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September 30, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-30

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being felt even in Ann Arbor; and that the walls
of a seventy-thousand dollar fraternity house, a
chem lab, or a million dollar football stadium
cannot shut out the consequences-in short that
so called "isolation" is only a myth which explodes
at the touch of reality.
Particularly if you were one of the seven hun-
dred who were forced to leave school, you might
wish that you had lent more of your energies
and support to the task of preventing a war in
another part of the world, even if it meant the
scrapping of our traditional foreign "isolation"
policy for something more realistic.
Incidently, all the above suppositions are not
suppositions at all, but are actual quotations
taken from the Michigan Daily of 1914 after war
had broken out in Europe. F
-,Tack Canavan


Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
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Managing Editor
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Associate Editor
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. . . . Robert D. Mitchell
. Albert P. Mayio
. . . Horace W. Gilmore
. . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
. S. R. Kleiman
. . . .Robert Perlman
. . . William Elvin
. . . . Joseph Freedman
. Earl Gilman
. Joseph Gies
. . . . Dorothea Staebler
.Bud Benjamin

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Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
rlhe Myth
Of Isolation ...
brink of a war which might well
plunge civilization into another Dark Age,
"VMichigan students are worrying over tomorrow's
quizzes, and Michigan sororities and fraternities
go about their rushing, chatting blithely about
Saturday's pep-meeting and coming house party
plans. Wrapped in the supposed security of a
cloistered campus, two thousand Michigan fresh-
men are pondering that pressing question:
"Which louse shall I pledge?" and wondering:
"Will State beat Michigan?" Here in our sheltered
"ampus world within a world, separated from
the danger zone by two thousand miles of ocean,
and protected by a nation which we have been
told by some is economically self-sufficient, we
are prone to think that whatever powder kegs
'may explode abroad, the tremors will not be felt
in the fraternity house or class room.
Suppose the Daily tomorrow carried the follow-
ing lead on its front page: Because of the strin-
gency of money and the inaccessibility of paying
situations about the University and Ann Arbor,
approximately 700 students will be lost to the
University this fall ... . The direct cause is said
to be the European war which has tied up all
financia connections and reduced in many cases
the payroll in small firms and managements.
Suppose a few days later this story appeared:
War has had its effect on the ranks of foreign
students enrolled at Michigan. Therm are 27 fewer
students from foreign lands this year, due direct-
ly or indirectly to war. . . . It is believed that
there are many more foreign students in AnnI
Arbor who have not been able to register because
their money wvas held up in passing through the
warring countries.
The next day you might read: Dr. Charles II
Dunlap, '16D has left for London, being ordered
into -the ar'my mnedcal service of England. He
Is the first student at Michigan to be ordered to
report for service in the European war.
Or you might read this: Owing to the outbreak,
of war in Europe, Professor Hugo Thiem of the
lFrench dept., who has been spending the past
year in France on leave of absence has had to'
indefinitely postpone the issuance of a book which
he has been preparing on "The History of French
Suppose these headlines confronted you at
breakfast some morning:
Hold Alumnus As German Spy.
War Department Will Hold Summer Camp This
Year To Train Students And Graduates Fr
Faculty Men Stranded Abroad.
Suppose in your room on the third floor back
you came across these items in the Daily: Because
of the unsettled financial condition into which
the European war has thrown this country, it
has been deemed advisable by the central com-
mittee in charge of the campaign for a net
$1,000,000 Michigan Union Clubhouse to post-
pone the active canvass until some such time as
financial affairs become more settled.
* * *
In contrast to the purely problematical effects
of the war on the University is the pressing need
of European books and chemicals, felt in almost,
rinrartmentt o nf the Iniversiv. With the

hope, the illusion that we are isolated
from the rest of the world and from the momen-
tous events taking place in Europe-in Munich
at this moment.
Students at the University of Michigan can
and must do something to voice their opposition
now both to a recurrence of war and to England
and France giving their consent to the dismem-
berment of our sister democracy, Czechoslovakia,
in the vain hope that such a course will appease
the unappeasable Hitler.
We can accomplish something by peaceful
means immediately.
At noon today on the Main Library steps the
Progressive Club, local chapter of the American
Student Union, the Ann Arbor unit of the Ameri-
can Federation of Teachers, the American League
for Peace and Democracy and other church and
civic organizations are sponsoring a "Save
Czechoslovakia" meeting.
This meeting is one of many such gatherings
that are being held throughout the nation today
to support our government's position and to
demonstrate to the principles in the Munich four-
power meeting that America's youth condemns
a continuance of the fascists' aggression against
peaceful countries.
Your voice must be raised at the Library steps
at noon today, for youth's desire for peace-a
lasting peace built upon justice among nations-
must be made clear to those who toy with our
future. ,
-Robert Perlman
TouHitler .,*.
message to Hitler Tuesday night was
a piece of statesmanship of the first order. With
Europe on the brink of a war that cannot fail
to affect the United States profoundly, it was
the President's duty to exert whatever influence
possible in favor of world peace, for the sake
of American security as well as for altruistic rea-,
sons. The difficulty lay in finding a formula
for such intervention which would not involve
the United States in any way in the crisis itself,
but which yet would be more than a random
expression of pious hope. The President's message
fulfilled the requirements to perfection.
The most important feature of the communi-
cation was the implication, restrained but clear,
that the question of- peace or war rests solely
with the head of the German nation. Hitler's re-
ply to the previous message from Roosevelt had
dealt with the issue entirely in terms of the
Sudeten minoi'ty problem. In reply to this the
President stated: "The question before the world
today, Mr. Chancellor, is not the question of
errors of judgment or of injustices committed in
the past. It is the question of the fate of the world
today and tomorrow. The world asks of us who at
this moment are heads of nations the supreme
capacity to achieve the destinies pf nations with-
out forcing upon them as a price, the mutilation
and death of millions of citizens."
The President then went on to point out the
sterility of results achieved by the appeal to
force in 1914 and to emphasize his previous plea
for the continuation of negotiations in progress.
The alternative he termed "the use of force on a
scale likely to result in a general war . . . as un-
necessary as it is unjustifiable." He then stated
simply that present negotiations, still open, would
continue if Hitler gave the word, and suggested
that they be conducted in some neutral place,
He added the warning that "history, and the
souls of every man, woman and child whose lives
will be lost in the threatened war will hold us
and all of us accountabe should we omit any
appeal for (war's) prevention."
Ii concluding, the message made clear that the
United States has "no political involvements in
Europe," but that "we recognize our responsibili-
ties as a part of a world of neighbors."
It is true the President might have spoken
sooner or said more; but it is equally true that,
with the strong isolationist sentiment which has
existed for many years in this country, he might
have said less. The message, as it was, is the
most explicit and sound statement of the Ameri-
can view of contemporary European affair yet
-Joseph Gies

Study In Viewpoints
In the contemporary exchange of public opin-
ion, with every statement of fact warped and
blurred by the injection of vested viewpoints, how
easily does one label himself for classification as
a "liberal" a "conservative" a "socialist," or the
exponent of some other theory of government.
Every new issue arising in a public forum calls
forth the comment of the intelligent critic of
E government affairs. The ever-present conflict of
business and government, the current crisis in
Europe, the permanent palaver of prating poli-
ticians-all these and many more are the com
plex issues on which are grafted the subtle signi-
ficance of carefully mis-stated propositions.

Heywood Broun
American isolation has ended. With dignity
and simple eloquence President Roosevelt has
pointed out that we belong to the fellowship of
nations. I think we might all
commit to memory this state-
ment from the message to
Chancellor Hitler and Presi-
dent Benes:-
"The supreme desire of the
' American people is to live in
peace. But in the event of
a general war they have to
face the fact that no nation
can escape some measure of the consequences of
such a world catastrophe."
It seems to me that this is beyond denial. The
truth of such a factual statement is not likely
to be challenged. And it may well be that no one
in America will criticize the right and duty of
our President to state the truth for us and all
the world in a period of peril.
Indeed, it seems to me that an immediate at-
* tempt should be made here at home to reconcile
those who have conducted verbal battles over the
' wisdom of "isolation" and "collective security."
K * *
Confuse Rather Than Clarify
These are words which at times have served to
confuse rather than to clarify opinion. In the
heat of debate charges have been hurled back
and forth which were hardly fair. There has been,
for instance, the accusation that anybody who
said he believed in "collective security" favored
the sending of an American expeditionary force
to defend the borders of Czechoslovakia. And it
has been unjust to accuse all "isolationists" of
being completely indifferent to any woe outside
our borders.
Possibly one of the best ways to arrive at an
effective and united American policy on foreign
affairs would be the scrapping of the old phrases.
With new ones we might start all over again and
eliminate a certain amount of useless waste mo-
tion and friction. Let us all, at the very least,
arrive at a clear and concise definition of what-
ever phrases are to be used.
In the present situation America must formu-
late a policy. And I insist that neither thanking
God for the Atlantic Ocean or saying, "Let Eur-
ope stew in its own juice," is a sufficient policy.
In fact, neither constitutes any policy at all.
Here in America we heard the voice of Hitler
distinctly yesterday afternoon. We heard a voice
rise to a scream, and after it almost broke in
frenzy the roar of the crowd. It was-shall we
say in an effort to be moderate?-a shade dis-
Tougher On The Surface
Further comment may be made later, but my
first impression was that Hitler was tougher on
the surface than in the core of his pronounce-
ments. It seemed to me that for all the repeated
declarations of invincible military strength there
was a glimmer of realization that there is such
a thing as world opinion. And I do believe that
the world may marshal voices stronger than that
of Hitler, even at his highest pitch. This is con-
October 1 is near at hand. You and I have heard
the voice of Hitler. We have read the words of
President Roosevelt. A choice lies before us.
There is no choice of what our choice will be.
And it is not an alien issue but a matter of na-
tional concern that a settlement should be
reached which is "peaceful, fair and constructive."
The Atlantic Ocean is not so broad that we in
America can afford for our own sake and the
sake of civilization to be indifferent to the com-
ing of justice. The life blood of democracy must
be thicker than salt and water. The fabric of
peace throughout the world must be preserved.
We cannot close our eyes. We are among the
family of nations.
The saying that history repeats itself may be

questioned. as a whole, yet it is true that historic
events or series of events embrace similar ele-
ments, for they are essentially an evidence of
choices; that is, such events are the natural
fruitage of men choosing either that which is
good or its opposite.
During the recent weeks of successive crises
and general uncertainty, when fears of war have
dominated the news, occasionally there have
appeared reports of some speaker or writer or
group calling the people to prayer for peace.
This is a hopeful sign, for it indicates some awak-
ening to the need for choosing to utilize a power
which has not been sufficiently sought or recog-
Present fears, and the instinct to turn to pray-
er as a means of relief are somewhat analogous
to the historical conditions of stress which con-
fronted Jehoshaphat who, seeing what appeared
to be the imminence of war and calamity, and
no possible escape, chose to depend on God. It
is recorded that when it was acknowledged that
in Him alone is "power and might," and when
the people began wholeheartedly to, praise Him,
the enemy began to destroy itself.
At the present hour when statesmen are earn-
estly seeking through justice and reason to find
the solution for deeply difficult problems, any
evidence of a repetition of that notable historic
choice to seek unto the one source of wisdom
and justice is heartening. For war will cease and
true peace and reason reign, when men, in humil-
ity, choose to turn unreservedly to the infinite in-
telligence, the one certain source of wisdom, jus-
tice, and peace.
--The Christian Science Monitor
War Romw Peri l

By Sec Terry
STIMULATED alumni and the
ebullient brethren on the campus
forget ultimatums, communiques and '
crises in their zest for the organized
mayhem of the gridiron, I am sharply
reminded of my friend's mental dis-
comfiture last October, when the al-
falfa lads roundly thrashed our lads.
I implored him, Friday night before
the contest, to tour the town with
me. It was the night everyone en-
joyed a good cry at the expense of
our courageous police department.
Leaning a bit toward the intellec-
tual side, my anonymous crony dis--
likes the joe-college aspect of Uni-
versity existence, but he consented to
go along. To escape the riots, tear'
gas andggeneralsdin about the cam-
pus, we decided to visit a downtown
dance salon, where we found a typi-
cally discordant jam session in full
sway. Blatant trumpets and trom-
bones shrieked out the message as
the drummer, gleaming fantastic-
ally, ,writhed in tribal agony. Their*
faces contorted, couples danced as
though bewitched. The trombonist
made weird expressions as he blew
his fool head off. "Look at that slush
pumper," I confided, with a know-
ing smile, "he's out of this world."
My friend didn't hear. He looked
frightened as though he had been
magically transplanted into some
weird purgatory. Something had to
be done. "Do you have your ticket to
the football game tomorrow?" I
asked to break the spell. As though
uncertain that tomorrows ever exist-
ed, he replied in a whisper, "Football
game, yes I have." And the thought"
made him relax. "Football tomor-
row" gave him something solid to
anticipate in a world .he never made,
CAPT. JOHN CRAIG is popular in
Ann Arbor. Last winter posters
full of the suggestion of deep-sea ad-.
venture caused a large number of
people to go to Hill Auditorium to .
hear him tell "how I got the picture
of a yawning lion" or something,
equally aquatic.
The lecture he did not deliver can
be found finely illustrated in the
September number of Natural History.
X.T.C. Delirium
Along similar lines, S. S. points out'
the scrambled metaphor in the Daily's
interview with Prof. Long, which be-
gins, "The possibility that Chancellor
Hitler bit off more than he can chew
in his near-fanatic speech Monday in
which he nailed himself to the wall
Hmm, the versatile chancellor ist
also an acrobat.
* * * *
Mae knew not where to put her hands;
They waved like flitting wings,
And so it came about that she
Learned to twang HARP strings. l
Fay knew just where to put her hands;
In dainty, sweeping flings,I
And so it came about that she <
Learned to twang HEART strings.,
and All-Americans, and sometimes
in their cruel, dispassionate way, Tom
Harmons and Bill DeCorrevonts. Last7
year, when Tom innocently handed
the Daily a copy of a telegram from
Tulane University, he found himself
plummeted suddenly into the sports
headlines. "I didn't think that wire
would go any further than the Daily,"
Tom naively explained, but he surely;
must have glowed at all the publicity.
Tomorrow, eighty-odd thousands,
aware only of a talent manufactured
by the press, will watch Harmon per-
form, and -the pressure surely must
impress itself upon him. In one breath,;

he says, "Publicity is like perfume;;
it's to be inhaled, not swallowed." A
moment later, he says, "That's a lot
of people, and they're going to ex-
pect a lot of things . . ." It's a stiff
price for a .young fellow to pay for,
publicity he never ordered, but we
think Harmon has both the ability
and equilibrium to square himself.
"Two people will be in those stands
who aren't going to be disappointed,"
Tom told us, almost gravely. "I'm not
going to let ,Mr. and Mrs. Harmon
From a strictly reportorial angle,
Harmon's baptism under fire will be
interesting to observe.
prevent us from acquiring a stake in
the war.
There are thousands of things be-
sides muntions which Europe would
need, and, so far as France and Brit-
ain are concerned, the means exist to
purchase them in huge quantities. We!
refer to some three billions of private
credits, in the form of stocks, bonds
and cash in bank, held here by Brit-
ish and French investors. Unquestion-
ably these would be made available
to their governments.
The boom produced by such expen-
ditures and by such devices as Cana-
dian purchasing with British inspira-
I tion would start idle factories work-
ing and employ thousands of men
now on the work relief rolls. As in
the case of the World War, this stimu-
lant to our economic system would
have a powerful effect on American
sympathies. The jingle of coin in the
pocket would be the most insidious
and powerful of all forms of propa-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tb.
Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Piano Studios. It will be appreciated
if residents of the city who have rooms
equipped with a piano which can be
rented to music students for practice,
will communicate with the office of
the School of Music, 7513.
Fraternity Registration: All new
students desiring to be rushed or to
pledge a fraternity must register at
the Union, Room 306, between three
and five this week.
Department of Astronomy
Astronomy 204. Spectrophotometry.
Williams. To be offered during the
first semester.
Astronomy 205. Cosmogony. Curtis.
To be offered during the second se-
Degree Program Advisers, 1938-1939
American Culture, Development of,
addition of D. L. Dumond, 214 H.H.
Anthropology, addition of M. Ti-
tiev, 4506 Museum.
. Chemistry,' addition of B. A. Soule,
48 Chemistry.
Evening Class in Ceramics and
Modeling: An evening class in Ce-
ramics and Modelling will be given
under the auspices of the Extension
Division. The first meeting will be
on Monday evening, Oct. 3, at 7 in
Room 115 Architectural Building.
Non-credit course. Fee $10. Mr.
Howard W. Whalen, Instructor.
E.M. 3a. A laboratory course in
Dynamics will be given for those in-
terested, consisting of 10 experiments
on forced vibration, balancing, va-
rious forms of vibration damping, etc.
Monday, 3 to 5 p.m. in Room 314 West
Engineering Annex.
Far Eastern Art: Correction in
Graduate School Announcement.
Pp. 171-2. For: "Fine Arts 191.
The Art of China and Japan; etc.,"
read "Fine Arts 191. The Art of In-
dia . . . First semester."
For: "Fine Arts 192.The Art 'of
India; etc.," read "Fine Arts 192.
The Art of China and Japan .
Second semester."
Note: Although Fine Arts 191 and
192 may be taken separately, it is
recommended that they be taken in
sequence as they appear above. In
special cases Course 191 may be tak-
en after the completion of course 192.
German 11. MWF 5 p.m. Braun.
From Friday on will meet in Room
225 A.H. instead of 203 U.H.
n V ik ~ r- C *- -D

Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese
Paintings: The water-color paintings
of Ya-Kun Chang, a contemporiary
Chinese painter of recognized stand-
ing, will be exhibited from Saturday,
Oct. 1, through Sunday, Oct. 11, in
exhibition rooms 3514 and 3515 at
the Horace H. Rackham Building. The
exhibition, which is sponsored by the
International Center, includes both
brush paintings and "finger-tip"
paintings. Mr. Chang, who is at pres-
ent enrolled in the Graduate School
of the University, will be at the ex-
haibition; rooms afternoons to explain
his work. Admission is free.
Lecture~s .
University Lecture: Dr. Emanuel G.
Zies, Geochemist at the Geophysical
Laboratory offthe Carnegie Institu-
tion at Washington, D.C., will lecture
on the subject "Volcanoes and Their
Eruptions," illustrated by lantern
slides, at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Sept.
29, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Thomas A.
Knott, Professor of English in the
University of Michigan, formerly
IManaging Editor of Webster's 'New
International Dictionary, will lecture
on the subject "Behind the Scenes
in Building a Twentieth-Century Dic-
tionary" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Oct.
6, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building. The public is cordially in-
Events Today

(Continued from Page 2)

opening of the fi st semester must be,
approved as at any other time.
Before permitting.any student or
students to participate in a piublic
activity (see definition of Participa-
tion above), the chairman or man-
ager of such activity shall (a) require'
each applicant to present a certifi-'
cate of eligibility, (b) sign his in-'
itials on the back of such certificate
and (c) file with the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the names of all those who have pre-
sented certificates of eligibility and a
signed statement to exclude all oth-
ers from participation.
University Band: Any member of'
the University Band who does not
have in his possession a certificate
of eligibility should call for one at
the office of the Dean of Students
before 4:30, Friday, Sept. 30.


nesday evening at 7 o'clock, each
Sunday afternoon at 4:15, and on
other days short programs at 12
Choral Union Concerts.: Ten con-
certs as follows will be given in the
Sixtieth Annual Choral Union Con-
cert Series provided by the University
Musical Society:
Lawrence Tibbett ..... . .... .Oct. 27
Cleveland Orchestra ..... . ..Nov, 7
Jose Iturbi...............Nov. 22
Kirsten Flagstad ...,..,.,... ..Nov. 30
Boston Orchestra ........Dec. 7
Josef Hofman......,.....Jan. 10
Budapest Univ. Chorus ......Jan. 25
Yehudi Menuhin ........ . ...Feb. 15
Gregor Piatigorsky .........Feb. 27
Roth String Quartet......March 9
Season tickets may be ordered at
the office of the School of Music,
Maynard Street, at $12, $10 and $8
each. Orders are filed and will be
filled in sequence.


5, introduction to Scientific Ger-
man. This course is designed for stu-#
:dents who are concentrating or pre-s
paring to concentrate in one of the#
sciences. Prerequisites: Courses 1
and 2 in the University, or two years
of German in high school. (Tu Th,
9 a.m. 208 UH.: W, 9 a.m. 203 UH.
Philippson). Four hours credit. Stu-E
dents interested in this newly intro-7
ducedicourse should register for it
immediately, first calling at the de-;
partmental office (204 UH).
History Concentrations: Owing to
the necessity for the maintenance of
proper records, program changes will;
be signed only at the office of the
adviser, 321 Haven Hall, during office;
hours, TuWThurs, 3-4.-,
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School,
of Education. Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or summer session) will receive a,
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up and reported to this
office by Oct. 26. Students wishing
an extension of time should file a
petition addressed to the appropriate
official in their school with Room 4
U.H., where it will be tr~ansmitted.
Math. 301. Seminar in Analysis.
Preliminary meeting for arrangement
of hours and discussion of topics,
Saturday, Oct. 1, at 11 o'clock, in
3014 A.H.
T. H. Hildebrandt,
School of Music Students. C115,
C116, C117, Directed Teaching (In-I
strumental), Initial meeting for all
students electing one or more of these
courses, today at 3 p.m., in Room 306,

Law Students: All first year men
and juniors in the law school who
wish to compete in the Annual Case-
club meet court competition will reg-
ister today in the first floor of Hutch-
ins Hall. Registration hours will be
from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., 12 to 12:30
and 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Perspectives: There will be a meet-
ing for all students interested in try-
ing out for the staff of Perspectives
today, at four o'clock in the Publica-
tions Building.
Union Tryouts. Will all sophomore
tryouts who were out for the Michi-
gan Union Council last semester
please report at the Student Offices
of the Union today at 4:30 p.m.
Delta Epsilon Pi cordially invites
all students of Hellenic descent to at-
tend an informal gathering to be held
at the Michigan Union in Room 302
tonight at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments
will be served.
Hillel Foundation: Friday Evening
Services will be held tonight at 8 p.m.
Sermon: "The Dreadful Days" by
Dr. Bernard Heller. The Sigma Al-
pha Mu fraternity will act as hosts
at the social following services.
Lutheran Student Association: The
Open House and Mixer-of the Luther-
an Student Association will be held
at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall to-
night (Friday) at 8 p.m. All Luther-
an Students and their friends are in-
vited to come anytime after the hour
stated. The Parish Hall is located at
309 E. Washington, next to the
Stalker Hall. This Friday night be-
gins our Bible Class under the lead-
ership of Dr. C. W. Brashares. This
year the subject will be "Through the
New Testament." The class meets
from 7:30-9 p.m. A Football Party
will begin at 9 o'clock.
Candy Booth Committee Members:
All girls on this committee turn in
class schedules and eligibility 'slips
this week at the Undergraduate Of-
fice of League.
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta: Important meet-
ing Oct. 1, in the University Elemen-
tary School - immediately following
the football game.
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public Saturday evening

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