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March 05, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-05

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IC igau


Youth Can't Eat
Cannon Balls ...



Opera Publicity Brings
FatherAnd Son Reunion

However fantastic was the plot of town that weekend, did not see the

By Cave-Ins
16 Block AreaIsSinking
As Anthracite Diggings
Beneath Town Collapse
Safety And Building
Program Is Started
SHENANDOAH, Pa., March 4-(1)
-Dangerously cracked public build-
ings in one-fourth of Shenandoah
were locked tonight by state inspec-
tors as mining experts warned that
cave-ins which split the walls of
homes and business places today
might continue at least two weeks.
Damage was estimated at $1,000,-
000 by borough councilman William
Maximonis. No one of the 2,000 per-
sons who fled their cracking homes
was injured.
Sinking Continued
All morning the sinking continued
slowly as buildings in a 16-block
area settled into cave-ins of old an-
thracite diggings that honeycomb
the mountain below the town.
Acting within a few hours after
a "terrible rumbling" and the warn-
ing shriek of the town fire siren sent
residents scurrying from sagging
homes, two state agencies and bor-
ough council started a program for
safety and rebuilding. These steps
were taken:
1. Borough council called a meet-
ing to hire an engineer for a survey
of what buildings must be con-
demned, or rebuilt.
Public Buildings ClosedR
2. The state department of labor
and industry closed public buildings
where cracks an inc to a foot wide
split the walls.
3. Governor Arthur H. James, na-
tive of the hard coal section, and
state mining department inspectors
came from Harrisburg to check on
safety measures in the network of
old diggings beneath the mountain-
fringed town..,5
4. A committee of townspeople de-
manded that all rtning operations
near the city be halted. Miners
stopped operations at once.
New Technie'
To'Go On Sale
Discussion Of Patent Law
By Alunus Featured
Patent laws, summarized and sim-
plified, will be presented from the
engineer's viewoint by Charles H.
Beardsley, '26, a patent attorney, in
the March issue of the Michigan
Technic which goes on sale tomor-
row, according to J. Anderson Ash-
burn, editor-in-chief.
Describing the general theory and
purpose of existing patent laws, the
article outlines the legal procedure
of obtaining a patent, who is entitled
to a patent and what can, in general,
be registered in the United States
Patent Office. Written with a min-
imuan of legal phraseology, it pre-
sents those fundamental facts that
every practicing engineer will find
Heading the list of technical fea-
tures is a discussion of frequency
modulation systems in radio broad-
casting by Charles Tieman, '40E. One
of radio's most recent developments,

this new system of transmitting
words and music through the ether
has attracted the attention of radio
engineers in all parts of the country
because of its facility in reproducing
static-less programs.


To Finish Se

Sixth In Conference Rt

Final Concert
Will le Given
ByRub instein

Rae, Sofiak Are High Scorers While Brogan,
Keep Gopher Offense Bottled During Final Ti
Opponents Take Lead In Starting Minutes
MINNEAPOLIS, March 4.-Michigan closed its Western Cor
basketball season tonight with a .500 percentage rating in the final st
when it whipped Minnesota, 4332, in a dull, ragged exhibition.
It was the sixth victory in 12 games for Michigan and gave Mi
a final rating of five victories and seven defeats.
A tight Michigan defense featuring Herb Brogan and Charley Pi
the Minnesota offense continually off balance throughout the'game
"time, Jim Rae and Mike

LONDON, March 4-(P)-Punished
hard at sea and involved in her first
important dispute of the war with
non-belligerent Italy, Great Britain
stood diplomatically pat tonight in
her determination to blockade Italy's
German coal supplies while London
buzzed with predictions of a cabinet
These occurrences were not direct-
ly connected, but they were com-
ponent parts of what First Lord of
the Admiralty Winston Churchill has
called "this hard and novel war at
The Italian protest over the coal
blockage recalled in its vehemence
the furoi'e between the two nations
over proposed League of Nations
sanctions against Italy for her inva-
sion of Ethiopia. Great Britain'
backed down that time, but tonight
foreign office sources indicated there
was little chance that she would
waive her "rights and interests un-
der international law" and permit
Germany to continue shipping coal!
by sea to hef non-fighting partner
in the pre-war axis.
Walter Leads
Forum Today
SRA Group Will Discuss
W. M. Horton's Talk.
Discussing problems raised by -Prof.
Walter M. Horton's lecture on "The
Existence and Nature of Religion,"
Dean Erich A. Walter of the literary
college will lead the Student Reli-
gious Association Forum at 8 p.m.
today in Lane Hall.
Prof. Horton presented the Protes-
tant theologian's viewpoint of reli-
gion in his talk here Saturday, de-
claring that the necessities of life
force men to be religious. Dean Wal-
ter will discuss this viewpoint and
answer questions on the subject.
The last in the series of lectures
on religion, sponsored by the SRA,
will be given at 8 p.m. Saturday,
when Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of the
Free Synagogue in New York, will
present the Jewish point of view.
Muyskens To Talk Today
On 'Hobbies In Turmoil'
Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the

Slosson Predicts
Economic Colla pse
To BringWar End
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, speaking at the
first of a series of Sunday after-
noon entertainment programs, spon-
sored jointly by the Student Senate
and the Union, stated that the pres-
ent European war will be settled by
the economic collapse of one or both
of the belligerents, and not by mili-
tary action.
Professor Slosson's talk, titled,
"The European Situation," divided
the subject into the topics of mili-
tary action, economic aspect, and
ideological and political phases. That
Germany is better off from a mili-
tary aspect than it was in 1914 be-
cause its fight is on but one front,
was also pointed out. He added, how-
ever, that Germany has an added
handicap of a small fleet.
From an economic angle, he con-
tinued, Germany is still in a bad
way despite the help of Russia. It
has long been a German dream to
manage the raw material resources
of Russia, he went on, but even in
the two or three years predicted
for this war, the Nazis would be un-
able to organize these resources
enough to fill the gap in their eco-
nomic set-up.
Bridge Tournament
To Be Held Today
The second Ail Campus Bridge
Tournament will be held at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Glee' Club room of the
Michigan .Union, announced Harold
Singer, '41, of the executive staff.
Prizes of free dance passes will
be offered for the members of the
three winning teams of tonight's
event. A grand prize is to be given
to the team with the highest aver-
age in two of the year's three all

Yale Professor To Speak
At 3:30 P.M. Tomorrow
In RackhamBuilding
William Lyon Phelps, noted lec-
turer on English literature and pro-
fessor at Yale University, will speak
on "Truth and Poetry" at 3:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Building
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Alumnae Club and the Alumnae
Author of more than a score of
books on literature, Professor Phelps
reminisces of his experiences in the
world of letters in his currently pop-
ular book, "Autobiography with Let-
ters." Other of his works include:
"Beginnings of the English Roman-
tic Movement"-his first book, pub-
lished in 1893, "Essays on Modern
Novelists," "What I Like in Poetry"
and the "William Lyon Phelps Year-
During his years as a teacher of
literature, Professor Phelps has
achieved the distinction of serving
on the faculties of both Yale and
Harvard. He holds honorary degrees
from many schools. A fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sci-
ences, the American Geographical
Society and the American Philosoph-
ical Society, Professor Phelps was
awarded a medal by the National
Institute of Social Sciences.
Termites, Not British,
Attack Fort McHenry
BALTIMORE, March 4.-(AP)-Old
Fort McHenry, birthplace of the na-
tional anthem during a vigorous Bri-
tish shelling in the War of 1812, is
under attack again.
This time it's termites. Fourteen
WPA workers have been mustered to
repair and paint woodwork in a coun-

Quintet Beats Minnes(

Artur Rubinstein, Polish pianist
whom New York critics have dubbed
the "one-man orchestra," will make
his second appearance in Ann Arbor
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow to close the
winter Choral Union series.
. Single ticketsfor the recital may
be obtained at the School of Music
office and at the Auditorium box-
Mr. Rubinstein was given his
nickname Last year atCarnegie Hall
for his rendition of the sonata from
Stravinsky's "Petrouchka". The
number, which was especially com-
posed for him, will be included on
tomorrow's program, along with se-
lections by Franck, Debussy and Cho-
Although in his 25 concert years
Mr. Rubinstein has traveled more
than one million miles, this is only
his second tour in this country. Last
year his concert engagements took
him to Central American, Northern
Africa, Asia and the major cities of
Appropriation '
For Antarctic
Expedition Cut
Funds Will Be Provided
When Needed To Bring
Byrd Explorers Home
WASHINGTON, March 4. --P)--
The House Appropriations Commit-
tee refused today to approve a $250,-
000 appropriation for the Byrd Ant-
arctic Expedition but members said
that sufficient money would be pro-
vided, when needed, to bring it home.
The committee report on the $119,-
071,187 Interior Department supply
bill, from which the Byrd funds were
withheld, said the committee had been
misinformed last year as to how long
it would be necessary to provide
funds. A total of $350,000 already
has been given the expedition.
Including complete elimination of
the Antarctic item, the committee re-
duced President Roiosevelt's budget
estimates for Interior Department
activities by $2,986,277. This brought
the total Congressional reductions in
White House requests this season to
more than $293,000,000.
Among major items refused by the
committee was $985,350 for a map-
making program which had been
termed of military value. The geo-
logical survey's total appropriation
was cut by $1,247,150.
Funds for Bonneville Dam across
the Columbia River also were reduced
by $1,000,000 to $5,650,000. The net
reduction below the Presidential esti-
mates was accomplished by slashing
many items and increasing many

Russian Gains
Claimed; Finns
Defend Viipuri
Western Front Activity
Increases, Nazi Army
Forces Are Moved Up
(By The Associated Press)'
Finland's outmanned defenders,
locked in a death struggle with the
Red Army on three fronts, reported
tonight they had repulsed fresh as-
saults on beleaguered Viipurl, driven;
back the Russians in the Arctic and'
smashed enemy attacks north of Lake
Ladoga with heavy losses.
More than 1,200 Soviet troops were:
killed, the Finns said, as they at-
tempted to batter their way through
the wilderness northeast of the lake,
where the bodies of 1,000 Russians,,
slain in fighting the previous day,
dotted the snowy banks of the frozen
Kollaa River.
Farther north, apparently taking
the offensive, the Finns captured what
they described as an enemy "strong-
point"'near~ Kuhmo, while in the Arc-
tic they said they had regained ter-
ritory from which they had retired
last week.
The Soviet military command an-
nounced early today that the Red
Army troops advancing over frozen
Viipuri Bay had occupied several
points on the west coast in their en-
circlement of the city of Viipuri and
had seized long range naval guns
and much other war material in
Trongsund Fortress on Uuraansaari
Meanwhile fresh German divisions
were reported taking places in west-
wall forts today and French military
dispatchestold of unusual activity
on the Western Front during the last
48 hours.
The Germans took the initiative in
a series of weekend raids between the
Rhine and Moselle Rivers but the
French said the action showed signs
of slowing down after numerous pa-
trol clashes.

scored 12 and 10 points, respectivel
to keep theim team out in fron
particularly in the last mile.
Minnesota:openedthescoing wit
a free throw by Don Carlson on Pink
foul. Johnnie Dick following wit
another for the Gophers before R
counted from the foul line.
i Carlson and Willie Warhol ran ti
count to ,-1 with short shots, b
Pink dropped a rebound from the fr
throw line for the Wolverines' fir;
field goal.
Then Michigan hit their stride I
count 10 ponts to the Gophers' t
Final standings of the Western
Conference basketball race, as
given by the Associated Press, are
as follows: Purdue .833, Indiana
.750, Ohio State .667, Illinois .583,
Northwestern .583, MichIgan .500,
Minnesota .416, Iowa .333, Wis-
consin .250, and Chicago .083.
for a three point lead, which thE
continued to hold at the half, 16-13.
The Wolverines, coming back s
the start of the second half, u
their advantage to. 9-17 before t-
bophers' Carlson, who set a ne
Minnesota individual performan(
scoring record this season, counted
field goal.
Brogan, Sofiak Score
Six points more, on short shots i:
Brogan and Sofiak and a free thro
each by Sofiak and Rae put Mich:
gan out of reach with a 12 point mai
gin at 32-20. Warhol and Broga
countered each other with short sho
and Jack Pearson looped the ne
from the side to bring the Gophe
within nine points of the leaders, a
close as they could get for the r
mainder of the game.
A tip-in by Rae and a solo do
the floor by Ruehle boosted Mich
gan to a 13 point lead, but Vic Joh
son's long shot from the center u
(Continued on Page 3)
Prof . FOcilOnIy
To Speak Her
French Vsitor To Disc a
Manet In TIal Monday
Prof. Henry Focillon, of the Hi
tory of Art department at the Cc
lege of France, will discuss "Man
et la Vie Moderne" at 4:15 p.m.
Monday in Room 102 of the Arch
tecture Building.
The talk, to be presented
French, is a University lecture spo:
sored by the romance languages d
Professor Focillon, now a visiti
professor at Yale University, is
member of the permanent committ
of letters and art of the League
Nations, and as an authority
Occidental art has gained much
his fame.
He has written several books, chii
among which aie: "Piranesi"; "Hi
tory of Painting in the 19th and 20
Centuries"; "The Art of the Roma
esque Sculptors" and "Occid n

Welles Visit To Berlin Raises
Issue Of New U.S. Ambassador,

The Berlin visit of Sumner Welles,
President Roosevelt's fact-finding
ambassador-at-large, has revived
here the question of whether this
country should send an ambassador
to Germany.
Chancellor Hitler is reported to
have suggested to Mr. Welles that
a year and a quarter is a long time
to keep a post like Berlin without
an ambassador. Hugh R. Wilson,
American ambassador to Germany,
was recalled in November, 1938, in
protest against the Nazi anti-Jewish
campaign of that time, and has since

is the fact that the Senate refused
to eliminate the appropriation for
the American ambassador to Mos-
cow. Discussion brought out that
Senators frowning on the recall of
the ambassador wanted an American
envoy in Moscow, to observe what
was going on and to represent this
government when representation was
In effect, therefore, the Senate
went on record as not wanting an
American ambassador recalled and
kept away from his post as a mark
of displeasure over the conduct of a
foreign government.

Freshman Society
To Meet Ypsi Girl
Debaters In union
Ypsi girls will come to Ann Arbor
to prove the glamour legend when a
debate squad from Michigan State
Normal meets a freshmen team from
the Stump Speaker's Society on the
isolation topic at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union.
Each year. Sigma Rho Tats plans
an exchange debate with the Ypsi-
lanti school. The men will go to
Ypsilanti next Monday. The question
for the debates this year is: "Re-
solved, That the Federal Govern-
ment Should adopt a Policy of Strict
Military and Economic Isolation to-
ward All Nations Not in the Western
Hemisphere Which Are Involved in
Armed International Or Civic Con-
New Pre-Medical Society
Plans Meeting Tomorrow

Finnish Drive
Raised By Concert, Gifts;
Efforts To Continue
Ann Arbor's Finnish relief drive
has collected a total of $3,177.73 to
date, Rudolph Reichert, chairman of
the drive, announced yesterday.
Of the total sum, $1,868.70 was col-
lected as a result of the ticket sale
for the campus benefit concert given
last week in Hill Auditorium by the
University Band.the Men's Glee Club
and Finnish singers and dancers
from Detroit. Remainder of the
money came from individual dona-
The drive will continue, Reichert
said. All contributions, which are
being collectedfor the aid of Finnish
civilian refugees, should be sent to
the Ann Arbor Savings and Commer-
cial Bank or the State Savings Bank.
Funds are sent on to general head-
quarters in New York.
Foreign Relations
Club Meets Today

Oldest Living Alumna
Passes 100th Birthd
Dr. Mary McConahy, oldest hi'
University alumna, celebrated
100th birthday Sunday.
An outstanding woman surg
Dr. McConahy graduated from
University 50 years ago, and s
that time has never suffered a m
illness. She celebrated her birth
in the midst of much publicity f
Chicago 'and Detroit newspapers
the Presbyterian Home in Evans

The International Relations Club's

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