I Weather Rain, possibly sncow; eontinued cloudy today. LL SdLIr iga rt3 Ed itorial The Unfinished Health Service ... VOL. L. No. 109 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1940 PRICE FIVE I I Reich Airmen Attack, Down Hitler Reveals Terms In Welles Conference' Two Belgian. Planes Swimmers Swamp Northwestern; O.S.U. Defeats Cagers, 51 To 32; Track Team Beats Irish, 54 To 41 Army Finns Report New Victory Against Soviet Forces On LakeLadoga Front Bitter Skirmishes Continue At Viipuri BRUSSELS, March 2-()-Two Belgian Army planes were shot down over their homeland today in a clash with a German bomber which the Government quickly protested to Berlin as "a grave violation of Bel- gian neutrality and an act or aggres- sion." One Belgian pilot was killed and another wounded in the clash. The incident, announced in a communique, was followed swiftly by a series of unrelated accidents in which four other Belgian planes crashed and one pilot was killed, making the day the worst in the nation's aviation history. Within a short time after the is- suance of the communique, German Ambassador Vicco Karl Von Buelow- Schwante, obviously disturbed, has- tened to the Belgian foreign office. Confers With Spaak He was kept waiting 45 minutes before he was admitted 'to Foreign Minister Paul Henry Spaak. He was with Spaak for about 10 minutes, and after his departure the govern- ment announced a "vigorous" pro- test had been registered. The official Belgian version said that three Belgian planes were in- volved in the encounter with the German plane, a large Dornier bomber, over Saint Hubert in Bel- gium's Luxembourg province. The Belgians surrounded the craft, which then opened fire upon them, it' was said. The leader of the Belgian squad- ron, Sub-Lieut. Hernard, was killed when he was struck by a burst of fire and his plane crashed near the village of Itemroulle. Forced Down At Acherte A few minutes later, another of the Belgian planes was forced down at' Achene with bullet holes in the gas tank, but the pilot was unin- jured. The pilot of the third plane was wounded. Another flier was killed subse- quently when . two Belgian Army planes collided near Antwerp. Two other Belgian military planes were reported to have cracked up near Antwerp and at Bierzet, but the. fliers escaped injury. The clash of the Belgian planes and the Geman Dornier was the first such incident since the start of the European War, although Bel- gian patrols ^ frequently have gone aloft to drive off belligerent craft fying over their territory. Belgian anti-aircraft batteries also have fired at belligerent planes, driving them across the border, but no hits have been reported. Russian Tank Assault Repulsed By Finns HELSINKI, March 2-(P)-Fin- land's stalwart fighters tonight marked up another smashing defeat to the Red Army in the cold fast- ness northeast of Lake' Ladoga while the defenders of Viipuri held at bay ponderous Russian forces storming the very gates of the anceient key city on the Karelian Isthmus. This time, the Finns announced, it was the 34th Moscow Tank Bri- gade which was trapped in a snow- shrouded labyrinth - so easy to march into, so deadly when phan- tom ski troops suddenly close the exits-where the formidable 18th Soviet division recently met its doom. The 34th tank brigade had been attempting to come to the rescue of the 18th division. But it was caught, the Finns said, encircled and finally annihilated, meeting the same fate of the division its mission was to save. Thus tonight another frozen bat- tlefield, with some 2,500 Russian dead, lay northeast of Lake Ladoga, another ghostly monument to the strategic skill of Finnish generals and phantom troops. On the Karelian Isthmus front the situation remained essentially un- changed. Bitter fighting continued in the environs of Viip:ri, important now only as a section of no-mans-land. Ctl su ~lnrr a ..icr-4 nia- . 'w Sumiter Welles (left), President Roosevelt's fact-finding emissary, is shown as he arrived in Berlin to talk with Chancellor Hitler. Welles is seen in this radiophoto as he left the railroad station with Baron Ernst von Weizsaecker, Secretary of State in the German Foreign Office. * * * * BERLIN, March 2-(P)-Adolf Hit- ler zealously argued Nazi Germany's case for a new place in the sun in a 94-minute session today with Sum- ner Welles in which informed sources said he pledged the Reich to fight until she felt secure in .a vast cen- tral European "living space" and had untrammeled access to raw materials. Amid a great show of an "invin- cible will to victory" in the nation to add to the information the Amer- ican is sifting for President Roose- velt, the Fuehrer was portrayed as pledging a battle against the allies until: 1. Germany has unchallenged po- litical domination extending through Bohemia - Moravia, Slovakia and Hungary on the southeast and, through German-occupied Poland on the east. 2. Great Britain and France prom- ise not to stir up the Balkan nations on the south and Scandinavia on the north. 3. Germany's war-lost colonies are returned and the so-called English "stranglehold" on the world econom- ic structure is broken. For the United States itself there was the specific information that im- Totalitariansm Hit By Murphy Democratic Nations Urged To Safeguard Freedom NEW YORK, March 2-(A)-'rank Murphy, newest member of the United States Supreme Court, warn- ed tonight that "It is well for a democratic nation to be on guard against those who would seize power without popular consent." In an address prepared for the Alumni Association ,of the New York University School of Law, he also asserted that "persecution is a bru- talizing force" which "eventually destroys even those who brought it to life." "There are those," the former At- torney General said, "who urge us specifically to cast aside our heritagV of liberty and self-government and to search for the solution of our prob- lems under different political sys- tems. To a degree, there is in such specific counsel potential danger for- democratic institutions. provement in German-American re- lations was most desirable. Welles hid behind an affable smile his reaction to the talk in the palatial chancellery but on the German side quarters close to the government seemed completely satisfied with the results of the conference. Information had been given to him painstakingly, it was said, for Welles came to Berlin with a reputation of being a good reporter who could be depended upon to carry back to his chief a factual statement of his im- pressions. Slde Rule Ball, Will Introduce' Woody Herman Annual Engineering Dance To Be March 29; Ticket Sales ToOpen Friday Woody Herman and his orchestra will .be introduced to Ann Arbor- at the eleventh-annual Slide Rule Ball, the social climax of the engineer's year, to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March 29, at the Union, J. Anderson Ashburn, '40E, chairman announced yesterday. In accord with the traditional feud between the barristers and the men beneath the Arch, the dance will be held on the same day as the Crease Ball, the annual spring ballroom fi- esta sponsored by the boys in the Law Quadrangle. Ticket sale for the Slide Rule ball will open at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the East Engineering Building. Tickets will be sold only to those holding Engineering identification cards. They are priced at $3.75. Styled as the band that plays the blues, Woody Herman's band comes to Ann Arbor after a month's en- gagement at the Panther Room of the College Inn in Chicago. Previous engagements include the Famous Door on Fifty-Second Street, New York City, the Meadowbrook Coun- try Club, Cedar Grove, N. J., and the Glen Island Casino, as well as many theatre and night club engagements throughout the east and the mid- west. In addition, Herman's orchestra has been broadcasting nightly over (Continued on Page 6) Captain Lynch Paces Buckeyes In Speedy Tilt Capt. Rae TAllies 11 Points To Lead Wolverines; Injury Bothers Sofiak (Special to The Daily) COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 2- An aggressive Ohio State basketball team finished its home season to- night with a decisive 51 to 32 victory over Michigan in a Big Ten game before a crowd of 4,658. Capt. Bobby Lynch, playing his best game of the season, hit the net for 16 points to lead the Buckeyes to their eighth ;consecutive victory in 11 Conference games. The loss was Michigan's sixth in 11 league starts. Michigan, paced by Capt. Jim Rae, who counted 11 points, led only once, when it opened the scoring with a free throw. It knotted the count at six-all five minutes later, but from then on Ohio State dominated the play. Lynch counted eight field goals, most of them on long shots. He also played a sterling guard game as Ohio's tight man-for-man defense bottled up the Michigan scorers. Besides Rae, forward George Rueh- le and guard Charles Pink turned in the best performance for Michigan. Ruehle got six points' and Pink counted five of six in the last half in an effort to keep the Wolverines in the running. Michigan opened the first half scoring on Sofiak's free throw in the first minute, but three quick baskets put Ohio State into the lead. Then a close-in by Sofiak and an- other free throw by him tied the count, a free throw by Goss put the Bucks ahead again and they never relinquished the lead. Michigan checked the Bucks close in scoring activities for three quar- ters of the game, but after Ohio in- serted fresh men into the lineup it speeded up the fast breaking offense and forward Bill Goss and center Bill Sattler were able to get in for got shots. On the other hand, the Buck de- fense improved in the final stages of the game, the Wolverines failing to score a field goal in the last 12 minutes of play and got only five points in that time on free throws. Three of these were by Rae. The towering Rae gave the Bucks (Continued on Page 3) Church Groups Will Evaluate BeliefsToday Attempts to define and evaluate religion will feature Lenten services and the discussions of student religi- ous organizations at their meetings today. Unique among the programs to be presented will be the "Conversation About Jesus" between Dr. Isaac Rab- inowitz of Hillel Foundation, giving the Jewish interpretation, and Rev. Frederick Leech of St. Andrew's Epis- copal Church, describing the Christian approach, at the meeting of the Lib- eral Student's Union of the Unitarian Church. Continuing its series of morning symposiums the First Congregational Church will hear Mr. Lymann Abbott of Detroit talking on "Why I Am A Christian Scientist." Both the morning and evening services of the Student Evangelical Chapel will be conducted by Rev. James Daane of Grand Rapids. Dr. W. P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church will deliver his sermon "When Do We Take Charge," at the morning worship. Charles. W. Bra- shares will deliver the sermon, "Chris- tianity-Racket or Reality" to the con- gregation of the First Methodist Church. Dr. Edward G. Blakeman, Coun- selor in Religious Education of the Brosey, Saggan Set Records In Shot-Put And 60-Yard Dash Kelley Overcomes Injured Knee Handicap To Score Double Victory In Hurdles For Wolverines (Special to The Daily) NOTRE DAME, Ind., March 2.-- Michigan's varsity track team closed its indoor dual meet season with a 54 to 41 victory over Notre Dame here this afternoon. The score was much closer than expected, with Notre Dame leading at one point 34 to 29. However, Do- herty was keeping his men back, pointing for the Conference Meet next week in Chicago, and incidental- ly playing safe with a number of in- jured men on the team. Capture Six Firsts The Michigan team captured six first places to five for the Irish in a meet which saw two meet records broken and two others tied. Two Notre Dame men, Cliff Brosey in the shot put and Bob Saggau in the 60- yard dash, were the record-makers, with Michigan's Don Canham tying the high jump mark and John Dean of the Irish equaling the standard in the pole vault. Bob Saggau avenged last year's dual meet and this year's Illinois Relays defeat by turning the tables on Al Smith and outspeeding him to win the dash in 6.3 seconds. This was the first time the football star has been able to finish ahead of the Wolverine in two years of competi- tion. New Gym Record Chunky Cliff Brosey, sophomore tackle star, established a new gym and all-time Notre Dame indoor record in the shot put with a heave of 49 feet 10 and one-fourth inches. Stan Kelley, injured knee and all, took the high-scoring honors for the afternoon by turning in a double vic- tory in the 60-yard high and 65-yard low hurdles. John Dean, the Irish's ace pole vaulter, outjumped Michigan's Dave Cushing and Jack McMaster to win the event and tie the meet record of 12 feet 6 inches which he set last year in Ann Arbor. The expected high-jump duel be- tween Michigan's junior leaper Don Canham and Capt. Ted Leonas of Notre Dame failed to materialize as (Continued on Page 3) HURDLER KELLEY ... wins two events Ross Spar ks Hockey Team In 8-3Victory Varsity Beats Paris A.C. To Break Losing Streak In Home Season Finale By WOODY BLOCK Michigan's backsliding hockey team pulled the brakes, shifted into first and broke an eight game losing streak last night at the Coliseum as they steamrolled over the Paris A.C. squad, 8-3, in the last home game of the season. It was hard working Charley Ross who sparked the drive as he turned the hat trick with three goals that whizzed past the baffled Larry Eng- land, Paris goalie. Paul Goldsmith, Wolverine center, scored twice and Bert Stodden, Jim Lovett, and Bob Collins also entered the scoring col- umn with one goal apiece. Two of the Paris tallies came in the second period as Lioyd Kemp- thorne and Art Wilson each winged one past Spike James who was play- ing in his last home game as a Wol- verine. Wilf Farmer beat Spike late in the third period to give Paris its final score. Coach Eddie Lowrey's puckchasers, for one of the few times this season, dominated the 'play throughout as (Continued on Page 3) Mermen Take All First Places To Win, 62-21 Sharemet Spurs Natators To Eighth Successive Triumph In Dual Meets By DON WIRTCHAFTER Michigan and Northwestern took turns showing off before a capacity crowd at the I-M pool last night as the Wolverines decisively whipped the Wildcats, 62-21, in a dual swim- ming meet and then proceeded to get decisively whipped in water polo, 12-1. In hanging up their eighth straight dual meet triumph of the season, Matt Mann's irrepressible mermen won every event and bettered two Wes- tern Conference marks. Plays Leading Role It was Gus Sharemet, Michigan's sensational sophomore free styler, who played the leading role of the evening as he churned the century in :52.2, the best time of his career and the second fastest performance in the spectacular Wolverine swim- ming history. Only long Walt Tomski has done better. His :52.0 still stands as the I-M pool mark, but Share- met's time last night was four-tenths of a second better than Tomski's existing Big Ten record. The big sophomore's victory was twofold, for not only was his time phenomenal, but he defeated Charley Barker, the National Collegiate cham- pion, in doing it. Swimming the dis- tance against his teammate for the first time, Sharemet sprang out in front at the gun, and gracefully main- tained a three foot advantage throughout the test. Takes Things Easy Barker, apparently taking things easier than he might, remained In fourth position until the final lap, and then proceeded to sprint past Wildcat Captain Lynn Surles and Dick Fahrback for second honors. The other Big Ten mark that was bettered last night came in the final event of the dual meet, the 400-yard free style relay, when a Michigan team composed of John Gillis, Bark" er, Tom Williams and Sharemet again swam the distance in 3:35.5, three- tenths of a second better than the present Wolverine Conference record. It was a real race until Big Gus entered the water. There was never more than two feet difference be- tween the two quartets in the first 300 yards. Gillis swimming the first century in :53.0 got no better than an even break from Surles, the Wild- cat leadoff man. Barker and Fahrbach hit the water (Continued on Page 3) Smith To Discuss 'Place Of Miracles In Life Of Christ' "The Place of Miracles in the Life of Christ" will be discussed by Wilbur M. Smith of Chicago at the Michigan Christian Fellowship's meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Presenting his third lecture before the group on the general subject of "Christ, Natural or Supernatural?", Dr. Smith, a member of the Ameri- can School for Oriental Research and also of London's Victoria Institute, is known mainly as a writer and editor. The Michigan Christian Fellowship is composed of interdenominational Christian students at the University. It sponsors meetings throughout the year for the purpose of discussion of religious subjects. Senior Dues Drive Will Be Continued Extension of time for the payment of senior dues was announced yester- day by Don Nixon, '40, chairman of 'Ensian Issues Call For StaffTryouts Tryouts for the 'Ensian business staff will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Publica- tions Building, Richard H. Water- man, '40, business manager, an- nounced yesterday. The 'Ensian business department affords training in the fields of of- fice management and sales, Water- man said, women tryouts usually starting in the first field while men take over the sales work. All try- outs who perform their work satis- factorily during the semester will receive a complimentary book. Untermeyer Will Return Here For Lectures And Conferences Louis Untermeyer, noted American poet and anthologist, will return to Ann Arbor March 11 for a three week series of lectures, conferences and interviews, Prof. Carl E. Burk- lund of the Department of Engineer- ing English announced last night. Again appointed visiting lecturer by the Department of Engineering English, Mr. Untermeyer returns with the general topic of "Frontiers of American Culture," under which he will discuss the relation and eval- uation of the various arts, such as music, painting and architecture with special emphasis on literature and poetry. In addition to several lectures, Mr. Untermeyer plans to conduct infor- mal conferences and students inter- ested may schedule personal inter- views. Mr. Untermeyer is one of the f4w literary figures who have made a success in both the business and artistic worlds. He started his career as vice-president and factory mana- ger of a large manufacturing jewelry '4 arinc r«nAm i n- r- of+*k ie w ,L Necessities Of Life Force. Men To Be Religious, Horton Says By ALVIN SARASOHN All human beings are forced to be religious because of the necessity for escape from personal insignificance and because a goal and periodic in- spiration in life are essential, Prof. Walter M. Horton of the Oberlin Graduate School said last night in the third Student Religious Associ- ation Lecture on "The Existence and Nature of Religion" at the Rackham Lecture Hall. Presenting the viewpoint of the Protestant theologian, Professor Hor- ton held, however, that the religion that is followed need not be that of one's ancestors or even one that is already in existence. The religion one decides to follow, he asserted, is satis- facoe ry asona its "snirit and rae- Buddhism and the patriotism', of Japan as examples of movements providing this feeling of being part of something higher than themselves, something whichthey may worship. Again, men need something. to- ward which to strive, Professor Hor- ton said, holding that religion en- courages the struggle for more worthy objectives. He pointed out that there has been no great political movement without a religious element embodied in it. The third prime need of life, ac- cording to Professor Horton; is that of periodic inspiration and revitaliza- tion. Religion sets man up with the supreme object of his devotion, in this case God, and with his aim in life, he said, and, consequently, this de- votion flows through his 2ation to- POET UNTERMEYER ... to return to Ann Arbor