THE MICHIGAN DAILY I' TAN DAILY ,. A 11 I and managed by students of the University of. a under the authority of the Board in Control of Publications. shea every morning except Monday during the ty year and Summer Session, Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to ot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f republication of all other matters herein also d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. oriptions during regular school year by carrier, y mail, $4.50. rr, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO arose throughout the nation. This was as appar- ent to the dictators as to ourselves. Considering the belief that Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Hull were both opposed to the dismember- ment of Czechoslovakia and to further aggres- sion on the part of the dictators, only dismay can be felt at the result of the meeting in Munich which is said to have been encouraged by the message between Mr. Roosevelt and Signor Mus- solini. The world has been led to believe that Herr Hitler was softening in his demands for dis- memberment of Czechoslovakia in the face of wholesale disapproval and that a meeting such as that at Munich would show this relenting. How bitter is the reflection then, that requests for another meeting, one of which was ours, only resulted in the partition of a country for which the nations of the world felt sympathy. It is with sadness that unselfish lovers of democracy, of liberty, of human freedom realize that the world is farther from those ideals today than ever before in the memory of present gen- erations. The consciences of those nations who conceived and dedicated Czechoslovakia to the cause of democratic government will prod them often in the problems which are sure to follow this surrender. Faith in the principles of justice and.humanity are weapons more powerful than armaments of destruction. This false peace which the great democracies have purchased at so high a price in loyalty, in honesty, and in integrity will cost them dear in the years to come. If by the term "democracy" is meant a regard for honest and unselfish conduct of affairs between men and between nations and a respect and sympathy for the rights of others, then let no one be mistaken in the truth that the war for democracy has yet to be won. -Robert Mitchell Board of Editors ng Editor al Director Litor te Editor te Editor te Editor te Editor te Editor te Editor ~ditor a's Editor Editor Robert D. Mitchell ..Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry .. . R. Kleiman .Robert Perlman . William Elvin . Joseph Freedman . Earl Gilman . . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler . Bud Benjamin Saturday's Children On Friday.. Business Department iness Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen dit Manager . Leonard P. Siegelman ertising Manager William L. Newnan men's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean men's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOTT MARANISb The editorials published in The Michigan faly are written by members of the Daily taof and represent the views of the writers be War Crisis Over, But .. . w T MUST BE with great regret that the people of the United States have Ched the progress of events in Europe during last few weeks. If they have read, they should well aware, that the ties that, bound the choslovak nation and the United States were stronger stuff than the fact alone that both intries were democracies. During the World ,r, the Czechs deserted the Austrian armies the thousands and traveled around the world way of Canada to join the Allies on the Wes- a Front. Their desire to aid the Allies arose m long years of oppression as a minority ie in the old Austro-Hungarian empire. Lfter the war, our own president, Woodrow lson, recognized the Czechs' loyalty to the ed cause and their rights as a minority people, i he as much as any other statesman of that ,id was responsible for the creation of the ch nation under the leadership of President saryk, who at one time had served on the ulty of the University of Chicago. The Czechs irned the interest of our president by a heart- - lmost slavish devotion to the ideals of ,,moinnt as represented by the United States America. They copied our Constitution and Liberty Bell, and our manners and our be- s In free government for the people and by people. Americans traveling in Czechoslovakia e greeted as friends and fellow-citizens. choslovakia, more than any nation in Europe, I progressed in methods of self-government, education, in commerce, and in living stand- s in the short length of time that it was a ion. Though small, it was proud, self-reliant i self-respecting. et us hope that the sacrifice of this nation, xanded of it by its fellow democracies and bty allies, and the sacrifice of life and liberty .ch this surrender implies for many other pressed minorities under the conquering dic- r-the Czechs, the anti-Nazi Sudetens, the s, the Catholics, the Protestants, to mention e groups, and Pastor Niemoeller, Kurt Schus- g, and President Benes, to mention individ- s-let us hope that this sacrifice has not been handed by the greater democracies in vain. the thought is undoubtedly present in the .ds of the majority of the peoples of the earth t this aggression will not be the last aggres- i by the victorious dictator. The thought is :e, even if concealed and unwelcome, that so-called great democracies have only post- ed the day when further aggressions on the t of one of the dictators will result in further eat or war. ut the many disappointments arising from partition of Czechoslovakia include not only llusionment at the sacrifice of a respected small state to brute strength and at the wth of prestige of the militaristic nations, but disappointment at the failure of the ideals ntegrity between men and between nations ch have been so plow in developing through ages and which will lose many years of ress through this betrayal. ad what of the position of our own demo- .. Av.I-m+Iac. a atp+ maa Ttr+.maam -rtain TO MANY OF THOSE who watched the crowd Friday night march out of Hill Auditorium and down Liberty to Main street, a particularly bitter thought occurred. At least it did to us, and it phrased itself into a lead sentence for the Daily's article about the affair which might have run like this: "More than five thousand Michigan students who couldn't spend half an hour attending the peace rally Friday noon in protest of the betray- al of Czechoslovakia, enthusiastically marched for two hours through Ann Arbor's streets exulting in their infantile incendiarism, until finally quenched by the city's entire police force aided by state police. . It was fascinating to watch the mob. As it filed out of Hill Auditorium it seemed as if some idea had hypnotized it. And it had. It was the idea of having a good time. The desire to revive the college spirit of the Twenties must have tinkled in the addlepates of many of the mob like an overtone. The primitive wish for destruction must have lurked like an undertone in that crowd's' 'subconcious. Whatever it was, the actions of the crowd, as we have said, did fascinate us. Mob psychology, luckily, in this instance, good natured, complete- ly dominated. The picture of thousands blindly running in pseudo-terror at a faint suggestion that a tear-gas gun had been discharged, the solid rows of students bending away like a whip when they mistook the flashlight of a policeman for a riot gun, the stampede when the tear gas was finally discharged, and the frightened cry of a little boy caught in the midst of that insane scramble to safety still remain vivid images to us. Even more impressive was the march down Liberty street. For here the mob just followed a few of the leaders without knowing where it was going and what it would do when it got there. It was almost with a sense of relief that the mob found that there was a fire at the intersec- tion of Main and Liberty blazing away. It gave them the goal which they had not had in their march. It was rather silly to be just marching . . Now they had justification. But let us not be misunderstood. Our point is not that we consider the demonstration childish, or the enthusiasm misspent. On the contrary, such demonstrations are often good things, for they give a sense of unity to each individual in the crowd, the sense of belonging to a group, some- thing which is not characteristic of the Michigan student body. Our point is this-that enthusiasm should have been shown Friday noon on the library steps, for a cause-the cause of humanity and peace. -Albert Mayio Dewey's Candidacy According to the scenario long ago sketched out by New York Republican leaders, Thomas E. Dewey, the youthful racket-busting District At- torney, was to have appeared at Saratoga Springs with the scalp of the redoubtable Jimmy Hines at his belt to receive the nomination for Governor. The performance went off as scheduled, with the important reservation that Jimmy Hines' scalp is still intact, and Mr. Dewey's brilliant record as a prosecutor is marred by the anti-climactic fin- ish of the ballyhooed Hines trial. We are speaking, of course, in terms of drama and of the stage setting for an important candi- dacy-one which might have a bearing on the presidential race in 1940. Nothing can take away from Dewey his fine accomplishments. He em- erged from obscurity as special prosecutor for the famous runaway grand jury, and his unre- lenting war on racketeers and their political allies is a red-letter chapter in the history of New York City, where it is somewhat of a tradition that the district attorneyship is an excellent springboard for higher office. Nevertheless, the outcome of the Hines trial, brought about by an improper question by the District Attorney himself, interposes itself and makes the announcement from Saratoga Springs less imposing than it otherwise might have been. If Dewey is elected over strong Demncrati onnno- J/ feenmr lo e 1-eywood Brown Last Sunday I heard Thomas Mann. On Mon- day I heard Hitler. Between these Germans there is fixed a gulf broad as a thousand years I and deep as the pit. It is strange, and a little terri- fying to find two leaders of the same nation standing so far apart in all things. And I say terrifying because nev- er have I encountered such vivid testimony to the fact that in the evolutionary pro- cess our species may rise or fall like a plane in bumpy weather. Mann and Hitler spoke under very similar circumstances. Each appeared in a huge hall be- fore a throng of listeners. Thomas Mann's posi- tion as a defender of democracy is as definitely established as Hitler's leadership of the Fascist forces. It is unnecessary here to point out the dif- ference in their political beliefs. Indeed, the thing which struck me was something else. It was the cleavage in culture, or, if you like, just plain manners, which arrested my attention. This may not be the major issue in a crisis. Perhaps Hitler might be fully as dangerous to world peace if he were suave and silken. A stil- etto can be as great a threat as a meat ax. And yet I feel strongly that the tragic color of our day is heightened by the fact that the man who seems to me the villain of this generation hap- pens to be so grossly a vulgarian. As the voice broke into shrill hysteria the listener who sat beside me said grimly, "The mark of the beast." And I answered, "Even worse than that-the touch of the ham." Betrays Civilization If I believed in every theory of the Fuehrer I would despise, on technical grounds alone, the method of his oratory. It is compounded out of all the worst schools of elocution in the world, and if anybody replies, "But it seems to get his fol- lowers," that is precisely the thing concerning which I make complaint. Ages must have elapsed before our primitive ancestors learned to make sounds which were intelligible to each other. Indeed, the history of civilization is largely a study of the development of language and its polishing and burnishing as an instrument cap- able of conveying shades of thought. And then a man who has won great power injects into a world crisis, for his own purposes, a series of noises. He betrays civilization. His listeners jump like jitterbugs swept by sound and fury. I was brought up on German, and, besides, experts acted as translators. Several of them confessed an inability at times to distinguish the word of Hitler, because he lashed himself into such a pace and into such strained vocal produc- tion that it was impossible to make out -his phrases. The effect was that of Floyd Gibbons attempting to break the speed record in spite of a frog in his throat. Emotion, Not Ideals And, of course, Hitler was indifferent in the closing portion of his address as to whether or not he was coherent. He was not there to dis- seminate ideas but only to whip up emotion. He might just have well done the whole thing on a voodoo drum, and, indeed, there was more than a suggestion of the giant anthropoid of the forest who drums upon his chest to arouse himself to fighting fury. - Avid I thought of Mann, of Thomas Mann, standing slim and austere upon a platform in the Garden. He, too, was under the tension of a great emotion. But because he was moved he took occa- sion to speak simply and slowly and without any vocal flim-flam or windmilling gesture. What he said represented his matured conviction. He said it deiberately. It came from his heart, but it also came from his head. Mann did not raise his voice as- he said to a throng which sat in an all-en- grossed silence, "Hitler must fall. This and no- thing else will preserve the, peace." And one day later I heard the Fuehrer race by, racked by his fury, shriek to the world, "In this hour the whole German people will be united to me. My will they shall feel as their will." And I knew that aready the answer to him had been given. The world must appeal from the Germany of Adolf Hitler to the Germany of Thomas Mann' Civil Liberties The view of the work of the American Bar Association's new Civil Liberties Committee tak- en by its chairman, Grenville Clark of New York City, is disappointing. According to the Wash- ington Post, Mr. Clark is less concerned about "isolated infractions" of the Bill of Rights than about current "trends" within the Federal Gov- ernment. It is deficit financing and things like that wh'ich worry the head of Frank J. Hogan's new committee. Deficit- financing presents a serious problem; there is no denying that. Yet it would seem that there are many agencies and individuals to dis- cuss continued Federal borrowing and its con- sequences. The logical field of the Bar Associa- tion's new committee, obviously, is the broad field of trespass against the guaranties of the first 10 amendments. These violations concern individuals and they are specific. Moreover, there are enough of them to keep busy the committee which Mr. Clark heads. We have cited several opportunities for yeo- man service for civil liberties by the committee as they have come up in the recent weeks. With Douglas Arant of Birmingham a member. the I" musical worth to be heard during the (Continued from Page 3) ' week. Selections are based on the_________ quality of the music performed rather than on the prominence of the per- nress meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the formers). Michigan League, from 4 to 5. SUNDAY Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessel, con- Coning Events ductor. Examples of ancient harpsi- chord music and madrigals. 11:30- Junior Research Club. The October 12 a.m., WWJ. meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 4, Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee, jat 7:30 p.m. in - the amphitheatre, conductor. Chamber or symphonic third floor, of the Horace H. Rack- music. 12:30-1 p.m., WWJ. sham School for Graduate Studies. F. "Everybody's Music," Howard Bar- low, conductor.' Haydn's "London"' Symphony in D major, Nathaniel Dett's American Sampler, "Polvetsian Dances" from Prince Igor of Borodin. 3-4, WJR. Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wal- lenstein conducting soloists, chorus and orchestra. Cantata No. 27, "Who knoweth how near is mine end?" 8- 8:30, CKLW., Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Be- niamino Gigli, tenor, Eugene Orman- dy, conductor. Prelude to Act III. of Lohengrin, Largo from Dvorak's "New World" Symphony, Liszts' Second Hungarian Rhapsody; "Una furtiva tagrima" from Donizetti's The Elixir of Love, "Questo e quella" from Rigoletto (Verdi), "M'appari" from Martha (Flotow), "Vesti la giubba" from Pagliacci (Leocavallo). 8-9, WJR. MONDAY Curtis Institute of Music String Quartet. 3-3:45, WJR. NBC String Symphony, Frank Black, conductor. Serenade Suite, Op. 22, of Dvorak, Graener's "Sin- fonietta,"' Variations on an'Original Theme by Tschaikowsky. 9:30-10, CKLW. TUESDAY WOR Symphony Orchestra, Joseph Coleman, violinist, Alfred Wallen- stein, conductor. Beethoven's G ma- jor Concerto for violin. 9:30-10, CKLW. THURSDAY WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallen- stein, conductor. Johann Christiar Bach's Sinfonia in B flat major, Liec and Scherzo for Double Wind Quin- tet by Schmitt, Dances to Henry VIIl. of Saint-Saens. 8:30-9 p.m. WGN. Toronto Promenade Symphon3 Concert, Reginald Stewart, conduct- ing. 9-10, WOWO. SATURDAY Cincinnati Conservatory of Musi Symphony, Severin Eisenberger, pi- anist, Alexander von Kreisler, con- ductor. Beethoven's Fourth Sym phony, in B flat, Rimski-Korsakov'c Piano Concerto, minor piano pieces 11-12 a.m., WJR. Symphonic Strings, Alfred Wallen- stein, conductor. "Pah Sphinx" Ov- erture and Symphony No. 6 of Wil- liam Boyce, Elegy by Sibelius, Suit of Morris Dances by Foster. 8:30- WGN. Toward Peace It would be difficult to find a mor dramatic climax in all statesmanshi; than the finale of Neville Chamber- lain's speech before the House o Commons. A playwright who, invente such an episode would be accused o: resorting to an improbable trick o: the stage. The arrival of the news of the Munich conference precisel as the British Premier was ending his dark recital of failure came as re- prieve not only to him and all Eng- land but to the whole Western World a world that had been living for day: under sentence of death. It has been possible to criticize the Chamberlain tactics for their lac of vigor. There can be only heartfel applause for the scrupulous integrit and the self-sacrificing devotion wit which he has labored for peace. N effort was too great, no trip too ardu- ous for the sixty-nine-year-old lead- er. And by a poetic justice all to rare in diplomacy, it was hia goo fortune to see his persistence, hi patient courage, prevail when al seemed lost. Bluff, bluster, arrogance deceit, fought against him. Integrit his only shield, and resolution, hi best weapon, in the end prevailed. In congratulating the Prime Min- ister on his sudden and dramatic suc- cess no one can be too optimistic ove the ultimate result. When the leader- ship of a reckless dictator has brough a continent to the verge of war, the easing of tensions, the discovery of a formula for compromise raise al- most insuperable obstacles. The fana- tical mind of that leader remains an unpredictable factor, and the his- toric gathering in Munich today faces a gravely difficult task. The worlc can only pray that in the atmosphere of that friendly and gracious city a new spirit of generosity will prevail. But it would be difficult to exag- gerate the change in the temper of Europe which has taken place in a few hours. The major credit, as we Ihave said, goes to Mr. Chamberlain, I who, baffled at every point"by the intransigeance of the German Chan- cellor, bethought himself of Rome and sent his message urging a peace move by Hitler's great and good ally below the Brenner Pass. It may be a long time before the exact motivation of these two leaders is known. But it Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon- day, Oct. 3, 7-9 p.m., Room 313 West Medical Building. "The Creatine-Creatinine Prob-= lem" will be discussed. All interest- ed are invited. Churches Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) Hill and Tappan Streets: 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. Leader, H..L. Pickerill. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. 6:30 p.m., Mr. Harold Gray will spegak on "One Man's Answer to Wars> Following the address Mr. Gray will conduct a forum. All students and their friends are welcome. 1 T i t 1 _1 ' First Baptist Church and Roger Williams Guild: Sunday, 9:45 a.m. University students will meet at a group with Dr. Chapman, student pastor, at the Guild house for a 45- minute period of discussion on the subject, "How Our Bible Came To Be." 1I music Calendar (Including programs of the greatest DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubiucation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all melabets of the Vaiver sty. Copy received at the office of the Assistaht to the PesidAt until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. E. Eggleton, Associate Professor of Zoology, will speak on "Biological Productivity in an Anaerobic Envir-; onment," and L. V. Colwell, Instruc- tor in Metal Processing, will talk on "Properties, Uses, and Fabrication of Plastics." The Women's Research Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 3,1 1938, in the West Lecture Room, Mezzanine Floor, of the Rackham Building. Dr. Margaret W. Johnston, Dept. of Internal Medicine, will speak on the subject, "Indirect Colorimetry and its Application." first supper meeting of the season will be held Sunday evening. 8:15 p.m., Joint meeting of Protes- tant Student Groups, sponsored by the Inter-Guild Council. Dr. O. R. Yoder, psychiatrist at the Ypsi- lanti State Hospital will speak on "Mental Health and Religion." This meeting will be followed by a recep- tion in the Church parlor. First Methodist Church. Morning worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "It Isn't Logical." Stalker Hall: Student class this morning at 9:45 o'clock. Prof. W. Carl Rufus will begin a series of dis- cussions on the theme: "The Reli- gions of Mankind." # Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Dean Alice Lloyd will speak on "Building a Life of Worth." Fellow- ship Hour and supper following the meeting. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially ,invited to attend. . i : Close at 10:30.. 10:45 a.m. Worship in church au- ditorium. The Rev. Frederick Cow- in, pastor of the Memoral Church of Christ, Disciples, will be the preach- er, in exchange with Mr. Chapman who will be in Mr. Cowin's pulpit. 6 p.m.. The Roger Williams guild meets at Guild house, 503 1. Huron. Three speakers on the subject, "The Salt of the Campus." Miss Ruth Enns, Bill Yorks and Russ Van Cleve. You will have a chance to ex- press your own opinion. An informal acquaintance hour will follow when refreshments will be served. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Div. St. Sunday service at 10:30. Subject, "Unreality." Golden Text: Job 15:31. Sunday School at 11:45. The First Congregational Church. Corner of State and William Streets. Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. 10:45 a.m., Service of worship. The subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "What comes before Peace?" Miss Mary Porter, organist, will play "Adagio" from Widor's Sixth Sym- phony and "Benediction" by Stain- er. The chorus choir, under the di- rection of Mr. Donn Chown, will sing the anthem, "Lord, for Tender Mercy's Sake," by Farrant. 9:30 a.m., Intermediate and High School Departments of the Church School. 10:45 a.m., Kindergarten and Pri- mary Departments of the Church School. 4 p.m. There will be a meeting of the Teachers and Officers of the Church School in Pilgrim Hall Sun- day afternoon at four o'clock. 6 p.m., Student Fellowship. The BOOKS + ROGER BURLINGAME-The March of the Iron Men. Scribners, $3.75. By STAN LEBERGOTT Roger Burlingame, who has just completed a book on the role of in- vention in American history, has had a rather hard time of life. As a popular writer he wrote long, mod- erately boring novels. Now he has attempted a history of the unifica-1 tion of America by invention. But it looks as though he has still not found his niche in life; his history is no more satisfactory than his novels. In the subject of the unification of the scattered settlements that were colonial America he has run into something big, entirely too big for him. A competent description of the tightly reticulated web of events composing the "social history" of America would test the abilities and insight of a more perspicacious his- torian. Mr. Burlingame has only succeeded in writing an indispensable First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 9:45 a.m., Class in Religion for University students lead by Dr. Lemon in the Social Hall beneath the Church auditorium. 10:45 a.m., "What Determines Des- tiny?" is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Wor- ship Service. The, Student choir di- rected by Palmer Christian will take part in the service. The musical numbers will include: Organ Pre- lude, "Fantaisie" by Franck; Anthem, "The King's Highway" by Williams; Solo, "I will Sing You Songs of Glad- ness" by Dvorak, Burnette Bradley Staebler, and Organ Prelude, "Piece Herouqie" by Franck. 4:30 p.m., World Wide Communion of the Presbyterian Church .in the U.S.A. and the reception of new mem- bers. 5:30 p.m., the Westminster tild, student group, supper and fellow- ship hour to be followed by the meeting at 6:30. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on the topic "The Value of the Church for the Student." All Presbyterian students and their friends are invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Services of worship Sunday are: .8 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar- ten; 11 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, Harris Hall: Mr. Kenneth Morgn, Director of the Student Religious Association of the University of Michigan will speak Sunday night to' members of the 'Episcopal Student Guild at seven o'clock in Harris Hall. This meeting will begin promptly and you are asked to be on time. The meeting will conclude at 8:05 i or- der that those of the group who de- sire to do so may attend the Inter- guild meeting at the Congregational Church at 8:15. Dr. Yoder, Director of the Ypsilanti State Hospital, will speak at the Inter-guild Rally on the subject, "Religion and Mental Health." All students are cordially invited to attend both meetings. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, West Liberty at Third, Rev. Carl A. Brauer, Minister. Morning worship at 10:45. Sermon by the pastor on "The Power of the Christian Life." All Lutheran students and their friends are invited to the Open House, sponsored by the local Walther Leaguers for the benefit of tle su- dents this evening from five to seven- thirty. Supper will be served by a, group of ladies at six o'clock. A Holy Communion service will: e held at 7:30 with a sermon by the minister on the topic: "Why am I a Lutheran?" Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Sunday morning, Mr. Marley will speak on "Fascism in the Saddle." 6:30 p.m. Coffee Hour in Church Library. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union, Prof. Roy Wood Sellars will speak on "The Present Situation and Lib- eral Religion." Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches Services of worship will be held Sun- day at 10:30. The Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn will deliver the sermon :n Zion while the Rev. Henry O. Yoder will preach in Trinity Church. The Lutheran Student Association sponsored jointly by the local Zion 1and Trinity Lutheran Churches will hold their Sunday evening mee*ng beginning at 5:30 with a social half- hour. Supper will be served for 25 cents by the ladies of the churches. Professor Paul Kauper of the Law Faculty will address the meeting at 6:45 p.m. The meeting will be held as usual in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. SAnn Arbor Friends (Quakers) will hold a meeting for worship today at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League, to be followed by a program in which the delegates to the national Friends con- ference at Cape May this summer will A__ c a _s ara i ta .a -. A