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October 02, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-02

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ir Power Agreement Pact
IIay Be European Crisis Result

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

pussolini's Plan Appears
Likely; British Minister
signs In 'Distrust'
{Continued from Page 1)
Munich Accord, an under-current of
dlcontent soon became noticeable.
After the people got through cele-
brating the fact that there would be
no war-at least no immediate war-
many began asking "where are we?"
First, the commentators began
pointing out, Hitler, despite conces-
sions he made at Munich, won a con-
siderable portion of Czechoslovak ter-
ritory, including intact Czechoslovak
Hitler came out the victor, they
s id, after ample evidence that his
nlitary machine had inspired fear.
His position was believed strength-
ened at home and his international
prestige enhanced, and yet the only
general promise he made was that
this - the Sudetenland demand -
would be' his last territorial demand
in E'urope.
If there is one point on which
Prenchmen in all walks of life seem to
agree in commenting on the situation,
it was refusal to take this promise
Since no general agreement was
reached other woes afflicting Europe
may persist, commentators pointed
4ut. Therefore, they said, tae Munich
Accord, while dispelling immediate
war danger, leaves the.possibility that
a new crisis may arise at any time.
' In the face of this uncertain fu--
ture, France must take stock of the
fallowing facts:
1. Her Russian ally is definitely
angry with her. Soviet Foreign Coi-
tissar Maxim Litvinoff, who was ex-
cluded from the Munich conference,
made this clear in hi speeches at
ceneva when he said the internation-
al atmosphere was "filled with hy-
pocrisy and lies."
2R Britain, if she makes an ag'ee-
ment with Italy similar to that she
made with Germany, will force
France to follow suit or remain a
lne outsider, excepting Russfa, which
lnight refuse to back her up.
3. Hitler's success may attract new
satellites into the German orbit at
rnce's expense. To smaller coun-
es which have regarded France as
a big friend she may now appear
eaker and therefore less attractive.-
Chamberlain Finds
!nternal Dissension
LONDON, Oct. 1-{(P)-Great Bri-
tain's outspoken First Lord of the
Admiralty resigned suddenly today in
'distrust" of Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain's new foreign policy.
,Ms action was expected to give
the lead to a growing number of re-
e llious government supporters who
share his "distrust."
The Navy head, Conservative Alfred
Duff Cooper, told the Prime Minister
in his letter of resignation:
.I profoundly distrust the foreign
policy which the present government
is pursuing and seems likely to pur-
sue in the future."
The bluntly-worded resignation of
he 48-year-old Duff Cooper, an Ox-
ord graduate and decorated World'
War veteran, came just one day after
Thamberlain returned as a popular
nero from Munich, bearing an Anglo-
perman anti-war pact and a four-
ower agreement sacrificing Czecho-
lovakia for what he called "peace
.ith honor..
Russians Pessimistic.
9f Polish Safety
MOSCOW, Oct. f-(P)--Moscow,
teeped in pessimism, looks on the
eatmy side of the garment of peace
hblricated biy Great Britain, 'France,
Iermany and Italy.
The Soviet press predicted from
he very first that Prime Minister
thamberlain's talks with Reichsfueh-
er Hitler could end in only one

tay: in sweeping concessions to Ger-
nany at the expense of a third party'
-in this case, Czechoslovakia.
Looking into the future, Russia be-
:eves that Poland likely will be "theI
ictim" the next time there is aj
riendly conference of the four pow-1
Pravda, organ of the central com-J
rittee of the Communist Party, de-
lared in reporting the clamor in theI
'olish press for annexation of Tes-
hen, Czechoslovakia:

Germany, intoxicated with her ability
to get away with anything, will raise
the question of partitioning Poland.
"It is well known that Poland corn-
prises territories long coveted by Ger-
man fascism."
Premier Mussolini's pre-Munich de-
mand for an "integral solution of the
[Czechoslovak problem" is regarded
here as paving the way for a 'similar
'solution of the Polish proble."
Soviet circles believed that Il Duce
in contemptuously describing Czecho-
slovakia as a "mosaic state" consci-
ously or unconsciously placing dyna-
Italians See Spanish
War Solution
ROME, Oct. 1.-(P)-Spain's civil
war is the next problem to be settled,
according to the Italian fascist view,
before Europe can rest easily.
Italy is not wholly optimistic over
the future. Without mentioning the
Spanish war, Virginio Gayda, a
newspaper editor who often echoes
the opinions of Premier Mussolini,
wrote today in Il Giornale D'Italia:
"There still are too many open and
significant problems, too many still
(Continued on Page 3)
Czechs Feel
Betrayed; Naz
ictors' arch
(Continued from Page 1)>
ting their front line positions where
they had faced embattled Sudeten
German Free Corps members at the
little village of Oberlohma west of
By dawn both Franzenbad and Eger
had been evacuated, the few Czecho
slovak civilians and officials leaving
with the troops.
Tonight the evacuation was con-
tinuing east of Eger.
The government decided to create a
mixed commission for liquidation of'
matters concerning the cession of the
territory to Poland. Amputation of
the Teschen territory was a particu-
larly heavy sacrifice since it involved
cutting railway communications be-
tween Germany and Slovakia.
The government also decided to
create a special committee to deal
with financial and juridical matters
arising from the creation of the new
Feeling ran directly opposite in1
Berlin, where orders were given for
the occupation.
Besides the estimated 30,000 sol-
diers forming the vanguard of the
German army of occupation there
were other thousands, under full
equipment, along with motorized
units, ranged along a 120-mile stretch
of frontier.
Like the long gray line of troops
that filtered into Zone No. 1 today,
the others will move forward by stages
into three other zones before Oct. 8
and annex them in the name of the
Third Reich.
Konrad Henlein's Free Corps, the
irregulars he organized after flight.
from Czechoslovakia and Prague's
warrant charging him with treason,
were denied the triumphal entry they
had longed for.
These Sudetens had voed to have
revenge for "every drop of Sudeten
Germane blood" spilled in the border
fighting that preceded the Munich
dismemberment of Czechoslovakia.
But they were held back, to let their
passions cool. The Free Corps head-
quarters at Bayreuth, Germany, for-
bade members to cross the old Ger-
man-Czechoslovak border singly or in
groups without special permission.
An official announcement in Berlin
said no private persons might enter
Sudetenland--even for an outing. Su-

deten refugees wishing to return from
Germany to their abandoned 'homes;
were required to obtain permits from
the secret police.
In place of a homecoming of re-
venge there was the quick, methodical,
frictionless entry of a highly trained
military force, as responsive to direc-
tion as a finely tooled machine-au-
tomations in gray" uniforms and steel
Clocks in the city hall of Aigen,
Germany, had sounded only the first
stroke of midnight when the first
small "token" contingent of 600 men

SUNDAY, OCT. 2, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 7
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Attendance report cards are being
distributed through the Departmen-
tal 'Offices. Instructors are request-
ed to report absences to my office
in accordance with the rules printed'
on these cards. Please note espe-
cially the regulations "concerning
three-week absences, and the new
'time limits for dropping courses. The
rules relating to absences are printed
telow. They may also be found on
page 36 of the current announce-
ment of our College.
Rules Relating To Absences
1. Three consecutive absences shall
be reported for the information of
the administration.
2. When the instructor considers
the number of absences to be exces-
sive, he may either report the case
to the Assistant Dean, with power,
or exclude the student from class. In
the latter case, he shall notify the As-
sistant Dean of this action and rec-
ommend either the record "dropped
without grade" or "dropped with E."
In making recommendations, instruc-
tors should take into account the rue,
"Save under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped by freshmen
students with less than 24 hours of!
credit) after the end of the eighth
week, and by all other students after
the end of the sixth week, will be
recorded with the grade E."
A student who is absent from any
course more than three weeks will be
required to drop the course, unless
on the recommendation of the in-
structor in charge he is given special
permission to continue. Application
for special permission should be
made to the Administrative Board of
the College.
3. A student who is absent from
all his courses more than three weeks
will be required to withdraw for the
rest of the semester unless on the
recommendation -of his instructors he
is given special permsision to continue
all or part of his courses. Application
for special permission should be made
to the Administrative Board of the
4. A student who enters a class late
shall be deemed to have been absent
from all meetings of the class up to
that date.
5. Each absence on the day im-
mediately preceding or following a
vacation or holiday shall be counted
as three. The instructor shall have
power to waive this rule in cases of
6. Except for members of teams,

absence for the purpose of attending
out-of-town athletic or other con-
tests, performances, or exhibitions
shall be deemed wilful neglect, and
such absence shall be counted as
three. Members of teams shall pre-
sent to each instructor a written
statement from the responsible au-
thorities specifying the exact period
for which absence from the city is

sent on leave, for the first semester
of the current academic year.
b. Members of the Library Com-
mittee to succeed
1. Professor Ermine C. Case as
representative of Group II.
2. Professor Albert Hyma, repre-
sentative at' large.
6. Reports:
a. Executive Committee, by Pro-

Personal Traits
Are Topic Today
Professor H. Y. McClusky
To Speak At Roundtable
Prof. H. Y. McClusky of the educa-
tion school will discuss various types
of personality traits and their desir-
ability at the first of a series of Fresh-
man Roundtables to be held at 4 p.m.
today at Lane Hall.

Change Made
Midsemester Frosh Limit
To Drop Courses
Three changes in the rules relating
to absences in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts were an-
nounced by Assistant Iean Erich A.
Walter yesterday.
Beginning with this semester, only

Absence I


necessary. -.fessor John F. Shepard. After the talk, the audience will be freshmen may drop courses at mid-
7. No student shall be admitted to b. Executive Board of the Gradu- divided into groups of 10 and will semester time, at the end of the
a class after the end of the third weel ate School by Professor Floyd Bar- meet with upperclassmen to discuss eighth week, without penalty. "Save
of a semester. tell. the speech they just heard. The dis- under extraordinary circumstances,"
8. At any time when reports from a c. Deans' Conference, by Dean Ed- cussion groups are made small so
student's instructors indicate that ward H. Kraus. that everyone will have an opportun- no student above the rank of fresh-
through excessive absence he is ne- d. Administrative Board, by Pro- i-y of voicing his opinion. man will be permitted to drop
glecting his work, the Administrative fessor Wilber R. Humphreys. On Oct. 9, Professor McClusky will courses after the sixth week without
Board shall have power to put him on e. Academic Counselors, by Profes- continue his talk on personality with receiving an E grade. A freshman is
probation. At the end of the semes- sor Arthur Van Duren. a talk on the techniques of acquiring regarded as any person possessing less
ter it may also assign him one or f. Enrollment Statistics, by Regis- regarded as any person possessing less
Inore hours of credit. trar Ira M. Smith. .sthan.34 hours of credit.
! ~ ~ ___ g. Summer Session, by Director general linguistics, will speak on "Re- Thseodrl'efstotuns
Louis A. *Hopkins. lationships to other Personalities" on The second rule refers to students
Football Ticket Exchange: All _____kis Oct. 16. Relationships such as college who absenr themselves from any
those who have not received their Futy friendships will be treated, course for more than three weeks.
money for tickets left at the Foot- Fi aculy, School of Education: The They Will be r;'uired to drop the
moeyfr ikeslet tth oo- frs eglr etig fth ea i -__ _- course unless they are given special
ball Ticket Exchange desk should call be elo Monay, th3 at 12 beginning of each semester and sum- permiss the Adinisrativ
for same on Monday, Oct. 3, 1938 m oon atndhy Mciga U 2 cer session every student shall be Bordso the itrv
from 3-5 p.m. at the Student offices Michigan Uon. conclusively presumed to be ineligible Board of the College.
of the Michigan Unionf Eligibili for aiy public activity until his el-- The third new rule requi:s a stu-
James Halligan, Mgr. tteni ty for Pulic Activities: The igibility is affirmatively established dent to withdraw from the college if
'inattbiin of all those participating (a) by obtaining from the Chairman he has been absent from all of his
p activities is called to the of the Committee on Student Af- courses for three weeks. Appeal from
To the Members of the Faculty of following ruling. fairs, in the Office of the Dean of this rule is also in the hands of the
the College of Literature, Science, and Certificate Of Eligibility.-At the (Ccntinued n Page 4) Administrative Board.
the Arts.(Cotin -e-d- - - ---le 4)
The first regular meeting of the
faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic session of 1938-39 will be held
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Oct. 3,
1938, at 4:10 p.m. A large attendance
at this initial meeting is particularly
Edward H. Kraus. BRAN
1. Adoption of the minutes of the


meeting of June 6, 1938, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 436-451).
2. Memorial to the late Professor
Orma F. Butler. Committee: Pro-
fessors Henry A. Sanders, Philip L.
Schenk, John G. Winter, Chairman.
3. Introduction of new members
of professorial rank.
4. Report of the nominating com-
mittee. The committee consists of:
Prof. Verner W. Crane, Chairman
Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt
Prof. Neil H. Williams
Prof. Walter A. Reichart
Prof. Karl Litzenberg
5. Election:
a. Members on the Executive Com-
mittee for a three-year term to suc-
ceed Professors Campbell Bonner
and Heber D. Curtis, whose terms of
office have expired. One member
to replace Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, ab-




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