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January 29, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-29

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Morale Of French People Is Stiffening,
Letter From Paris By Professor Says

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.I
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service,N In
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

nagig Editor
itorial Director
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socate Fditor
ok Editor .
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Robert D. Mitchell
. Albert P. Mayto
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert :I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
. Earl Gilman
* . William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
Joseph Gies
Dorothea ptaebler
Bud Benfamin

As I write these lines unhappy Europe ap-
pears to be moving rapidly towards another crisis'
similar to the one which was terminated tem-
porarily by Mr. Chamberlain's "Peace with hon-
or." As a matter of fact, the brief truce which was
received with such acclaim by all of the popula-
tions involved-with but a single dissenting voice,
that of Czecho-Slovakia-really came to an
abrupt end on Nov. 30th. In France one has noted
a gradual reawakening from the twilight sleep
that followed Munich. Even the more influential
papers, which had supported with fervor the
policy of appeasement until M. Mussolini in-
directly proclaimed his claims, are now adopting
a firmer stand. In brief, it seems barely possible
that the amiable Duce has unwittingly per-
formed for his harassed neighbor a signal ser-
vice and that the long-desired national unity
may yet be achieved thanks to the Roman loud-
speaker's vociferations. If this should be the case,
well and good, for to me the most disheartening
feature of the moral climate of this last bulwark
of democracy on the Continent has been the
increasing clash of factions representing diverse
ideologies, internal dissensions which jeopard-
ized the very existence of the Republic. Until the
end of November, one could not escape the im-
pression that this country as well as its last ally,
England, were slowly committing hari-kari; that
the inertia and timidity of the democracies,
confronted by the dynamic energy and audacity
of the dictatorships could not offer any serious
opposition to the blackmailing methods of the
bad boys of Europe.
However, conditions both moral and physical,
change with kaleidoscopic speed in twentieth
century Europe. The stiffening of the French
back-bone in recent weeks is a hopeful sign
after the moral lassitude and general weariness
so noticeable in October and November. If
one. were not living in a "topsy-turvy" world, it
might appear surprising that a government
advocating a policy of non-resistance, should
receive the unqualified support of the majority
in October and November and that in December
the same government, having made an about-
face in its proclamation of -a policy of firmness
should enjoy the support of a great majority.
So much for the morale of the people. Per-
haps my fears that France had not as yet fully
recovered from the enormous strain and stress
of the Great War were not justified. And yet,
even though we may grant that the deep-seated
desire of "peaceat any price" has been dissipat-
ed, that self-confidence and the vita'l spark of
energy have been reborn, we cannot fail to note
that the situation still remains fraught with
perils threatening the existence of the country
as an independent democracy. The large black
fly in the ointment is Germany. Prophecies are
vain. Only a hopeless fool would dare emit an
opinion as to what may or may not happen in,

this mad world. Anything may happen over
here, at any time and without any previous
declaration. Such niceties as a declaration of
intent to commit mayhem upon the person of
your enemy have been eliminated from the 20th
Century code of ethics. However, who can
measure the possibilities in the event of Hitler's
sudden and dramatic support of Mussolini's
claims. Is it likely that the latter rushed blindly
into the present imbroglio without previous as-
surances of support by his partner? Faced with
the threat of a war, without the support of
Czechoslovakia's 35 divisions and 400 airplanes,
with two fronts and possibly a third (the Spanish
front where Hitler and Mussolini have been
permitted to establish themselves comfortably
with the indirect aid of all the great democra-
cies, America included) to defend, and alone
for, strange as it may seem, England has no
army to speak of: would France be in a ,position
to reject an ultimatum from Italy? Another un-
known quantity in such a contingency would be
the attitude of a certain powerful group, headed
by the man of the notorious telegram to Hitler
after Munich, which may or may not suddenly
have turned patriotic and abandoned all feeling
of class prejudice which inspired the defeatist
campaign of last autumn. Although the numbers
of this group and organs of opinion which repre-
sent them have adopted the epithet "belliciste"
to replace the "out-moded" term "commnuniste"
when they desire to reprove anyone who does
not acquiesce in their political philosophy, or
who does not manifest the proper respect for
the dictators, one may venture the statement
that no essential change has occurred in their
attitude, a state of mind eager for friendly under-
standing with the Fuehrer and Duce if only the
latter would be nice to them and remain ap-
peased for a while,
Sooner or later, the peoples of Europe, -kept
in the dark as to the substance of the momen-
tous conversations of the hours, will be faced
either with an accomplished fact, as in the cafe
of Munich, or with the prospect of a disastrous
war. In 1914 about 12 men held the fate of the
continent in their hands. In 1939 the number has
been reduced to 2 which is more efficient and
denotes progress. Whatever the oracle of Berch-
tesgaden decides will determine the course to be
followed by the pseudo Caesar of Italy. What-
ever course Mr. Chamberlain decides to follow
will of necessity determine the policy of M.
Daladier. In the meantime the papers will give
us fulsome descriptions of tea-parties, receptions
arid the laying of wreaths on the tomb of some
unknown soldier, but, as in the case of the
Munich truce, none will ever know precisely
what was said in the secret councils of the great
and near-great. Again unhappy Europe is
hastening towards the brink of the precipice
and only a few appear to know what it is all
-Anthony Jobin

Business Department
Business Manager. . Philip W. Bucen
Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegeman
Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
W orrying
About Finals . .
WHY WORRY about finals?
Why worry about what you are go-
ing to do when and if you graduate? While you
are cramming, one link after another is being
cast in a chain that will drag you and us re-
lentlessly and inevitably towards war. Perhaps
you think as we used to think, that our genera-
tion at least would never have to be killed in
the insane butchery of war.
But think again.
Barcelona has fallen, a half-starved city of
two millions, larger than Detroit, and with it,
, more than likely, has fallen our chance of living
to a peaceful old age.
Barcelona had to fall because you and your
fathers and mothers and relatives and friends
who will mourn you when you're killed could
not see and can not see the connection between
Spanish democracy and American democracy,
because you and they could not and can not
see why we should be perturbed if fascism domi-
nates Europe.
As Francoepushes onward, 60,000 Italian re-
servists have been called, and large bodies of
troops have been concentrated in Genoa and
Spezia. In Germany quiet military maneuvers
are being held much after the pattern of the
pre-Czecho-Slovakia coup. The crafty stage-
managers are setting the backdrops for another
scene in the tragedy of world democracy. The
protagonist of this scene seems sure to be
France. Her firt fatal flaw has been the refusal
to stand firm by her elaborate post-war alliances
pointed against Germany. Her second fatal flaw
has been the refusal to throw open her fron-
ties to the Spanish Government so that it could
buy arms. Now she is asked to pay the price
of her weakness-cessions of her empire to Italy.
Another action of appeasement will only forestall
the day when her people, tired of giving upmore
territory to Italy and Germany, will force th(
government to fight. Sooner or later she must
oppose Mussolini and Hitler or be doomed to
extinction. ,
When that day comes, the United States will
fight with her and England. It will again be a
war to save democracy, and you and we will
fight and throw away our lives. It doesn't matter
that the democracy we will be saving will have
helped to murder us by refusing aid to demo-
cratic Spain while it sold arms to Germany and
Italy. We shall have to fight to save not democ-
racy so much as our own territorial integrity an\
foreign trade. Spain, the last bulwark protecting
French and English democracy-and Ameri-
can- from war, is being sacrificed in the cere-
monial rites which accompany western bar.
Spain will fight as long as it can, but it can
do little unless this country's embargo is lifted
immediately. Such action must inevitably give
spirit and force to those Frenchmen and English-
men who are fighting the present policies of
their governments. Leadership by the United
States at this crucial time may yet save the,
world from war. In your own self-interest, for
the sake of the lives you will never live out if the
fascist advance is not checked, protest the Spa
ish embargo.
-Albert Mayo

-byr David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-As Con-
gress debates whether to add or sub-
tract from the proposed appropria-
tion for relief through the WPA, they
European situation raises its menac-
ing clouds over the American business
situation and makes uncertain just
how much economic recovery there
will be in 1939.
There are two schools of thought
here on matters European-those who
think that the United States is not
affected by anything that happens
across the Atlantic, and those who
think we are directly and indirectly
affected in an economic sense the
moment anything occurs to unsettle
the British pound sterling in world
Italy's victory in Spain is as much
a Nazi or Fascist triumph as if the
'Fascist armies had openly declared
war. The myth that a "civil war"
has been going on in Spainis ac-
cepted by many here for technical
reasons relating to the question of
neutrality or the lifting of an em-
bargo, but the fact remains that at
last Italy's participation in the Span-
ish war has now become an open
threat to France. This, in turn, in-
volves Britain. Again Europe has a
crisis as significant as that which pre-
ceded Munich.
Whether a general war ensues or
whether the fascist march continues
to encircle the rest of Europe, pene-
trating certain influential groups in
France, and, it may be, forcing seri-
ous dissension in France itself, the
outlook for stabilized trade and cur-
rencies is worse today than it has
been for three years. While it is true
that America's foreign trade is a
small percentage of the total national
income, it is also true that anything
which unsettles a $5,000,000,000 ex-
change of goods both ways across the
Atlantic is a demoralizing influence.
Some branches of trade, such as
airplanes, are benefitting by the Eu-
ropean preparations for war, but the
prospect of depreciating units of cur-
rency can hardly be of immediate
hgelp to American producers whose
prices for export will seeem higher to
European buyers or to American pro-
ducers who must compete with goods
made abroad and coming into Ameri-
ca which become lower in price as
they are expressed in American dol-
lars. It is equivalent to a tariff re-
duction. Certainly, the situation pre-
Isents a puzzle as to how kaleidoscopic
changes of this kind could ever b
dealt with under a-system requiring
Senate ratification of reciprocal trade
agreements, such as now is being
urged in the Senate, in lieu of the
flexible executive agreements whicli
now are in force, and permit promp
adjustment by the State Departmen
to fluctuating conditions abroad.
IIt is because the real sentiment hee
f avrs doing anything and every-
thing to keep America out of war anc
out of even indirect participation it
European affairs that one may fore-
see the greater instead of the lesse
need for WPA appropriations. Up tc
now, the main argument for refusing
to grant the full WPA appropriatior
of $875,000,000 asked for by the Ad.
ministration has been that recover
was coming and that $725,000,000 i
enough. Nobody is able to foretel
what the unemployed rolls will be twc
or three months hence. Irrespectiv
of what Congress does on the WPA
appropriation, a few months hence
if Europe is in a turmoil and world
trade is suffering sharply, none o
the figures suggested for relief may
be enough, whereas some not nov

foresee force which can assure peace
in Europe and stabilize world.trade
would relieve 'the American taxpayers
of the burdens they are going to carry
to pay the relief bill. Mussolini's
words of elation over what Italiar
troops have done in Spain, France's
warning through her foreign secre-
tary that foreign troops must get out
of Spain, Nazi conspiracies to upset
the government of Rumania, where

(Continued from Page 3)

inations in German 1, 2, 31, and 32.
Feb. 4, 1939, 9-12 a.m.
German 1.
1025, A.9., Schachtsiek; Striedieck;
25, A.H., Sudermann; Pott; Gaiss.
101, Ec., Graf;' Eaton; Willey; Phil
B, H. H. Ryder.
German 2.
B, All sections.
German 31
C, H. H., Braun; Diamond; Van+
Duren; Gaiss.
35,A GA., Eaton; Philippson; Reich-j
D, H.H., Graf; Striedieck.
301, U.H., Scholl.
201, U.H., Wahr.
German 32
231, A.H., All sections-
Graduate Students may now obtain
registration material in the Admin-.
istrative Office, Rackham Building.
Payment of fees and classifications by
alphabetical sequence will commence
Thursday, Feb. 9, and continue'
through Saturday noon, Feb. 11, in
Waterman Gymnasium.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
' Mathematics 215. Modern Algebra.
Will not be offered the second semes-
ter. i
Room Assignment for Final Exam-
inations in Mathematics (College of
L.S. and A.):
Mathematics 1
Section 2 (Elder), 201 U.H.
Section 3 (Coe), 3209 A.H.
Section 4 (Myers), 2231 A.H.
Section 5 (Dwyer), 2235 A.H.
Section 7 (Odle), 202 M.H.
Section 8 (Nesbitt), 202 M.H.
Mathematics 3
Section 2 (Myers) 3209 A.H.
Section 5 (Greville) 225 A.H.
Mathematics 7
Section 1 (Raiford) 402 M.H.
Section 2 (Nesbitt) 3010 A.H.
Section 3 (Elder) 201 U.H.
Section 4 (Anning) 302 M.H.
Mathematics 36
Section 3 (Anning) 203U.H.
Mathematics 51
Section 1 (Craig) 203 U.H.;
Section 2 (Greville) 402 M.H.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

cial hour and supper at 5:30 p.m.
today. Discussion will be at 6:30.
The Congress Cooperative House
will have its weekly meeting at 11:00
this morning in Room 306 of "the
Union. All men are asked to be
present at this time.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The next meeting will be Mon-
day, Feb. 13, 12:10 p.m. in the Found-
ers' Room of the Michigan Union. All
faculty members interested in speak-
ing German are cordially invited.
There will be a brief informal talk by
Prof. Henry A. Sanders on "Reise-
lEindruecke in alten Spanien." -
Tau BetaPI:The meeting with the
Detroit Alumni will be a dinner meet-
ing, and will be followed by an ad-
dress by Dean P. H. Daggett of Rut-
gers entitled "Registration for En-
gineers." Cars will leave the En-
gineering Arch at 5:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, Jan. 31. The dinner will be held
in the Penobscot Building, and will
begin at 7 p.m.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
dates have been set, by mutual con-
sentl for rehearsals after the exam-
ination period:
Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 2 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 9, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 12, 4 p.m.
Records of attendance will be kept.

The Editor Gets Told. ...

Hockey Player Protests
To the Editor:
As a member of the Michigan Hockey team,
I think I can speak in terms that represent the
complete sentiment of the team. For some un-
known reason, the Michigan Daily sports staff
has opened up with both guns upon our in-
experienced hockey team; perhaps because of
no better way to spend their idle hours. At any
rate the remarks and comments have been
wholly unbecoiping a newspaper which sup-
posedly is backing things at Michigan.
We as members engaged in sport are subject
to reprimendation if our conduct actually is to #
the satisfaction of the campus as a whole seen
as unsportsmanlike; however we wish to defend
ourselves irn the face of all this fantastic "her-
ring waving" on the part of the Daily.
Perhaps let me ysuggest tiat so-called sports
writers learn more about the game before they
pad their rambling copy with accusations and
satirical remarks. To date the entire tone of the
Michigan Daily stories has been one of humilia-
tion to the team. Granted the team is inexperir
enced, granted we make mistakes, I still don't
see why we have to be the recipients of uncouth
comment just to satisfy the ego ofsome young f
college sports writer, who can imagine himself
a big sportswriter whose comment is clamored
for by the multitudes. These writers should real-
ize that they are writing for a student publica-
tion and reporting upon the games of amateur
players who are playing because they like to
play hockey and not because they have 'an
80,000 capacity stadium to fill, for if any game
was ever completely amateur it is hockey at
the University of Michigan.
By the very nature of the game, hockey is
rough. It is the roughest game of all in the
universities sports schedule. Players are apt to
get hurt and in many instances do. However the
greatest percentage of injuries result from game
accidents brought on by incidents over which
the players have no control. However as in any
game during the heat of battle one of these
contestants could and has been known to be-
come a little rough. It happens in any sport,
otherwise why would they have penalties in foot-
ball, foul shots in basketball, etc. However, that
does not give license to some. complacent sports
reporter on thesidelines to accuse the team as
being unsportsmanlike. If someone gets in-
jured during the contest, blame it upon the
standards of the oam Tf hnre is tnn vnna h

Sports staff has not shown as far as the hockey
team is concerned.
We are playing hard for Michigan, and we
love to play and though our game is rough by
its very nature, we are not poor sports. We have
taken lots of mental and physical beatings this
year on the ice, but fortunately we have not
had to take our injuries out on someone else as
have some writers. We suggest that these sports-
writers come behind the scenes in hockey. Come
into our dressing rooms after the games; into
the showers to find out if any ill feeling existed
between the players of Minnesota or Michigan.
Certainly Minnesota would not accuse us of
being unsportsmanlike. I think it is about time
we received a little moral support from the
campus publication.
-Everett Doran, '40
"The scholar who takes a delight in scorching
the hide of 'heros' in the light of his own in-
tellectual brilliance will ultimately come to re-
tain no real belief in himself." The University of
Wisconsin's Prof. Howard Becker believes, that
intellectual debunkers should not go so far that
they become cynics.
-Associated Collegiate Press

All other courses and §ections will
meet in their regular classrooms.
Notice to Seniors: Seniors expect-f
ing to teach in the state of New York
are notified that the examination in
French, German, Spanish and Italian
will be given here on Feb. 17. Those
expecting to take this examination
will have to notify this office im-
mediately so that we can inform the
"Division of Examinations" by Feb. 1.
Professor Hugo P. Thieme, Chair-
man, Department of Itomance Lan-
Political Science 1. Final examina-
tion, Thursday, Feb. 2, Hayden's and
Dorr's sections: Room 1025 A.H.
Cuncannon's and Perkins' sections:
Room 25 A.H.
Calderwood's and Kallenbach's
sections: B Haven.
French's sections: Room 103 R.L.
Political Science 2. Final examina-
tion, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2 p.ml., Room
1035 A.H.
Political Science 52. The final ex-
amination in Political Science 52,
Section 1, M.W.F., 9, will be held on
Friday, Feb. 3, 9-12.
Political Science 107. The final
examination in Political Science 107
will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 1,
Students concentrating in Political
Science: During the next two weeks,
I shall be in my office, 2037 A.H., at
the times listed below for consulta-
tion concerning second emester pro-
Feb. 3-4-10-12.
Feb. 8-10-10-12, 2-3:30.
Feb. 11-10-12.
H. B. Calderwood.
Psychology 31. Lecture Section I.
(Dr. Thuma). The regular final ex-
amination will be held Saturday, Feb.-
4, from 2 to 5 p.m. Students with
initials of last name A through K,
go to Room B, Haven Hall; students
with initials L through Z, go to Room
C, Haven Hall. Students in this lec-
ture section who have a conflict with
the examination period, will take
their examination on Thursday, Feb.
2, from 2 to 5 p.m. in Room 1121 N.S.

Congress: The Executive and Dis-
trict Council Ensian group picture
will be taken Monday,',Jan. 30, at 7:30
p.m., Dey Studio.
Independent J-Hop Beakfast: In-
dependent men who have not pre-
viously signified their intentioi of
attending the Congress J=Hop Weak
fast but wish to do 'so are requested
to call Bud Cox at 6553 for infora1
tion and reservations.
Christian Reformed Church serv-
ices will be held Sunday, Jan. 29 in
the Women's League Chapel. The
meetings will be at. 10:30 a.m, a4
7:30 p.m. Rev. R. Youngs from Lan-
sing, will speak.
The- Christian Student > ra7er
Group will hold its regular meeting
at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the
Michigan League building. Please
consult the - bulletin board for the
roon. -For an hqur-of quietness acrd
devotion, you will enjoy the meetin
of this group. Visitors are always
5 First Baptist Church, Sunday, 9:30
a.m. the Church School. Mr." J. P.
Wiessler, leader.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Rev.
W. R. Shaw, pastor First Baptist
church, Ypsilanti, will preach. His
subject is, "Lord, Show Us the Fath-
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 5:30
p.m. Guild members will meet for us-
ual social hour with ref reshmients,
and a brief meeting of inspiration
will follow.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Love."
Golden Text: Psalms 36:7.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Congregational Church, corn-
er of. State and William Sts. Minis-
ter, Rev. Leonard A. Parr.
10:45 a.m. Service of worship. The
subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be
"The Economy of Life."
Ei p.m. Student Fellowship. Regular
supper meeting, which will be fol-
lowed by an informal discussion.
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "To The
Rescue" at 10:40 a.m.
Stalker Hall: Student Class ,at
Stalker Hall at 9:40 a.m. Mr. Ken-
neth Morgan will lead the discussion
on "Social Action and Social Living."
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m..at
the Church. Dr. Brashares will lead
the meeting on Story Telling. Fel-
lowship hour and supper following
the meeting.

Choral Union Concert: Yehudi
Menuhin, violinist, will give the
eighth number in the Choral Union
Concert Series, Wednesday evening,
Feb. 15, 1939, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill'
Auditorium. A limited nurgber of
tickets are still available at the of-
fice of the School of Music.
Events Today
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet at the Zion Parish Hall for so-

First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m. MorningWorship Serv-
ice. "Religion Between Sundays," is
the subject upon which Dr. W. P.
Lemon will preach.
6-8 p.m., The Westninster Guild
will hold a Fireside Hour and Infor-
mal Program. All Presbyterian stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
8 p.m., The Sunday Evening Club
will meet in the Lewis-Vance parlors.
Dr. Lemon will speak on "The Per-
secution of the Jews Past and Pres-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion;
n~n . -T.-4a-.!'k~4.:.- 11n




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