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March 02, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-02

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The editoials. published in The Michigan
Daily are written by memnbers of The Daily
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Census11 Beolnes
More Irnimate ..e
T HE CENSUS is causing people to
complain loudly and lengthily. The
c1iizens of this country, it seems, object not to
to letting the government know who and where
tbey are, b t to revealting, intimate little items
abut their income and how it is spent.
The 1940 census is the first in the history of
the United State that has attempted to delve
into the private economic set-ups of the people.
It is setting a precedent, perhaps. Again, it may
be doing something which is vitally necessary-
but, though necessary, distasteful and contrary
to, the rights of private individuals.
Certainly, no one likes to let his private affairs
become public, to publicize what he does with
his income and how he does it. From the stand-
point of the individual, therefore, objection to
the questions of the 1940 census is justified.
But we should consider the government's mo-
tives and methods in conducting such a complete
survey of the nation before we condemn the cen-
sus. During the past ten years this country as
been through what is considered by many au-
thorities as severe an economic depression as
any country has ever experienced. Our govern-
ment leaders have, in all probability, seen the
need for a complete knowledge of how, where
and why economic resources are used-in the
very narrowest sense of this' utilization. Thus,
it appears that the census is the .means the
government is attempting to utilize for they at-.
tainment of this end.
If this suposition is true-and it must be
realized that its truth is a strong probability-
the deep-probing queries of the census are really
for the good of the people who answer them,
f"r the, good of everyone in the country. No one
should object to aiding the government in a
fight against the old bugaboos of unezploy-
ment, depre sion and general economic slack.
The very personal information demanded by the
census-takers need cause no blushes-it will all
btcoxi6e a mere part of a vast amount of neces-
sary stadetics. Every bit will help every individ-
u.l and the nation as a whole.
William Newton
. oegesCa- .Train
T HIS COUNTRY is a democracy. The
students in this University will be
t tizens of this country and all of them are
expected to become a part of that broad body
of electors that presumably run the nation by
ciecting representatives and executives. There-
fore the students here should be taught what
constitutes being a citizen.
It is to this 'end that any form of student
government is directed. But it is important that
the form of student government be of a demo-
(*atic nature- On this campus we have the fol-
lowing student "government" bodies: the staff
of the Michigan Union, not popularly elected
but -appointed; the staff of the Michigan League
appointed; the officers of the Interfraternity
Council--appointed; the officers of the Pan-
h*llenic Association, the members of the Wo-
men's Judiciary Council, the members of the
men's Judiciary Council, and all members of
the three student publications, all these ap-
pointed; the members of the Student Senate-
popularly elected by the campus-at-large on a

on campus had an opportunity to vote in its
What is the matter, then? .Wy is the student,
body apathetic? Simply because it regards the
Senate as an idealistic, but powerless body. It
has no power to do anything, ergo, the students
are not interested in it. But if it had, if it were
to be established with a sound constitutional
framework with definite jurisdiction and power,
a large part of the student body would look at
it with favor and interest. They couldn't help
being interested if they encountered its rules
and suggestions at every hand.
Well, say some of the pessimists, that is all
right, but it won't work-it never has here at
Michigan. The students are too radical, or too
idealistic, or too young, or too almost anything.
But it can work. It has worked and is working
right now on at least 600 other campuses, large
and small, the country over. Vacation, the an-
nual Spring Parley wil convene is usual, but
this time it will consider that very problem-
student government on this campus. And, more-
over, the proposals resulting from that Parley
will be prut before the .campus in form of refer-
endum for their rejection or approval. There-
fore, it is the duty of every student, as future
citizens of this democracy, to come to the Parley
and make their .demands felt. If they do so,.
Michigan. can be assured a high place in the rolls
of schools with student government; it has the
-William B. Ebner
T WO DAYS ago "in Yokohama wa-
ters" a British warship surrendered
nine German seamen whom it had snatched
Enr .a Japanese vessel. A minor crisis had devel-
oped between London and Toyko previous to
the "surrender," with each side vehemently
protesting that it was in the right.
This incident, while important in itself, is
nevertheless only one aspect of a much larger
struggle, the rivalry between Britain and Japan
for mastery of the seas.
Those nine German sailors very probably
didn't mean the price of their "keep" to either
nation. Yet the Japanese, come what may,
weren't going to stand for such piracy, and the
British seemed just as determined to maintain
their gain.
Britain undoubtedly wanted to establish a
precedent for similar actions in the future, a
precedent which would go far in enhancing the
value of the Empire's sea power; while Japan,
seeing just such an intention, wasted no effort
to prevent further "piracy."Y
Another evidence of this rivalry is the recent
British statement announcing that contraband
stations would be set up along the Western
boast of Canada. The reason for this step
can be seen when it is noted that Japanese ship-
ments to the Siberian port of; Vladivostok are
ultimately bound for Germany. The British
mean to halt such shipment (and here the
United States might also be affected), and
Canada's west coast is the part of the Empire
nearest to Vladivostok, and therefore more ad-
vantageous for "picketing" that port.
The European war fronts have pushed the
Far-Eastern scene from the headlines lately;
yet the two areas of conflict-as seen from such
incidents as these- are easily combined, to pre-
sent a kind of "world war front." Events in this
sphere will bear increasingly closer watching
in the near future.
- Howard A. Goldman
Drew Pea so
Robrt .Aleii

WASHINGTON-Discussing the presidential
outlook with several friends before his death,
Senator Borah remarked, "I have no idea who
the candidates will be, but I have no hesitancy
in making one prediction, Mrs. Roosevelt will
be a very important factor in the election-and
the Republican Party doesn't want to forget
He was right. The campaign battle is still
months off, but already the First Lady has be-
come a major problem to at least one GOP
It's a Taft camp secret, but at the moment
Mrs. Roosevelt is the subject of more inner dis-
cussion of strategy among them than her hus-
band, the President. The reason for this is as
extraordinary as the lady herself.
Possessor of the real political "It" in the Taft
family is not the Senator but his wife Martha.
Charming, unaffected, quick-witted and a gifted
speaker, she is that rare phenomenon in public
life, a woman who is a genuine vote-getter. Mrs.
Taft played a very decisive role in her husband's
senatorial victory in 1938, and she has been a
trump card in his presidential drive.
Her vivacity and sparkling personality have
done much to offset his rather colorless charac-
ter. And while he is a dull and uninspiring
speaker with a harsh voice, she invariably brings
down the house with her charm and vivid ora-
She has been aptly described as her husband's
greatest political asset. Also, and inevitably,
as Mrs..Roosevelt's only rival.
This is exactly where the rub comes in, and
the, reason why the First Lady has become a
major problem to the Taft camp. The Senator
has decided that it is unwise campaign strategy

To the Editor:
Upon reading the letter which appeared in
the Daily Thursday one cannot help wondering
just how its ideas were developed and just why
they should be put into effect.
England, it was stated, is the opponent of
democracy-the world's worst opponent of de-
mocracy-because of her maintenance of the
partition of Ireland, her holding of Gibraltar
and her policy of "protecting a corrupt lot of
petty despotisms" that hold India "in slavery."
According to the Americans principles of De-
mocracy, the letter continued, we should not
support England, we should take the initiative
in removing her menace from the international
scene and we should form an alliance with
Japan, Russia and Germany to do this.
One must agree with the statment that "po-
litical liberty is the right of any people to deter-
mine by what form of government it shall be
ruled," and that "any movement which attempts
to restrict the right of the people to choose its
awn government is a movement which threatens,
political liberty."
This very statement contains one of the most
apparent faults of the letter. An alliance with
Germany is advocated, among other nations, on
the grounds that Britain is anti-democratic and
that the Nazi regime in Germany rules by the
consent of the people. But is the Nazi regime
truly representative of the will of the German
According to every report received in this
country, Germany is ruled-not governed-by a
dictatorship which .remains in power through
the will of the people as expressed in elections.
These reports, anti-Nazi propaganda, press dis-
patches and hearsay evidence, are well corrob-
orated by first-hand reports by former German
citizens who have left the country.
Britain may be justly criticized, perhaps, for
her policy in India. She has been too iron-
handed in her rule over the people of that gigan-
tic, undeveloped country. Yet England has
always been cited for bungling colonial policy
which almost invariably "comes out all right
in the end."
Furthermore, Germany is notorious for her
persecution of minority groups, especially the
Jews.. This amounts to persecution, not merely
depriving them of local autonomy.
Japan and Russia, two nations included as
prospective allies for America, are both engaged
in wars of conquest today. In neither case can
a sound defense be made for the war policy.
Finland and China are being invaded-for the
sole benefit of Russia and Japan, respectively;
Thus one is led to a consideration of whether
it is quite logical to call for an alliahce with
Germany, Japan and Russia-in the name of
democracy. Do we want to play on the team
of the lads who persecute minorities, hold far-
cical elections and engage in wars of conquest?
Do we want to continue our Anglophile Rela-
tions, remembering that England is withholding
home-rule "from her colonies until they are
ready for it? Do we want to weaken our neutral-'
ity with any alliance with any warring power
today? These questions and many others must
be answered by all of us before this nation
allies itself with the democratic nations of Ger-
many, Japan and Russia.
- William Newton
eminence, he has personally, and emphatically,
issued a ukase to his headquarters: "Soft-pedal
the Eleanor stuff'."
This does not mean that Taft's Martha is to
be pushed in the background or silenced. Not
at all. She will continue to be as active as before,
but not in the same role as Roosevelt's Eleanor.
No longer are they to be billed as "Bob and

Martha." Hereafter, she will be listed as "Mrs.
Taft." And her speeches will. be straight cam-
paign talks, avoiding anything that smacks of
the chatty intimacy of Mrs. Roosevelt's "My
Day." The feminine personality angle, to which
Mrs. Taft lends herself so effectively, is to be
Dave Ingalls, Taft's cousin and manager, has
heartily agreed with him about this, but others,
including Mrs. Taft, have not.
Privately, she was slightly piqued, but being
a good soldier and a good sport, she readily
conceded that her husband was the boss and
promised to campaign along the lines he ?aid,
down as best she could.
Oh, Yeah?
Forrest Davis, crack newsman recently em-
ployed as publicity director, argued vigorously
against this policy, but when he got nowhere,
sighed deeply and shrugged his shoulders. It
was interesting to note, however, that shortly
thereafter, despite Taft's orders, the advance
press release sent out by Davis on the Tafts'
campaign tour through Illinois and Minnesota
began as follows: "The campaign team of 'Bob
and Martha' . . . " Apparently Davis quietly
used his own judgment where he thought it
was better than his boss's.
-And so did the newspapers. Taft's efforts to
prevail upon them to follow his "no Eleanor
stuff" theories have so far been unavailing.
A leading Midwestern Republican paper no-
tified the Taft headquarters that it was sending
one of its women writers to accompany Mrs.
Taft on her trip through Minnesota, her home
state. Ingalls hit the ceiling and rushed Davis
post-haste to see the managing editor, an old
personal friend..

"y %YQung Gulliver




(Continued from Page 2)

GULLIVER has, been reading the
papers again. The papers have
the same effect on Gulliver as his
columns have on you-they raise
the blood pressure. Take last Thurs-
day's New York Herald Tribune for
example. There's a big story in the
middle of the front page about the
1940 census. Accompanying the story
is a picture of Senator Charles W.
Tobey, Republican, of New Hamp-
shire, with the caption, Assails Cen-
sus 'Snooping'. The Senator, it seems,
is a little sore about all the personal
questions that the census takers are
going to be asking. In fact, accord-
ing to the United Press report: "YE
So you get all excited about the
invasion of peoples' homes and you
decide to dash off a postcard to your
congressman. Then you turn oaver
to page 16 and findan interview
with Mr. Gerald Ryan of Washing- o . M .R a is assa tt h
ton. Mr. Ryan is assistant to the
Director of the Census. The reporter
asked him about Senator Tobey's at-
tack on the census and he answered:
"All the questions in the 1940 census
were asked last August in South
Bend, Ind., to test public response
to them, and nobody kicked about
them. Nobody from the public has
objected yet, because the census
takers don't start out until April.
I'm a Republican myself and I know
what the bos are up to. They're
trying to make politcal capital."
OFFHAND this might be taken as
just another sample of that non-
sense which seems to be continually
oozing out of Washington, D.C. But
Gulliver thinks that it is pretty good
proof that the Republicans are going
to fight the forthcoming Presiden-
tial elections on such issues as whe-
ther or not there should be a cen-
sus, whether or not the date of
Groundhog Day should be changed,
and whether or not the President
should throw out the first baseball
on Opening Day. What a spectacle
the campaign is going tq provide!
With President Roosevelt now faith-
fully carrying out all them ajor
planks of the Republican platform,
the Republicans have no recourse
but to raise fake issues and shout
themselves hoarse trying to prove
that they are better fitted to get this
country into war than President
Roosevelt. Yes, it's going to be a
great campaign; the ten million un-
employed should get a great laugh
out of the whole thing.
THAT ISSUE of the Herald Tribune
certainly made pleasant reading.
There were the usual quota of sui-
cide stories: "Employing the know-
ledge of electricity he had acquired
while a student of refrigeration en-
gineering, Edward W. Talbert, Jr.,
twenty-nine years old, a Negro, com-
mitted suicide early yesterday ... by
electrocuting himself with an elec-
tric conductor he had built . . . Tal-
bert's father told police that his son
was despondent because of his fail-
ure to obtain a job in the last two
years... " "Joseph Costronovo, fifty-
four years old ... waa found dead
in his home . . . of a self-inflicted
bullet wound in the head ... Costro-
vono was unemployed." -And so on.
Thenews from Europe is very sim-
ilar. Take the little story from
Athens: For nsubordinatioxi inafor-
eign ports since the start of the war
1p Greek merchant marine seamen
today were sentenced to from six to
twelve months in exile on various
islands in' the Aegean Sea. The men
. were accused of. refusing to con-
tinue their voyages becausec of wa
dangers ..."
NOW supposing we turn from the
Tribune to the Kiplinger Wash-
ington News Letter for January 27.

The News Letter is subscribed to for
the most part by New York business-
men who want to know the score.
"Pressure for credits to Allies is in-
creasing. Congress is sour on such
.credits now, but many sophisticated
Congressmen privately admit that
the move to expand Export-Import
Bank and lend to Finland is a step
towards some sort of financial aid
to the Allies at some later period.'
Gulliver submits that each quota-
tion above is indirectly and intimate-
ly connected with each of the othei
FROM the Mailbag:

Each contestant will be free to choose3
his own subject from a list of at least
30 offered. The list will cover six
chapters in the development of Ger-
man literature from 1750 to 1900,
each of which will be represented by
at least five subjects. Students who
wish to compete must be taking a,
course in German (101 or above) at,
the time of the competition. They
should register and obtain directions
as soon as possible at the office of
the German Department, 204 Uni-
versity Hall.
IKothe-Hildner Prize in German:
Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective-,
ly, will be awarded to students taking
German 32 in a translation compe-.
tition (German-English and Eng-
lish-German) to be held March 21,
from 2-5 p.m. in 203 U.H. Students
who wish to compete and who have
not yet handed in their applications
should do so immediately and obtain
Varsity Glee Club will sing in Dear-
born on Sunday, Marh 3. Everyone
who signed the list will be expected
to report at the Union front door at
2:00 p.m. The concert will be infor-
mal, dark suit, white shirt. Bring
"Trial" costumes. Return to Ann
Arbor at 8:00.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
There will be available in the Depart-
ment of Aeronautical Engineering two
Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships and
probably three assistantships, for the
year 194-41. These scholarships and
assistantships are, in generalshre-
stricted to upperclassmen and grad-
uate students, and the selection is
made very largely on the basis of
scholastic standing. Applications for
these positions will be received up to
March 15, 1940. Students wishing to
make application should address them
to Professor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East
Engifieering Building, and should give
a brief statement of their qualifica-
tions and experience in regard to
their scholastic wok and any outside
experience they may have had. A
statement should also be made giving
their plans for further study in Aero
nautical Engineering. Applications
may be made for both the scholar-
ships and the assistantships.
Academic Notices
Physics 196: I shall be unable to
meet the class this morning.
E. F. Barker
Botany I make-up final exalna-
tion for students who were absent
from the examination the first sem-
ester will be given March 8 from 7-10
p.m.,in Room 2033 N.S.
Make-up Final Examinations for
all Geology Courses will be given from
9-12 today in Room 2054 Natural
Science Building.
Sociology 51: Make-up Final Ex-
amination will be given today at 2:00
p.m., Room D, Haven Hall.
Mathematics 30 (b) (Short
Course), Functions Defined by Second
Order Differential Equations, by Pro-
fessor Laporte. Preliminary meeting
to arrange hours, Monday, March 4,
at 3:00 p.m., in 30211 A.W This course
rwill meet three hours a week for five

give the third lecture in the series on
"The Existence and Nature of Re-
ligion" at the Rackham Lecture Hall,
8:00 tonight.
Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor J. W.
Beams, Department of Physics, Uni-
versity of Virginia, will give an ad-
dress on the subject "High Speed
Centrifuging" at the Rackham Am-
phitheatre on Monday, March 4, at
8:00 p.m. The meeting will be open
to those who are interested.
The third in the series of lectures
being presented by Dr. Wilbur M.
Smith of Chicago on the subject
"Christ, Natural or Supernatural"
will be given on Sunday, March 3, at
4:00 p.m. in the Grad Rapids Room
of the Michigan League. The public
is cordially invited.
Today's Events
Suomi Club: Meeting tonight at the
International Center. All student's
of Finnish descent and their friends
are invited.
Graduate Students and other stu-
dents interested are invited to listen
to a radio broadcast of Verdi's Opera
Aida, today in the Men's Lounge of
the Rackham Building at 2:00 p.m.
Assembly Ball Decorations Com-
mittee meeting today at 1:00 p.m. in
the League.
The Avukah is sponsoring a social
hour at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon at
the Foundation. Community singing
and refreshments.
The Avukah study group will meet
at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon at the
Hillel Foundation.

Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German axe
cordially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Dr. W. F. Striedieck
on, "Was man beim Hausbau lernt."
Biological Chemistry Seminar an-
nounced for Monday, March 4, will
be omitted in order to permit stu-
d dents and staff to attend the Sigma
Xi lecture by Professor Beams, "Ul-
tracentrifugation." The subject as-
signed for March 4 will be discussed
March 26.
Seminar in Bacteriology wil meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, March 4, at 8:00 p.m. Sub-
ject: "Microbiological Problems of the
Near East." All interested are invit-
Graduate Education Club will hold
an open meeting in the University
High School Auditorium on Tuesday,
March 4, at 4:15 p.m. Significant
issues raised at the recent meeting
of the American Association of School
Administrators at St. Louis will be
discussed. Speakers: Supt. O. W.
Haisley of Ann Arbor, Professor Ra-
leigh Schorling, Dean Edmonson, Dr.
Carrothers and other staff members.
Junior Research Club: The March
meeting will be held on Tuesday,
March 5, at 7:30 p.m., in the amphi-
theatre, third floor, of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
Associate Professor W. J. Nungester,
Department of Bacteriology, will
speak on "Problems Involved in the
Treatment of Infections with Ini-
mune Serum," and Associate Profes-
sor E. J. Ash, Department of Metal
Processing, will speak on "Centrifug-
ally Cast Cannon."
Forum on Latin American prob-
lems, sponsored by the Foreign Rela-
tions Commission of the Michigan
Anti-War Committee, will be held in
the small ballroom of the Michigan
Union Tuesday, March 5, at 8:00 p7m.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton will speak; and
Professors Preston E. James, Julio del
Toro and Dudley M. Phelps will assist
in the discussion. All students in-

Cooperative Course in Electrical
Engineering: Junior and sophomore
electrical engineering students in
good standing, interested in this
course in connection with the Detroit
Edison C9mpany, are invited to meet
Monday, March 4, at 5 p.m. in Room
273 West Engineering.
Orchestra Concert Cancelled: The
concert announced for the University"
Symphony Orchestra for March 4,
has been cancelled.
Graduation Recital: Jack Herman
Ossewarde, of Kalamazoo, Mich., will
give a recital on the Frieze Memorial
Organ, in partial fulfillment for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, Sunday
afternoon, March 3, at 4:15 o'clock in
Hill Auditorium. The general pub-
lic is invited to attend without ad-
mission charge.

Dear Gullible:
We are not particularly inter-
ested in upholding the integrity
of the English 'Department, nor
do we wish to challenge the men-
tality of the Gargoyle editors,
But the story in the current issue
of Gargoyle about the student re-
ceiving a postcard, postmarked
before the time of the final exam
leads us to the inescapable chal-
lenge mentioned above. The logic
is irrefutable; for, if the student
handed in his blue book, with
postcard enclosed, any time after

Exhibit Its
The original painting by Dean
Cornwell entitled ."Beaumont and St.
Martin," owned by John Wyeth and
Brother of Philadelphia, is being ex-
hibited in the second floor corridor
of the University Hospital until
March 2.
Lectures -
University Lecture: Dr. Alfred Tar-
ski will lecture today at 11:00 a.m.
in 3011 A.H., on the subject, "An
Elementary Fixed-Point Theorem.
and Some of Its Applications."
University Lecture: Dr M. S. Pi-

All Engineering Smoker is to be
held Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 p.il,
in the main ball room of the Michigan
uion. Colored motion pictures. He-
freshments. All students and faculty
of the Engineering College are invit-
Cercle Francais meeting on Mon-
day, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. in 408,
Tat Beta Pi dinner meeting Tues-
day, March 5, Michigan Union, 6 :00
International Center: Sunday eve-
ning at 7 o'clock, technicolor films
will be shown in Room 316, Michigan
Union, showing the colleges of the
Near Eastern College Association):
Robert College and the Women's Col-

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