_____________ -~ ~-it, HIGAN DAILY Nl ,. GULLIVER'S CAV ILS I:v~r OUNGGLIrVER .'<- NJ .._ jF GULLIVER says, "Baby Jean Gauntt," does ed and,managed by students of the University of gan under the authority of the Board in Control of -nt Publications. Wshed every morning except Monday during the rsity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the r republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of republication of all other matters herein also, ed. ered at the Post Offico at- Ann ArLor, Michigan, as d class mail matter. scriptions during regular school yeat by carrier, -by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAl. ADVEKR1 4NG 1Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON - LoS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO nber, Associated Collegate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff_ - v r ,. Mergen t Maranis . M. Swintona. n L. Linder an A. Schorr s Planagan. N. Canavan Vicary . Ineberg , 1 ;3 t' r i m. . e "' ,. + r s " + . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor =Associate Editor S . Associate Editor * o . oen's Editor . Sports Editor ag Business Staff Busiess Manager. . . . . Paul R. Park mt.s sWCredit Manager Gansn P. Taggart Wirown's Butsiness Mfaager Zenoia Soratko Woe 's Advertising Manager . ane Mowers Pliatios Manager . .Wrriet S. Levy NIGHT 1 pDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Youth Can't Eat Cannon Balls ... NE OF the salient features of the, proposed American Youth Act now before Congress is its provision for the expansion of the educational opportunities of the nation's youth. The maintenance and extension of educational opportunities is of intimate concern to University of Michigan students. One need not give a lengthy dissertation to demonstrate this; a brief review of pat history will suffice. Tle now inadequate federal appropria- tion for NYA has been cut from 95 mu- lions to 83 millions (12 / 'percent) for the coming fiscal year. This cut implies a proportionate curtailment of NYA facilitis here next year. Last week the University an- nounced that tuition fees will be substantially raised beginning this coming summer session. Michigan resident fees are upped an average of ten dollars per year. Out-of-state students will have to pay between fifty and eighty dol- lars more per year for their education. YES, INDEED, the matter of educational op- portunities has assumed a special interest to Michigan students, and it becomes incum- bent upon them ,to lend their support to mea- sures that vill forestall the trent of curtailment that is in progress. In common with millions of other American ' youth, Michigan students should become articulate in their support of the provisions and spirit of the now pending American Youth Act. The act recognizes and lays the bases for meeting the problems of (American youth today. Through the measure, the expansion of educa- tional opportunity to all needy students is implemented by two provisions, academic work projects and federal scholarships. The act pro- vides for a National Youth Administration under which will be established a "system, of academic work projects to be conducted in or near all colleges. or other instittions of higher learning -t 'prevalent union rates of pay, -the monthly jayment to be at least $30. Unprecedented in its recognition of the need for scholarships, the act stipulates that "all young persons officially enrolled in a course of study in a high school, secondary school, or vocational training school, wiho would be unable without financial aid to -ontinue such course of study, shall be eligible to receive a sufficient sum of money to enable such young persons to pay school fees, cost of books and school materials, and personal ex- penses." These provisions meet with direct aid a pressing problem, common to millions of stu- dents. But the act goes further to provide for the equally acute problem of unemployment, 'tentative to most students but immediate to four million of jobless youth. "TIHE Administration shall estabish a series of public-works projects, employment on .which shall be open to all young persons who are not otherwise employed, nor enrolled in a full-time course of study in any schools," the act reads, "at prevailing union wages not in any case to be less than $12.50 per week. Much needed vocational guidance and training are provided for by the employmant of "vocational advisers, whose services shall be available with- out charge to all young persons residing in the locality." The American Youth Act is a comprehensible program designed to meet the real needs of that mean anything to you? It should, be- cause Baby Jean is the young lady who is sche- duled to live forever; Gulliver wrote a column about her some time ago. In case you don't remember, the Royal Fraternity of Master Metaphysicians, with headquarters at Peace Haven, Long Island, adopted Baby Jean, are bringing her up in a luxurious fashon, and are keeping her from impure thoughts, alcohol, to- bacco, coffee, tea, and opium. She will never contract any diseases, they say, and what's more, she'll live indefinitely. Today's column is about Dr. James B. Schafer, Messenger (head man) of the Metaphysicians, who is now the legal guardian of Baby Jean. The latter, incidentally, is doing fine; she has five teeth already. The Schafer story comes to you by way of a New York paper which you. may not have seen. It seems that Dr. Schafer, on behalf of the Metaphysicians, is negotiating for the purchase of the old Gould stables on West Fifty-seventh Street." 'Mentally, I've al- ready moved into it,' said Dr. Schafer. "Right offhand, you can see that this Schafer guy is a card... THE story goes on like this: "Dr. Schafer is a greying middle-aged man endowed with urbanity and the comforting solemnity of a family physician. His office is reached through a lecture room adorned with printed expressions of some of the Messenger's recent Observations. 'YOUR SMILE IS LOVELY' and 'I AM A LAW UNTO MYSELF.' On the bulletin board was the cryptic announcement that *AS USUAL, MR. J. B. SCHAFER WILL BE BLENDING AT 12 NOON AND 12 MIDNIGHT.' .About twenty- five women were in the hal listening to a lecture on elocution." We pause here long enough to take a breath and to inform you that the meaning of "blending" will be explained below. To continue: "Dr. Schafer was at his desk, surrounded by a dictograph, a speakograph, a radio, and two telephones. On the walls were photographs of Lincoln and a sitting nude. Dr. Schafer said that Lincoln was his favorite character." Evi- dently the good Doctor had nothing to say about the nude for publication. But the whole setup sounds terrific, doesn't it? Personally, Gulliver feels that nobody but Groucho Marx could do justice to a dictograph, a speakograph, a radio, and two telephones. Be-'that as it may. " I'm on the threshold of immortality my- self,' announced Dr. Schafer, with no trace of emotion. 'At least, I know how it's done.' Dr. Schafer said that physical immortality could be achieved by anyone willing to cultivate 'inter nal harmony' and abstain from ligour, tobacco, coffee, tea, and drugs of any form. Also, one must become a strict vegetarian. 'Otherwise I eat anything the little engineer inside tells me to,' he added, tapping his chest. 'Sometimes I eat cucumbers. I haven't been to a doctor or a dentist in maybe thirty years.' Dr. Schafer took a casket of pills from his vest pocket and swallowed one. They were not stomach pills, he said, but pills designed to cure unpleasant breath. Not even a man standing on the thresh- old of immortality is immune from halitosis, he indicated." What Gulliver wants to know is, did he indicate it by saying it or by breathing it? BY NOW, you may be beginning to wonder what Dr. Schafer does for a living. Or maybe you've guessed. "His sdrces of cash, he insists, are not at all mysterious. 'When you serve peo- ple, you create obligations,' he said. 'Then the money comes in.'" No comment on that one. But he does work' for the money; he puts in' a sixteen hour day. His day "starts at '7 a.m. when he arises at Peace Haven. After break- fast he motors to his office, stopping several times en route to visit sick 'Fellows,' or initiates. There are about 30,000 Fellows, he says. At non and at midnight Dr. Schafer 'blends,' a metaphy- sical process described on headquarters bullMtin board as follows: 'ALL YOU HAVE TO DOIS TURNI YOUR THOUGHTS TO HIM AND -HE WILL BLEND -WITH YOU ON YOUR IDEAS OR PROBLEMS.'" No doubt Dr. Schafer is willing to blend with your bankroll too. The latest wrinkle in the Metaphysical setup is this one: "Next week Dr. Schaefer plans to establish a 'Think-a-job clinic for the unem- ployed." If the doc will dream up a cushy job for this columnist starting in June, Gulliver will gladly indulge in a little noon blending ... THERE may be one last question in your minds. Where did Schafer pick up the "Doc- tor" title? We've got the answer, and we reprint it without comment: "Dr. Schafer did not reveal his age, but said he was graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1908. Disillusioned with medicine, he never started practice, but turned immediately to meta- physics." FROM the Mailbag: A letter too long to print today, but which begins like this: Dear Gul- liver, I cannot help but realize that you are a New Dealer; you make the fact too obvious. And characteristic of New Dealers you are only too anxious to belittle the Republicans .. . From the correspondent's tone of voice, you'd - think he was accusing Gulliver of not washing behind the ears ... Anyway, this column busi- ness is all very interesting. So far Gulliver has been accused of being a tool of Stalin, a tool of Alf Landon, and now a tool of cud Q MI Rt.betAfleSA WASHINGTON-On your calendar there is nothing to distinguish March 11 from any other day, but among political insiders it is a date awaited with intense interest. On March 11 a grand jury is slated to meet in Indianapolis, and its proceedings may have a profound effect upon the career of handsone Paul V. McNutt, Federal Security Administraor and ambitious White House aspirant. As first revealed by The Washington Merry-' Go-Round (Jan. 12 and 29), the Internal Rev- eniue Bureau for some time has been quietly probing the famous Hoosier Democratic ("Two Per Cent") Club, and the tax returns of several top-flight Indiana Democratic chieftains, in- cluding McNutt. This investigation is still un- finished, but some reports' have been received by Treasury executives. The big question being excitedly discussed in inner' Washington circles is whether the eqn- vening of the federal grand jury means that the Administration is preparing to repeat its n- sas City and New Orleans prosecutions, which' smashed the notorious Pendergast and Huey Long machines. Questions Asked The Indiana findings of the revenue agents are a closely guarded secret, but political leaders have 'learned the following: 1. That the investigators asked officials of the Amterican Legion in Indianapolis for 'the records of a Legion "trial," which had been held to consider charges that a "cut" on a Legion- sponsored tour abroad, during McNutt's term as National Commander, had not been properly accounted for. Frank McHale, rotund manager of McNutt's presidential campaign, acted as his defense attorney in this proceeding. The investigators are understood to have been informed that the money was accounted for, but that the records of the trial have disappeared fron Legion files. 2. That the investigators are checking all :tate Highway Commission 'warrants paid 'to contractors from 1933 to 1939,"when Governor Townsend ousted Earl Crawford, Highway Chairman who had been secretary to Governor McNutt, and C. W. 'McAlpn, Highwy Purchas- ing Agent originally .appointed by McNutt. Beer And Gambling 3. That the investigators have been scrutiniz- ing the affairs of the state beer monopoly spon- sored by McNutt as Governor. Under this set-up all out-of-state beer had to clear through li- censed ports of entry. The tate Alcohdic 'Beverage Commission designated these ports and also licensed beer. importers. It has long been charged In Indiana that the ABC dished these licenses out' to avored pol- iticians and dealers. Also, that a number of high Democratic moguls were "silent partners" in these lucrative franchises. Note-It is a Treasury secret that the inves- tigation of the "Two Per Cent" Club was pomp- ted by the discovery that an official of the or- ganization was a 'silent partner in a 'southern Indiana beer set-up, and had been very careless about reporting income he had received from this connection. 4. That the investigators have been on the trail of a secret "slush fund" understood to have been contributed by gamblers, as a gesture of appreciation for McNutt's policy that gambling was a local enforcement problem, and that state police were not to meddle unless requested in writing by a responsible city'executive. Govr- nor Townsend reversed this policy, and under1 him the state police have conducted extensive raids. Puist' Faction 5. That neither Governor Townsend nor Fred F. Bays, Democratic State Chairman, are in-. volved in these affairs. Both are leaders of the so-called "purist" faction that has been making a determined fight to house-clean the Indiana organization. Townsend refused to sign the bill exempting the "Two Per Cent" Club from the corrupt practices act and is backing Bays in his clean-up movement. Working closely with them is Clarence U. Gramelspacher, new treasurer of the Club, who recently served personal notice on Bowman El- der, intimate of McHale, that he will sign no checks until satisfied they are for legitimate expenditures. Note-Playing a leading behind-the-scenes role in the investigation is Val Nolan, dynamic U.S. District Attorney-for.Southern Indiana, whb urged a probe of the state machine as far back as 1937. Since the retirement of Attorney Gen- eral Homer Cummings, Nolan has indicted and convicted Olin R. Holt, Democratic Mayor of Kokomo; Carl Kortopeter, a' district WPA direc- tor; and last month rocked the state by indicting Arthur V. Brown, leading banker. No Gun-Runner The pr6tocol office of the State Department ran into a novel war-born problem the other day when David Gray, new Minister to Ireland, came in to make plans for his departure. Gray is a tall, slender gentleman, with a taste for hunting. He hold the protocol office that he couldn't be happy on the other side without his sportsman's shotgun. "But I am going to Dublin by way of Europe," ,midIa .m, "f wnr m a.t f +Av m willthn MUSIC By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER Mr. Wolfgang AmadeusMozart's comic opera, Il Seragl o, or Abuc- tion from the Harem, as the publicity managers have subtitled it, will be presented at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday of this week. It is being pro- duced by a variety of agencies and sponsors including Play Production, the School of Music, the Dept. of Physical Education, the Little Sym- phony Orchestra, and others more or less closely associated with one or another of these. II Seraglio was composed by Mo- zart in 1782 at the age of twenty six, and was first presented on July 12 of that year at the National theater in Vienna. The libretto was arranged by Gottlieb Stephanie frox an ear- lier plot by Bretzner, antecedents unknown. Mozart is said to have had a hand in the preparation of the book, and Ithe complex mattr of the authorship was much. disputed for a number of years. Today scholars are inclined to give Bretzner most of what credit there is for the rather awkward if charming story. The music is notable for several reasons. The opera is a singspiel, that is to say it is of a distinctly German type of opera which com- bined dialogue with music. Mozart, who had had Italian training, at- tempted to take some of the refine- ments of the aria and putthem Into the vigorous form of the German drama with music. What resulted is an altogether delightful mixture of Italian style and lusty humor. This formula was so successful that Mozart repeated it with even greater success in his later work, the Magic Flute. It Seraglio has had considerable success on the stage. It has been sung in French, German, Italian and English in every considerable city in 'Europe, and under as many different titles as human ingenuity could in- vent. It has been revived many times, One of the curious facts about its first London production was that it was advertised as "the work of the celebrated Mr. Mozart, with additional airs by Mr. Kramer." We are reliably informed that the Ann Arbor production will include no airs by Mr. Kramer, whomever he may be, nor by -anyone else. the most successful production in modern times was presented in Lon- don in 1910 at Covent Garden, in the first of Sir Thomas Beecham's fa- 'Mous opera seasonsthere. Also not- able are the recent Salzburg produc- tions, and the presentation in New York- by the Juilliard School of Mu- sic under the direction of Albert Stoessel' during the season of 1937- .8. -. The present production, we are as- sured contains bells, whistles, ballets, solo dances, rich costuming, moving scenery, and all else that the mind of man can devise for the entertain- ment of an audience. Besides, you probably owe it to yourself to see and hear just how captivating eighteenth century music, in the work of its greatest 'exponent, 'Mozart, can sound. TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1940 r VOL. L No, 110' Noticees (2 The University Council Committee n Parking earnestly requests that the i >arking of cars and trucks on thet ovals between the Chemistry and Na- ;ural Science Buildings, or anywhere Ise on lawns, be discontinued. Thed :rass underneath the snow will be c C lamaged not only by the ice conse- Luent to the packing of snow, but lso by the dripping of oil from notors. Herbert G. WatkinsI College of Literature, Science, and a she Arts; School of Music; and Schoolr f Education: Students who received narks of "I" or "X" at the close ofA heir last semester or summer ses-0 ion of attendance will receive a 1 rade of -"E" in the course unless this 1 york is 'made up by March 12. Stu- lents wishing an extension of time >eyond this date in order to make upn ;his work should file a petition ad- iressed to the appropriate official nn their school with Room 4 U.H.a where it will be transmitted. Choral Union Members in good n tanding will be issued pass ticketsc 'or the Rubinstein concert, Wednes-.. lay, March 6, between the hours of n 3 and 12, and 1 and 4.s F The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti a Branch of the A.A.U.W. announces he Mary Markley Fellowship of $500 or graduate study for women stu- L ents for the year 1940-1941. Person- t 1 recommendations from the instruc- ors acquainted with the work of thet applicant must accompany the ap- 1 plication. Application blanks may e obtained at the Graduate SchoolF end must be returned by March 15.I c Senior Mechanical Engne'rs: At- ;ention is called to the opportunities for employment with the. Sunbeam Electric Manufacturing Company. A l representative will be here soon. For :urther information, inquire in Roomt 221 West Engineering Building. s Mechanical Engineering seniors; General Electric interviews will bea eld on March 7 or 8. A general talk, )utlining general information regard- ing employment, will precede, at 5r p.m. Wednesday, March 6. ,V Examination of Thomas Cosnett I Rathbone for the professional de- gree of Mecanical Engineer will be' held at 2:00 p.m. today in 411A4 West Engineering Bldg. Mr. Rath- bone's department of specialization is mechanical Engineering. The title t f his thesis is "The Vibration and Balancing of Steam Turbine-Genera.. tors." Professor Jesse Ormondroyd as hairman of the committee will con-1 duct the examination. By direction1 of the Executive Board, the chaman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. 1okun The Rochdale and Congress Coop- erative houses are now jointly ac- cepting applications from those Who desire to take advantage of their in- expensive boarding facilities. Phone 6957 for an interview. School of Education Seniors: Class dues must be paid this week, either at the desk in the' lobby of the School" of Education (first floor) or to mem- bets of the Finance Committee. Academic Notices Mathematics350 (b) (Short Course) Functions Defined by Second Order Differential Equations, by Professor Laporte. This will meet Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3 to 4:30 in Room 3201 A.H. Special Seminar, F.E.A. Room A.M.H.,Thursday evening, March 7, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Attendance Thurs- day morning only for those who can-. not attend the evening seminar., Reading for the week: On bronzes of Shang and Early Chou only. Far Eastern Art, F. A. 192: No class today. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Artur Rub- instein, pianist, will give the final program in the pre-Festival concert series, Wednesday evening, March 6, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The public is requested to be seated on time as the concert will begin promptly. Theatrical Costume Design: Lec- ure by Evelyn Cohen, New York cos- umiere, who designed the costumes tor lay Production's current opera TX Seraglio," at 3 p.m. today, Men- delssohn Theatre No admission harge. T6 & s EV Graduate Education Club will hold High School Auditorium today at 4:15 p.m. Significant issues raised at the recent meeting of he American Association of School Administrators at St. Louis ll be iscussed. Speakers: Supt. O. W. Haisley of Ann Arbor, Professor Ra- eigh Schorling, Dean Edmonson, Dr. Carrothers and other staff members. Junior Research Club: The March meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 n the. amphitheatre, third floor, of the Horace . H. Rackham School f graduate Studies. Associate Professor W. J.Nungester, Depart- nent of Bacteriology, will speak on "Problems. Involved in the Treatment of Infections with Im- mune Serum," and Associate Profes- ior E. J. Ash, Department of Metal Processing, will speak on "Centifug- ily Cast Cannon." Forum on Latin American prob- 1ms, sponsored by the Foreign ,ela-,. ions Commission of the Mic~igan Anti-War Committee, will be held in the small ballroom of the Michigan Union tonight at 8:00. Prof. Arthur B. Aiton Will speak; and Professors Preston E. James, Julio del Toro and Dudley M. Phelps will assist in the discussion. All students invited. Deutscher Verei, Dean Edard E. Kraus will present the illustrated ecture, "Wie Schmucksteinschleifer von Idar-Oberstein," tonight at 8:15 in the Union. Refreshments will be served at the close of the evening. Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting tonight at Michigan Union, 6:00 p.m. Alpha Nu, honorary speech frater- nity, is holding an open forum on "Germany should win the present war" this evening at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu Room, Angell Hall. The public is invited and may participate in the discussion. Alpha Numeeting at 8:30 in same place. J.G.P. Publicity Committee meeting at 5:00 p.m. today in the League. Bring class dues. Anyope who can- not attend call Lee Hardy at 2-2569. Sigma Rho Tan will meet in the Union at 7:30 tonight, Room 116. Annual Ypsi Debate, advanced Hall of Fame training. Please note change of meeting place. La Sociedad Hispanica presents Dr. Pagan who will lecture on some trop- ical industrial plants today at '4:15 in 231 A.. Illustrated with lantern slides. Association Forum: Dean Erich A. Walter 'will lead a discussion of the lecture on "The Existence and Nature of Religion" by Professor Horton, Lane Hall, 8:00 tonight. Tryouts for French Play today and Wednesday this week from 3 to 5 p.m., Room 408 Romance Language Building. Open to all students in- terested. All Engineering Smoker is to be held tonight at 7:30 in the main ball- room of the Michigan Union. Colored motion pictures. Refreshments. All students and faculty of the Engineer- ing College are invited. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 pim. in the chapel of the Michigan League. Second All-Campus Bridge Tourna- ment tonight at the Michigan Union in the Glee Club Room at 7:30. Lobby Hobbyists Meeting: Prof. John Muyskens of the Speech De- partment will speak on "Hobbies In a Turmoil," tonight at, the Michigan Union, Room 325, at 8:00. A Meeting of the Conversational Hebrew Class will be held at the Hill- el Foundation tonight at 7:00. A neeting of the Jewish Ethics class will be held at the Hillel Found- ation tonight at 8:00. Registration for this class may still be obtained by calling the Foundation. Faculty Women's Club: The play reading section will meet today at 2:15 in the Mary B. Henderson'foom of the Michigan League. Coming Events F ~ orir .inPhr-n- a mi-a ..r"M mance Languages at Monday, March 11, Architecture Building. ordially invited,. DAILY OFF ICIAL BUL LET IN 4:15 p.m. on in Room 102 The public is ,a Powder Keg RUMVANIA, the new powder keg of Europe, may at any time explode F and spread a so far localized conflict e throughout the world. The unhappy situation of the little Balkan state e is the direct result of her fortunate- or unfortunate-possession of the most productive oil resources in Europe.c Germany recently exerted pressure on neutral Rumania demanding in-c creased shipments of the oil which 1 is so vitally necessary to carry on the war 'against 'England and France. Hitler has warned Rumania that if greater supplies are not forthcoming1 he will be forced to seek "other me- thods." At the same time, England and1 France, who control over half ofs Rumania's oil production through1 private companies, have threatened to cut off economic aid to Rumania if oil is diverted to Germany. King Carol, seeking to remain in the good graces of England, who guaranteed the independence of Rumania at the outset of the war, and Germany, who 'would be a good customer for the oil which is at stake, is attempt- ing to avoid the showdown which both belligerents are demanding by playing- one side against the other. it is a dangerous "game for a small neutral state to sit on, and it is not likely that Rumania will emerge un- scathed. Carol, already pinched by the economic pressure from England and threats from Germany, will have to decide soon in whose hands he will be forced to trust the future of his country. When the decision is made there can be slight hope that the war will not soon also involve the remaining Balkan countries and Italy and Turkey as well, whose in- terests will also be vitally, affected. - Daily Iowan that with Congress functioning both ,:,-. hum . . a nv t naiininoy--boa rd Lectures University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di- mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, will lecture on "Excava- tions at Nishapur in East Persia)"