1940 THlE, MICIGAN DAILY JGP Director C6sMeeting Play Will Be Coordinated For First Time oday All Junior women who are partici- pating in any part of JGP-chorus, dances, or speaking parts, should come to- the League at 2 p.m. today, Richard McKelvey, director, said. The play will be put together for the first time today, McKelvey said, and it is imperative that all mem- bers of the cast should be there promptly at 2 p.m. Anyone who tried out previously and was not cast in some part of the play may attend today, and final placements will be made. This is absolutely the last opportunity for junior women to participate, how- ever. All those who attend should bring their eligibility cards with them, Annabel Van Winkle, chair- man of patremxs, added. ' This year's Junior Girls Play, "Hi- Falutin'," will be presented for the fist time March 13 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Heading the cast of 18 in addition to the dancers and singers of the choruses are Anna- bel Van Winkle, Betty Keppler, Mary Ellen Wheeler, Doris Wechsler, Mar- garet Schiller, Marion Conde,, Jean MeLaugalis, Beverly Bracken, Elaine Alpert and Joan Baker. Miami University testsa kve proven that men have more rhyhj than women. basis o y winter cose diet" "PASTEURIZED" FACE CREAM by Hetena Rubinstein Helena Rubinstein'ss "Cos. metic Die" for winter cn- tains the extra-rich; bautygivr. ingingredients your skin needs .. and "Pasteurized" Face Cream is the basis of it,.. one cream you can't afford to do without this winter. Use it and see how soft it keeps your skin.., how soothing it feels after being exposed to chap- ping winds, drying steam-heat! For normal, oily skins; special blend for dry skins. 1.00 ALL-PURPOSE FOUNDAIAO... TOWN & COUMRY MAE-UP FILM to hold that "exqsitly-8romed look all day, smootho this delicate flm ... see how it veils- eery blem- ish. .. guards your skin against dry- ing winds... keeps it soft and young- looking.. . new budget-size, 1.00 h %arry On State At Head Of North U. Marriage Took Anson Weeks Out Of College, Into Orchestra By NORMA KAPHAN loping with his. childhood sweet- heart the day after registration, An- son Weeks, who is scheduled to play at Capitalist Ball, brought to an abrupt close both a college education and all thoughts of a career in the business world. He had planned to spend four years at the University of California, play- ing football for relaxation, and go- ing to the school of business admin- istration for an education. However, faced with the necessity of support- ing himself and his newly acquired wife, Weeks returned to his first love . music. . . and organized his own orchestra. His first major musical triumph came when he was held over at 'the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francis- co for six years by popular request. Ambitious, however, for more wide- spread fame, Weeks took his orches- tra to Chicago, where it achieved fame in the Aragon and Trianon Ballrooms, and in the famous Edgewater Beach Hotel. Continuing his eastward trek, Anson Weeks took his group of 16 men to New York, where they played long engagements at well known hotels such as the Waldorf-Astoria, the Roosevelt and the St. Regis. 'Dancin' With Anson' It was while he was broadcasting over a radio program with Walter Winehell that the slogan "Dancin' With Anson" was born. The glib tongued commentator authored the remark, but Weeks took it upon him- self to: prove conclusively that the public would "go dancin' with An.- sort."r In addition to winning fame for himself in the orchestral world, Weeks has provided the field of musi- cal entertainment with many notable successes. One of his first proteges was: the Dixieland Band maestro, Bob Crosby. Bob, with the aid of Weeks, proved that the younger brother of a famous ran could become known in his own right. Gr~iff Williams, who recently pla yed here at Caduceus Ball was one of Weeks' discoveries; another was Xavier Cugat, the "Tango and Rhum- ba r"" othof these men started their musical careers in the Weeks orchestra. Knowu As Song Writer Not being content, however, to sit back and rest on his or his proteges' lkurels,. Anson Weeks set out to make a name for himself as a composer of popular music. Some of his orig- imal compositions which have achieved fame are "I'm Sorry Dear," "Sorry," "The Last Dance," and more recently, the Hawaiiaxi n elody, "Pali." Anson Weeks feels that one of the prerequisites, of a fine orchestra is the ability to please an audience of listen- ers and an audience of dancers. "There is a great deal of difference between stage and dance music. The former is created for the purpose of Albion Graduates To Meet This Week Albion College aumnae's annual get-together will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the parlors of the Methodist Church. After dinner there will be entertainment by the Albion College Student Quartet. Prof. Samuel Harrison of Albion will be the principal speaker. All former Albion students are invited toy this regular annual election meet- ing. Dinner reservations may be made with Mrs. William Miller, 2-12098. Prof. W. Carl Rufus is in general charge of the meeting. 0 ANSON WEEKS entertaining listeners while they re- lax in comfortable seats, while dancea music is presented for both dancing and listening," he said recently. An- son Weeks and his orchestra have proven their versatility by the fact that they've been enthusiastically re- ceived by listeners and dancers. To Play Here March 15 Whether you're a "capitalist" or a member of the proletariat, you'll have the opportunity of "goin' danc- in' with Anson" on March 15, for Weeks will play at Capitalist Ball. Although sponsored by the School of Business Administration, the an- nual formal is open to the' entire stu- dent body. When Anson Weeks brings his 16 piece orchestra to Ann Arbor, they will be accompanied by Cherie Dun- can, featured vocalist. Tickets for the dance are now on sale at the Union desk, Follett's Book Store and Wahr's Book Store. The Union tap room will be re- served after. 9 p.m. for those attend- ing Capitalist Ball. Any campus or- ganization with 10 or more members attending the ball will be given a pri- vate table in the tap room, it was an- nounced by John Goodell, '41BAd., co-chairman of publicity. PetitioningEnds For Orientation Judiciary Chairman Sets Deadline Tomorrow Noontomorrow will be the deadline for handing in petitions for orienta- tion adviserships, Betty Slee, '40, chairman of Judiciary Council, an- nounced yesterday. Until then, blanks may be obtained in the Undergraduate Office of the League, and all sophomore and junior women are eligible to petition. There are two kinds of adviserships. One kind is for those directing freshmen and the other is for those instructing transfers. All who make out peti- tions should specify on their blanks which kind they wish to be. Differing from last year's proced- ure, there will be no assistant advisers this time. All applicants will be in- terviewed by the Judiciary Council of the League instead of the Orienta- tion Council. Members of the Council include Miss Slee, Doris Marker, '41, Barbara Backus, '40,. Betty Brooks, '40, and Betty Clemment, '41. Patricia Matthews was League Council member who was head of Orientation for this year. Approximately one-third of the University of North Dakota students are Lutherans. MoclnaLess End-Curls $4.00 - $6.50 Mochine End-Curls $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 $5.00 SKAMPOO, FINGERWAVE Man., Tues., Wed., 50c, 65c qCampus Beauty Shop Open Evenings Phone 2-1379 Preview Proves Pastel Parade Led By Pink Shades Call it posy pink or dusty rise, it':s still pink that rings the bell of pop- ularity ,and leads the pastel parade into spring.. With the color decided upon, the most important articles to apply it to are skirts, sweaters and, since very recently, blouses. These blouses, which are so beautifully adaptable to pastel flannel, feature long sleeves and will probably relieve the empha- sis on suits for springtime. But the predominance of long-sleeved flan- nel blouses doesn't mean that short- sleeved silk shirts with trimly stitch- ed cuffs have been deposed. Big news in sweaters is that the Sloppy Joe, which has been reigning for the past few years. is on its way out. A really happy change is in skirts. Pastel tweeds bring together such new combinations, and are so sooth- ing to the eye. These, along with colored plaids or solid pastel skirts are nearly all cut on swing lines, with belted tops. Gum drop Gcayety- Candy colors spin on the wheel of fashion this Spring. The gayer the colors, the more flattering the effect! . _. ,.. ._. /41 WOOOV- NT" C e and upward GAY NEW PRINTS simply bregthe the essence of bud- ding leaves and warmer days and golden sunshine! Prints that set your spirit soaring. . . that make you forget the cold of snow and winds! Florals! Nov- elties! Stripes! In lovely p4stels and dark grounds, TRIOS of MATCHING BAG, GLOVES and BELTS; your costume. Match spotlight glorious shades of doeskin in pimento pink, pistachio green or blue. _i! w -11-m.- -"q..- -qw- ,..r- -.,..P - I Sizes 9-17 12-44 -_ ,Iee o'u/ FOR EASTERK-AND AFTER c e 4 4 *0/76/ &?9~6M1V ,.**I . IVICYPORP SPRING is reflected in the gleaming surface of PAT- ENT BAGS and MATCH- ING BELTS. Frothy, flatering chiffons to make the Easter promenade a line of shimmer- ing beauty. Famously long-wearing sheers, to set off Spring suits and bright-colored prints long after Easter corsages have faded. In lovely colors to blend with neutral or contrast with bright Spring costumes. &we erit4 1 , 2 7io4aqI I. 1.1 I' i , I' , of 13 E El