E Fit: THE MICHIGAN DAIY .CUIlw AY, . , -v . , HE MICHIGAN DAILY ~. /I tI : I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reseryed., Enteredd at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERI.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO "DOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Flneberg . . . . . .r r .s Managing- Editor Editorial Director * . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor SAssociate Editor Women's Editor * Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Manager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MASCOTT I The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. I The Unfinished Health Service .. W ITH THE health welfare of the stu- dent the prime objective of. the Health Service throughout its 26 years of exis- tence, the construction of a new and modern building constituted one more huge stride in realizing this aim. Bed capacity in the new building will be in- creased 100 per cent, which will help relieve the present difficulty of treating; students and obviate the necessity of sending some of them back to their rooms for uncertain care and possible spread of contagion. The new building represents a very welcome addition to student health facilities, but, due to unforeseen problems of building construction, the plant and equipment will be unfinished and incomplete until additional funds become avail- able. Unfortunately, this will reduce the ser- vices and benefits to students which had origin- ally been planned for. THE NEW Health Service will have a com- pletely unfinished fourth floor which was to have included a patient's lounge, sun decks and residents' quarters. Practically a trade mark of every modern hos- pital is a special electrical communication sys- tem between bed patients and nurses. This is only one of the many features of the original plans which had to come out in order that the building might be finished. Only the wiring is in place for a patient waiting signal system for the offices of the medical advisors. Dental X-ray equipment in the Health Service which would facilitate the giving of proper attention to the problem of mouth disease will be lacking. A modern short- wave treatment cabinet designed to generate heat in the deep tissues of the body-a modern form of physical therapy-would afford stu- dents effective treatment, but it too has to be omitted. M ANY OTHER items of equipment needed for the special comfort and convenience of patients and the full use of the Health Service will be either missing or replaced by pieces long since worn out by many years of use. All present old equipment that can possibly be used will be transferred to the new building. Word of these needs has filtered to a limited extent through the campus and already some contributions have been made, particularly by women's groups. The Panhellenic Association, Assembly, the Undergraduate Council of 'the League and an anonymous friend have selected the' equipment of patient bed rooms as their projects. The present J-Hop committee and Galens have indicated that interest in fulfill- ing some of the needs of the Health Service. Only from group or private sources such as these does it appear that the completion of the building and the services originally planned for will be realized. The Health Service itself will be unable to take part in its own completion because the increased operating budget of the department will exhaust its present sources of income. The Health Service is not conducting a cam- paign for funds but wishes only to make known the opportunity for financial assistance from student groups and other persons who may be interested in such projects. CTM- AfrerWrIr nn + -, n+- of+,irlo ~,.rmin Of ALL Thin s... .,... iyMo tyoQ ... (Ed. Note: For weeks Carl Petersen has been pester- ing Mr. Q. to let him write a guest column, knowing that the readers of this space are of the higher in- tellectual level. Being fully aware of Mr. Petersen's favorite subject, Mr. Q. had always been afraid that he would spout something about Hamlet or the beauty of the Danish countryside, and so was reluc- tant to trust the column to him, but today he has promised to talk about "The Grapes of Wrath," so without further delay, here is Carl Petersen.) THE GRAPES OF WRATH is the story of a gentle people. It is a saga of their struggle to hold fast to the things they value in the face of a society that is callous and hardened, after many years, to the sight of human want. The Joads aren't looking for riches, wealth or honor. All they want is to be together, to live and work in peace as the generations of Joads before them did. But this is the America of the late '30's when such homely values were swallowed up in the collape of an economic system that these little people could not understand. The Joads knew the meaning of the soil, the harvest, thl1 winds that fan the flat Oklahoma plains, the undemonstrative love they had for one another. They did not know the meaning of the "cats" that tore down their fences, uprooted their fields, and crushed their modest homes. But they learned, and learned hard. They turned their eyes to the West, the land of opportunity. Their essential optimism would not be denied. They started the long, hard trek. The older ones died, the weaker lost spirit, but the strong, the hope of America, kept on. They found California in the throes of the same crisis that had hit Oklahoma. And they learned to their sorrow that that crisis had made brutes of men. They learned that the days when the Joads could live in peace on their little plot of land were gone, and that before they could ever hope for such peace again they would have to fight, fight for what they believed . in or be sucked down into an endless whirl of people without homes, without values, without peace. TOM JOAD had seen too much of "man's in- humanity to man" to think he would not have to fight for what he believed. He knew that there would be no place for the gentlepeople unless they fought for it. Precisely how or when he would have to fight he didn't know- he would "jest scrounge around and try to find out what's wrong, and then do something about it." That's what we're trying to do. An American Anachronism When we got into the theatre last night after waiting in line for an hour and almost getting our ribs crushed in the crowd, we no- ticed a significant fact. At first the theatre was noisy. The crowd rustled and talked its way through the news reel and the short sub- jects like any Friday night theatre crowd out to have a good time. But when the first scene of Tom Joad stalking through a desolate high- way intersection flashed on the screen the au- dience quieted almost immediately. It was silent, a silence of concentration that was not broken except for the occasional lighter sequences. It was a sincere tribute to the mastery with which the picture was made. THAT was our first impression. Before the pic- ture was ten minutes old we realized that here was an anachronism of American motion pictures-that out of the thousands of reels of tripe that Hollywood sends out each year here was one motion picture that deserved the name of art. John Ford's direction was superb. One of the concluding lines of the picture, spoken by Maw Joad, is, "We are the people." Toward this line Ford (and Steinbeck) directed the whole effect of the picture. Even the comic scenes have a refreshing naturalness that makes this a real drama of the people. The unusual use of lighting and camera angles in photog- raphy, the stark reality of roadside scenes, of tourist camps, of cities, the excellent charac- terization and fine performances put in by the principals make it a milestone on the road of motion picture progress. Finally, our hat is off to Darrell Zanuck for having courage to produce The Grapes of Wrath, to tell the American people in such uncompro- mising terms of the sordid, harsh realities of American life that most of us are inclined to forget. It is through such pictures as The Grapes of Wrath that we begin to appreciate Hollywood's potentialities as an artistic force in American life. Sunday With CBS 3 P.M.-Joseph Schuster, first cellist of New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra, is so-, loist with it, John Barbirolii conducting, at Car- negie Hall. Another member of the orchestra, Zoltan Kurthy, first violist, is among the com- posers listed for the performance. Deems Taylor, commentator. Puszta: a Symphonic Rhapsody .......Kurthy Symphony No. 4, in D minor ...... Schumann Concerto in B flat major for Cello, Op. 34 ......................... Boccherini Joseph Schuster 9 to 10 P.M.-Jose Iturbi, pianist, is soloist of Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Eugene Ormandy conducting the symphony orchestra and chorus. W. J. Cameron, speaker. Overture to "La Gazza Ladra" (or- chestra) .......................... Rossini Finale from Piano Concerto in G minor ........................ Mendelssohn Frederick Birchall's "The Storm Breaks" FREDERICK T. BIRCHALL sums up his jour- nalistic experiences in Europe during the last eight years by saying that he has had "a front seat at the greatest show in history-the spectacle of a changing world." His vivid book about those experiences, "The Storm Breaks,"* might be summed up as a reader's pass to an- other front seat to witness in retrospect the gradually developing drama the denouement of which we now await. When Mr. Birchall went to Europe in 1932 as chief European correspondent of The New York Times, democracy was still dominant and the League of Nations was still the world's hope of peace. When he left Europe in 1939 the League of Nations was dead and democracy was fighting for its life. It is the dramatic intervening years, during which Nazi ruthlessness came into full bloom, that Mr. Birchall writes about, with the author- ity of an eyewitness and the intimate knowledge of an outstanding journalist whose years of editorial experience provided pan exceptional background. * * * As readers of this newspaper know al- ready, many of the major events in Europe during this period, from the futile Disarma- ment Conference in Geneva in 1932 to the outbreak of the present war, happened near enough to Mr. Birchal's spectacles to give him a full and understanding view. Nor is it news that his dispatches won him a Pulitzer Prize in 1934. Early in his book Mr. Birchall points out that it contains neither secrets nor "politi- cal sensations hitherto withheld from public ken," for "he would be a dishonest journalist and therefore unworthy of credence who withheld from his daily stint, for later pub- lication to his greater profit, any matters worthy of publication." Yet the book does contain something that could not have been put into daily news dis- patches-the dramatic .effect of mounting climax as events, seen in retrospect, take their places in the large historical pattern. By condensing the events of years Mr. Bir- chall enables us to follow their sequence more easily and to appreciate their eventual significance, which at the time could not always be determined. On the whole, Mr. Birchall believes that Ger- many was happy under the republic. It seemed in 1932 that the only obstacles to European peace and prosperity were the depression and the gradually increasing militarism. Berlin was a joyous place, with freedom that had never been enjoyed under the Kaiser. Germany, however, never thoroughly under- stood the democratic systemtand never became accustomed to parliamentary government. "There was something about the German voter, when left without orders, which made him dis- agree with everybody but himself.".,., Germany had some thirty-odd recognized po- litical parties, with the "wonderful organization and clever propaganda" of the Nazis increasing their membership daily. Mr. Birchell believes that the German Republic was the victim of the country's "inherent political bitterness." Certainly, a major contributing cause was the fact that the German population "in mass was then and still is very much as Hin- denburg was-massive strong, 'good-natur- ed, quite honest and tremendously stupid- easy mark for a slick swindler." More than any one else in German public life Von Papen, who persuaded Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor, was responsible for the Nazis' rise to power. The German people are obedient and will fight if they must, but they do not want war; "they hate it, as do other peoples, and, given the chance, they will avoid it and bless him who can show them the way out." If, however, the German cause should be suc- cessful, they would cheer Hitler-as long as he was the winner. Economic pressure within Germany under the Nazi regime may have had its share in precipi- tating the war. Nazi economy is a "bottomless hole." Rigorous measures, amounting actually to confiscation and robbery, have been neces- sary to finance the government. Another infla- tion is something to which the German people' would not submit, even from the Nazis. Spol- iation of the Jews has turned billions into Nazi coffers, which have been further replenished with Austrian and Czecho-Slovak loot. Was it the urgent need of further spoils that sent the German Army crashing into Poland? To stop Hitler at Munich, Mr. Birchall be- lieves, was beyond the power of Britain and France. "There was a 'crime' and it was com- pleted at Munich. But it antedated Munich, and Chamberlain and Daladier were not the only representatives of democracy responsible for it. The crime was in the long neglect of prepara- tions to meet the aggressions for which Hitler's new Reich had been openly getting ready. It was a crime of misfeasance, of neglected duties and lost opportunities." To his history of the war's approach, Mr. Birchall appends a brief chapter on its out- come. Though economically bankrupt, Ger- many, he believes, is far more formidable militarily than in 1914. He fears that it will be a long time before this war reaches a de- cision. "The end may come from sheer ex- haustion because human beings will no longer endure its horrors." In the long run, he believes, democracy will be victorious. "The task of reconstruction, doubtless, will involve the sacrifice "of a reasonable amount of nationalism" to the cause of col- Iective seurity. Tha e+c-a. ,rl. nau cIbe Dk e w P e rs o 'i ,,.. RobertS.Ale WASHINGTON - Nazidom gave the world a new word in the terri- fying expression "blitzkrieg", or "lightning war". And as the inside story of Roosevelt's sudden decision to send Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles to Europe gradually emerges, it appears certain that it will go down in history as an effort at a "blitzpeace". It will be recalled that the Pres- ident announced the Welles trip on a Friday morning. Secretary Hull immediately thereafter issued a statement of his own that he had begun conversations with "neutral governments" on the problems of trade and disarmament sure to fol- low the war. There was no indication who the "neutrals" were and the inquiries of mystified newsmen were met with a wall of silence which has continued to this day. The reason no names were given out was that the "conversations" had begun only that morning, and the only neutral contacted was Ar- gentina. The manner in which this was done is revealing of the "blitz" character of the whole peace ven- ture. Argentine Ambassodor Espil had an appointment that morning with Sumner Welles. When Espil arrived, Welles said nothing about going to Europe, but talked about the desir- ability of a united neutral front after peace was restored. Unscheduled Conversation ESPIL LISTENED attentively but was much puzzled. The time was most peculiar to broach such a sub- ject, since Argentine Foreign Minis- ter Jose Cantillo was .absent from Buenos Aires on a holiday and Espil himself was about . to leave Wash- ington. Welles knew all this, yet he talked at length and with great seriousness about a plan for a concerted move by the neutrals. It is now clear that the sole reason for it was to give at least that much substance to Hull's statement that "conversations" had begun. When the neutral diplomats com-. pared notes the day after Hull's an- nouncement, they were completely baffled. None of them had been ap- proached, and they couldn't figure out whether Hull was kidding them or the American public. Not until a fortnight later was the puzzle clear- ed up. Only then did they learn from their home governments that Hull had sent them a circular cable marked "strictly confidential", di- rectly after he issued his press state- ment that he had begun conversa- tions with neutral powers on post war problems. $350 Hunch IF President Roosevelt doesn't run foraa third term, his secretary, General Erwin ("Pa") Watson, is going to be $350 out of pocket. Just before his boss left on his fishing cruise, Watson was doing his best to entertain a group of Con- gressmen and government officials who, because of a mixup in the ap- pointment schedule, had been wait- ing overtime to see Roosevelt. The conversation dragged through the weather, the war in Europe, and fi- nally one of the callers shot at Wat- son: "General, you're close to the Pres- ident. Tell us, is he going to run for a third term?" "Well, it's going to cost me $350 if he doesn't," beamed the genial Watson. "Just between us boys I've bet a friend that amount that the President will be nominated and that he will accept." You could have heard a pin drop as the group digested this choice bit of inside information. "Well, General , you sure must know something," remarked the im- pressed questioner. Watson hesitated, then grinned broadly and drawled, "Now boys, don't get me all wrong. I haven't any inside dope. I'm just operating on a hunch." Economy Nepotists DESPITE all the furor about econ- omy and budget slashing on Cap- itol Hill, the ancient practice of nep- otism flourishes there as merrily as ever. Last year, after hacking a large chunk out of the relief appropria- tion, Congress, on the aggrieved plea that it was overworked and didn't have enough clerical help, voted an additional $1,500 per member for this purpose. Many members have used the money for clerical hire, but to others it has just been a juicy gravy-bowl windfall. Since the session convened in Jan- uary, the names of relatives have popped up on the enlarged congres- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Near East." All interested are invit- ed. Zoology Seminar: Mr. Everett T. Erickson will report on -The Differ- entiation of the Gonads and Acces- sory Ducts and Glands or their Prim- ordia under the Influence of the Sex Hormones of Normal Adults" and Miss Kathleet L. Hussey on "Devel- opment of the Excretory System in Digenetic Trematodes" on Thursday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the Ampi-' theatre of the Rackham Building. Junior Research Club: The March meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m., in the amphi- theatre, third floor, of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Associate Professor W. J. Nungester, Department of Bacteriology, will speak on "Problems Involved in the Treatment of Infections with Im- mune Serum," and Associate Profes- sor E. J. Ash, Department of Metal Processing, will speak on "Centrifug- ally Cast Cannon." Botanical Seminar will meet Wed- nesday, March 6, at 4:30 p.m. Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by E. B. Mains -"Photographing Plants in Color." Graduate Education Club will hold an open meeting in the University High School Auditorium on Tuesday, March 4, at 4:15 p.m. Significant issues raised at the recent meeting of the American Association of School Administrators at St. Louis will be discussed. Speakers: Supt. 0. W. Haisley of Ann Arbor, Professor Ra- leigh Schorling, Dean Edmonson, Dr. Carrothers and other staff members. Forum on Latin American prob- lems, sponsored by the Foreign Rela- tions Commission of the Michigan Anti-War Committee, will be held in the small ballroom of the Michigan Union Tuesday, March 5, at 8:00 p.m. Prof. Arthur S. Aiton will speak; and Professors Preston E. James, Julio del Toro and Dudley M. Phelps will assist in the discussion. All students in- vited. Deutscher Verein: Dean Edward H. Kraus will present the illustrated lecture, "Wie Schmucksteinschleifer 'von Idar-Oberstein," on Tuesday, March 5 at 8:15 in the Union. Re- freshments will be served at the close of the evening. Association Forum: Dean Erich A. Walter will lead a discussion of the lecture on "The Existence and Nature of Religion', by Professor Horton, Lane Hall, 8:00 p.m., Tuesday. Cercle Francais meeting on Mon- day, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. in 408 R.L.. Eastern Inspection Trip-Eta Kap- pa Nu: To aid interested students in consulting their families concerning the Eastern Inspection Trip planned for Spring Vacation, an outline of the trip and a map of the route may be obtained from desks near the En- gineering Library and opposite the Secretary's office today. Students intending to make the trip must decide by Sunday, March 10, and make a $5.00 deposit at the meet- ing at 5:00 p.m. at the Union on that date. , Tau Beta P1 dinner meeting Tues- day, March 5, Michigan Union, 6:00 p.m. All Engineering Smoker is to be held Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the main ballroom of the Michigan Union. Colored motion pictures. Re- freshments. All students and faculty of the Engineering College are invit- ed. Fellowship of Reconciliation meet- ing Monday evening, 7 p.m. at Lane Hall. Casimir Sojka will talk about the Catholic Worker movement. Acolytes Meeting, Monday, March 4, Rackham Building, 7:30 p.m. Pro- fessor C. H. Langford will read a paper. Athena, honorary speech society, is having tryouts again on Thursday, March 7, 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the League. Those unable to attend the previous one are welcome. For fur- ther information call Jane Sapp at 2-4561. The Women's Research Club will jamin Jarrett of Pennsylvania, who lists his son in the Congres- sional Directory as "Fred Jar- rett, Esq." Mary L. Fenton daughter of Rep. Ivor Fenton, a Pennsylvania first-termer who violently assail- ed the WPA in his electioneering. Charlotte King. daughter of meet on Monday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m., in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Prof. Bessie L. Whitaker will speak on "Variant fusure of sensory .omponents on re- conditioning in speech reading." Lobby Hobbyists Meeting: Prof. John Muyskens of the Speech De- partment will speak on "Hobbies In a Turmoil," Tuesday, March 5, at the Michigan Union, Room 325, at 8:00 p.m. Second All-Campus Bridge Tourna- ment on Tuesday. March 5, at the Michigan Union in the Glee Club Room at 7:30. The Monday Evening Drama Sec- tion of the Faculty Women's Club will meet in the Michigan Union on Monday evening, March 4, at 7:30. Faculty Women's Club: The play reading section will meet on Tuesday afternoon, March 5, at 2:15 in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Churches Student Evangelical Chapel Serv- ices on Sunday will be conducted by the Rev. James Daane of Grand Rap- ids. Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. and evening service at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League. All students are invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lew- is. 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m, Kindergarten, Harris Hall. 7:00 p.m. College Work Program, Harris Hall, "The Significance of Jesus' Life," by Mr. E. WM. Muehl, discussion following. 8:00 p.m. Adult Confirmation class. Unitarian Church: 11 am. "Educa- tion Versus Wisdom," parable of a Ph.D., by Rev. Marley. 7:30 p.m. Student Round Table discussion: "A Conversation About Jesus" by a Jew and a Christian, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Hillel Foundation, and Rev. Frederick Leech, St. An- drews Church. First Congregational Church: 10:00 a.m. Symposium on "Religious Be- liefs." "Why I am a Christian Scien- tist," by Mr. Lyman S. Abbott of Detroit. 10:45. Dr. L. A. Parr will preach on the Lenten sermon theme, "The Faith We Declare--That Man Is Not Lost." 6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship sup- per, followed by an address by Dr. Le- Roy Waterman on "Religious Handi- caps." The Disciples Guild of the Church of Christ will be the guests of the Fellowship, First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. "When Do We Take Charge" will be the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 5:30 p.m. Westminster Student Guild will meet for supper and fellow- ship hour. At 7 o'clock Dr. Edward W. Blakeman will speak to the group on "What Do I Believe About God?" First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: "Christ Jesus." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. First Baptist Church: 9:30 a.m. Graduate Bible Class, Prof. LeRoy Waterman, teacher. 10:45 a.m. Communion Service: Meditation, "All of Ye Drink It." 12:00 a.m. Student Round Table discussion topic, "What Can We Be- lieve About War?" 6:15 p.m. Roger William's Guild in the Guild House, 503E. Huron. Dr. Chas. W. Brashares will be the speak- er. Trinity Lutheran Church: Worship services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Reverend H. 0. Yoder: "The Living Bread From Heaven." Zion Lutheran Church: Worship services at 10:30 a.m. Reverend E. C. Stellhorn will deliver the sermon. First Methodist Church: Morning Worship at 10:40 a.m. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Chris- tianity-Racket or Reality." Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. at Stalker Hall. Prof. Wesley Maurer will lead the discussion on "The Religious Man in the Modern World." Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Supper at 6:00 followed by discussion groups. Bethlehem Evangelical Church: 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "The Limitations of Life." 6:00 p.m. Student Supper and Discussion Hour. Topic: "Marriage."