tir& ~~ tV I f I4Z. t " .- I t I __________________________________________ .__.._..__..__.. ..-.. ..- -.-.--...- .. Bennett To Go To Nev Hveri Ahitect Wil Conviene At Yale Next Week Dean Wells I. Bennett of the Col- lege of Architecture will leave tomor- row for New Haven, Conn., to attend the Conference on House Building Techniques to be held next week at Yale University. Experts in the housing field, prac- ticing architects, manufacturers and teachers of architecture, as well as those interested in promoting housing improvement are expected at the conference, Some of the represen- tatives of the various interests will include Wallace K. Harrison, collab- orating architect on the Radio City Building; Rithmond H. Shreve, architect on the Empire State Build- ing; Miles L. Colean, Deputy Admin- istrator of the F.H.A.;. and John E. Burchard, of the Massachussets In- stitute of Technology. Joe Sanders To Appear. In Show At Michiganj Joe Sanders, the "Ole Left Hander," will bring his famous Nighthawks to the Michigan Theatre on Feb. 5 and 6 it was announced yesterday by the theatre management. A stage show will be included on the program. a - 2 Franco's Tanks In Granadela On Way To Barcelona r rr rmrr r 1; woomom I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i. V11"i1. A4M .Page 4) Insurgent tanks are shown here moving up through Granadella, Spain, during the drive toward Barcelona., which had been used as the Loyalist capital. Granadella was one of the cities taken by the Insurgents in their successful offensive. brs The next meeting will be Mon- I day, Feb. 13, 12:10 p.m. in the Found- ers' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interested in speak- ing German are cordially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Prof. Henry A. Sanders on "Reise- Eindruecke in alten Spanien." The Drama and Book'Groups of the Michigan Dames will present Dr. Wil- liam P. Halstead at the League Mon- day evening. Dr. Halstead, a profes- sor in the University speech depart- ment, will review some plays which he recently saw on Broadway. All Dames and their guests are invited. Congress: The Erecutive and Dis- trict Council Ensian group picture ill be taken Monday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 p.m., Dey Studio. The Congress Cooperative House will have its weekly meeting at 11:00 Sunday morning in Room 306 of the Union. All men are asked to be present at this time. Independent J-Hop Breakfast: In- dependent men who have not pre- viously signified their intention of attending the Congress J-Hop Break- fast but wish to do so are requested to call Bud Cox at 6553 for informa- tion and reservations. Churches HURRYING to FOLLETT'S neth Morgan will lead the discussion rmal Program. All Presbyterian stu- on "Social Action and Social Living." dents and their friends are invited. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. at 1 8 p.m., The Sunday Evening Club 'he 01itlzi Dr, rhas "-ll 1?at-will meet in the Lewis-Vance parlors. the ": tin c t=rc Te II. rei-J Dr. L:mon -'ill speai On "The Per- i~whi h~w ~.i ~ zii'~n~ ectioi:f tiw J^ Pa~st and Fr- rirst Pre-byter lan Ciujier Pt32 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Washtenaw Ave. Sunday, 8 a.nl. Holy Communion; 10:45 a.m., Morning W loship Serv- 9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. ice. "Religion Between Sundays," is Kindergarten: 11 a.m. Morning Pray- the subject upon which Dr. W. P. er and Sermon by the Rev. Henly Lemon will preach. Lewis; 7 p.m. Student Meeting, Har- 6-8 p.m., The Westminster Guild ris Hall. Open House, games and re- will hold a Fireside Hour and Infor- freshments. Douglas Lake Biological Station Will Be Opened This Summer The biological station for teaching vestigation into animal and plant and research in botany and zoology life. "Varieties of trees cover the re- will again be a feature of the Sum- gion and large bogs and swamps in, mer Session. This will be the 31st session of the camp which was found- various stages of developmet occupy ed on the shores of Douglas Lake injmuch of the iowi~nds. Facilities for Cheboygan County in 1909. Here the ecological and taxonomic study are University owns and maintains a for- afforded. ested area of more than 3,900 acres. The region also possesses a wealth The physical plant includes more of bird life and many species of am- than 130 buildings, including labora- phibians, reptiles, fish and animals. tories and other buildings for general" use, and two residential areas. ~ ' Equipment consists of launches, out- Pontiac Band Concert board motors, trucks, nets, traps, Scheduled For Feb. 17 pens, cages, microscopes and an ade- quate supply of minor articles. Five The Varsity Band's next concert, to darkrooms are available for photog- be held in Pontiac for the benefit of raphic work and a good working li- Pontiac school children, and original- brary is provided. ly scheduled for Feb. 10, has been The area around the camp is par- changed to Friday, Feb. 17, according ticularly suited to research and in- to Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor. System Decadent ClaimsNearing Pressure Of Unemployed Reduces Existing Wages XConti ed from Page 1) is a sign that the "economic justifica- tion for this order has disappeared," declared Mr. Nearing. Young people today, he said, have little opportunity NEW TERM Troin for DEFINITE EMPLOYMENT Where All Graduates Have Been Placed. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE William at State Ph. 7831 0 CHURCH r of securing jobs. The increased pres- Christian Reformed Church serv- sure of the unemployed group lowers ices will be held Sunday, Jan. 29 in salaries for those already employed. the Women's League Chapel. The This unemployed class which- num- meetings will be at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. R. Youngs from Lan- bered several million in 1921 has sing, will speak. steadily increased and has become a "permanent feature of the American The Christian Student Prayer landscape," Dr. Nearing declared. Group will hold its regular meeting The possibility of an economic at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the 'uture under Fascism are limited and Michigan League building. Please 'ircumscribed by the nationalism fos- consult the bulletin board for the tered by the ruling classes, stated Dr. room. For an hour of quietness and Nearing. He agreed, however, with devotion, you will enjoy the meeting technologists who declare there never of this group. Visitors are always was a. better time in history for men welcome. to control national forces and stressed his belief in the workability of a First Baptist Church, Sunday, 9:30 planned economy. a.m. the Church School. Mr. J. P. Wiessler, leader. DK10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Rev. Dean Kraus Hits W. R. Shaw, pastor First Baptist church, Ypsilanti, will preach. His At Ghost Writers subject is, "Lord, Show Us the Fath- er."l (Continued from Page 1) Roger Williams.Guild, Sunday, 5:30 every subject, but there is a vast p.m. Guild members will meet for us- difference between the honest quot- ual social hour with refreshments, ing of a source of information and and a brief meeting of inspiration the wholesale wse of a ghost writer's will follow. product. The type of student. who would First Church of Christ, Scientist, probably avail himself of these ser- 409 $. Division St. vices is a type already well-known to Sunday morning service at 10:30. University officials, Dean Kraus said, Subject: "Love." and the majority of them can be Golden Text: Psalms 3:7.. classed as 'play boys' or 'play girls. These students, he pointed out, come First Congregational Church, corn. to college not for an education, but er of State and William Sts. Minis - to take advantage of the social activi- ter, Rev. Leonard A. Parr. ties. 10:45 a m. Service of worship. The for TO FOLLETT'S or EXCHANGE DIRECTORY "II HILLEL FOUNDATION East University at Oaklaid. Dial 3779 Dr. Bernard Heller, Director Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Associate Director Open house daily to 11 p. m. Fridayrevening services at 5:30 p. e. - Regular classes will not meet this week be- cause of examinations. UNITARIAN CHURCH Corner State and Huron Streets Rev. Harold P. Marley, Minister.' An Open Door for the Open Minded. 11:00 A.M. Rev. H. P. Marley, of the Unitari- an Church, will speak on Science and Humniaism or Scientists are also people. No evening meeting. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division .Street 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the age of 20 years: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony Meeting Free Public Reading Rooms .at 206 East Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH Theodore Schmale, Pastor. 432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 7840 9:00 A.M. Early service (conducted in Ger- man). Sermon by Rev. H. Zumstein. 9:30 A.M. Church School. 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. Kenneth Morgan on the topic, "Ends and Means." 7:00 P.M. Young People's League. A Home Talent program will be given. here will be no meeting of the Student Guild for the next two Sundays. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH State and Washington Strects Chas. W. Brashares, Minister. Earl Sawyer, Minister 9:45 A.M. Student Class at Stalker Hall. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will lead the discus- sion. 10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. C. W. Bra- shares' subject is "To The Rescue." The choir under the direction of Achilles Talia- ferro will sing "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise." - Thiman. 6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild at the Cfhurch. Dr. Brashares will lead a story-telling hour. Fellowship and supper. 8:00 P.M. Young Married People's Bible Study lead by Dr. Brashares. Church Par- lors. While no method of apprehension of these fradulent papers has as yet been devised, Dean Kraus said that making use of them is, after all, merely a form of plagiarism, and therefore persons found using them will be subject to the same fate that awaits plagiarists. a a t p l g a i t.Ho s p i t a l iz a t i o n S o c ie t y Chooses First Director John R. Mannix, a well known au- thority in the field of hospital ad- ministration, was chosen today as the{ first director of the Michigan Society for Group Hospitalization. Mr. Mannix is expected to adminis- ter the society, a non-profit associa- tion organized to provide hospitali- zation at a small monthly cost, which is to begin service next month. subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "The Economy of Life." V 6 p.m.Student Fellowship. Regulai supper meeting, which will be fol- lowed by an informal discussion. First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "To The Rescue" at 10:40 a.m. Stalker Hall: Student Class at Stalker Hall at 9:40 a.m. Mr, Ken- Storrs Talks At Town Hall Sir Ronald Storrs, distinguished English diplomat, former Military and Civil Governor of Jerusalem, comes to Detroit Town Hall on his first American lecture tour Wednes- day. He will speak in the Fisher Theatre at 11 a.m. on "The Problem of Palestine." *i FOLLFtt 'S 1FXCIHANGE POLICY on USED TEXT- BOOKS is of greater benefit to you. A higher return is available than when selling for CASH. T'ake advantage of our plan and let up worry about the continued use of these Books. SeIll if( yokir textbooks to FOLLETT'S as soon as you have no further use for them. Give us an oppor- tunity to place the good ones in the hands of fellow students. In exchange for your books you'll receive a FOLLETT TRADE CREDIT SLIP which will entitle you to your choice of our entire stock of Books and Supplies. This is good anytime. It is also redeemable at its cash value. If exchange is your preference then exchange at FOLLETT'S where you'll find better facilities for trad- ing. FOLLETT'S Michigan Book Store I -T-- _ t Iv- ON or 4xci =ANGE 0 FIRST.BAPTIST CHURCH 512 E. Huron. Dr. Howard Chapman,. University Pastor. John Mason Wells, D.D., Stated Supply. H. R. Chapman, D.D., Student Minister. 9:30 A.M. Church School, J, P. Wiessler, Leader. 10:45 A.M. Worship. Rev. W. R. Shaw of Ypsilanti speaks on "Lord, Show Us The Father." 5:30 P.M. Students meet for social hour and informal program. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466 William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister. Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant Palmer Christian, Director of Music. 9:30 A.M. Church School; classes for all age groups. 9:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Levee of the Mr. and Mrs. Group. I A .n Ce ]/rA ffwLW r nrein11PPliinnRA PILGRIM HOLINESS for your The friendly little church around the corner. Fountain Street at Miller Avenue Rev. Emil A. Shetler, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship. Sermon: "Divine Interference." 7:00 p.m. Young People's Society. 7:45 p. m. Congregational Singing. 8:00 p. m, Sermon: "Twice-Born Men." 7::0 p. in. Thursday. Prayer Meeting. 7~ C' Bri ng them in now and get a credit slip GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Undenominational Masonic Temple 327 South Fourth Avenue Harold J. VeVries, Pastor innA _M Ai.f Sum col Bible InsiTr'truc'tion A Square Deal Always at I