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September 20, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-20

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Powers Urge
Czechs Heed
Hitler Demand
Britain, France, Seek To
Yield Sudeten Area To
Avert European War
(Continued from Page 1)
Minister Chamberlain to meet the
German demands by tomorrow
Unless the Czechs agree soon to ac-
cept the plan calling for outright
cession of Sudetenland and a sev-
en-power guarantee of her new fron-.
tiers, however, Chamberlain may
have to postpone his trip to Godes-
The Czechs were without outside
aid in resisting German invasion or
civil war-with the possible excep-
tion of silent Russia.
On the other hand they were faced
with the terrifying task of appeasing
their own people who were burning
with nationalism and determination
to fight at all costs.-
Not only were the Czech and Slo-
vak statesmen asked to surrender thei
Germanic sections to Hitler but theyc
were also faced with growing de-1
mands for the further dismember-i
ment of their Polish and Hungarian
Poles Seek Slice
In Warsaw, it was announced that;
the Polish Ambassadors to European
capitals had been instructed to in-t
form the respective governments of
the reported Polish view that a full
Central European settlement could
be attained only by detachment of
the Polish minority from. Czechoslo-
Admiral Nicholas Horthy, Regentj
of Hungary, at the same time was re-
ported en route to Germany to get
the aid of Hitler and Chamberlain in
settling Hungary's dispute withR
Czechoslovakia over the 700,000 Hun-
garian minority.
The proposal to capitulate before
Hitler's demands was communicated
to the Prague Government which had
Warned the two democracies in ad-
vance it could not accept responsi-
bility for decisions in which it had
no voice.
This plan was believed to resemble
closely the following unofficial out-
Five Point Program
1. The Sudeten districts of Czecho-
slovakia which in municipal elections
last May and June voted 75 per cent
or more for the Sudeten German Par-
ty candidates shall be considered to
have decided on union with Germany.
2. A new frontier shall be drawn
to include all such districts within
Germany as far as it is. practicable.
3. Districts which voted between
75 and 50 per cent for Sudeten candi-
Clates shall be grouped in autonomous
areas inside Czechoslovakia.
Arrangements shall be made by the
exchange of populations to safeguard
the liberty of German minorities
which do not wish to come under
the rule of Germany; there shall be
similar arrangements for Czechoslo-
vakia's Polish and Hungarian minori-
5. The new frontiers of Czechoslo-
vakia shall be guaranteed by Britain,
France, Germany, Italy, Poland,
Hungary and Rumania and she shall

Eyes Of American Football World Will Be Focused Here This Fall

Revival Of 'Black Friday' Marks
Renewal Of Inter -Class Spirit

Black Friday and the Soph-Frosh
games-banned as "Joe College" by a
blase campus in 1935-made a sur-
prisingly lusty comeback last year,
and incoming freshmen may once
again look forward to renewing their
traditional feud with the sophomores.
Fanned to a flame by a revitalized'
Men's Council and abetted by mob
spirit stimulated by the new dormi-
tories, the fires of inter-class war,
dormant for two years, ravaged the
campus last fall.
Sophisticated upperclassmen who
had never descended to the "vulgar-
ity" of Black Friday in their own
underclass days were shocked, em-
barrassed, and amused when a horde
of frosh burst into the midst of the
Union Formal-sans trousers, their
informal attire in striking contrast,,
to say the least, to the white ties and
tails present.
Pantless but dauntless, the em-
battled frosh drowned out the din of
Bob Steinle's orchestra with cries of
"Yea '41" and "Down with '40",
;>roof of their victory in the flag rush
that afternoon and in the dorm riot
of the night before that made Black
Friday almost an anti-climax.
Out for frosh blood, a band of 50
sophomores had planned a nocturnal
raid on Allen-Rumsey dormitory. A
freshman insomnia victim sounded

were brought into play to repel the
invading sophs. It took President
Ruthven himself to break up the en-
suing melee in which scores of fresh-
men, completely shorn of clothes,
battled naked in a sea of mud with
their oppressors.
That night last year made Michi-
gan history, for a Detroit radio news
commentator broadcast the story of
the riot over the ether, and newspap-
ers from here to the coast carried
the story in 24 point headlines.
Some idea of the mayhem more
politely known as "class games" which
freshmen may expect to encounter
can be gleaned from the 1935 Daily
which reported the cane fight, pillow
fight, and flag-rush of that fateful
"The cane spree is a refined form
of slow death in which an adherent
of each class grasps an axe handle
and attempts, by any and all means,
to force his opponent to lose his
"In the pillow fight, a man from
each class straddled opposite ends
of the five inarticulate ponies (which
had been heavily greased in the mean-
time) and were handed sawdust-filled
sacks with which to pummel one an-
All of which sounds sissy compared
to plans afoot for this year's slaugh-

The Michigan Stadium-Here thousands annually watch Wolverine elevens battle for Big Ten honors. Filled to capacity, the huge bowl will seat
87,000 wildly cheering spectators.

be released from her alliances with
France and Soviet Russia.c
It was assumed generally that theI
anglo-French plan if not Hitler'si
own was approved by him in essen-
tial details at the Berchtesgaden1
meeting Thursday with Chamberlain. 1
A terse communique issued early
today after the anglo-French con-
ference also indicated Chamberlain
had high hopes for a broad European
settlement if the Fuehrer's terms on
Czechoslovakia were met.
It voiced the hope of Britain and
France and that after the "peace-
ful solution" they devised for the
Czechoslovak problem it "will be pos-;
sible to consider a more general set-
tlement in the interests of European
Prague Stands Firm
PRAGUE Sept. 20.-(Tuesday)-
(R)-A source often regarded as a
spokesman for the Czechoslovak for-
eign office declared today the Fran-
co-British proposals for splitting the
nation's territory to appease Adolf
Hitler was unacceptable to the
Prague Government.
The authoritative newspaper, Li-
dova Noviny, whose diplomatic editor,
Hubert Ripka, often reflects the For-
eing O.ice viewpoint declared:
"If the guarantees of borders made
us 20 years ago are invalid today what
assurance have we that promises
made now will be kept in the future?"
The newspaper's comment came as
other sources, usually having access
to Government information, indicat-
ed the Government would consider
the London proposals but only as a
basis of further negotiation.
Bewildered and harassed between'
the two desires-to maintain their
Republic intact in the face of the
drive of totalitarian powers and to
solve the differences with their mi-
norities which they claim always have
been well-treated-Czechs saw in the
French and British proposals a sound-
ing board for additional parleys in
the future.
Czech Hopes Rise
While the Government stationed
police throughout Prague and took
extraordinary measures to prevent
unfriendly popular demonstrations
against the proposed surrender to
Germany of Sudeten German areas
containing much of the nation's vital

defense fortifications and a huge per- h
centage of her industrial resources, a w
glimmer or two of hope lifted up the t
Czechs who earlier had almost des- F
paired of outside aid. li
After a nearly 12-hour session of hi
the cabinet ministers, it was indicat-
ed in sources close to the Govern- p
ment, that the assistance of the m
Czech's French allies had not en- n
tirely disappeared in the excitement o:
of British Prime Minister Chamber-
lain's efforts to produce a settlement. ,p
These sources said as the cabinet d
meeting broke up at 9:30 p.m, that g
two new developments threw a little l
sunlight into the otherwise gloomy t
situation: ri
1. A majority of the cabinet stood
firmly against Hitler's purported sug-
gestion that all cities which gave the
Sudeten German Party, now out-
lawed, a 70 per cent or more pluralityt
in the last municipal elections be n
handed over automatically to the n
Reich. a
2. The French Cabinet was under-
stood here to be exercising no pres- G
sure on Czechoslovakia to accept the i
Frano-British program. k
Seek Russian Aid N
GENEVA, Sept. 19.-(P)-Czecho- t
slovakia was reported to have fallen d
back on Soviet Russia tonight in the d
hope that Moscow might back her up s
against French and British pressure i
to give her Sudetenland to Germany,
Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvin-
off of Russia was said to have sent t
to Moscow a Czechoslovak request for e
support delivered to his delegation a
earlier in the day by Edouard Heid-a
rich, Czechoslovak Foreign Office ex- C
Both Russian and Czechoslovak of-
ficials flatly refused to give any de- s
tails of a talk Heidrich earlier had
with Jacob Suritz, Soviet Ambassa-
dor to France, and they denied Heid-
rich talked with Litvinoff.
They openly stated, however, that
the last hope of Prague lay with Rus-
In both Soviet and Czechoslovak
circles it was understood Czecho-
slovakia had proposed that Russia
try to induce France and Britain to
stiffen their stand against Germany
in the event Prague should refuse to
accept the terms of Chancellor Adolf
Hitler of Germany.
Czechoslovakia was reported to
yr. $4.00
yr. $4.50
yr. $2.25
yr. $2.50


ave asked Russia what the chances
ere of getting Soviet military aid in
he event of German invasion and
rench failure to help. Russia's al-
ance with Prague provides for such
elp only if France gives aid first.
Czechoslovak quarters said it was
%nrihn f ai 'P rnarn Tfii tr K -

ment today of his plans to talk to-
morrow, Great Britain and France
jointly agreed upon a plan to offer
Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to Ger-
Some observers thought II Duce to-
morrow probably would give his views

ossibe irrer Frignmniser, 1a- on this plan, the alarm, and dormitory firehoses ter.
ail Krofta, might come soon to de-_
eva to talk personally with Litvin- Il Duce has insisted Italy wants to -o o o: oo n-- o o: om o ovri
ff. avoid war through a peaceful settle- (
Possibility of a Czechoslovak ap- ment of the Sudeten problem. Everybod who has tasted
eal to the League of Nations was Another point on which Premier thv
iscussed openly in Geneva. It was Mussolini has not yet spoken is
enerally considered, however, as a Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's demand
ast step to be taken only if German that Prague cut loose from her al-
roops crossed into Czechoslovak ter- liances with Moscow and Paris. The
tory. Italian press repeatedly has attacked U
---- those alliances, however.
II Duce To Speak- To Give Reactioni W / T
ROME, Sept. 19.- (/P) -Keeping It also was considered likely Pre-
taly's view to the front in the fast- mier Mussolini would let the world Agrees that it is just as delightful
oving European crisis, Premier Be- know his reaction to Prague's latest as it . . . I'comes in
ito Mussolini will address the world attitude.r loos ottes
gain tomorrow. The Fascist press already has re-for home, office, or shop.
While Great Britain, France and ferred to yesterday's rejection of aso
ermany are engaged diplomatically plebiscite by Premier Milan Hodza of fJ
n discussing the fate of Czechoslova Czechoslovakia as a sign of "insolent
ia, Il Duce will speak at Udine, instubbornness." Premier Mussolini de-Apa
rortheastern Italy. pneesuch a plebiscite in his Tri-
Fascist newspapers forecast that _=_ _Oo__________ __ __________
omorrow's speech would deal with_ _
evelopments since the Premier's ad-
ress yesterday in Trieste, when he C O LIN
aid that if war comes "Italy's place
s already chosen."
Virginio Gayda, authoritative edi-
or of Il Giornale D'Italia who often
xpresses Il Duces' views, wrote to-
lay that "Italy is ready to take up
rms at Germany's side if a mad con-
lagration should explode" over the
zechoslovak problem. 1
Between the times Premier Mus- I1h
olin spoke yesterday and anounce-
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