Three Teams
To Be Chosen
Women To Argue Question
Of Housing Programs
In Intercollegiate Meets
Three women debate squads will
be selected to compete in this semes-
ter's intercollegiate contests with Big
Ten Schools in tryouts 7:30 p.m. next
Tuesday in Room 3209 Angell Hall,
Mrs. Frederic 0. Crandall, women's
debate coach, announced yesterday.
All women interested in trying for
one of the teams will meet from 7
to 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the same
room to discuss the topic.
Statement of the question, as re-
ceived from Robert Huber, debate
coach at Indiana University and secre-
tary of the Big Ten Debating League,
is: "Resolved, That the Federal Hous-
ing Administration Program Should
Not Be Renewed."
Qualifying and defining the ques-
tion, Mr. Huber also stated, "Since
there were so many .activties going
on in the Government Federal Hous-
ing Program, including slum clear-
ing appropriations of funds for build-
ing, along with the type of work that
the Federal Housing Administration
is doing, it was thought best to limit
the subject to one phase rather than
to include all phases."
Two teams, both a negative and an
affirmative, will meet Indiana squads
here March 14 and a negative team
will travel to Purdue University March
Iola Fuller's
To Be Printed
Hopwood winner Iola Fuller's firstj
novel, "The Loon Feather," will be
published Feb. 22, her publishers,
Harcourt, Brace and Co., announced
Now a graduate student here, MissE
Fuller, otherwise Mrs. Iola Fuller
Goodspeed of Detroit, is the most re-
cent winner of the University's Hop-
wood Award. The Hopwood judges,
in fact, did not award "The Loon
Feather" first, second or third place
as is the custom, but gave Mrs. Good-
speed all three prizes.
The locale of "The Loon Feather" is
Michigan's Mackinac Island during
fur trading days. It is said to be the
first historical novel published in re-
cent years using the Great Lakes
region as a background.
Mrs. Goodspeed was born in Mar-
cellus 34 years ago. She attended
Western State Teachers' College at
Kalamazoo before coming to the Uni-
versity. She received her A.B. magna
cum laude in 1934. Mrs. Goodspeed
has taught English and French in
high school and was formerly secre-
tary in the University's German de-
partment. She is at present study-
ing toward an A.M. degree in -the
English department, majoring in cre-
ative writing. Her husband is a re-
search chemist.
Newman Will Go
To Eastern School
Dr. Albert B. Newman, '11E, was
recently appointed acting dean of
the School of Technology of the
College of the City of New York. He
had been chairman of the depart-
ment of Chemical Engineering of
that institution.
Dr. Newman is a director of the
American Institute of Chemical En-
gineers, and is chairman of the
Southeastern Regional Committee of
Engineers' Council for Professional
Development on the Accrediting of
Engineering Curricula.
Solo Artists Signed To Complete'
Plans For coming May-Festival
Final arrangements for the 47th
annual May Festival May 8, 9, 10 and
11 were made between semesters
with the naming by Dr. Charles A.,
Sink, President of the University
Medical Society, of the eight singers
and three instrumentalists who haveE
signed for solo appearances during the
four-day, six-concert program.
Newcomer to the Festival with be
Dorothy Maynor, the sensational;
colored soprano, who made her debut
last August, and was acclaimed by
Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, conductor of
the Boston Symphony, as "one of the
finest singers I have ever heard."
Other vocal solosist, all of the
Metropolitan Opera, will be: Lily
Pons, and Rosa Tentoni, sopranos;
Eniz Szantho, contralto; Giovanni
Martinelli, tenor; Lawrence Tibbett,
and Robert Weede, baritones, and
Norman Cordon, bass.
The instrumental artists will be
Josef Szigeti, violinist; Emanuel
Feuermann, violoncellist, and Arthur
Schnabel, pianist.
The Philadelphia Orchestra for the
fifth consecutive year will participate
in all six concerts; conducted by
Eugene Ormandy, by Associate Con-
ductor Saul Caston, and by Guest
Conductor Harl McDonald, of the
University of Pennsylvania, who will
present one of his own compositions,
"Santa Fe Trail."
Under the direction of Thor John-
son the University Choral Union will
offer a modern work by Charles Var-
dell Jr., entitled "The Inimitable Lov-
ers," and will assist the soloists in a
concert version of Saint-Saens "Sam-,
son and Delilah."
As the tentative program stands,
Mr. Tibbett will give the opening re-
cital Wednesday night, May 8, fol-
lowed by another vocal concert Thurs-
day at which Miss Maynor, Miss Ten-
toni, Mr. Weede and the Choral Union
will sing. Friday afternoon's pro-
gram will be divided between Arthur
Schnabel and the Young People's
Chorus, conducted by Miss Juva Hig-
bee. At the fourth concert Friday
night, Miss Pons and Mr. Szigeti will
be the soloists, and the latter will
join with Mr. Feuermann Saturday
afternoon to present Brahms' Double
Concerto for Violin and Violoncello.
The Festival will finish Saturday
evening with a concert version of
"Samson and Delilah" featuring Miss
Szantho, Mr. Martinelli, Mr. Weede,
and Mr. Cordon.
Hopwo od
0 0
0. . Room
While the literary spotlight has
been focused on the freshmen Hop-
wood contest which closed the day
before exams, former campus writers
have been making a name for them-
selves and as we await the announce-
ment of winners which will appear
soon in The Daily, we take note of
the activities of a few of these.
* f '
"More Stately Mansions," Pauline
Benedict Fischer's fourth novel, came
wet from the printer's ink of the
Penn Publishing Company's presses
the week before the last campus class
held session. Miss Benedict edited
the campus literary m gazine, "The
Inlander," in 1920.
* 4
Harold Courlander, major award
winner in the essay division in 1932,
sends word of a novl -fn-mhis pen
to be published by Farrar and Rine-
hart this spring. Mr. Courlander re-
viewed "Hell on Trial" by Rene Bel-
benoit in the "Saturday Review" of
Jan. 15. His recent book, "Haiti Sing-
ing" was very favorably criticized in
the "New York Times Book Review"
of Jan. 21.
* * *
Kent Kennan, minor fiction award
recipient in 1932, won the $4,000 Prix
de Rome in music in 1936 and studied
in Rome for three years. His work,
"Night Soliloquy" for flute and
strings, has recently been recorded
by Victor in an album of American.
Music and is being published by,
Richard and Company. Another work,
"A Quintet" for piano and strings,
will be published by G. Schirmer and
Conger Leaves
For- Denmark
To Accept Post
(Continued from Page 1)
modations can be secured. Other-'
wise, he will travel to Genoa, Italy,
Feb. 24 and reach Copenhagen
through Italy and Germany.
The story-book success of Pat
Conger is a continuation of the phe-
nominal success his family has en-
joyed in journalism. His father, Sey-
mour Beach Conger, was in news-
paper work abroad from 1904 to
1925 except for a brief intermission
in Washington. The elder Conger
was in Russia for the Associated
Press from 1904 to 1910. From then
until 1917 he served in Berlin, part
of the time at the front.
When the United States entered
the war, Seymour Conger was called
back to this country to serve as
foreign adviser to the War Trade
Board. The war over, he returned to
Europe to cover the Treaty of Ver-
sailles signing and then continued on
the other side for the Curtis Publish-
ing Co.-Philadelphia Ledger Synd;-
cate until 1925.
Pat Conger's brother preceeded
him to Europe by less than a year.
Another former Daily staff member,
Seymour Beach, jr., traveled around
the world between 1933 and 1936 for
World Letters, Inc. He then accept-
ed a position with the New York
Herald Tribune, covering such stories
as the Squalus sinking. In Septem-
ber he was sent to Berlin but, after
less than two months there, he was
ordered from the country by high
Nazi officials because he revealed
there was a rift between the Army
and Nazis over whether neutral coun-
tries should be invaded. After a brief
period in Amsterdam, he joined the
Herald-Tribune Paris bureau, where
he now serves.
The only non-journalist in the
family is Kyril Conger. A one-time
newspaperman, he is now. doing
graduate work in medicine here.
Mrs. Lucille Conger, wife of one
foreign correspondent and mother of
two more, is executive secretary of
the Alumnae Council of the Alumni
Association here.
Michigan Glider Club is now prepared
to launch a new program of re-vital-
ized activities during the spring sem-
ester, according to Jerry Fink, '41.
Proudest baby of the glider club is
the new launching winch now in-
stalled at the club's base of operations
at the Ypsilanti Airport. Powered by
a recondtioned standard automobile
engine, the "glider puller-upper" em-
bodies three speeds forward and one
reverse, in addition to such luxuries
as a handbrake, a floating clutch
and self-starter.
Equipped with a three foot drum
and a special winding apparatus, the
launcher is capable of pulling a glider
at speeds up to 50 miles per hour.
Through the cooperation of air-
port officials and neighboring farm-
ers, the team now has longer run-
way at its disposal, and with the new
winch in operation, sustained flights
of 5 to 10 minutes duration and ex-
altitudes, themal currents of air are
also in evidence, and the University
glider pilots are now gaining experi-
ence in "riding" these currents.
The longest sustained flight now
on the club's record was an eight
minute glide turned in by one of the
club members last week. Inscribed
on the club's active list are Bob Tiede-
man, '40E, Glen Sanderson, Grad.,
and Fink. In a trial glide last week,
Sanderson executed five spirals, a
figure 8, an Hammerhead and side-
slipped to a spot landing.
The first meeting of the club this
semester will be at 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in Room 348 of the West En-
gineering Building.
Lafayette College is the depository
of what is believed to be the best
possible working collections of ma-
terials for the study of General La-
Glider Club To Use New Winch
Su~pplied with new equipment and tend ingaaerage of 1,000fetbove
a new location, the University of the ground are possible. At these
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Zed er
Receives Office
Automotive Society
James C. Zeder, '22, was elected
vice-president of the Society of Au-
tomotive Engineers, representing
passenger car engineering at a recent
meeting of the society.
Mr. Zeder is the chief engineer at
the Chrysler Corporation. He re-
ceived his B.S. from Michigan in
1922, and a Doctor of Engineering
from the University of Dayton in '38.