THE MICHIGAN D- LY. ICHIGAN DAILY -.I GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVER .,.< i; Eu m~crcgrn Ar , crl s a i v ,... .- - . . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann ArLor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school yea by carrier, $4.00; by mall, $4.50. REPRE$ NTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEN .SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHicAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg. .* Managing. Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor * Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Chanson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy Business Staff iess Manager . Business Mgr., Credit Manager en's Business Manager en's Advertising Manager catlons Manager NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. In Considering he Honors Program.... LAST FALL the University of Mich- igan took a significant step in pro- gressive education when it inaugurated a pro- gram for Honors in Liberal Arts (tutorial sys- tem) for a trial period of five years before adopting it is a permanent part of the educa- tional opportunities. The honors program was instituted to emphasize individual rather than group study, encouraging the student to fully develop his potential capacities under the guid- ing stimulus of a faculty tutor. The program now accommodates between twenty-five and thirty students and is divided into five seminars each under the guidance of a' faculty tutor. "Democracy," "Industrialization of New England," "Literature in an Age of Intel- lectual Crisis," "Development of the Scientific Attitude," and "England in the 18th Century," are the subjects of the seminars. They are the embryo for a truly progressive trend in the sci- ence of education. From the tutorial system may be developed students of sincere academic interest, capable of independent, penetrating learning and research. If this is to be realized, the activities of the seminars must be carefully watched, for their success or failure will largely determine the future policy of an honors system at Michigan. It is highly desirable before next year's plans are laid that the operation of the present system be examined and evaluated by the students and faculty participating. IN THIS spirit of sincere interest the following questions are submitted as a minimum basis for considering the present tutorial system. 1. Have the seminars stimulated great intel- lectual curiosity and initiative in the student? 2. Have the students developed tools with which to carry on penetrating research independently? 3. Have the tutors been intensely interested in the subject and in the students whose academic careers they are stimulating, 4. Are the students in particular seminars acquiring more than asuperficial know- ledge of the subject? 5. Has the work been pursued in a sincere academic attitude rather than that of merely gaining grades? Now is a crucial time in the progress of the tutorial system. Honest and candid answers to these questions are invaluable in determining the-practice and policy to be followed. - Robert Speckhard SEVERAL interesting publications have come to Gulliver's attention. The first one is the News Service of the American Committee For Democracy And Intellectual Freedom. Aha, an- other committee-that's what Gulliver said too. This committee, however, is composed exclusively of bigshots in Americans education: Nobel prize winners, University presidents, etc. The Execu- tive Committee includes such men as Prof. Franz Boas of Columbia, Prof. Ruth Benedict of Co- lumbia, Dean Christian Gauss of Princeton, and Prof. Edgar Dale of Ohio State. Dean Ned H. Dearborn (of New York Univer- sity) and Prof. W. M. Malisoff (of the Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn) are the Editorial Board. They deserve a great deal of credit for putting out a concise, dispassionate bulletin. Issue Number Three, for examble, contains articles entitled "Threats To Minority Rights," "Public Colleges Advance," "Schools in Crisis," and "Youth And the NYA;" none of the articles are either wordy or haranguing. On the contrary, they are sober, documented reports of the state of the nation, the type of reports that one has a right to expect from cultivated, intelligent Americans. If Gulli- ver had his way, the News Service would be on the desk of every college professor in the coun- and more numerous in the past few years, and the present tense situation might well see actual conflict in this region. To the north, the Czechoslovakian arm of the German octopus now stretches dangerously close to Rumanian borders, from which it is separated only by a narrow strip of Ruthenian (now Hun- garian) territory. The famous (or infamous) German "Drang nach Osten" plan could easily be interpreted to affect Rumania, and it is well known that the Nazis covet Rumanian mineral and agricultural resources. Although Berlip is involved in a major war on its western frontier, it is possible that economic necessity will force a German attempt to seize Rumania. To the east of Rumania lies Soviet Russia- fallen in prestige, of course, becapse of the fiasco in Finland-but nevertheless regarded as a mighty military threat. Russia's "perfect excuse" for a Rumanian invasion is Bessarabia, a region of mixed Ukrainian and Rumanian population annexed by Rumania after the World War. Soviet irredentist spirit is also aroused (witness the campaign to regain lost lands in the Baltic area), and it is possible that Russia's next move will be in the Balkans. And King Carol's recent militant review of troops in Bessarabia indicates that his nation will not allow such a move to go unopposed. IN THE economic sphere also Rumania is hard-pressed. Her rich oil deposits are the reason. French and British interests comprise an important part of the oil firms, thus facili- tating Allied claims to at least a fair share of Rumanian oil exports. Much of Italy's necessary oil imports come from Rumania, and Mussolini is adamant that this supply not be diminished. The most serious of all aspects of this situation, however, is Germany's ever-increasing demand for Rumanian oil, even if that means cutting off the exports to other countries. At the pres- ent time, Germany probably more than any other nation needs Rumanian oil to carry on the war. Without it Germany might not survive a long war, and will naturally stop at nothing to maintain its supply. These conflicting, yet stub- born, demands on Rumania contain ominous potentialities which someday soon may prove irrepressible. Rumania, in shrt, is the spark from which may flare the next war of major proportions,_ the spark which will set aflame the smouldering Balkans, perennial "tinder box of Europe." - Howard A. Goldman Neutrality Violations By Submarines .. . AGAIN we are receiving reports of submarines sighted within the American neutrality zone. Distress signals from two Birtish freighters-the SSS form which indicates submarine attack-have been noted during the past week. No definite confirmations, however, have been forthcoming, and nobody seems quite certain whether the SSS's were gen- uine or mere hoaxes. Despite this conjectural point, people are be- coming "all het up" and are worrying about "vandalistic violations of our neutrality which may drag us into the war." Such people are foolishly jumping at conclusions and causing themselves needless hysterical unrest. The neutrality zone which extends 300 miles from the coasts of North and South America is a zone established by the various governnernts of the Americas. The limits of a nation, accord- ing to general recognition by International law, extend merely three miles to sea. Thierefore, it is questionable whether the present neutrality zone has to be recognized. And the two latest U-boat attacks reported within the zone have certainly not been within the three-mile limit. NO AMERICAN ships have beenattacked, not even reportedly. The alleged submarine at- tacks have all been against vessels belonging to belligerents. And it seems to be accepted that the business of belligerents is to attack and to be attacked anywhere they may be, outside of neutral territorial waters. There can hardly, therefore, be auy basis to claims that our neutrality is being violated, to fears that American ships are being terrifically try, In fact, it wouldn't do college students any harm if they were to read it occasionally too. PUBLICATION Number; Two is the News Bulle- tin of the World St'udent Association For Peace, Freedom, and Culture (Rassemblement Mondial Des Etudiants Pour La Paix, La Liberte Et La Culture to you). The Association "acts as a meeting ground and coordinating center for students of different philosophies and creeds and from different kinds of organizations throughout the world . . ." Its central office is in Paris, France, but it has established a Re- gional Office in New York City. In its February Bulletin, the Association ex- presses its aim as: "To reflect the reactions of students throughout the world to the war, and to the violent attacks on academic freedom, on cultural standards and on the material condi- tions of students which accompany it. These attacks threaten the very existence of the Uni- versities." .It further calls for "student solidar- ity with Spanish and Chinese students, in par- ticular victims of war, and oppression, and ex- presses its support of an Inter-American Youth Congress which is to be held in Cuba in Septem- ber at the invitation of the Cuban Brotherhood of Youth. T HE March Bulletin already has news of world student opinion on the war. Mrs. Helen Si- mon, a Barnard graduate who recently returned from a year in the Association's Paris office, "states that in her opinion the items of par- ticular significance are those which show mass student sentiment and activitiy against the pres- ent war. 'In Great Britain, for example, the all-inclusive National Union of Students is en- couraging discussion on the war, and several universities have voted for immediate peace. The students are all getting together to save the universities from annihilation, which is threatened them by wholesale conscription and lack of government financial support. The big- gest single student organization-the University Labor Federation, with 4,000 members-declares that the war is imperialist, and is leading a struggle against it and against the Chamber- lain government.' Mrs. Simon also quoted demonstrations of the majority of students of Jugoslavia and India to show that "students of small, neutral and colonial countries wish to have no part of the war, which they declare to be waged not for the liberty of small peoples, who are kept in bondage, but for gain. The All-India Student Federation, with 80,000 members, has just sent a message to Western students reiterating its stand for India's freedom, and warning against the turning of the present war into an anti- Soviet war, using Finland as a pretext." Gulliver has been pretty disillusioned lately about a lot of Committees, Federations, Associa- tions, and so on, but here are two organizations which would seem, from the above quotations at least, to be deserving, not only of commenda- tion, but also of support. Drew Pecrs cud Q Robert S Afe ~ WASHINGTON-Spring is in the air but there is little lilt these days in the heart of Vice President J.ack Garner. He is in a distinctly subdued frame of mind and not his usual jovial self.- About the Senate he keeps pretty much to himeslf and does not josh with members and newsmen as he used to do. Reason for the change is the sad state of his presidential boom. Inside fact is that he is sagging badly. Launched with an astutely managed publicity splash several months ago, the campaign has failed to get off the ground. National and state Democratic leaders, the boys who really decide the slate, are shunning the Garner bandwagon.- While it is still rolling, it's not going anywhere. Evidence of this is in the newspa- per polls held in various parts of the country, which invariably rate Garner far down in the choices of, local Democratic chiefs. The recent mock primary in Georgia, in which' he got only 17 votes as against more than 800 forsRoosevelt, was another graphic illustration of the coolness toward him. But while much of the inner zip of the Garner drive has evaporated, he personally is still determined to see the fight out to the end. The primary objective of Garner's candidacy is to stop a third term. At the start it was more a "Stop Roosevelt" movement than a drive] to nominate Garner. That developedi only after it had been under way for1 some time. Garner is as strongly, anti-third term today as ever, and he intends to continue fighting against it right up, to the con en- tion, regardless of how he fares him- self.- ..Note-Certain influential Garner leaders, seeing how the cards areI shaping up, have privately begun to boost popular House Floor Leader Sam Rayburn in a Roosevelt-Ray-, burn combination, on the theory that Rayburn on the ticket would placate Garner and the conservative Sou- therners and keep them in line. Ickes And The Sharks RS. JOHN T. McCUTCHEON, - wife of the famous cartoonist, was entertaining Mr. and Mrs. L. W. (Chip) Robert of the Democratic National Committee on the McCut- cheons' Bahaman island recently. The island is called Treasure Is- land because it was once the strong- hold of pirates in the days of the Spanish Main, and Mrs. McCutcheon Was pointing out its bathing beaches to Mrs. Robert. "What do you do about the sharks and the barracuda," asked Mrs. Rob- ert, noticing the lack of protection between the beach and the open sea. "We just ignore them," replied Mrs. McCutcheon. "But what if- they are like Mr. Ickes and refuse to be ignored?" Political Chaff REPRESENTATIVE Howard Smith, wing-collared chairman 'of the special committee investigating the National Labor Relations Board, faces the fight of his political life for re-election this year. William C. Gloth Jr, popular and powerful county judge, is going after Smith's scalp with the argument that he has neglected the interests of his Vir- ginia district to become an aloof "statesman" . . . .D r. Francis Town- send, czar .of the old-age pension movement, secretly offered to back Senator Sheridan Downey for Pres- ident, but Downey declined . . . John L. Lewis apparently is determined to fight back at pro-Roosevelt senti- ment in the CIO. Heads of CIO unions who favor a third term have been quietly informed, that if per capita dues of their organizations have not been paid up they had bet- ter "pipe down." Borah's Secretary MISSCORA RUBIN, secretary to the late Senator Borah through- out his33 years in Washington, i filling the same position with Sen- ator John Thomas, his successor. One of the ace secretaries on Cap- itol Hill, Miss Rubin received a num- ber of government and private of- fers, but preferred to continue in her old post. Thomas offered her the. job immediately after learning he would be named to Borah's seat. Thomas also secured the desk his great predecessor used for many years. Senator Vandenberg, who laid claim to Borah's office on the righ of seniority, wanted the desk, bu Miss Rubin quietly removed it to Thomas' office. Borah's papers and files have been sent to the Library of Congress where they will be arranged and made available to students and his torians. Mrs. Borah has received sev Bronson-Thomas Prize in German: Value $39.00. Open to all undergrad- uate students in German of distinct- ly American training. Will be] awarded on the results of a three- hour essay competition to be held under departmental supervision on March 21, from 2-5 p.m., 203 U.H. Contestants must satisfy the depart- ment that they have done their reading in German. The essay may be written in English or German. Each contestant will be free to choose, his own subject from a list of at least 30 offered. The list will cover six chapters in the development of Ger- man literature from 1750 to 1900, each of which will be represented by at least five subjects. Students who wish to compete must be taking a course in German (101 or above) at the time of the competition. They should register and obtain directions as soon as possible at the office of the German Department, 204 Uni- versity Hall. Kothe-Hildner Prize in German: Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective- ly, will be awarded to students taking German 32 in a translation compe- tition (German-English and Eng- lish-German) to be held March 21, from 2-5 p.m. in 203 U.H. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately and obtain directions. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of a Civil Service examination to be given April 6 by the Civil Service Commission of the City of Los Angeles for Principal City Planner. Entrance salary is $300 a onth. Local residence requirement waived. Applications must be filed by 5:00 p.n1. Friday, March 15, 1940. Complete announcement on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Ahe Rochdale and Congress Coop- erative houses are now jointly ac- cepting applications from those who desire to take advantage of their in- expensive boarding facilities. Phone 6957 for an interview. Eligibility Cards for league activi- ties can be signed on Friday, March 8, as the last day. A cademic Notices Psychology 31 Makeup Examina- tion will be held tonight-from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. in Room 3126 Na- tural Science Bldg. English 127: Make-up for final ex- amination will be held this after- noon from 2 to 5 o'clock in Room 2225 A.H. Karl Litzenberg .Lectures University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di- mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, will lecture on "Excava- tions at Nishapur in East Persia)" (illustrated) under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts at 4:15 p.m. today, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture M. Henri Foc- illon, Professor of the History of Art at the College de France and Visiting Professor at Yale University, will lec- ture (in French) on the subject "Manet et la vie Moderne" under the auspices of the Department of Ro- mance Languages at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, March 11, in Room 102 Architecture Building. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Mr. Louis Un- termeyer, Poet and Anthologist, will lecture on "Poets of the Machine Age" at 8:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. This lecture will be under the auspices of the Department of Eng- lish in the College of Engineering. The public is cordially invited. Major Eliot Lecture: "The Wa And Us," presented by the Oratorical Association, tonight at 8:15, Hill Auditorium. Lecture Course patrons please use Mazaryk tickets for ad- e mission. Second balcony seats avail- able at 50 cents. Y Pharmacy Lecture: Mr. M. G. Mer- d iam, a representative of Becton, Dick- t inson and Company, Rutherford, Nev t Jersey, will lecture on the manufac- ) ture of thermometers, on Friday March 8, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 303 n ChemistryaBuilding. Pharmacy stu ; dents and others interested are cord- d ially invited. - League for Liberal Action lectur THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1940 VOL. L. No. 112 Notices to replace the lecture by Dr. May- nard Krueger which was formerly announced. Please notice change of hour. French Lecture: Professor A. J. Jobin's lecture: "Les Hommes de bonne volonte, portrait moral de la France," fourth lecture on the Cercle Francais program today at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Language Bldg. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Joseph J. Pfiffner, of the Research Laboratories of Parke-Davis Com- pany, Detroit, will speak on the "Chemistry of the Adrenal Gland," on Saturday, March 9, at 11:00 a.m. in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. All interested are invited. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of New York City, will give the fourth lecture in the series on "The Existence and Nature of Religion" at Rackham Lec- ture Hall, 8:00 p.m., Saturday, March 9. Theatrical Costume Design: Lec- ture by Evelyn Cohen, New York cos- tumiere, who designed the costumes for Play Production's "Il Seraglio," in the Mendelssohn Theatre today at 3 p.m. No admission charge. Today's Events Zoology Seminar: Mr. Everett T. Erickson will report on 'The Differ- entiation of the Gonads and Acces- sory Ducts and Glands or their Prim- ordia under the Influence of the Sex Hormones of Normal Adults" and Miss Kathleet L. Hussey on "Devel- opment of the Excretory System in Digenetic Trematodes" tonight at 7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Far Eastern Art, F.A. 192.- Special Seminar, F.E.A. Room, A.M.H., this evening, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Attendance Thursday morning only for those who cannot attend the evening seminar. Electrical Engineering Colloquim. Discussion and demonstration of Vacuum tube trigger circuits and re- laxation oscillators by John K. Mills, '40E this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. In Room 101, W. Engr. Bldg. All per- sons interested in Electronics are in- vited. Polish Engineers Society meeting tonight in the Michigan Union at 7:30. R. J. Kozacka will talk on "Cellulose Acetate." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Phi Tau Alpha meeting 7:30 night, Rackham Building. to- MUSIC By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER ARTUR RUBINSTEIN, Polish pianist, received an altogether deserved ovation last night at Hill Auditorium, as he concluded this year's Choral Union Series. His playing was so skill- ful, his musicianship so complete, and his artis- tic integrity so evident that comment beconhg something of a problem. Such complete mastery of a medium is rare even among the great. The Busoni transcription of the great organ Toccato in C major opened the program, and was played in a fashion that made one forget the original instrument. The prelude, emblem- atic of the power of Bach's -conception, and the graceful adagio ware given a rendition that made the emotional quality of the composition imme- diately apparent to the least sophisticated of listeners. We are sure that Mr. Rubinstemn will not take it amiss if we compare his playing i this section to that of the late Harold Samuel. Not since then have we heard power, clear poly-' phony, gentle grace and emotional content all brought out by one virtuoso. The Franck Prelude, Choral and Fugue which followed was an earnest example of Mr. Rubin- stein's complete mastery of another period and style. The thematic unity of the whole was his first consideration and the masterful develop- ments of the interwoven themes of the composer was the inviolable law of the artists's perfor- fance. That this resulted in a poetic and emo- tionally ripe interpretation is proof anew of the pianist's clarity of judgment. Only too often is this unity sacrificed for a doubtful sentimen- tality. . A DYNAMIC reading of Debussy's Prelude in A minor and Ondine surprised its hearers by the vigor of its syncopation and the stir of its rhythms. These preceded the much. awaited ,Petrol' ehka of Stravinski. Insofar as we are concerned this work remains a tour de force for the piano, regardless of the fact that it was originally scored for that instrument. It is our chief criticism of Mr. Rubinstein that he played this too well. The orchestra was. entirely too much with us, late and soon. From strident trombone-like tones to the unbelievable kettle drums in the bass, the imitation was so close that mirth and amazement succeeded musical enjoyment. Marvelous as the feat was, we feel the artist makes a mistake when he places inter- est in the medium above that in the composition. Perhaps to those who do not know the Petrouch- A.LE.E.: Gerhard Liedholz will speak tonight at the Michigan Union at 8 o'clock on "Hysteresis." A short film on "The Life of Charles Scott" will also be shown. Refreshments. A.I.M.E. meeting tonight at 7:30 in Room 1042 E. Engr. Bldg. Mr. Alvin Herzig of Climax Molybdenum Co. will speak on and show a movie of "The History of Alloys and Steel." A discussion of the operations in the laboratory of the Company will fol- low, Sigma Eta Chi will have a pledging service at 7:30 tonight at Pilgrim Hall. La Sociedad Hispanica meeting to- night at 7:30 in the League. A group of students 'from the University of Detroit will sing and play their guitars. Tryouts for German Play will be held in Room 300 S.W., today and Friday from 3-5 p.mi. Open to all stu- dents interested, Entire Cast of "Four Out of Five" will meet tonight at 10:30 in Room 316 of the Union. Modern Dance Club meeting to- night at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasi- um. Comic Opera "Il Seraglio" or "Ab- duction from the Harem" opening to- night at the Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets still available for all per- formances, tonight through Saturday at 8:30- Phone 6300 for reservations. St, Andrew's Episcopal Church 8 p.m. tonight, short Compline Service and Lecture on "The History of the Early Church," .by The Reverend Henry Lewis. Faculty Women's Club: Interior Decoration Section will meet today at the League. Professor Marion Hill- , house of Michigan State College will lecture on "A Clinic on Clothing." )anger Signs n. Ruinania --a ONDAY'S ominous border clashes in - I southern Rumania give still another ndication that the next major conflict to break >ut will center about this sorely-beset nation. Rumania- is indefinitely "on the spot," geo- ;raphically and economically. From the four >oints of the compass hostile countries are iterally knocking at its doors. The incident Monday -involved Bulgaria, Ru- nanma's Southern neighbor, in a dispute over I territory known as Southern Dobruja. Bulgaria was forced to cede this region to Rumania at ;he close of the World War, but has been seeking Coming Events Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: The trip to the Stinson Air- craft factory and the Wayne County Airport will take place on Saturday re