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March 08, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-08

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
cdent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled - to the
e-for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
hts of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arljor, Michigan, as
ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school yeat by carrier,
00; by mail, $4.50. ,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff


arl Petersenr
liott Maraniss
an M. Swinton
Lorton L. Linder
'orman A. Schorr
ennis Flanagan
ohn N. Canavan
nn Vicary
el Fineberg.




Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
sports Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager ,


. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane 'Mowrs
*Harriet B. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers


Lmeriea's hreland'
nd Freedom ...

men's International League for
Peace and Freedom will hold its Institute on
Pu:erto -Rican affairs at Washington. It is in-
deed fitting that an analysis of Puerto Rico be
made at this time; for Puerto Rico has been
recently more than justly termed "America's
Puerto Rico as a geographic entity has, first,
little political freedom. Though its 1,800,000
people are recognized as American citizens and
Puerto Rico elects its own bicameral legislature,
the island has no vote in Congress or upon na-
tional issues. Its governor appointed by the
President of the U.S. has absolute veto power
over 'the acts of the Puerto Rican legislature
and the governor's power is ably supported by
the economic dependence of the country on the.
United States.
And Puerto Rico's economy is especially hard-
pressed. A system of absentee ownership holds
sway over the country and its principal products:
fruit, sugar, and coffee exports, Puerto Rico's
imately $4,000,000 in profifs leave the island
annually, while sweatshop labor there, until re-
cently, has been notorious. The island's eco-
nomic life has been hindered by United States
imposed tariff and coastwise shipping regula-
tions. Puerto (Rico's population, living in one'
of the most densely populated places on the
globe, buy food at slightly higher prices than
the same food is sold in New York City, and
work at an estimated yearly wage of $105. These
facts were well presented in a recent issue of
New Republic.
,ABOVE ALL, the cvil liberties'guaranteed to
all Americans have been consistently denied
to Puerto Ricans. Puerto Rico's history under
American rule has revealed a succession in
power of political opportunists who have done
little but exploit the country. As the New Re-
public pointed out: "While our aid in the depart-
ments of health and relief have been welcome,
our record has too often been spotted with the
raids of carpet-baggers, eighth-rate political
hacks, uplifters and jingoes, who have laid out
miles of hard-surfaced roads for bare feet and
tacked up flags until the very word Americanism
is a word of disgrace."
Though American rule in Puerto Rico has
definitely improved in the last ten years, yet
as a result of the island's hard-pressed economy
and the denial of political rights, -varied fa-
natical, minority groups have sprung up in the
island, further complicating the Puerto Rican
situation. Especially prominent has been the
"Nationalist Party" under the leadership of a
former Harvard graduate and U.S. Army offi-
cer in the World War, Pedro Albizu Campos.
The group, weak numerically and financially,
have been martyred by the ruthless activities
of the insular police and National Guard and
the tyrannical attitude toward the group of
U.S. officials. As a result, the island has seen
frequent riots and killings in its streets, several
assassination attempts upon U.S. officials, and
is today, as much as ever, seething with discon-
tent and intrigue. These facts have been well
presented in Arthur Garfield Hays' "Let Free-
dom Ring."
rn Tf N , ® TI .-.-l. s , . a i . - ,

Improved Lighting;
T HAT LIG'HTING conditions in study
halls, laboratories and offices on
the campus are not only mediocre but often
detrimental to student's eysight, is a fact which
students lament, faculty agrees upon and which
University officials do not contest.
That these lighting conditions are bad need
not be pointed out to any of these groups; the
fact is obvious, but there yet remains to be found
a workable solution to a problem which has long
been acute. With unanimous agreement as to
the existance of the problem, why is that prob-
lem allowed to continue working havoc on stu-
dent and faculty eyesight? The answer is the
age-old retort: "insufficient funds." «
The same cryptic remark was recently made
in explaining the raise in University tuition
which is to go into effect next year. The an-
nouncement effecting the changes in enroll-
ment fees further stated that 'The increase in
the resident fee was made chiefly to offset the
cost of various new services to students, either
recently instituted or contemplated for the im-
mediate future, such, for example, as the en-
larged Health Service and the additional coun-
seling of individual tudents."
CERTAINLY, the improvement of lighting fa-
cilities a "service to students" worthy of at-
tention, one which officials planning the Uni-
versity budget for the coming year should ser-
iously take into consideration. That the Health
Service facilities are .being Aimproved is hearten-
ing, its need cannot be denied, and it indicates
that Univerity officials are concerned wth the
health and welfare of the student body.
By the same token, equal or great emphasis
should be placed on such preventive measures
as the improvement of lighting conditions. The
best optometry clinic cannot hope to offset the
harm brought' about by eye-strain in dimly
lighted study halls.
The tuition raise will add $250,000 to the
University's annual revenue, an estimate re-
leased in the official report reveals. Though this
is no staggering sum when compared to annual
operation costs, the amount necessary to bring
a substantial improvement in lighting facilities
could readily be deducted from this sum.
NOR NEED these lighting improvements be
accomplished in one grandiose gesture. That
this would be a Herculean task we fully realize,
but taken one study hall or one library at a
time, the cost and inconvenience could be pain-
lessly spread over a longer period of time. We
do not expect that officials will suddenly become
aware of the situation and "lo, and it shall be
done." These officials are fully aware of the
situation, but we should like to see a concerted
movement toward the desired end: small revi-
sions perhaps, but at least an indication that
the situation will eventually be remedied.
- Karl Kessler
RADIO in the United States has brought with
it complex problems of legislation. Precedent
has pretty much established that the legislation
shall emanate from federal authority, but the
type of legislation has been a center of contro-
versy, especially in the past few years. Critics
of the radio have, insisted that there should be
censorship; free speech advocates have argued
that radio should not be censored any more than
our newspapers and our after-dinner speakers.
The communications act of 1934 has given
the Federal Communications Commission rather
broad powers. Radio stations can have their
licenses revoked almost at will. Since the Com-
mission has a stringent control of the programs,
there exists what amounts to censorship.
It is quite true that people are inclined to
believe what they hear over the radio. Think,
if you will, about the effect of the Martian attack
as put on by Orson Welles. Fantastic, of course,
but it scared listeners right out of their easy
chairs. This is not, however, a sufficient indict-
mentto cause censorship. In 1835 the New York

Sun published the now celebrated "moon hoax"
stories, which caused as much consternation in
their day, if not as much actual fright. The
newspapers stopped this by their own censor-
ship. If the newspapers can the radio can too.
A FREE PRESS is one of the greatest assets
to democracy. Radio, another agency of
communication, falls into ,the same line. If
newspapers had been penalized with censorship
as a result of the moon hoax folly, then the
present day privileges of free dissemination of
the truth would be non-existent. It is not logical
to assume that radio should be penalized with
censorship for its childish follies either.
The Ritter amendments to the communica-
tions act, as suggested by Representative J..
William Ritter of Pennsylvania, would extend
the minimum license period to three years, as-
sure a hearing prior to license revocations, give
protection against censorship, require that a
private station be given an equally desirable
frequency if its old frequency is assigned to a
government station, and limit the government's
power to take over stations to imperative mili-
tary needs in actual war or insurrection.
These amendments would protect radio far
more than the present legislation. The present
Commission has too much power in the way of
censorship, and the federal government does
not and should not possess that power. A revi-
sion of the present laws would serve to give
radio its adequate protection. 'The people of
this country have as much right to the freedom
of the radio as of the freedom of the press. And
the freedom of the press as a principle is well
noa hli.-hnl

Of ALL Things.
IN the present generation, Chicago has pro-
duced a school of writers who have been
leaders in a drive to give exresslon to the op-
pressed and the underprivileged. So there has
been James T. Farrell and his "Studs Lonigan,"
and there has been Albert Halper with "The
Chute" and "The Foundry," and Meyer Levin
with "The Old Bunch." All these have added
much to our modern literature and have founded
what has come to be known as the Chicago
School. Now, out of this greattradition comes
another figure, one who deserves to take his
place at the head of the list.-k
This is Richard Wright, the 30-year-old Negro,
who, with his "Native Son," establishes himself
as a top-rank novelist, deserving to be ranked
with John Steinbeck as the best that America
has to offer in modern literature. In his book
which, incidentally, will be reviewed in the next
issue of Perspectives by Elliott Maraniss, Wright
has done for the Negro the same thing that
"Grapes of Wrath" has done for the homeless
Place this book on your "must" list right away'
* * e
R. Q. has in front of him at this minute a
newspaper clipping. It's not an ordinary
clipping. In fact the only familiar thing about
it is the name at the top of the story (Mr. Q.
thinks it's the top). There, nestled in the midst
of a bunch of Chinese letters and words, is the
well-known STAN SWINTON. The clipping is
from the Chinese paper in the Philippines, The
Fookien Times, and is a story on an editorial
Stan wrote for The Daily last year on the ques-
tion of aid to the Chinese people. The story,
as translated by a Chinese student, tells about
the editorial Stan wrote, and how most of the
American students feel about the Chinese peo-
ple. Incidentally, Stan's father, Prof. Roy S.
Swinton of the engineering school, taught in the
Philippines for a while and has many Chinese
This should be a natural for the advertising
staff, who can now boast that The Daily has
world-wide coverage and anybody who has any-
thing to sell to a Chinese buying public had
better advertise in The Daily for the best results.
IT HAPPENS every year. Invariably. Without
fail. Just as sure as the proverbial death and
taxes. Every year, there is one person who reads
The Daily from masthead to the last word on
the last page. And as soon as he catches a mis-
take-Wham! he's at the letterbox and the
editors are duly informed. So, in today's mail,
comes this:r
Quoted from THE DAILY:
"To the historian, moreover, and to those
interested in literature, Nishapur takes on
added significance, for it is there that Omar
Khayyam is buried."
Added significance. Omar lives, although
more than eight hundred years ago his shell
was buried. And it does not now matter one
pinch of snuff whether his dust was
buried in Nishapur or in Peekaboo. Added
-S. Bestos

Drew Pe rsol
Rdet . . ~
WASHINGTON-This is the storyr
of a lovely symbol of the modern Girl
Friday-Peggy Dowd, who a few1
days ago married her brain-truster
boss, Tommy Corcoran, and thereby
brought to many persons in and out
of Washington a breathing spell for
as long as she can keep him away1
skiing on their honeymoon.
It's a romance as colorful as the
eventful career of the curly-haired
In Washington, Peggy Dowd is
always associatedwith the brain-
trust. But long before there was a
brain-trust or the world had ever
heard of Tommy Corcoran, Peggy
Dowd was holding down an impor-
tant job. She was the personal secre-
tary of one of the big men of the
Hoover Administration, Gardner
Cowles, owner of The Des Moines
Register and Tribune and Director
of the RFC.
About this time there came to the
RFC a young lawyer as Irish as her-
self. Peggy would see him now and
then rushing along the corridors,
but she never talked to him, for it
was rumored in -RFC feminine cir-
cles that he thoroughly disliked wo-
men, thought they had been put on
earth only to get in the way of men's
Death On Secretaries
Girls frankly were araid to work
for Tom Corcoran. He had come
down to Washington from a big
Wall Street law firm, and just could,
not -get used to the deliberate civil
service ways of government. He con-
sidered dictating to a shorthand book
a waste of time, insisted that his
secretary "take it down" on the type-
writer as he talked-and he talked,
a blue streak.
The morning after Director Cowles,
Peggy's boss, resigned and left for
Iowa, the head stenographer, faced
with her daily headache of finding;
a secretary for Corcoran (she called
it the "suicide assignment"), sum-
moned Peggy Dowd and said gently,
"Report, please, to Mr. Corcoran."
A "Little Job"
At 7 o'clock that night, Corcoran
nonchalantly instructed, "Go out and
get something to eat and meet me
at the Capitol in the Legislative
Counsel's office at 7:30. We've got
a little job to do tonight, won't take
more than an hour or so."
It took most of the allotted half
hour just to get to the Capitol, but
Peggy was there on time. And there
she met two other turbines of the
brain-trust, Ben Cohen and Jim
Landis, later to become SEC chair-
man and dean of Harvard Law
The "little job" was something
about a "securities bill" which had
to be ready for a congressional com-
mittee the next morning. It was 4
a.m. when she pulled the last sheet
out of the typewriter and the three
men, after a critical reading, pro-
nounced it "okay."
"Yes," added Corcoran with a
cheery smile, "that's a swell job,
Miss. What did you say your name
"Margaret Dowd."
"Well, Miss Dowd, tomorrow morn-
ing you tell the head stenographer
that I said you'll do."
Girl Friday
Thus Peggy Dowd got her start
as t1ie Girl Friday of the brain-trust,
and began seven years of thrilling

work carried on at about the same
hectic tempo as her first day. Side
by side with Corcoran, Cohen, Lan-
dis, Douglas, Jackson, Foley, Rowe,
Dempsey, Rogge and others of the
"family", she went through the epo-
chal legislative battles of the New.
Deal-the Securities Act, the federal
housing bill, the fierce TVA clashes,
the tremendous holding company
fight, the Wage-Hour Bill, the his-
toric Supreme Court struggle, the
Jackson-Ickes offensive against mo-
n opoly.
Whether it was because she and
Tom Corcoran were falling in love,
Peggy became more and more beau-
tiful. In the ,last few years she has
been conceded to be one of the most
beautiful women in Washington.
Beautiful Peggy
Exquisitely attired, a honey-color-
ed blonde, with big grey-green eyes
("Vivien Leigh eyes" Corcoran calls
them), and a delicate complexion
that her favorite pink camellias light
up beautifully, she was the prettiest
picture in working Washington.
One of the most amazing things
about this very amazing young lady
is that, flattered, courted and ca-
joled, by everyone seeking the inside,
lowdown, no one has ever been known
to get anything out of her-except
when Tom Corcoran for his own'
devious purposes wanted something
to "get out."
But there was one secret that.
Peggy did "spill." She whispered it

To the Members of the University
Council: A regular meeting of the
University Council will be held Mon-
day, March 11, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dean C. S. Yoakum has invited
the members of the Council to attend
a lecture by Mr. W. S. Learned of
the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad-
vancement of Teaching, which will
be given at 3 p.m. in the same room.
The agenda of the meeting includes,
communications from the Board of
Regents and the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
The University Council Committee
on Parking earnestly requests that the
parking of cars and trucks on the
ovals between the Chemistry and Na-
tural Science Buildings, or anywhere
else on lawns, be discontinued. The
grass underneath the snow will be
damaged not only by the ice conse-
quent to the packing of snow, but
also by the, dripping of oil from
Herbert G. Watkins
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:
Value $39.00. Open to all undergrad-
uate students in German of distinct-
ly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision on,
March 21, from 2-5 p.m., 203 U.H."
Contestants must satisfy the depart-
ment that they have done their
reading in German. The essay may
be written in " English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of at least
30 offered. The list will cover six
chapters in the development of Ger-
man literature from 1750 to 1900,
each of which will be, represented by
at least five subjects. Students who
wish toncompete must be taking a
course in German (101 or above) at
the time of the competition. They
should register and obtain directions
as soon as possible at the office of
the German Department, 204 Ui-
versity Hall.
Kothe-Hildner Prize in German:
Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective-
ly, will be awarded to students taking
German 32 in a translation compe-
tition (German-English and Eng-
lish-German) to be held March 21,
from 2-5 p.m. in 203 U.. Students
who wish to compete and who have
niot yet handed in their applications
should do so immediately and obtain
The . Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
Branch of the A.A.U.W. announces
toe Mary Markley Fellowship of $500
frgraduate study for women stu-,
dents for the year 1940-1941. Person-
al recommendations from the instruc-
tors acquainted with the work of the
applicant must accompany the ap-
plication. Application blanks may
be obtained at the Graduate School
and must be returned by March 15.

VOL. L. No. 113



at the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall, office hours, 9-12, 2-4.
Academic Notices
Preliminary examinations for the
doctorate in English will be given as
April 17, 2-5 p.m., American Litera-
April 20, 9-12 a.m., English Litera-
ture, 1700-1900.
April 24, 2-5 p.m.. English Litera-
ture, 1500-1700.
April 27, 9-12 a.m., English Litera-
ture, Beginnings to 1550.
Those expecting to take the exam-
ination should leave their names with
N. E. Nelson, 3232 Angell Hall.
University Lecture: M. Henri Foc-
illon, Professor of the History of Art
at the College de France and Visiting
Professor at Yale University, will lec-
ture (in French) on the subject
"Manet et la vie Moderne" under the
auspices of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages at 4:15 p.m. on
Monday, March 11, in Room 102
Architecture Building. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Louis Un-
termeyer, Poet and Anthologist, will
lecture on "Poets of the Machine
Age" at 8:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 13, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. This lecture will be under the
auspices of the Department of Eng-
lish in the College of Engineering.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Homer L.
Shantz, Chief of the Division of Wild
Life Management in the Forest Serv-
ice in Washington, D.C., will lecture
on "Vegetation, What It Means" un-
der the auspices of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-
ters, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, March
15, in the Natural Scienice Auditor-
ium. The public is cordially invited.
Pharmacy Lecture: Mr. M. G. Mer-
iam, a representative of Becton, Dick-
inson and Company, Rutherford, New
Jersey, will lecture on the manufac-
ture of thermometers today at 4:15
p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building.
Pharmacy students and others inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr.
Joseph J. Pfiffner, of the Research
Laboratories of Parke-Davis Com-
pany, Detroit, will speak on the
"Chrenistry of the Adrenal Gland,"
on Saturday, March 9, at 11:00 a.m.
in the East Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building, All interested are
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of New
York City, will give the fourth lecture
in the series on "The Existence and
Nature of.Religion" at Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, 8:00 p.m., Saturday, March


Play Production, the School of Muisc, the
Dept. of Phys. Ed., and associated agencies pre-
sented Mozart's II Seraglio last night as the
first musical to be given in the winter season
in some years. Their choice was fortunate in
that the opera was a singspiel with diologue
and dances, and hence appealed to a far greater
audience than might easily have been the case.
The direction of Mr. Valentine Windt attempted
to catch the spirit of the lusty comedy, and suic-
ceeded to a remarkable extent.
Perhaps the greatest credit for an engaging
performance should go to Mr. Thor Johnson
and his Little Symphony Orchestra. Mr. John-
son's direction combined the best elements of
musicianship and showmanship. He never
slighted the music, by so much as a breath
mark, but his dynamic direction and the ability
of his group to play cleanly and clearly the en-
tire score contributed more than many an
auditor might realize.
We are neither qualified nor able to criticise
the music itself, except to state that it was de-
lightful throughout the entire opera. From the
lusty chorus dances to the pathetic solos of the
heroines every mood thatthe story demanded
was faithfully fulfilled. Mr. Mozart was em-
phatically a theatre man as well as a great
Among the performers Warren Foster's en-
gaging presence and clear voice were heard to
excellent advantage; Donn Chown, who stepped
into a difficult role with only a few days prep-
aration gave a completely satisfactory perform-
ance; Burnette Staebler in a soubrette role gave
a pert characterization and sang her solos a'd
duets with ease and aplomb.
Carolyn Rayburn singing a languishing hero-
ine gave a completely natural performance. Her
beautifully produced tones and evident sincerity
won the audience completely. Perhaps last
night's best performance was given by John
Schwarzwalder as the baffled villain, Osmin.
His powerful voice and vigorous stage presence
quickened the pace of the show whenever he
appeared on stage. He probably balanced his
performance between singing and acting better
than we have a right to expect fromn an amateur.
Outstandin hits were contributed by Arthue



University Bureau of Appoint-
and Occupational Information

has received an announcement
from HARPER'S BAZAAR of a Col-
lege Bazaar Contest for Editors. Open
to Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior
Further information and applica-
tion blanks may be secured in the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
Unusual Opportunity in Vick School,
of Applied Merchandising: Dr. Wil-
liam Moseley Brown, Director of the
Vick School of Applied Merchandis-
ing, New York, will be on the campus
March 11 and 12 to interview appli-
cants for appointments to fellow-
ships in the school for the year 1940-
These fellowships provide an un-
usual opportunity to college seniors
who are expecting to go into business.
The number of appointees is limited
to twenty each year, who are select-
ed from several hundred college men
All seniors interested in obtaining
further information about the pro-
gram of the school are requested to
meet Dr. Brown at 2:30 p.m., March
11, in The University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall, or call the
Bureau, ext. 371 for further informa-
Eligibility Cards for league activi-
ties can be signed for the last time
Summer Positions: Students who
are qualified for counselor positions
at boys' and girls' summer camps
have been invited by the New York
Employment Service to apply im-
mediately for camp posts next sum-

Today's Events
Athena speech society is holding
tryouts today from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in
the League. Any three-minute speech,
dramatic skit or reading is considered
a tryout. If unable to attend, con-
tact Jane Sapp or Ellen lacDonald.
Tryouts for German Play will be
held in Room 300 S.W., today from
3-5 p.m. Open to all students inter-
Conservative Services will be held
tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel
Foundation. The finals of the Ora-
tory Contest will also take place. The
two winners from the Michigan State
Hillel will compete with the two local
winners, to determine the delegate
who will represent this region in the
national contest. The public is in-
Westminster Student Guild, Pres-
byterian Church, will have Bible
Class tonight 7:30-8:30.
Open House with a program of
dancing, games, ping pong, and re-
freshments 8:30-12:00. All students
Stalker Hall: Bible Class at Stalker
Hall at 7:30 led by Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares. Hobbie Groups at 9 p. n.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the' Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be a brief infor-
mal talk by Dr. Werner Landecker on
"Kommt ein neuer Voelkerbund?"
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. Sub-
ject: "The Immunological Aspects if
Serum and Virus Proteins."


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