w ~" THE MICHIGAN DAILY STEA,111 ,1R d ini Shakes Hands With Chamberlain Foui'thf Student - -- Dietitian To pa DAILY 04FICIAL BULLETIN O m Ri ot Feaitures Pu ubitin In the Bulletin I contructve notice to all members of the Onniesiy Vegetariattenismofte sisat oth reien 1until 330 11 00 anm.on Saturdayb " etalkn the comng thne, Less iD amiage Lw~illb h akgiven by Lucille Coh-' w,,.__ "Cnine fo Pg ) iise o h tpc:"hya. am at a meeting of the state conven- I~c~firsl ieIGida ee 'lc nLutheran?" tion of the Theosophical Society on < J "s etty nedaim RfGulatsvnocckn Harris Hall. I____ Sunday at '12:30 to be held at the >"M " Tismetig il bgi pomtl ad icign eaue N I II11,£As Police Douse Fires Ti etn ilbgnpopl n Unitarian Church: 11 a m Sunday MiYuaeakdt e ntm.Te;Techignvetongue.il b el MAYI Crowd Has Started meeting will conclude at 8:05 in or-3 morning, Mr. Marley will speak on theaycnvntirowhc will be heid I"yder that those of the group who de- "Fascism in the Saddletdyadtoorwwl bEet4e contnue'frm rge r sie t doso ay aten th Iner- 6:30 p.m. Coffee Hour in Chrch !by Miss Gtham's talk and by a Contnue 'fom agei'~ ireto o s ma attnd he nte- .spcial vegetarian dinner prepared lz --- --._-_--guild meeting at the Congregationalibaiy. under her direction.° Mage before the tear gas was used. Un- Church at 8:15. Dr. Yoder, Directorl 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union ____________________ E like last night's episode, the gas of the Ypsilanti State Hospital, will Prof. Roy Wood Sellars will speak ipoe nfetv n ndseainseak at the Inter-gul al no TePresent Situation ard Li- iff-erent.. try a( s President Clarence C. Little finallyth sujc,"eionadM tlerlRign. Health." All students are cordially Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches had to make a speech before~ the stu- invited to attend both meetings. Services of worship will be held Sun-1 WEGEN ER'S iled daetywn om.__ at 10:30. The Rev. Ernest C.i Original Milk Plastered with eggs, the police were' St. Paus LteanCuch etSdayrnwl dlvrth emo n4 ROCK & RYE N M left to contemplate a completely l Liberty at Third, Rev. Carl A. Brauer, Zion while the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder Iruined theatre front which bricks ( Minister. will preach in Trinity Church. ansusl adsase.Si f h Morning worship at 10:45. Sermon The Lutheran Student Association i' r c and muscle had smasnumberiaroesthe by the pastor on "The Power of the sponsored jointly by the local ZionIts:J1nN F rioters'aneieiNextand Trinity Lutheran Churches will morning found wiser heads collecting I All Lutheran students and their hold their Sunday evening mee rig as ° F -student subscriptions to pay for the friends are invited to the Open House, beginning at 5:30 with a social half- Q Smooth ' 4z rdamage and for a while it was thought sponsored by the local Walther hour. Supper will be served for 25 asI rhted Prthe matter wouldwsendemthere-untilni Leaguers for the beefit of the s.- cents by the ladies of the churche. atdPrs Wrpht sos rmirMuslni, mediator of the three of the offenders were suspend- dents this evening from five to seven- Professor Paul Kauper of the Law 0Sl kwers' Munich aecord, shaking hands with Prime Minister Chain- ed from the University and three Itit.Spe ilb evdb aut iladestemeiga ofGet rtin ih hmh sge a geeet ntytgroup of ladies at six o'clock. 6:45 p.m. The meeting will be held _________________ t. GrRirtiwt hmhesge nareet ot yeFoewr pae npa ion. A Holy Communion service will u.e as usual in Zion Lutheran Parih tStrRoFaosheld at 7:30 with a sermon by the Hal edTh'DamCas el IStill more famous is the Star The- __________-__ _____________________ atre riot the exact date of which is ~.Czech Aid- Urgred At .a lyunknown. It was before tihe war Rail that an upperclassman had the mis- fortune to have the theatre manager ontinued from Page 1) country when he addressed the crowd, trip over his foot one afternoon. The' '39. and signed by students }The new~ democracy has patterned it.mnae takiga.eseo hmr the eetig. Tese ereindustrial and political ideas after i called a "bouncer and together they' threwmtheioffenereout.wAnd the d to Secretary of StateI our and other democracies. It is for }threwfnathofedrotAdte Ill that reason, he added that the Czechs plays the role of a tutor to fee] a deep hurt at the treatment In a couple of hours 1000 brawny akia, said Lichtenstein, they have received at the hands of Young men had gathered--armed; -ecently returned from that European democracies. with. bad fruit. worse apples, and still worse eggs. Mobbing the place. Ithey tore up seats, tied a rope around . * the piano and hauled it into the l IIssi fi e.I Dreetoriy streets where they ,dissected it. They E X T R A ! " ' a JJ ~would have been contented to go jn 'XR -"--_____________________________ peace, they said, but th management# 12c We call foi and deliver. Phone cTlen the roin reydegan.tment: FOR RENT 4863 for other pirices. Mrs. Richards. hn Students Stoallbega Helmets sp c a 7 1 a [-rifwT Very attractive for w- 72_ Students stle policemen's hel- business or school. Home' FOR SALE mets and coats: took the fire hose 1MIwg 411 E. Washington near _____--~ away from the firemen and turned an d After the Ga m 318. 69 ?OR SALE-Fine hunting dog. Reg- it upon those unfortunates and then -- -- - istered pedigreed German Pointer, finally cut the hose into pee o T-Double room for boys. Call 2-2961. 77 pouenis.SAN WIHESorPECAL -19$2.50Neach.F1232 ie. 0 OR SALE-Ford ca, 134 Fordor But again morning brought head-SITSHABLEP TSU CEO -194. earFery Feld 70 Sedan. In excellent shape. Good aches. The piper had to be paid soSWF'HABLEP TE UNHO IfT-Campus area, 2 room tires, battery. $125. Phone 3305. 75 students circulated among faculty DEVILED EGG SALAD 35c it water, private bath, frig - -' _- - -_ and business men with collection 1 TUNA SALADCOIEoHTPLT ~aoal.50Pcad 8WANTED - TYPING pails to gather money to keep ar-1 HOT BEEF BARB$EQUJ I25 - - -restedunegautsfoprsnSpcas..2c r-Rooms for boys, 2 blocks £'YPING-Experienced. Miss . Alen, undoegraduai etes rM pich- (Sandwich fillings JCIE mpus, stores, 1 block from- 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. 79 fehdiy -oeMd IS&CIE ____________________gans legendary hall of fame-the fehdiy oeMd IS8 AE Suites at $3, $3.25, and VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist, night when the Fourth Riot occurred. Sngle at $4. Roomy. Call Reasonable rates, 706 AOakland. " 311 Thompson. 52 Phone 6327. 10 -_..- T -3 rooms well furnished. MISCELLANEOUS Before and After the nt for rent. Convenient to-________________ ty and hospital. Rent reas- RAINEY HOTEL, 303 E. Ann St. 1 Football Game visit- Call 2-3 430 for further in- WAT-D-olomr ihsro-- )n.,o 6q WATD-ohooewihsyom mate for large double room, newlyTh TStewtprvtbah furnished, tile bath, showers, hot ' IT Sutewih riat bth water. $4.00. 1417 S. University. 63 v~r~ f wer for three, also newly _______ dd double. Phone 8544. 422 WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- 117 West Huron" ington. 42 way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins? 'yq, s3 apat- Gravel Company Phone 7112. 17 for ant excellentI V.. rivate bath, newly decorat- FOUR PERSONS, interested in going I-oin -Cooked Meal.; ly 7905 :G Street. Near main to Minneapolis and return for a. " 7Dexter, Michigan. '50 Michigan-Minnesota football game A o orSna hce _______________- ----Call 2-1227 between 5 and 6. M. F. NT-Beautifully furnished Kslr 4 Dnner try our 40c chicken -'t..*V :v4 it three. Private bath and - ---------- plate and other specials.. .*. * . . Also newly decorated SPECIAL END PERMANENTS $1.50. '*: *. 'a " .' temha.Poe84. SapoadFgewv wih - Choice BEER and WI NES - 7__ k . -. 4....:' Vashington. 76 Rinse 50c. College Beauty Shop. Ph. , T-Fu--sed -L 71 - 2-2813. 65 ~ A ' / L CI - PJDDU Sblocks from campus,. Key Cse e~ o<