THE MICHIGAN DAILY sAN DAIEY ---n.. a -1 I NEM a u ohr rWS a(~ Eidited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the UniversIty year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to ft or not otherwise credited in this naewspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second class mail .matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPREZENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT SiNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - 'SAN FRANCISCO - Board of Editors anaging Editor Itorial Director ,y Editor sociate Editor sociate Editor sociate Editor sociate Editor sociate Editor sociate Editor ok Editor omen's Editor orts Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell . .Albert P. Mayio . . . . Horace W. Gilmore . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry . .. S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perlman . . ....William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman . .. .Earl Gilman .. . Joseph Gies . . . . Dorothea ftaebler . Bud Benjamin Business Department siness Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen dit Manager Leonard P. Siegelman vertising Manager . . William L. Newnan men's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean omen's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily taff and represent the views of the writers Ily. a ... a W ELCOME TO AN OLD FRIEND. A friend with whom we have had some ae times and good fellowship. Once we "mowed m down" by 119-0, 55-0, 46-0, 39-0. That, alas, as back in dad's and grandad's times. Lately he hasn't been so easy-going. For four ars now he's pushed us around, taken all the g numbers, and even tried to steal our goal- >sts. Do we hear him jeer-16-0, 20-6, 21-7, -14? But that's history, too. Today that man's here again. We welcome him rdially and sincerely. Whether our smile re- ains as hearty in farewell depends somewhat on .e results this afternoon. Let's hope we can rn the tables on him once again. But win or se, we still hail him as an old friend and op- nent for whom we have both respect and lik- g..Our game with him-with Michigan State-- one of the highlights of our football season. Welcome back, visitors from M.S.C. May we , on both sides, enjoy our friendly rivalry to- y regardless of its outcome. And may the best am win!. -Robert Mitchell which fraternities will derive from such dormi- tory building outweigh the transitory disadvan- tages of a rearrangement of finances. Too often men who would have made good fraternity ma- terial eschew the disadvantages of unsatisfac- tory housing and go elsewhere to school, fraterni- ties lose what might have proven valuable addi- tions to their membership. On the other hand, if adequate and comfortable housing facilities are available in University maintained dormi- tories, the type of men who make good fraternity material will be attracted to the campus and fraternities will be widely benefited, while men students as a whole will be more comfortably housed.' --Carl Petersen In Defense Of SplendidIsolation .. . URING THIS BREATHING SPELL in the European crisis, it again becomes America's problem to devise means of keeping out of the fracas. By examining the history of the period from 1914 to 1918 we should be able to formulate some program and then, put it into operation immediately. The first step and the most important one which we failed to take seriously during the last war, is that of getting and keeping our nationals and their property out of the war zones, and forbidding loans to either side. At present, the Associated Press reports that there are about 88,000 Americans living in Europe today. These figures include 5,890 in Germany, 5,190 in Czechoslovakia, 12,384 in France, 25,516 in Italy, 2,500 in Poland, 660 in Hungary and 706 in Rumania, all of which nations are in the dan- ger areas in the impending conflict. The report continues that "these figures do not include the thousands of tourists clamoring for steamship passage from the war menaced areas. At present, the navy has five vessels in Euro- pean waters which could not possibly afford ac- commodations for evacuation of more than a few hundred of these Americans. Many would be able to obtain passage oh commercial boats. The remainder must be warned to flee and accommo- dations provided and those who wish to remain must be left to their own resources. Property and investments made abroad by our citizens are made at all times with the under- standing that they are made at the citizen's risk: that they may at any time be confiscated by hostile powers or that they may be devastated by war and that the United States government ac- cepts no responsibility for them. No loans of any-kind, either by individuals or by the government, can be permitted if we 'are to preserve our neutrality. Likewise, American ships must keep out of war zones and must not carry contraband of war. The maligned Neutral- ity Act, although working an injustice on cer- tain nations, seems to be the only way of prevent- ing a re-occurance of the happenings of 1916 and 1917. Forbidding travel except at the citizen's risk will likewise be necessary. The second step which has already been pro- vided for was diescribed by Mark Foote in his column Tuesday. The panic resulting immediately on the declaration of war, anticipated in view of the experience of 1914, will be cushioned or at least forestalled by transfer of funds to this country by foreign investors, but mainly by domestic measures organized since 1914. First. of these is the Federal Reserve system barely established at that time, which was set up for just such eventualities and is now prepared for its work. Also, the Securities and Exchange Commission with its control over commodity and stock exchanges, and the Federal Deposit In- surance Corp., to protect the banking structure, have been established to stabilize economic setup of this country. Finally, serious consideration of some pro- posal such as the Ludlow Resolution or the pro- posed amendment so long advocated by Gen. Smedley Butler to prevent our soldiers fighting outside of this nation, or to place in the hands of the people the choice as to whether they want war or not. These, along with a watchful eye over the profits of the munitions makers, ought to prevent another mess like the last one in which we involved ourselves. The present halt in the march to war is only a short respite. We must now decide whether we wouldn't prefer "splendid isolation" to another Pyrrhic victory like the last. -Malcolm Long Railroad DiS Ute Again the country has reason to be grateful for the enlightened provisions enacted to avert a tie-up of the railroads. Various mediation and arbitration moves have failed, 950,000 railroad employes voted to go on strike next Friday night rather than accept the 15 per cent wage cut which the railroads had proposed to put into effect at that time. That adoes not mean, however, that the em- ployes will walk out and the trains stop moving at the strike deadline. The Railway Labor Act of 1926 provides that after a strike call has been issued, the President may appoint an emergency fact-finding commission to investigate the dis- pute and make recommendations. No strike may be called for 30 days after the commission's re- port is issued. President Roosevelt yesterday appointed such an emergency commission-one of able and dis- tinguished personnel. The hearings are expected to last two or three weeks. Allowing a few days for the hearings to get under way, a reasonable time for the report to be written and a period of 30 days thereafter in which the status quo must be observed, it would be some time in December before a strike call could become effec- tive. With railroads representing one-third of the mileageyin the country virtually bankrupt and another third verging on grave difficulties, the management and the unions are agreed that the nation's railways face a crisis and that a program -l eywood B ro un Anybody who attempts to write newspaper comment on world affairs while history proceeds at its present breakneck pace must risk the chance of being inaccurate and grossly unfair. The whole face of the world is subject to change between editions. But, after all, no day-by-day columnist makes any pre- 5 tense of thinking of himself as a historian or as one whose words will be remem- bered when final or even ma- tured judgments are set down. But these are not the times in which anybody feels inspired to deal with the birds and flowers, and even small columnists can assert the right of self-determination and the freedom of expression. One tries to catch, if he can, some semblance of a pattern in the turning and twisting of events. I am beginning to have a strong feeling that certain men and women in progressive groups may qualify as major prophets. Indeed, I have listened to several American newspaper writers, well-informed on foreign affairs, who charted out with a high degree of accuracy the recent weeks. There are few incidents in history, and if ,we were all equipped with adequate background in- formation therewould be only a minor number of surprises. I can mention John Gunther, for instance, as one who told me at least six weeks ago the way in which he thought the war lords would jump. They have followed his specifications very closely. Almost it begins to seem as if the pageant of history were a play carefully rehearsed behind closed doors and now being put on for a public performance. * * * Pact Against Russia I heard several foreign correspondents pre- dict, a long time ago, that Adolf Hitler's inten- tion was to isolate Russia by bringing about a four-power pact, with Germany, Italy, England and France as the allies. Indeed, Hitler has made open overtures for such a setup, but public opinion in England and France was not suffi- ciently favorable for any such alliance to be made deliberately and in the open. These tactics have changed. Ncw the pressure is being put on in a different form. Hitler, in effect, is saying to the Western democracies, "Join me in an alliance or meet me in a war. The price of peace is fraternization with Fascism." Instead of being asked to walk into the' parlor, England and France are being ordered to crawl in. Now, some will say that there is no compro- mise whatsoever which should not be accepted to establish peace or even to stave off war for a little while. That is hardly the question. Time will tell whether the acceptance of Hitler's world leadership is the path to peace. For my own part I believe it is the most certain course to war. Again, people who have criticized Chamber- lain severely are called to task and asked to re- member that if he sacrificed dignity in his flight to Hitler's summer home he did it to save the lives of millions. His dignity is not the issue. If Chamberlain could avert war he would be justi- fied in camping at any doorstep out of which peace might proceed. But did that voice which roared over the radio from the Berlin Sport aPalace sound like the voice of one intent upon bringing reason back tb earth? * * * Hero Or AfHamlet No one could listen to the tragically tired voice f Chamberlain in his report to the empire with- out being moved. But it also seemed to me that few could fail to note the ineffectuality of his words and, indeed, of his entire personality. To be sure, history may call him a hero, but I be- lieve it is more likely to identify him as a British Hamlet who was, by all the circumstances of his background, rendered inept for the situation into which he was thrust. It may be that here is the full flower and the best example of the Tory English gentleman who muddles through by saying mildly to the strong tides of economic forces, "But really, sir, that isn't cricket." Wellington fought a battle which ended the career of the Hitler of that generation. And Wellington remarked that Waterloo had been won and the empire saved upon the playing fields of Eton. After listening to Chamberlain's "Tut, tut," I have a notion that it may be lost in precisely the same place. Dewey On Top The extraordinary scenes of enthusiasm which greeted Mr. Thomas E. Dewey in the Saratoga convention were, in part, the cheers of politicians for a strong leader and a victory candidate. They represented even more, we are confident, the re- joicing of the whole party over its rebirth as the representative oi youth and of progress. The brief speech of acceptance which Mr. Dewey made was typical of his steady forthright- ness. He minced no words about the blindness of his own party leaders in the past. He wasted no time in attacking his opponents in any parti- san sense. It was toward the future that he looked and it was the future that he proposed to discuss in the forthcoming campaign: His discussion of his personal problem in reach- ing his decision to accept the nomination was typically candid and conclusive. We share the regret of our readers that Mr. Dewey will, upon becoming Governor, cease to be District Attorney management-a responsibility which, of course, cannot be permanently sidestepped. The FLYIN TRAPEZE By Roy Heath ME AND THE BRICKS If anything gets under my hide and more than ever makes me real- ize that injustice is the order of the day around this school, it is a delib- erate, attempt on the part of the powers that be, the big bullies, to get me out of tis intellectual opium den by underhanded means. I haven't done anything to anyone and I resent the fact that the university is trying to give me enough rope to hang my- self. It's no use boys. I'm wise to your little game. They almost caught me though. The very day I set foot on this cam- pus again, I felt it in my bones that there was a plot to get me out of the road. When I saw that pile of bricks stacked on the sidewalk between An- gell Hall and Haven Hall I knew What it was. Just as: the bounders hoped I would, I picked up one of those bricks and weighed it lovingly in my hand. I glanced at Haven Hall's nice shiny windows. Temporary i n s a n i t y clutched my arm. Everything went purple with pink stripes. Then some- thing stopped me. I'll «tefl you bys, it isn't worth it. Even to get rid of me you shouldn't risk the destruction of just as many windows as there are-"bricks in that stack. I am deadly with a brick and those are the nicest throwing bats I ever laid a hand on. Besides the win- dows, I figure if I worked fast I could make shambles out of that hot house, or whatever it is, over by Natural Science. Never thought of that, eh? Besides, if you must know, it. won't work anyway, no matter how tempt- ing you make it. I'm inhibited. - * «*. * THE POET'S CORNER I My attitude towards people who go around writing poetry has al- ways been one of monumental unenthusiasm. R h y t hm and Rhyme leave me colder than a nudist in Nome. But times area changing and I have to meet com- petition. If Se Terry can coax a couplet out of the muse, I guess I can too. Hi Ho, Lackaay ... . Meditations While Riding A Surf Board While bounding o'er the bounding Main Eating sugar by the grain I sometimes pause and wonder why There ain't no butter in a butterfly.T From The Trapeze's undercover agent at the Kappa House comes this 1 story of frustrated relaxation.. The rushee or party of the first part if you prefer, was pretty well beatenI down by a tough afternoon of attend- ing teas and listening to such original topics of conversation as Ann Arbor weather, Professors, Ann Arbor weath- er, rain, Ann Arbor weather and so on ad nauseum. The jaunty feather in her bonnet was beginning to droop,z and she had consumed so much tea7 that she gurgled like an old hot water1 bottle when she walked. It was a hell1 of an afternoon.1 After the Kappa House she had< one more sisterhood to attend and she was determined to get as much rest as possible enroute. She called a taxi and after winding up the "I've had such a wonderful time" stuff, she beat it down the walk as fast as her aching dogs would allow her, piled in,I shutting the door, lighting a fag ande kicking off her shoes all in one mo- tion. She settled back in the seat and inhaled a deep drag while the driver cocked his ear for the destination. "Delta Gamma House and drive slow,, please," she sighed.1 of New York County. But the argu- ment which he'made as to the larger, importance of the Governorship in re- lation to the very problems of racket-; eering, which he has been solving with such notable success, seems to us unanswerable. The underworld is no longer localized and confined with- in counties. It stretches its tenacles throughout the state, and Mr. Dewey as Governor can aid the fight against; racketeering in not one county but throughout the sixty-two counties of the state. As to the local problems of Manhattan Mr. Dewey has shown himself to be far more than a single- handed' prosecutor. He has demon- strated an ability to select and organ- ize which will serve him in good stead at Albany and which has already giv- en this city a non-political, complete- ly honest and thoroughly able District Attorney's office. When he goes he will name his successor. In the mean- time his office has ample prosecuting ability for the cases in hand; it has also the extraordinary detailed and studied records of evidence which Mr. Dewey's organizing ability has placed at the service of the people of the !state. Mr. Dewey promises to discuss the issues in detail during the course of I the campAign. In the general outlines that he has sketched he has already made plain that his face is toward the future. He is neither for nor against a goal because the New Deal has adopted it. He is for the realities of liberalism efficiently pursued, in DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Puillcation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Universtty. Copy received at the offce of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) Yehudi Menuhin"......... . ..Feb. 15 Gregor Piatigorsky .........Feb. 27 Roth String Quartet ......March 9 Season tickets may be ordered at the office of the School of Music, Maynard Street, at $12, $10 and $8 each. Orders are filed and will be filled in sequence. Exhibition Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings: The water-color paintings of Ya-Kun Chang, a contemporary Chinese paintergof recognized stand- ing, will be exhibited from Saturday, Oct. 1, through Sunday, Oct. 11, in exhibition rooms 3514 and 3515 at the Horace H. Rackham Building. The exhibition, which is sponsored by the International Center, includes both brush paintings and "finger-tip" paintings. Mr. Chang, who is at pres- ent enrolled in the Graduate School of the University, will be at the ex- hibition rooms afternoons to explain his work. Admission is free. . etures University Lecture: Thomas A. Knott, Professor of English in the niversity of Michigan, formerly Managing Editdr of Webster's New International Dictionary, will lecture on the subject "Behind the Scenes in Building a Twentieth-Century Dic- tionary" at 4:15 'p.m., Thursday, Oct. 6, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. The public is cordially in- vited. Events T oday Pi Lambda Theta: Important meet- ing today in the University Elemen- tary School immediately following the football game. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public tonight from 8 to 10 to observe the moon and Jupiter. Children must be accompanied by' adults. . Candy Booth Committee Members: All girls on this committee turn in class schedules and eligibility slips this week at the Undergraduate Of- fice of League. Coming Events Junior Research Club. The Octobbr meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the amphitheatre, third floor, of the Horace H. Rack- ham School for Graduate Studies. F. E. Eggleton, Associate Professor of Zoology, will speak on "Biological Productivity in an Anaerobic Envir-. onment," and L. V. Colwell, Instruc- tor in .Metal Processing, will talk on "Properties, Uses, and Fabrication of Plastics.", The Women's Research Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 3, 1938, in the West Lecture Room, Mezzanine Floor, of the Rackham. Building. Dr. Margaret W. Johnston, Dept. of Internal Medicine, will speak on the subject, "Indirect Colorimetry and its Application." Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon- day, Oct. 3, 7-9 p.m., Room 313 West Medical Building. "The Creatine-Creatinine Prob- lem" will be discussed. All interest- ed are invited. Zoology Club: The first meeting of the Zoology Club for the year 1938-1939 will be held in the Upper Auditorium of the Horace H. Rack- ham Graduate Building on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 8 p.m. The program will consist of short talks by President A. G. Ruthven, Dean C. S. Yoakum, and Mr. Lloyd L. Smith, Jr. Refresh- ments will be served, and there will be' an opportunity to inspect the new building.' Zoologists on the staffs of the De- partment of Zoology, Museum of Zoology, Laboratory of Vertebrate Genetics, School of Forestry and Con- servation, Institute for Fisheries Re- search, and UT. S. Bureau of Fisheries, and graduate students in zoology are invited. Their wives are likewise in- vited to attend. Freshman Round Table: Professor Howard Y. McClusky will speak on the subject "Personality Traits and Their Evaluation" at the Freshman Round Table Sufjday, four o'clock, at Lane Hall. All Freshman are wel- come.1 Varsity Men's Debate: There will' be a meeting of all men interested in Varsity debate Tuesday, Oct. 4, in Room 4203 Angells Hall,. invited to play with the Ann Arbor Hockey Club Sunday morning. Meet at the Women's Athletic Building at 9 o'clock. Vulcans: The open meeting will be held Sunday at 4 o'clock in the Union. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold its regular meeting In the Michigan League at 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2. Please consult the bulletin board for the room announcement. All students interested are welcome. Graduate Outing Club: The first meeting will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 3 p.m. in the Graduate Outing Club Roomn in the Horace H. Rack- ham Building. Enter the building by the northwest door. Plans will be made for the coming year. All grad- uate students interested are cordially invited. Churches Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) Hill and Tappan Streets: 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. Leader, H. L. Pickerill. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. 6:30 p.m., ,Mr. Harold Gray will speak on "One Man's Answer to War." Following the address Mr. Gray will conduct a forum. All students and their friends are welcome. First Baptist Church and Roger Williams Guild: Sunday, 9:45 a.m. University students will met at a group with Dr. Chapman, student pastor, at the Guild house for a 45- minute period of discussion on the subject, "How Our Bible Came ToBe." eLlose at 1:30l. I 10:45 a.m. Worship in church au- ditorium. The Rev. Frederick Cow- in, pastor of the Memoral Church of Christ, Disciples, will be the preach- er, in exchange with Mr. Chapman who will be in Mr. Cowin's pulpit. 6 p.m. The Roger Williams guild meets at Guild house, 503.E. Huron, Three speakers on the subject, "The Salt , of the Campus." Miss Ruth Enns, Bill Yorks and Russ Van Cleve. You will have a chance to ex- press your own opinion. An informal acquaintance hour will follow when refreshments will be served. . First Church of Christ, Scientist 409 S. Div. St. Sunday service at 10:30. Subject, "Unreality."Golden Text: Job 15:31. Sunday School at .11:45. The First Congregational Church. Corner of State and William Streets. Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. 10:45 a.m., Service of worship. T e subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will ie "What comes before Peace?" hiss Mary Porter, organist, will play "Adagio" from Widor's Sixth Sym- phony and "Benedicti9n" by Stain- er. The chorus choir, under the di- rection of Mr. Donn Chown, will sing the anthem, "Lord, for Tender Mercy's Sake," byF Farrant.rTd 9:30 a.m., Intermediate and High School Departments of the Church School. , 10:45 a.m., Kindergarten and Pri- mary Departments of' the Church School. 4 p.m. There will be a meeting of the. Teachers and Officers of the Church School in Pilgrim Hall Sun- day afternoon at four o'clock. 6 ., Student Fellowship.The first supper meeting of the season will be held Sunday evening. 8:15 p.m., Joint meeting of Protes- tant Student Groups, sponsored by the Inter-Guild Council. Dr. O. R. Yoder, psychiatrist at the Ypsi- lanti State Hospital will speak on "Mental Health and Religion." This meeting will be followed by a recep- flan in the Church parlor. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 9.:45 a.m., Class in Religion for University students lead by Dr. Lemon in the Social Hall beneath the Church auditorium. 10:45 a.m., "What Determines Des- tiny?" is the subject of Dr. W.' P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning 'Wor- ship Service. The Student choir di- rected by Palmer Christian will take part in the service. The musical numbers will include: Organ Pre- lude, "Fantaisie" by Franck; Anthem, "The Kings Highway" by Williams; Solo, "I will Sing You Songs o Glad- ness" by Dvorak, Burnette Bradley ' Staebler, and Organ Prelude, "Piece Herouqie" by Franck. 4:30 p.m., World Wide Communion of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and the reception of new men- bers. 5:30 p.m., the Westminster Guild, student group, supper and fellow- ship hour to be followed by the meeting at 6:30. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on the topic "The Value of the Church For the Student." All Presbyterian students and their friends are invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. . arzi aP.o f wnrj' n , , ,,a -.. , ... ill Dormitories urt Fraternities?... ITHIN THE PAST DECADE the Uni- " versity of Michigan has expanded its curriculum, it has extended its cultural and social activities into fields unheard of ten years ago, and has become a leader in many fields of advanced research. But this widening of scope, these advances in the- field of learning, have not been without their unhappy ramifications-rami- fications which affect the student body and through it the University. A necessary adjunct to this broadening of in- fluence has been the wide-spread plant expansion of the University which has extended its physical domain far beyond the confines of the original campus. The Museums, the Law Qudarangle, the League, the Graduate School, the Carrillon and projected buildings have added and will add their utilitari n and esthetic contributions to the University. However, this extension of physical domain has necessitated extensive razing of houses bordering the campus on all sides, houses which in the years up to about 1928 provided accommodations for from one to two thousand men.. University enrollment in 1928 was at the 9,000 mark. This year it bids fair to reach 11,000. So in the period during which houses accommodat- ing some 2,000 men were being razed, the enrolls nent continued to grow by the same number. This. condition has necessitated the removal of room- ing houses farther from the campus, while the shortage of desirable rooms has steadily become more acute. A step in the right direction was taken by the; University last year with construction of the Allen-Rumsey dormitory and this year with the launching of a $2,100,000 dormitory building pro- gram to provide adequate housing for 1,000 men. It is of course only a step, but it is to be remem- bered that building dormitories is a costly and Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal old men at 4:30, Sunday, Oct. 2. for Glee Club: Tryouts for new be held in the club room Union from 4 to 5:30 Sunday. men to at the Eta Kappa Nu Members: The first monthly meeting will be held' at the Union Sunday, Oct. 2 at 7 o'clock. Dinner in the Tap Room at six p.m.