THE MICUICAN DAILY _ Mussolini-Shakes Hands With Chamberlain Fourth Student Riot Features a Less Damage Petty Incendiarism Rife (Continued from Page 4) Guild at seven o'clock in Harris Hall. Associated Press Wirephoto shows Premier Mussolini, mediator of the Four Powers' Munich accord, shaking hands with Prime Minister Cham- berlain of Great Britain, with whom he signed an agreement, not yet in ;effect. As Police Douse Fires This meeting will begin promptly and you are asked to be on time. The Crowd Has Started meeting will conclude at 8:05 in or- der that those of the group who de- (Continued from Page 1) sire to do so may attend the Inter- _ -guild meeting at the Congregational age before the tear gas was used. Un- Church at 8:15. Dr. Yoder, Director like last night's episode, the gas of the Ypsilanti State Hospital, will proved ineffective and in desperation speak at the Inter-guild Rally on President Clarence C. Little finally the subject, "Religion and Mental Health." All students are cordially had to make a speech before the stu- invited to attend both meetings. dents went home. Plastered with eggs, the police were St. Paul's Lutheran Church, West left to contemplate a completely Liberty at Third, Rev. Carl A. Brauer, ruined theatre front which bricks Minister. and muscle had smashed. Six of the Morning worship, at 10:45. Sermon rioters' number were arrested. Next by the pastor on "The Power of the Christian Life.' morning found wiser heads collecting All Lutheran students and their student subscriptions to pay for the friends are invited to the Open House, damage and for a while it was thought sponsored by the local Walther the matter would efid there-until Leaguers for the benefit of the sou- three of the offenders were suspend- dents this evening from five to Seven- ed from the University and three thirty. Supper will be served by a more, were placed on probation. group of ladies at six o'clock. A Holy Communion service will i4P' Star Riot Famous held at 7:30 with a sermon by the Still more famous is the Star The- atre riot the exact date of which is unknown. It was before the war that an upperclassm n had the mis- fortune to have the theatre manager trip over his foot one afternoon. The manager, lacking a sense of humor, called a bouncer and together they threw the offender out. And then the fun started. In a couple of hours 1,000 brawny young men had gathered-armed with bad fruit, worse apples, and still worse eggs. Mobbing the place, they tore up seats, tied a rope around the piano and hauled it into the streets where they dissected it. They would have been contented to go in peace, they said, but th management called the police and fire department. Then the rioting really began. Students Stole Helmets minister on the topic: "Why am Lutheran?" Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Sun morning, Mr. Marley will speak "Fascism in the Saddle." 6:30 p.m. Coffee Hour in Cht Library. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Un as usual in Zion Lutheran Parish 1Hall. (Continued from Page 1) i country whenhe addressed the crowd. Emerine, '39, and signed by students The new democracy has patterned its attending the meeting. These were industrial and political ideas after4 telegraphed to Secretary of State our and other democracies. It is for Cordell Hull. that reason, he added that the Czechs America plays the role of a tutor to feel a deep hurt at the treatment Czechoslovakia, said Lichtenstein, they have received at the hands of who has recently returned from that European democracies. Classified Directory --- - -12c. We call for and deliver. Phone FOR RENT 4863 for other prices. Mrs. Richards. 72 FOR RENT-Very attractive for wo- -7 man, in business or school. Home FOR SALE- privileges. 411 E. Washington near State. 6318. 69 ?OR SALE-Fine hunting dog. Reg- istered pedigreed German Pointer. FOR RENT-Double room for boys. Call 2-2961. 77 Approved, $2.50 each, 1232 White. 'Phone 2-1954,. Near Ferry Field. 70 .7.0R SALE-Ford car,. 1934 Fordor Phn_ 2-__ 4.________yF__ d__7 Sedan. In excellent shape. Good FOR RENT-Campus area, 2 room htires, battery. $125. Phone 3305. 75 Apt., hot water, private bath, frig- ----- -- - ---- idaire, reasonable. 540 Packard. 68 WANTED - TYPING FOR RENT-Rooms for boys, 2 blocks rYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, from campus, stores, 1 block from 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. 79 movies. Suites at $3, $3.25. and VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. $3.75. Single at $4. Roomy. Call Reasonable rates, 706 Oakland. 2-1767. 311 Thompson. 52 Phone 6327. 10 FOR RENT-3 rooms well furnished. MISCELLANEOUS Students stole policemen's hel- mets and coats; took the fire hose away from the firemen and turned it upon those unfortunates and then finally cut the hose into pieces for souvenirs. But again morning brought head- aches. The piper had to be paid so students circulated among faculty and business men with collection pails to gather money to keep ar- rested undergraduates from prison. And now Sept. 30 will enter Michi- ghans legendary hall of fame-the night when the Fourth Riot occurred. . -rill RAINEY HOTEL, 303 E. Ann St. 1 WANTED-Sophomore wishes room- mate for large double room, newly furnished, tile bath, showers, hot water. $4.00. 1417 S. University. 63 WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17 FOUR PERSONS, interested in going to Minneapolis and return for Michigan-Minnesota football game. Call 2-1227 between 5 and 6. M. F. Kessler. 64 SPECIAL END PERMANENTS $1.50. Shampoo and Fingerwav6 with Rinse 50c. College Beauty Shop. Ph. 2-2813. 65 Before and After the Football Game visit The German Inn 117 West Huron for an excellent Home-Cooked Meal. As for your Sunday Chicken Dinner try our 40c chicken plate and other specials. - Choice BEER and WINES - DANCING...ARMORY Company K 0 GRAND OPENING Fri., Sept. 30 - Sat., Oct. 1 HERB "RED" RITZ and his band ., Early Bird Price before 9:00 Dancing Every Friday and Saturday f <=>3 <=> <=>t<=> <=> 7<=> i<=> c<=> )<=> 0 For the past two days advertisements have appeared in )he Michigan Daily giving the Oratorical Association lecture series prices. These prices have I -'. Mail Lecture Series Applications Now Applications for tickets will be filled in the order received. The Hill Audi- torium box-office sales will be open October 17 and continue through October 25. Mail all orders to the Oratorical Association, 3211 Angel Hall, Ann Arbor. rf PRICES Single Admission Tickets Ik Season Tickets I BECOME ACQUAINTED With Those Who Serve You With Safety, Honesty and Integrity. I Main floor.. . 75 Balcony. . . 5 . 0c Main floor... $3.50 Three central sections- Main floor.. $3.00 Extreme right and left- First Balcony, three central sections $3.00 First Balcony, extreme right and left $2.75 (Woollcott and single admission $1.00 and 75c). van Zeeland tickets . . . . 11 11 I I 11 I I 11