnist spring another surpris
to place second behind Georr
Franck of Minnesota and ahead o
Roy Cochran of Indiana, who w-
saving himself for the 440 trials.
Three more Wolverines qualifie
in the hurdles semi-final as Sta
Kelley and Jeff Hall each picked u
a first and Sherm Olmted too
third. Both Kelley and Hall we
timed in 8.9 seconds, one tenth be
hind the fastest time recorded t
Sophomore Johnny Kautz we
(Continued on ae 3)
No wak ;Talks.:
on Econonn
Proposes Taxes To Rais
Money For Education
Declaring that, "any argument fo
economy in education is unreason
able," State Senator Stanley J. N
wak, (Dem.-Det.) yesterday told a
audience at an American Studer
Union conference on "The Tuitic
Raise," that there is no reason fo
such economy in the State of Mih
It is possible he safd, to raig
money for education, relief and ci'j
pled children's aid by tapping ne
sources of revenue through tax
tion, which will be aimed, not a
small property owners who are a
ready overburdened but at those w-
can afford to pay more.
Two ways in which this can I
accomplished, he pointed out, a
by levying a tax on intangible pro
erty. The present rate is so hig

that it is not enforced, he explainei
A tax on all intangible property ove
$5,000 would bring in an estimate
revenue of from 15 to 18 million
annually. A tax on corporatior
which grant small loans at exorb
tant interest rates would net ti
State approximately three millior
more, Senator Nowak added.
'I} Seraglio' To Be Given
Last Performance Toda


Vera Brittain Describes Mental,
PhysicalEffects Of Blackouts

American Culture
To Provide Topics}
For Untermeyer
Frontiers of American culture and
a general analysis of the progress
and significance of the arts on the
American scene will be the under-
lying theme stressed by Louis Unter-
meyer in a series of lectures begin-
ning Tuesday.
Brought here under the auspices
of the English department of the
engineering college, Mr. Untermeyer
will present a popular lecture enti-
tled "Poets of the Machine Age" at
8:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Informal confer-
ences and individual interviews will
supplement the program of six lec-
tures on the general topic of Amer-
ican culture presented here by Mr.
Fnamar ac nruafSiminnflf-l-xi


In her anecdotal talk on "War Time
England," Vera Brittain, English au-
thor and journalist, described both
the mental and physical "blackout" of
England to an audience of more than
800 last night at the Rackhamn Lec-
ture Hall.
One of the most important re-
sults of the evacuation of the chil-
dren from London, she said, was not
so much the removal of the children
from the danger zone as it was of
significance socially. People who had
had no occasion or opportunity be-
fore to witness how the "other half"
lived, were brought into daily con-
tact with children and mothers from
the slum areas, Miss Brittain ex-
It is my sincere desire, she de-
clared, that this "first hand glance"
into the lives of the lower classes will
lead to a nation-wide movement for
social reform. "The standard of liv-
ing of some of the children was shock-
ng," Miss Brittan said. "Some of
them had never slept in a 4ed. Oth-
ers were not house trained and had
to be broken in like puppies."
r i - n - c n n n n rp. m.a Ann~..-

cities have not been seriously at-
tacked by bombers, she asserted.
Chamberlain's statement, "I'd rath-
er be bored than bombed," is exact-
ly what the English people think,
Miss Brittain asserted. There are
three good reasons why we have not
yet been seriously attacked. There
is a genuine reluctance on both sides
to unleash the whole horror of scien-
tific warfare; an air raid on London
would be costly and dangerous to
the Germans and the German indus-
trial areas are extremely vulnerable.
Any attacks on us would cause coun-
ter attacks on these areas, Miss Brit-
tain explained.
One of the most significant changes
in attitude in this war from that of
the first World War is the light in
which pacifists are regarded. In con-
trast to the handful of pacifists who
were persecuted during the first war
are the one half million who have
been influential in setting up civilian
tribunals instead of military tribun-
als to hear all youths who have serious
objections to fighting in the present
Most of the people look at the war
with the idea that it is a dirty job that
ha- fn Nn r ..n hn "^i"+, A m T

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