'TarMrcl1nc A N 11nl, For Slide Rule To Go On Sale Woody Herman And Band To Play; Annual Dance Open To AllEngineers Tickets for the annualfSlide Rule Ball, which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March 29, in the Union Ballroom, will go on sale at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the lobby of the East Engineering Building. Engineering identification cards must be presented when purchasing tickets, Ganson Taggart, '40E, co- chairman of publicity, announced. The tickets, priced at $3.75, will be light and darik green, colors of the engineering school, and will have de- tachable stubs for souvenirs. Herman To Play Woody Herman and his "band that plays the blues" will furnish the music for the eleventh engineers' spring ball. Carol Kaye will be feat- ured as vocalist, and Steady Nelson will present novelty numbers. Herman's orchestracomes to Ann Arbor after playing at the Panther Room of the College Inn at Chicago. The band may be heard nightly at 12:30 p.m. over the networks of the National Broadcasting Company as it plays at the Panther Room. Ashburn Is Chairman J. Anderson Ashburn, '40E, is gen- eral chairman of the traditional dance which is held yearly on the same night as the lawyers' Crease Ball. Other members of the central committee are M. Richard Herman, Jr., '40E, chairman of finance; Rich- ard Adams, '40E, head of music; Har- old Britton, '41E, ticket chairman; and H. Richard Steding, '40E, floor chairman. Other committeemen include Sey- mour Furbush, '41E, and Taggart, co- chairmen of publicity; George Wees- ner, '41E, in charge of patrons; James Brown, '40E, programs chair- man; and Frederick Shands, '40E,t and Lorenzo Rinek, '40E, co-chair- men of decorations. G+ Over Here By VICKI The three requirements of a smart spring dress this year are that it must be of light weight wool or flannel, two-pieced in appear- ance and of a pastel shade as the one pictured above. Such an out- fit is appropriate for both class- room wear and on dates. Matching necklaces and bracelets are an ad- ditional touch for dressy wear. i It's a characteristic trait of the human race to sit smugly in the spot which is home and consider all the rest of the worid a carbon copy of the area which can be seen between the horizons. It's a bit startling to go wandering and discover that the land beyond is neither a carbon copy nor the stuff of which dreams are made. We made such an exploratory trip to another school recently, and re- turned home with a new perspective. We learned to appreciate a variety of things-the library, League, Publica- tions Building, liberality of women's hours (yes, even that!), and the com- parative awareness of affairs -of the world which exists, though slightly, on this campus.- Why This Rule? We learned to criticize too, and ourI criticism was directed primarily against that time-worn and unques- tioned rule that men must leave wo- men's houses at 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Our criticism is not based on the feeling that social con- duct is too strictly regulated by the powers that be, but rather that the rule defeats its own purpose-or at any rate, one of its purposes. One of the most important factors behind the rule is obviously conveni- ence. To keep women's residences open beyond 11:30 p.m. places an' added responsibility on the shoulders of the chaperons whose hands are already full. Yet, in spite of the administrative difficulties involved, there is a very' definite argument in favor of the change. Theoretically, when 11:30 rolls around, the men go home and. the women go to bed. Actually, both [ men and women leave the house, and are faced with two alternate ways to spend the remaining hour or two until women must come in-they can go somewhere and drink cokes and talk, or they can neck at the side of the building. Two Disadvantages Involved The 11:30 rule has two definite dis- advantages. The first is that bridge parties are broken up, only to turni the participants out on the streetsto: wile away the remaining hours as they see fit, and second, that it places entertainment and dates on a defin- itely expensive level at this university Senior Society To Sell Collars And Flowers Senior Society women are becoming full-fledged "white collar salesmen" for in addition to their sponsorship of the flower sale for Assembly Ball tomorrow night, announcement has now been made of a sale of white collars for use with senior women's caps and gowns. Beginning Mon- day, March 11, the collars will be available in the League Ballroom. In urging that senior women pur- chase these regulation white collars, Maxine Baribeau, '40, president of the society pointed out the desirability of uniformity among all the seniors and also the fact that they will be needed for use with the caps and gowns worn to Senior Supper, Wed- nesday, March 13. In regard to the Assembly Ball flower sale, Miss Baribeau further urged that flower tickets be purchased now since it may be impossible to supply all who want them with flow- ers at thesdance. Both red and white carnations will be sold. "The Soul Of A Rat" ShowsAtt At Interpretation Of Animal The artist, Hugh Gray Lieber, auth- of lines indicates the restlessness and CLZemdngs cand . &lgagements i and lays the major part of the respon- sibility on the shoulders of the men. It completely destroys the illusion that women are at home, because they canot entertain their guests as they would if they were at home.'Men cannot "come calling" as they have done from time immemorial because it implies that they are not willing or able to do "the right thing"-take their dates dancing or to a movie. There's our criticism-take it or leave it. We saw the plan at work last weekend, and we discussed it with those on whom it worked, in- cluding the housemother, who showed nothing but surprised disapproval for the fact that women's hours here are consistently one half hour later than they were there. Fashion Forecaster Puts Spring Blouse In Every Wardrobe Who will not need a new blouse this spring? "Nobody," deem the fa- shion forecasters who have proceed- ed to design a complete wardrobe of skirt and suit accompanyers to make spring shppping easier. The classic man-tailored garment is still leading sales for campus wear, but the ultra-severe type is giving way to feminine alterations. Round peter-pan collars are replacing the well known points and sleeves are becoming softer and slightly wider. Many blouses are now finely finished at the bottom, to be worn inside or out of the skirt band. Especially smart under the peren- nially good navy blue or black suit are the lacy baby blouses that are made to frame the face with dignified frills or flambouyant fluffs. Under short sleeved, close fitting sweaters, the sheer batiste of thin rayon silk bodice does not interfere with the "smooth" effect but still lightens and brightens sportsy attire. 'C I 1 ryy J Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Nichols, of River Forest, Ill., anonunce the en- gagement of their daughter, Bettie, '40, to William H. Reininga, of Oak Park, Ill. Miss Nichols is affiliated with Pi Beta Phi, and Mr. Reininga is a member of Delta Tau Delta at Purdue, from which he was graduat-. ed in February. Miss Nichols' engagement was an- nounced at a dinner party Monday at the Pi Beta Phi house. The head table was decorated with a center- piece to which streamers with cards bearing the initials of Miss Nichols and her fiance were attached. The small tables were decorated with bowls of carnations and initialed cards. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Alberta Greenberg, daughter of Mrs. L. Greenberg of St. Louis, to Lilburn M. Ochs, '40Ed., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ochs, of St. Louis. The ceremony took place Saturday in the chapel of the Peo- ple's Church at Lansing. Matron of honor was Mrs. Eugene Giard, of Lloyd House, and Thomas Uetherton, of Colorado Springs, Col., was best man. In honor of the bride and bridegroom a surprise party was given by 250 foreign students of the International Center, of which Mr. Ochs is athletic director. Lloyd Eouse, where Mr. Ochs had been staff assistant, entertained the couple at a dinner Monday. J i For Lovelier Even ings ._ .: y: '.'.. i + . . . ' 1, . .. ^: , t"t4t ?itst" t.t.yy t1t .+v, sYw 1k :t: L tSY1~jt' RAGGEDY ANN Beauty Shop 1114 S. University Tel. 7561 )" Inu or Madness Is It a Brahms symaphony? a Shakespearean play? a Pinocchio album? a selection from Rigoletto? a Linguaphone course in French? or a musical smile with Alec Templeton, Noel Coward or Dwight Fiske? Or is it ca Glenn Milfer recording? . 7 i G M . I . I I C { i /t orgei-Q/fe-Qlo IN 1 000- % f i'W I f'V Better than orchids for your Easter Costume-... these new pinky-mauve stockings! Wear them with your gray suit-your navy redingote-your slick hback coat. If you buy two pairs we tuck in. a gay forget-me-not boutonniere. TI,. (': s5 3-THREADS '.35 2-THREADS Correctly Proportioned Short, Medium, Tall Wearcraft Finish for Added Wear May we hecoine acquainted with your musical tastes? If they are not already represented in- our rapidlyexpanding supply of records, please give us an opportunity to "fill that need promptly. If it is inconvenient to visit us, won't you tele- phone your order? in Patent 6.00 Bound to dazzle your beau . . these swallow-throat pumps that are so flatter- ing to instep and ankle. And should you be thinking of a new, radio or phonograph, our diversified models await your inspection. t -_ i 1