Annual Spring
Parley Opens
FHersAril 19
Faculty, Student Group
To Discuss Official Series
Title And Plans Sunday
Huyett Is Chairman
The tenth annual Spring Parley
will be held this year on April 19,
20 and 21, the first week-end after
Spring Vacation, Daniel Huyett, '42,
general chairman announced yester-
Definite plans and the official ti-
tle of the Parley will be discussed at
a meeting of faculty and student
members of the Parley continuations
groups, at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the
League. The general theme of the
Parley will be the chief topic for
discussion at the meeting, Huyett
Members of the continuations
group are: Prof. Arthur -Smithies
of the economics department; Prof.
Erich A. Walter, Prof. Karl Litzen-
berg, Prof. W. R. Humphreys and
Prof. Mentor Williams of the English
department; Prof. Paul Henle of the
philosophy department; Prof. John
F.Shepardi of the psychology depart-
ment; Dr. Edward W. Blakemen,
counsellor in religious education;
Prof. George Benson of the political
science department; Prof. Ferdinand
Menefee, and Prof. John A. Van den
Broek of the engineering college;
Prof. L. G. VanderVelde of the his-
tory department; Prof. Arthur Ham-
mett of the College of Architecture
and Design; Prof. John E. Tracy of
the Law School and Dr. Isaac Rabin-
owitz of Hillel Foundation.
Student members of the group
are: Ralph Erlewine, Grad., Law-
rence Wells, '40L, Robert Rosa, Grad.,
Jack Shuler, '42L; Elliott Maraniss,
'40, Harvey Swados, '40, Malcolm
Long, '40, Helen Corman, '41, Mariam
Lenoued, '42A, Dekle Taylor, Daniel
Suits, '40, Tom Root, '40, Ronald
Freedman, Grad., Clarence Kresin,
Grad., J. Anderson Ashburn, '41BAd,
Martin Dworkis, '40, Tom Downs,
'40L, Jane Krause, '41, Bernice Klei-
man, '40M, James Duesenberry,
Grad., Lelan Sillin, '42L, Alberta
Wood, '40, Tom Adams, '40, Frank
Rideout, '41, Stanley Richardson.
'40A, John Ragsdale, '42, and Grace
Miller, '42.'
French Society
0 Hear Jobin
Romain, Noted Author,
Will Be Discussed
Surveying "Les Hommes de Bonne
Volonte," Prof. Antoine Jobin of the
romance languages department will
lecture on the evidences of World
War French society in the volumin-
ous works of Jules Romain at 4:15
p.m. today in Room 103, Roiance
Languages Building under the aus-
pices of Le Cercle Francais.
Sociological, historical, and politi-
cal backgrounds will be pointed out
by Professor Jobin as they affect
the different stratas of French so-
ciety from 1908 to 1919. Romain is
the famous playwright of "Knock"
and many other thesis plays and
novels has produced this eighteen-
volume saga containing more than
400 characters.
Reoccurring individuals of the in-
tellectual groups voice Romain's so-
cial philosophies which Professor Jo-
bin will evaluate.
Purdom To Speak At Ohio
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
the Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, will speak at
Ohio-Wesleyan University today on
"Guidance and Placement." He will
address a convocation and conduct a
faculty discussion on the problems of
placement. Dr. Purdom returns to
Ann Arbor tonight.
New Million Dollar Airport Hangar Is Ravaged By Flames
IAe.S. Plans
A _ - ri
To Be
Airecraft 1Factory,
Visited By Group
Inspection tours of the Stinson
aircraft factory and the Wayne
County airport will feature the trip
to be taken Saturday by the Michi-
gan chapter of the Institute of Aero-
nautical Sciences, Dan Grudin, '40E,
announced yesterday.
Limited to 60 students who are also
members of the Institute, the tour
will leave the East Engineering Build-
ing at 8 a.m. Saturday.
At the Wayne County Airport, the
functions and purpose of the air
traffic control tower will be explained
and demonstrations of the blind fly-
ing traveling unit will be offered to
the group. Aircraft stored in the
hangar will also be inspected by the
Full-scale airplane production will
highlight the points of interest at
the Stinson airplane factory. Be-
cause of War Department regula-
tions, the group will be limited en-
tirely to members of the Institute.
The trip, according to Grudin, is
New Method Of Metal Analysis
Developed Ii iyaboratory Here
(Coilihedm from Pia) 1) have shown that the ratio of relative
intensities of the two sets of lines
between the two arc points. The re- ineneities wthesamplse of th es
sulting arc, or spark, across the gap never varies with samples of thesame
between the two prongs is of suffic- chemical composition.
ient intensity to vaporize a small The measurement of the intensity
quantity of the metal, which then of the lines is then measured by
emits its characteristic spectral lines. means of light shining through the
The spectral lines are recorded by' plate and through a narrow slit upon
the spectroscope on a photographic an electric eye, which, together with
film in an adjoining darkroom, where a galvanometer, measures the rela-
the plate is quickly developed by a tive blackening of the lines.
special high-speed method devised The ratio of the intensities of the
for this purpose. various lines is then computed on a
In interpreting the resulting lines, slide rule and the percentage of any
the -intensities of the unknown lines metal or element present in the sam-
are not compared with known stand- ple is readily obtained from a prev-
ards as most previous methods have iously calibrated chart. The whole
attempted, but rather with iron lines process of analyzing a sample con-
of known intensity in the sample. taining as many as six constituents
Thouugh the individual lines may can be accomplished in six minutes,
vary greatly from one exposure to where chemical methods previously
the next, extensive investigations by required between two and three hours
Dr. Vincent and Professor Sawyer for the same accuracy.
Firemen are shown here pouring water on the flames that broke out in the Transcontinental and West-
ern Air hangar at LaGuardia Field, New York airport. Early estimates placed the damage' at 80 percent,
or about $1,000,000. No planes were in the hangar.
one in a series of trips planned for'
the Institute members designed to-
ward acquainting student aeronau-
tical engineers with plant and opera-
tion conditions in neighboring air-
craft factories and airnorts.
Ball & Thrasher
229 South State
Dial 3955
.. w .. .. .. .1 ..... .N. w. .a... r........,.
Paper- Editions
To lBe Replaced
The necessity of filing bulky vol-
umes of rag paper editions of var-
ious daily newspapers in the Univer-
sity library is being rapidly removed
by the extended use of microfilm
reproductions of the material, ac-
cording to a pamphlet of library
notes released recently.
Microfilms are photographic re-
productions of printed material,
stored in small rolls of film and
available for use in a projector sim-
ilar to an ordinary motion picture
machine. They are considered as
useful, for they allow study of ma-
terial which is not available for gen-
eral circulation.
The University has recently un-
dertaken to obtain microfilms of all
eighteenth century American maga-
zines which are absent from the Uni-
versity libraries. It is hoped that
eventually a complete record of all
magazine literature printed in the
United States before 1801 will be
made available for study. The micro-
films are to be stored in the Clements
Among those newspapers which
have been microfilmed and stored in
the Library are the New York Times
and the Chicago Tribune. The old
practice of filing rag paper editions
of these journals has been discon-
tinued in favor of the new process.
Is Placed
On Board Of Trade
(Continued from Page 1)
ville has dreamed of a career there
for years. At Michigan he kept that
in mind, taking courses in economics,
accounting and geography. He stud-
ied geography so he would know the
distribution of grains and the climat-
ic effects upon them.
Scoville's plans for a career on the
Chicago exchange took form when
he petitioned for membership. He
purchased, for $1,700, a membership,
paid the $250 transfer fee, and was
yesterday voted in by the board of
directors. A member of Scabbard
and Blade, honorary military fra-
ternity, he will serve at Camp Custer
as part of his ROTC duties before
following his chosen profession.
Walter isn't the only member of
the Scoville family at Michigan. His
sister, Mary May, also attends school
here and is prominent in women's
The world of right and wrong dresses in shades of
gray. The pepper-and-salt of ordinary human na-
T r ture. .. the protective coloration of the rascal ...
the unprepossessing garments that can hide a clean
white motive.
the Heirs of Huey Long
O N THE MORNING OF JUNE 7, 1939, a hot
tip came in to the city desk of the New
Orleans States, evening newspaper sister of the
famous Times-Picayune.
When a truck drove up before a half-built house
in the suburbs and began unloading window sash,
the States' photographer was hiding behind a
hedge. The picture he got touched off a string of
giant firecrackers that blew hundreds of Louisiana
politicos out of the public trough.
I For the license plate proved that the truck be-
longed to Louisiana State University-and the half-
built house belonged to the wife of a colonel on
the governor's staff. Just a drop in the bucket of
graft that the political heirs of Huey Long had
been passing around for years. But the first case
that could be proved-libelproof, airtight.
That night 64-year-old Jim Crown, the States'
fighting editor, sat down on his bed and sobbed-
reaction from months without respite in the front-
line editorial trenches. "At last we get a break!"
With the fuse once lit, the firecrackers kept pop-
ping around the cowering Longsters. Three men
committed suicide; more than 200 faced federal
and state indictments. It had been a great spree,
but thanks to the battling Picayune papers, it was
Nast pound him on the back. And through him
William Lloyd Garrison speaks again: "I am in
earnest. I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I
will not retreat a single inch; and I will be heard!"
Courage is probably, next to truth, the greatest
quality that a newspaper can have. For the world
abounds in forces, actions, events, and people be-
fore which neither man, nor newspaper, nor the
Newsmagazine, can be coldly objective. Silence,
indifference, genteel or amiable omissions are not
true impartiality-they are just what the forces of
corruption or stupidity want, the broth in which
they thrive.
TIME has never believed that icy indifference or
pure objectivity" is either possible or desirable in
news reporting. Any colorful, humanized story con-
tains something of the mental attitudes and jqdg-
ments of the men who wrote and edited it.
But over and above this is the sense of height-
ened responsibility that characterizes these times,
as it has other periods of crisis. These days are big;
with destiny for our country and the world. And
the Newsmagazine in this era has a deep and pe-
culiar responsibility. It is, in
a sense, the national news-
paper; it has the same obli-
Studying that, gray crowd-picture, penetrating
its disguises, throwing a searchlight here and an
X-ray there, is part of TIME's job. TIME queries its
reporters and correspondents again and again:
"What's behind this? Who's behind it? Give us the
background." TIME listens to people-all kinds of
people, with all kinds of causes and crusades-bal-
ances their ideas against events, against knowledge,
horse sense, and plain old Amezican morals.
And sometimes when every possible scrap of
fact, every line of expert and inexpert opinion is
on the table, TIME editors still miss the last train
home, trying to decide what's right, who's right,
and how to let the people know it.
Judgments arrived at this way are not infallible,
for nothing human is. But they are genuinely re-
sponsible. Essential to people who share TIME's
attitudes-stimulating to people who don't. And
backed by the courage of conviction.
This is one of a series of advertisements in
which the Editors of TIME hope to give all the
readers of this newspaper a clearer picture of
the world of news-gathering, news-writing, and
news-reading-and the part TIME plays in help-
ing you to grasp, measure, and use the history
of your lifetime as you live the story of your life.
Our RENTAL LIBRARY not only offers a complete
selection of both the older and the very latest in
all the fields of literature, but also has inform-
ation available on future publications. . . a library
where a large range of titles and the courteous
assistance of our librarian will help to satisfy your
personal tastes . . . that is our rental library .. .
truly in keeeping with a university community!