PAGE SM THE MICHIGAN DAILY Slide Rule BallTo Feature Woody Herman And Or SUNDAY. MARCH 3, 1940 chestra Annual Formal Continues Feud WithLawyers Engineering Students Only May Purchase Tickets; Sale WillOpen Friday (continued rrom Page 1) the networks of the National Broad- casting Company. Featured vocalist with Woody Herman will be Carol Kay, a recent addition to the band, while Steady Nelson handles the spe- cialty numbers. The central committee for Slide Rule Ball includes, besides Ashburn, M. Richard Herman, Jr., '40E, fi- nance chairman; Richard Adams, '40E, music chairman; Harold Brit- ton, '41E, in charge of tickets; H. Richard Steding, '40E, floor chair- man; Ganson Taggert, '40E, and Sey- mour Furbush, '41E, co-chairmen of publicity; George Weesner, '41E, in charge of patrons; James Brown, '40E, programs; and Frederick Shands, '40E, and Lorenz Rinek, '40E, co-chairmen of decorators. Tickets will be made with a de- tachable stub similar to the J-Hop tickets, in order that women attend- ing may have a souvenir ticket, Ash- burn stated. In accord with the tra- ditional color of the engineering school, the color scheme of the tic- kets will be light and dark green. Woody Herman and his orchestra may be heard on the radio from mid- night to 12:30 a.m. in teir nightly broadcast from the Panther Room of the College Inn at Chicago. Vincent Lopez and his band played at last year's Slide Rule Ball, fea- turing Betty Hutton, who was billed as "America's No. 1 Jitterbug." Chairmanship of the central com- mittee of the annual engineering dance is traditionally in charge of the editor-in-chief of the Michigan Technic. That post last year was held by Walter Rodgers, '39E. The ballroom last year was decorated with the prized elephantic slide rule, cartoons of engineers, and a life-size working model of an engineer, com- plete with wheels and gears. WAA Schedule Badminton: Deadline for sign- ing up in singles and mixed dou- bles tournament is Wednesday. Sign-up slips in Barbour Gym- nasium. 7:15 p.m. for mixed play, and 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. for women students. Basketball: Richardson vs. Fox at 4:20 p.m. Tuesday; Guinane vs. Varnell at 4:20 p.m. Tuesday; Taylor vs. Varnell at 4:20 p.m. Thursday, and Guinane vs. Stelle at 4:20 p.m. Thursday. Bowling: Tomorrow is deadline for signing up for bowling team tournament. Three members to a team; any number of teams may be entered by each organization. Those playing in individual tour- nament are to play their games off as soon as possible. Dance Club: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Barbour Gym- nasium. Fensing: Practice 7:30 p.m. on Thursday at Barbour Gymnasium. Ping Pong: Preliminaries in campus women's tournament to be played off before March 18. Names of runners-up and winners to be telephoned to Lou Carpenter at 2-1146 before March 18. Rifle: Regular instruction and practice sessions as scheduled. Open House: From 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday at Barbour Gymnasium. Men and women in- vited. RESIDENTS of Mosher Jordan Stockwell Halls Victor Vaughn House Their Vicinity SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 35c CHICKEN SANDWICH with lOc DRINK for 25cok o Light wool crepe dresses with matching turbans and gloves in all the pastel shades have become the new thing in spring styles. The pleated skirt in many outfits is supplanting the flare, especially in sports styles, although the latter is by no means out of fashion. Active woinen, such as those on any caanpus, choose this cut of dress for its simple lines. Its full-pleated skirt and shirt waist blouse are at the same time appealing and practical. Worn now under a tweed coat and later by itself, this dress is sure to find its way into most women's wardrobes. Women's 'Athletic Conference Discusses Sport Particip"ation, Spring Pastel Features Pleated Skirt 24 Delegates Representing 10 Schools Attend First All-State WAA Meeting "Interest and Participation in Wo- men's Athletic Associations" was thej topic of discussion yesterday morn- ing, as the first all-state Women's Athletic Association conference open- ed at the Women's Athletic Building. Twenty four delegates, represent- ing 10 Michigan educational institu- tions, took part in the closed dis- cussion. While the meeting was at- tended by many others, only the of- ficial delegate stook an active part in the discussion. Dr. Bell Welcomed Delegate Lunch was served at 12:30 p.m. at the Athletic Building. At this time, Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of the Department of Physical Education for Women, spoke to the delegates and welcomed them to the confer- ence. After lunch, the delegates adjourn- ed to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre where they saw "Four Out of Five". Dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Building. The table was arranged in banquet fash- ion, and was decorated in maize and blue. An open discussion took place from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Recreation, finance and awards were the topics discussed. Conference To Close Today The Conference will close with a discussion and summary today from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. At this time one of the Michigan delegates will tell what this chapter 'of the Women's Ath- letic Association has gained from the conference. Mimeographed sheets will be mail- ed to each of the out of town dele- gates, summarizing all of the dis- cussion sections. Schools which are represented by delegates at the conference are: Al- bion College, Alma College, Jackson Junior College, Kalamazoo College, Hillsdale College, Michigan State College, Michigan State Normal Col- lege, Wayne University and Hope f College. k. JACKETS 1.5to 14-95 H DQE 'PODGE Jacket 'n' Skirt Outfits I I Mix 'n match . . . match 'n mix. Plaids and plains .. stripes and mixtures in jackets and skirts of lovely soft tweeds. Several in your wardrobe are sure to make it Spring! Flower-shop col- ors. a s :r s SKIRTS 3 95 to 10.50 v \ \ I 410CLM J". i wca MOJUD HOSIERY...IN YOUR INDIVIDUAL LEG LENGTH 89c and $1.00 Garters pull and chew when hose are too short. Garters gouge when hose are too long. These stocking shocks ruin hose .. . cost you money. so be economical and smart to.... wear 6eauti- I SANDWICHES & DRINKS SWEATERS 2.95 to 6.50 0 II I