Weather Generally fair; not much change in temperature. 'Y Sicigau 4)attg7 Editorial 'America's Ireland' And Freedom .. . VOL. L. No. 113 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940 PRICE FIVE CEr U _____________________________________ House Is Given 17-Point Plan For Revision Of Labor Act Majority Claims Changes Do Not Constitute Threat To Collective Bargaining Minority Believes Proposal Perilous WASHINGTON March 7.-(P)-A 17-point plan to replace the National Labor Relations Board with a new agency and to make other major changes in the Wagner Act setup was laid before an election-year Con- gress today by a special House Com- mittee which investigated the board. Representative Smith, (Dem.-Va.), Halleck (Rep.-Ind.) and Routzohn (Rep.-O'), a majority of the com- mittee, contended that the program would remove causes of the long and bitter controversy over the board and the act, but said the fundamental right of workers to bargain ollective- ly woult1 remain untouched. - See Threat Representatives Healey (Dem.- Mass) and Murdock (Dem.-Utah), the other two committeemen, heated- ly dissented, arguing that the pro- posals "threatened the principles, purposes and objectives of the act." This basic division within the com- mittee, symbolic of the split in Con- gress, immediately raised the ques- tion whether both the House and Sen- ate would act on amendments before they adjourn and go to political con- ventions in June and July. Administration leaders kept their counsel while critics of the board and law saw only a slim chance that both chambers would act before adjourn- ment. There was no immediate com- ment on the program, from the Labor Board, the AFL or CIO. To fiscuss Procedure Chairman Norton (Dem.-N.J.) of the House Labor Committee, to which Smith's amen dents erwre red, predicted that they would not pass in the House but called a committee meeting for next week to discuss pro- cedure. Th'e proposals of the committee majority would authorize President Roosevelt to name a new board of three members. He might, if he chose, reappoint the present mem- bers, Chairman J. Warren Madden and Edwin S. Smith and William Leiserson. But the majority would permit the new agency to sit only as a judicial body, placing administration of the law and prosecution of violations in the hands of a new officer, the ad- ministratr, who would have no or- ganizational connection with the board. This proposal recalled com- plaints that the board had been act- ing as "judge, prosecutor and jury." Youth Article To 3Be 'Feature Of ,Challenge' "The Challenge," monthly maga- zine edited and published by the American Student Union, will. go on sale today and tomorrow, according to June Harris, '40, chairman of the publications comimission. An article on youth organizations for peace centering around the ASU and AYC conventions, by Elliottt Maraniss, '40, editorial director of The Daily, and an essay by Robert Speckhard, '42, on "The CIO Legis- lative Program," will be featured in today's issue, Miss Harris said. John Ciardi,' winner of a major Hopwoodaward in the poetry divi- sion last year and author of the re- cently published book, "Homeward To America," by Henry Holt and Co., John Brinnin, '41, poetry Hopwood winner in 1938 and 1939 and Miss Harris, have contributed poems. An essay by Robert Pincus, '40E, on "The American Press, or a Study in Humor," a review of the movie, "Grapes of Wrath," and a book re- view, "Dividends To Pay," which is a study of corporate incomes, by Harold Osterwell, '40, are also listed in the contents. Copies of "The Challenge" will be sold at the ASU meeting today on "The Tuition Raise," and at various Three Teams To Begin Dorm Adopts Revised Plan Title Quests Tonightj Negotiations For Peac In Finns' War Reporte Trackmen, Wrestlers To Meet In Chicago; Swimmers Compete In Columbus Three Michigan teams are away from home today, and to- night will begin their quests for Western Conference Champion- ships.rChicago will play host to the track and wrestling squads, while the swimmers congregate in Columbus, Ohio. Matt Mann's star-studded col- lection of swimmers will be out forMichigan's eleventh title since 1927, and are prohibitive favorites to succeed. Ken Doherty's track- men, seeking a seventh succes- sive indoor championship, will face a serious bid from Indiana's three-man team. The wrestlers, second last year, are expected to finish second to Indiana's de- fending Big Ten title-holders. (Special To The Daily) COLUMBUS, March 7.--There was a marked "Beat Michigan" atmos- phere around the Ohio Natatorium today as Matt Mann and his impreg- nable Wolverines arrived from Ann Arbor, worked out for awhile in the tank and then departed for their hotel to await the opening of the Western Conference championships here tomorrow. Never before in the long and color- ful history of the meet has one team been so overwhelmingly favored. It is generally recognized here that the defending champions have the power -enough, in fact, to win all except perhaps two of the nine scheduled events. Wolverines Against Field From the preliminaries tomorrow to the finals Saturday night, it will be Michigan against the field as the Wolverines seek their eleventh Big Ten title since 1927. Last year Matt Mann's charges rolled up 73 points for a new high- scoring record, but even that mark seems likely to be toppled after the Wolverines get through this week- end. As far as the other teams are concerned, Ohio State is highly fav- ored to place secondwhile the rest atle it out iar below. Ohio's Bright Spots With their two crack co-captains, Al Patnik and Johnny Higgins, the Buckeyes will probably garner first places in the diving and 200-yard breastroke, but after that it's all the Wolverines, whose freestyle, back- stroke and relay power seems unbeat- able. The 50-yard freestyle sprint will find Charley Barker, Bill Beebe, the backstroker, Bill Holmes and John Gillis competing for the Wolverines against Dick Fahrback and Lynn Slide Rule Ball Ticket Sales Will Begin Today Ticket sales for the Slide Rule Ball, annual engineering college dance, will go on sale at 1:30 p.m. today in the lobby of the East E- gineering Building, J. Anderson Ash- burn, '40E, general chairman, an- nounced yesterday. Ticket sales, Ashburn announced, will be limited to holders of engin- eering identification cards. The tic- kets will sell at $3.75. 1 COACH MATT MANN ... seeks third in row Surles of Northwestern, Iowa's Don Wenstrom and Buckeye Don Rein- icker. Barker, defeated by his teammate Gus Sharemet in the century last week, gets another crack at the sen- sational sophomore in the feature race of the meet. These tw6 will be the class of the field in this 100- yard dash, with Gillis, Holmes, Surles (Continued on Page 3) ,ishapur's Art Explained Here By.Dr. Dima . Dr. M. S. Dimand, Curator of Near Eastern Art at New York's Metro- politan Museum, yesterday. outlined the medieval artistic civilization of "Nishapur in East Persia, a g'reat cultural center whose influence and products penetrated throughout the Near East." The talk, an illustrated University lecture sponsored by the Institute of °ine Arts, was delivered in the am- phitheatre of the Rackham Building. First explaining the problems and accomplishments of the four Metro- politan Museum excavating cam- paigns he led to Nishapur, Dr. Di- mand then presented a brief history of Nishapur and its vicinity: its orig- inal settlements; its capture in 651 A.D. at which time it became the seat of government in the region and. rapidly grew in importance; its po-. sition in 1037 A.D. as one of the great cities of the Mohammedan world and the fame Nishapur en- joyed as a cultural center noted for its colleges and libraries. Picturingfor the audience the physical structure of the city with its "city proper, its citadel, and its suburbs," Dr. Dimand related the account of the burning of the city in 1153 A.D., its capture and sack by Genghis Khan in 1221 A.D.; the earthquake in 1208 A.D. that ruined (Continued on Page 2) Of Orientation Jordan Hall Will Choose 20 Outstanding Women As Student Assistants Groups To Promote LeadershipTraining' Upperclass student assistants will be inaugurated next year in Jordan Hall, dormitory for freshman women, Prof. Karl Litzenberg announced yes- terday for the Board of Governors of Residence Halls. Twenty outstanding women who qualify by their interest in advisory work, character, personality, scholar- ship, and house citizenship will be chosen from all the women on cam- pus. All present sophomore and junior women may petition for the positions. Aid Orientation I Each student assistant will live in Jordan Hall and will be responsible for a group of eight or ten women on her corridor. As a group the assist- ants will work closely with the staff on personnel problems, committees' and in the formation and operation of student government. Their aid, both direct and indirect, is designed to be of value in easing freshman adjust- ment and orientating the group to campus life. To those who are chosen to act in this capacity will be given the choice of rooms and a small reduction in room cost. Following Spring Vaca- tion a training course for a five-week period will be given. For Personnel Training The program is arranged to pro- vide experience in leadership and personnel training for those who are chosen. In' other colleges and uni- versities where it in operation, stu- dents planning eers in guidance and all types personnel have sought these pos for the training experience and esponsibility they provide. , During tis pastweek the plan has been submitted for consideration to all women living in dormitories and to the Panhellenic Association. Al- ready many worpen have indicated their interest in the plan.-. Any girl, now a student in the Uni- versity, who wishes to be considered for the project is requested to give her name to either Miss Esther Col- ton, ,House Director, or Miss Hope Hartwig, Resident Counselor at Jor- dan Hall before Wednesday, March 13. Senate Hears Parley Plans Conservative Participation Will BeEncouraged Spring Parley plans were discussed at the meeting of the Student Senate last night with the announcement that there would be a meeting of the faculty and student continua- tions committee at 4:30 pm. Sunday in the League. Resolutions passed included sever- al dealing with the current Senate investigation of the cleaning and dyeing businesses in Ann Arbor and with a suggested orientation program for freshmen. Senator Richard Steudel, '41, pre- sented the following resolution of the cleaning and dyeing investiga- tion committee. "Two facts have been found to be true and existent in re- lation to the cleaning and dyeing business in Ann Arbor. 1. Establish- ed Ann Arbor firms are at the time of the presentation of this report, charging one dollar for cleaning and pressing one suit with corresponding prices for other garments. 2. There are in existence in Ann Arbor, two firms, namely, Canton-Degener and the Student Cleaning Agency, which are charging 75 cents for cleaning and pressing one suit. It is further resolved that, in view of these facts, the investigation be continued."' Four recommendations were sug- gested by Senator Robert Reed, '42, for the furtherance of Parleys, in his rest on the Winter Peace Parley. "There must be more appeal to con- servative students, because the lib- erals always turn out anyway. Small committees must be maintained and should be few in number. Influen- tial faculty, preferably conservative, must be invited to participate and Six-Day Zigzag Trip Brings World's Largest Liner Safely Into New York British Vessel Seen As Threat To Nazis NEW YORK, March 7-()P)--Capt. J. C. Townley brought the new 85,- 000-ton British liner Queen Eliza- beth into the safety of New York Harbor tonight after a 6-day zigzag transatlantic voyage which he de- clared was "just like 'a lovely cruise." "Our average speed," he added; "was 24% knots over a zigzar course most of the way. The ship left with- out a trial, which is the greatest achievement-to leave on trial and find yourself in New York." Nazi Air Target' Might Strike Back (By The Associated Press) The fact that European nations, neutral and belligerent alike, fear increased horrors of war in the spring is brought out in part by the arrival of the Queen Elizabeth in New York. The certainty that the 85,000-ton British Sea Queen would be a major target for German bombers, if a Nazi air blitzkrieg were unleashed against Britain, was reason enough for risking the liner in its mad dash across the Atlantic.' Yet safeguarding the vessel from German air attack might not be the only British purpose. With the Queen Elizabeth and her Dowager colleague, the Queen Mary, secure in American waters, Britain -ias twin sea-power units available on this side of the Atlantic for more spectacular use if she desires -to put them to it. Nine Students Inducted Into Sigma Delta Chi Nine students last night were ini- tiated into Sigma Delta Chi, na- tional professional journalism fra- ternity. Those initiated, all juniors in the Literary College, are: Laurence Mas- cott; Hervie Haufler; Leonard Sch- leider; William Elmer; William New- ton; Richard Harmel; Milton Or- shefsky; Alvin Sarasohn and Howard Goldman. Theinitiation banquet, held at the Union, featured talks by Lee A White, director of public relations of the Detroit News, and Ralph Pe- ters, rotogravure editor of the De- troit News. Vera Brittain. Will Describe World War II "War Time England," will be dis- cussed by Miss Vera Brittain, English author and journalist, at 8 p.m. to- day in the Rackhari lecture hall under the auspices of the Ann Arbor- Ypsilanti branch of the American Association of University Women. In her lecture, Miss Brittain will give a descriptive and anecdotal talk of what is going on in England, in the homes and industrial centers as well as in Downing Street. She will describe the effects that the World War II is creating in England as she told of the sufferings caused by World War I in her book, "Testa- ment of Youth." A journalist for more than 18 years, Miss Brittain made frequent visits to Geneva during 1922-25 to attend meetings of the League of Nations Assembly and Council as a press representative. In 1924 she made a tour of the Saar Valley, the Ruhr, Rhineland, Cologne, Berlin, Prague, Vienna and Budapest to gather material for a series 'of arti- cles and lectures. Miss Brittain's latest published work is, "Testament of Friendship," printed in 1940. Some of her other books she has written are, "Honour- able Estate," "Women's Work in Modern England," and "The Dark Tide." Tickets for the lecture may be pur- chased at Wahr's, Slater's and Fol- lett's bookstores, at the door or from any member of the committee, Mrs. Leslie Rittershofer, chairman of the ticket committee said. (Elizabeth' Reaches U. Copenhagen Claims Sovie Have Given Ultimatut For Peace With Fin Moscow Discounts Peace Possibilit COPENHAGEN, March 7-4P) Closely-guarded negotiations towa an armistice and possible settlemxea of the Russian-Finnish war are de initely underway and Stockholm the center of discussions, it w learned reliably tonight. The Soviet government's cond tional demands for peace, in t form of an ultimatum calling f acceptance by midnight tomorro' have been submitted to the Finnia government which thus far has n given any indication of its attitud informants stated, Discounted By Moscow (Informed Moscow observers di counted the possibility of success f any peace moves at this time.). Although Copenhagen morni papers carried the peace reports u der huge headlines, their stories co tained little information, for ti Swedish censorship snapped eve: 'phone call as soon as the report negotiations were mentioned. Oabl also were stopped. One Copenhag paper, the Berlingske Tidende, quo ed an unconfirmed rumor to the e feet that the Western Allies had d manded that Sweden give them t right to march troops through Finland under terms of the Leagi of Nations agreement to aid the i vaded country. Surrender Karelia The latest Russian demands we: reported to include the surrender the Karelian Isthmus, Viipuri, ca ital of Karela and Finland's th city; Lake Ladoga; Hanko, nay port in Southeastern Finland; ti Hanko Peninsula and part of tI far northern Petsamo region. These demands are far more i clusive than those presented by Ru sia in Kremlin negotiations wh broke down and preceded the Sovi army's invasion of Finland on NC 30. Pucksters Win1 Over Illinoi Goldsmith And Ross ScO, In 24_Victory (Special To The Daily) CHAMPAIGN, IL, March 7. Michigan's Wolverines again prov to be too much for the Illini tonig as Coach Lowrey's puckmen register a 2 to 0 victory over the Orange a Blue. Michigan scored in the seco and third periods of Phe closely foug battle. Paul Goldsmith chalked up the fit goal for the Wolverines in 12:56 the second period, with Bert Stodd getting the assist. The play was to with Stodden sweeping in from t ice to slam a shot at the net. Goa Jack Gillan of the Illini made a su cessful save but was left prostr before the net. Goldsmith pick up the puck and winged it past win man McKibbin, who had taken ov the net for Gillan, for the tally. Michigan's last score came in 18: of the final period. After an Illin power play, which went astray, Ch ley Ross picked up the loose puck a (Continued on Page 3) Rabbi Mann To Gv Final Religious Tal Concluding the current Stude Religious Association Lecture seri Rabbi Louis Mann of Chicago's I nai Temple, will deliver the Jewi viewpoint on "The Existence and N9 ture of Religion" at 8 p.m. tomorr, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Rabbi Mann, who has been obtai ed to fill the vacancy left wh Rabbi Wise of New York was c dered by his doctor to take an imm diate vacation because of a thro infection, will give the last talk the group which has included ati A View On Isolation: Prof. James Sees Regionalism As Step Backward In World Trade For A Bigger Navy: Major Eliot Says Strong Navy Should KeepU.S. Out Of War Major George Fielding Eliot, writ- er on military affairs added his voice to the "keep America out of war" chorus in an Oratorical Series Lec-- ture last night-by suggesting that the United States strengthen its na- val forces to the utmost. .Major Eliot, author of books and magazine end newspaper articles' about Europe's war, said that "we can't stand the stresses and strains of a foreign war and hope to solve our own economic problems." The sea, he remarked, is still the cheapest method of transportation, and "we must remain a sea power to keep our place in the world." Position Is Favorable Our geographical position, Major, Eliot explained, enables us to con- trol sea communications, "All we need is a strong navy, an adequate air force and a well-trained, well- equipped army," he went on. Major Eliot, now an officer in the U.S. Army's Intelligence Reserve, as- By JAY McCORMICK Recent. proposals for North and South American isolation from the rest of the world would, if put into effect, represent a step backward in modern urban civilization, Prof. Pres-- ton E. James, South American expert in the geography department, said yesterday. Partitioning of the world into na- tional or even regional areas would destroy all the benefits of modern concentration of population in large cities, Professor James pointed out, for these cities depend upon a wide base of supplies for their very ex- istence. A further reason why isolation of the Western Hemisphere is not feas- ible is that certain strategic raw materials which are not produced in this country, also cannot be eco- nomically produced in South Ameri- ca, the geographer added. In a speech given before the Association of Ameri- can Geographers recently, Prof. Rob- ert B. Hall, also of the geography de- partment, mentioned 18 strategic raw materials needed here, but which can- not be produced in North America. All of these could physically be pro- duced in South America, Professor by British Malaya and Dutch Suma- tra, and the Cinchona plantations being concentrated in Java, Profes- sor James explained. Concerning the Ford rubber plan- tations in the Amazon basin, Profes- sor James said, "The Ford planta- tions are largely experimental." Prac- tically all the available labor in the basin is absorbed by the plantations, he declared, but even at capacity out- put, not more than one per cent of the total world output of rubber could be produced there. Ford might obtain enough rubber for his own, factories from these sources, though at a higher cost, but any expansion beyond the present set up there is impossible. Importation of labor from foreign countries is blocked by a strict Brazilian immigra- tion quota. On Ford Plantations There are now 12,000 workers on the Ford plantations, which is, Pro- fessor James said, the total supply of able-bodied men in the region. The experiment has proved that white people can live in the tropics if they are careful about their diet, he added, but the problem is not one of wheth- er or not white labor could live there, for Brazil does not want an influx of' MAJOR ELIOTr ...wants sea power future, construction of a second ca-