THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Editor Gets Told ... I.-_ You of M By Sec Terry DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. -n.- 5 . ,. . --.. '. "7. .. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority, of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPREOENTED FpOR NATIO AL ADVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' Los AZGELES SARI FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board Managing Editor EditorialtDirector . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor .t Associate Editor KAssociate Editor Book Editor-. . Women's Editor Sports Editor . of Editors . Robert D. Mitchell . Albert P. Mayio ' Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry * . S. R. Kleiman Robert Perman . Earl Gilman * . William Elvin Joseph Freedman . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Busines Manager . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager .. . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marin A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JUNE HARRIS The-editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. a Guard Campus From Foolish Females! . . FRESMEN WOMEN must be in by 9:30 p.m. on weeknights next sem- ester. More power to the League Judiciary Council! Now the freshmen women can't stay at the Library untilit closes. But they shouldn't after all. They are too young, and they couldn't ap- preciate the Library after 9 p.m. anyway. That's too much concentration to expect from them. Now they can get 10 hours sleep every night..9 Good! Their youth demands that they sleep a long time so they will be fit to carry' on the 10:30 tradition when they grow up and become sophomores. We applaud the move! It's magnificent; it's progressive-in fact, it's perfect. No longer do we have to be bored until 10:30 by the naive con- versation of some freshman. We can get rid of them an hour earlier now. Let's change the week-end hours too-maybe we could have them come in at 11 p.m. on Friday and 10:30 p.m. on Saturday. There is another forward step the League Judiciary Counil can take. It surely would make the campus a lot better. And it would cut down on the number of fool- ish women set loose on the campus too. Let's try it. -I1eorace W. Gilmore Glory Of War - - Exploded By First Shell.. .. PROSAIC INDEED are writings on the horrors of war, and yet a recent article by Relman Morin, Tokio correspondent of the Associated Press, sheds a surprising light on how all inclusive this aversion to modern strife has become. Japanese youth is taught from infancy that "to die participating in the supreme holy en- terprise of mankind (war) must be the greatest glory and the height of exaltation." Much has been written of the indomitable courage of the Nipponese, who leap into the enemy trenches clutching hand grenades, dying with a smile of joy on their lips, and reveling in similar acts of "gallantry." Morin, however, presents a revealing insight into the Japanese psychology as he quotes a recent book published in Japan entitled "Wheat And Soldiers." The writer was a corporal who landed at Shanghai in the early months of the war and participated in the Nanking and Hsu- chow campaigns. He presents his and other soldiers' sensations under fire: "I had thought of myself as utterly brave and daring, but now I was quaking inside and my convictions were shaken. I had been perfect- ly confident that the enemy's weapons would never find me. Now I realized that that was merely mental comfort. "I was filled with anger at the sight of life being destroyed so carelessly. So much noble ef- fort goes into the development of a single humaan life . . , but one chance shell ends it all. The feeling is not unusual. It does not mean that we refuse to die for the country, But I could The Liquidation of Labor To the Editor: This letter is written in answer to an editorial titled "Economy and W.P.A. Cuts" in the Michi- gan Daily of Thursday, Jan. 19, 1939 in which the House cutting of the W.P.A. appropriation was deplored. When a depression comes it brings with it a process for want of better words described as, liquidation. Mercantile houses, service agencies, industries ,and banks are tested by the adverse conditions for flaws, for weakness, for instability, and those failing the test find their activities seriously curtailed, or are faced with bankruptcy. This is the process of LIQUIDATION. It weeds out the weak, sweeps away unsound practices, and lays part of the foundation for sound eco- nomic recovery. The delay of this natural pro- cess results in the delay of recovery, and the sooner the bottom is hit the sooner the upward climb begins. Likewise depression brings a liquidation of LABOR. Past lean years in restrospect reveal -anastonishing disregard of the principle of liquidation; half heartedly as regards CAPITAL and "whole hog" as regards labor. It is the latter that concerns us most here. Capital and labor may not be separated, and their mutual liquida- tion in the past acted as a purifying influence; but the present finds a partial denial of the first and a vehement negative to the second. Yet when liquidation goes on in one and is denied in the other we have a picture comparable to a team in harness in which one horse moves for-, ward as the other leaps backward. Past depres- sions illustrate the turning point to be reached when labor becomes so cheap capital' in self-in- terest must employ it, and when capital thus aided comes out of hiding in seek of increased opportunity. Recent years have produced legislation tending to destroy this process. The legislation has been enacted under the head of emergency. It has been lauded as averting 'possible revolution. It has been praised as humanitarian. It produced what is commonly known as the Washington Alphabet-the P.W.A., the W.P.A. etc. and the net result has been a continuation of the depres- sion and almost as many unemployed in '39 as in '32. To blind our eyes to fundamentals by waving the white flag of humanitarianism before them is to play the ostrich with his head in the sand. Humanitarianism then becomes weak sen- timentality'and the conditions for which the flag was waved far from being ameliorated become worse. One of the government agencies artificially preventing the liquidation of labor is the W.P.A. Until the present Congress all attempts to cur- tail it have geen met with the shout, "Will you let them starve?" Such a shout is purely rhetori- cal. Facts amply refute it. Hysterical cries of this nature recall the gallant walk of Wyckoff, a Princeton professor, across United States during the Silver Campaign Depression of 1897. Leav- ing the security and comfort of his Princeton profession, he set forth without preconceived notions or money in his pocket to study first hand the life of the workers by becoming one of them. Wyckoff made it a rule to pass as rapid- ly as possible from job to job, holding few over several weeks. Strange as it may seem in that depression period he found there was always a job for the man who would work hard enough and for what he could get. Thus working with his hands as, a common laborer he made his way on foot to the Pacific. Wyckoff holds no brief for Capital or Labor. His is an accurate, deeply human report of conditions as he found them, and sordid as they sometimes were Wyckoff . emerged from the two year journey convinced of United States' virile power, of its great future, and of its opportunities. His book, "The Workers East and West," a revelation in its time, is no less true today than it was in 1897. Until labor is liquidated like everything else in depression times, we shall have no lasting prosperity. Until labor reaches a point where it is cheap enough to be profitably used we shall continue in un- certainty. Thrift, hard work, national economy, alone spell the word PROSPERITY, and pro- fligacy whether called humanitarianism or by its true name as surely spells DEPRESSION. -William L. Newnan The Catholic Role In Spain To the Editor:r Vicious and untruthful rumors are being spread that American and European Catholics are generally going over to fascism against democracy. Such reports should be corrected, for the facts are known. These rumors are the deliberate inventions of the Nazi propaganda mill, which serves Hitler best when it creates disruption and disunity among those who believe in and are willing to fight for democracy. It is true, unfortunately, as a New York Catho- lic layman has said: "That a small group of a few thousand within the 21,000,000 membership of, the Catholic Church should elect to abandon their religion and espouse the pagan war fetish- ism of Hitler and Mussolini is deplorable. They have, of course the heretical behavior of the majority of Spanish bishops in supporting Fran- co's rebellion as precedent, if they wish tox use it. But for these renegades to be taken as the true voice of Catholicism, as many non- Catholics seem to take them, is to slander the great Catholic public who, as devout believers in a religion, really try to live in this modern world as their conscience and culture dictates.' Happily, the Michigan broadcasting priest, Father Coughlin, does not represent all the lead- in their war against the democracy and Chris- tianity of Spain. American Catholics whose sympathies are necessarily with their fellow democrats in Spain, have lacked a strong leadership in fighting the immortality of fascism, but Catholics of other lands have clearly and vigorously opposed the menace of fascism. Let us cite a few facts. Within the past few days, the outstanding Catholic leader, Ernest Pezet, member of the French Chamber of Deputies, asked along with all French democrats that arms be sent to Spain. Likewise, Georges Bidault, editor of L'Aube, French Catholic daily of world-wide influence, declared that the French and British governments "have got the habit of accepting Mussolini's promises and then accepting their violation. They find it difficult habit to break." He also supported Pezet in his demand for arms to Spain. Another fact, suppressed by the small group of Franco supporters among the American Cath- olics and never mentioned by Father Coughlin in all his broadcasts, is that the Vatican itself, on the invitation of the Republican Government of Spain, sent an accredited representative to Bar- celona six months ago. The Apostolic Vicar is still in Barcelona. Also, it is important to re- member that of the three Spanish Cardinals, one of them, the Archbishop of Tarragona Vidaly Barraquer, has never supported Franco. The Government has done everything within its power to insure freedom of religious worship. On Dec: 8, 1938, one of the best known Catholics in Spain, Prof. Jesus Maria Bellidoy Golferich, was appointed Commissioner of Cults and liason officer between the Government and Church authorities. One of the greatest sorrows of Catholics in Republican Spain is that they feel abandoned by some of their co-religionists. And, indeed, except for Father Teobaldi of Switzerland, who has been there several times, and Father O'Flan- agan of Ireland, who is again on his way there, few priests have visited Repubican Spain, other than the official representative of the Vatican. The American hierarachy, with the honorable exception of Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago and the editors of several Catholic organs in Ameri- ca, has shown a singular lack of charity, which will undoubtedly have serious effects upon Span- ish Catholicism. We, the undersigned executive committee members of the Ann Arbor branch of the Ameri- can League for Peace and Democracy, feel it is our duty and privilege to make public these little publicized facts which prove beyond a doubt that Catholics and the Church as a whole con- tinues to be one of the bulwarks for peace and democracy in the world today. Very truly yours, Dr. Leroy Waterman, Chairman William C. Rohn, Membership Secretary Bert Doolittle, Treasurer Dr. John Shepard, Vice-Chairman Miss Lucille Poor, Recording Secretary A Program For Peace1 To the Editor.: Quick and indefinite is the logic by which cer- tain progressive groups have approved of thej President's latest armament bill. This suddenI shift in attitude-only a year back a naval bill was bitterly attacked by these groups-could stand some consideration. Mr. Phillip Horton, for example, who is the secretary of he New York branch of the Com- munist Party, claims that the situation after the Munich settlement justifies the new arma- ment bill. His train of thought seems to be sub- stantially as follows: ANALYSIS PRIOR TO MUNICH 1. Given: the economic organization of the United States. 2. Given: the distribution of political power in the U.S. 3. Given: the minority control of foreign policy, (by the President, a few Congressmen, and our sacred State Department.) 4. Given: in the seats of the mighty abroad: Hoare, Laval, Ede', Blum. 5. Conclusion: If we wish to follow a correct peace policy, we will have no need for a naval bill; it can only be "a substitute for a correct peace policy." INTERLUDE French popular front fails, State Department continues to withhold arms from Loyalist Spain~ allows them to flood into Japan. Chamberlain appeases Germany at' Munich. Maverick, Bern- ard, Blum, Eden, out. ANALYSIS AFTER MUNICH 1. Given: . . . (see above) 2. Given: . . (see above) 3. Given: . . . (see above) 4. Given: . . (see above) 5. Conclusion (after Munich): If we want to follow a correct peace policy, we will have need of an armament bill; it constitutes an integral part of our peace policy. Now the question arises, why, with things worse off abroad and no better here has the conclusion changed? Why have these groups now decided to support a strong armament policy? It cannot be a change in the obvious externals of foreign relations. It is rather, if one may guess, primar- ily that they have come to look upon Roosevelt, as the great leader (Lippmann called his last speech a landmark in the history of Western civilization) who will use the army as they wish it to be used: "for the defense of the liberty and independence of our own and other peoples." Even assuming that the wishes of our own and other peoples are not to be consulted, there is one inference from this view that must be made. rrI . v It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN NEW ORLEANS, La., Jan. 27-I am constantly amazed at the manner in which masterful men. cn track the fugitive down with the aid of messenger boys. This afternoon I was standing by the rail at the °F air Grounds watching t h e second half of my daily double run a bang-up seventh. A man- ly little lad in uniform tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I have a message for you." My first impression was that this might be bad news, but the way that I was going left me somewhat in- sulated against additional disaster. Indeed, the mutuels had me down so low that I gave the messenger boy+ a kind word instead of a quarter. And so there came the fugitive hope that possibly some well-wisher was telegraphing me fresh money. The dispatch turned out, as usual, to be a call to duty. Gen. Hugh S. Johnson wired, "How about your1 promise to come through for the polios? Every other seal has per- formed. I may have to take away your. tambourine." And I remember that I had volunteered to write about in- fantile paralysis before I left Con- necticut. The cause is good and deserves the best effort of every writing isews- , paper man and woman. But I still am! wondering how the General learned that I was in New Orleans and by what magic of deduction he arrived at the conclusion that it woudl be poss- ible to find me at the race track. Politics Has No Place However, it seems to me that the pertinent question in regard to medi- cal research regarding the polios is,. Who muddied the waters by injecting politics? Back home some of the lead- ers of the drive for funds said can- didly that there were difficulties this year. Around the Greenwich and Stamford areas some former contrib- utors have held off because of their bitterness toward the New Deal and President Roosevelt. This seems to me an attitude which, to put it mildly, might be called un- fortunate. Already many have pointed out that the proceeds of the drive will go to scientists wholly concerned with medical problems of care and research. Surely there never should be in America a time when it is not possible to get a united front to com- bat disease. Here is no discussion of debatable legislative problems. This 'is a fight of men against death. Undoubtedly it is true that the name and fame of Franklin Roose- velt have been called upon to drama- tize the campaign against poliomye- litis. It should have been done that way, for such an approach has been inevitable and effective. That ought to be true now. It is easier for any of us to understand a problem if it can be illustrated for us in the terms of an individual personality, Obviously Mr. Roosevelt is the man whose own life makes a dramatic chapter in the study of infantile paralysis. One may be violently for him or unalterably opposed to him in every economic and political prob- lem. to strike in wai time. Determipe the amount of free speech to be allowed the people.) 2. Make clar and accepted by all the aims the U.S. should have-in diplomacy ail war. (Aid to Spain ending of any aid to the Fascist countries, denial of the appease-the- dictators tactic.) 3. Find out why the people (and even congressmen) have so little to say in the State department-presi- den tialescapade called American foreign policy. 4. Try to figure out how the future peacemakers (Chamberlain- Roose- velt? Daladier?) will settle the com- ing war so that peace. democracv. University and to the deans or ad- ministrative heads of the various units. The Chairman of the Com- mittee will be glad to supply addition- al blanks on request. The attention of the various facul- ties is called to the statement on the blanks concerning the nature of the award and the qualifications which will guide the committee in the selec- tion of the recipient. It is desirable that consideration be given to all eligible -faculty members who have rendered conspicuous service to the University, and that full information be submitted concerning all candi- dates nominated. It is customary to announce the award at the time of the Henry Rus- sel Lecture, which may take place this year as early as the first of March. It is therefore requested that all nominations, accompanied by supporting material, be submitted to the Chairman of the Committee, MargaretElliott,.201 Tappan Hall, not later than Feb. 15. The Bureau of Appoinments hAs rez ceived the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations.' Last date for filing application is given in each case. Practical Nurse. Salary range: $95- 110. Feb. 11. Life Guard. Salary range: $75-90. Feb. 7. Park Ranger. Salary range: $80- 110. Feb. 7., Bridge, Designing Engineer. Salary range: $325-385. Feb. 7. Game Ornithologist. Salary range: $200-240. Feb. 7. Academic INotices Biological Chemistry 123: The course in blood chemistry will be given in the second semester on either Mon- day, Tuesday or Wednesday morn- ing. Students who wish to take this course should obtain permission, be- fore the end of this semester, from either Dr. H. C. Eckstein Room 320 West Medical Building or Dr. H. B. Lewis, Room 317 West Medical Bldg. Botany 36. Botany 36 (Systematic Botany) lectures will be held in 2042 Natural Science Building instead of 4014 Natural Science Building as heretofore announced. Education, C154 will not ',e offered the second semester. English I Room Assignments for' Final Examination Tuesday, 2-5 p.m. (Continued from Page 2) through Saturday noon, Feb. 11, in Waterman Gymnasium. C. S. Yoakum, Dean. History 11, Lecture II. Mr. Wheeler's sections will meet in Room E. Haven, for the final examination Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2-5. All other sections in this lecture group will meet in Natural Science Auditorium. History 11. Lecture Group III. Final examination, Feb. 6, 9-12 a.m. Sec- tions 21 and 22 in Room C, Haven. Sections 23 and 24 in Room B, Haven. History 47: Final examination, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2-5. A-G, 35 A.H.; H-Z, C Haven. Mathematics 215. Modern Algebra. Will not be offered the second semes- ter. Room Assignment for Final Exam- inations in Mathematics (College of LwS. and A.) : Mathematics 1 Section 2 (Elder). 201 U.H. Section 3 (Coe), 3209 A.H. Jan. 31,1 Arthos, 101 Ec. Bacon, 101 Ec. Baum, 1121 N.S. Bertram, 202 Ec. Calver, 4003 A.H.t Cassidy, 1209 A.H.t Chang, 2215 A.H. ' Dean, 229 A.H. Everett, 215 A.H. Ford, 18 A.H. Giovannini, W. Lee. Phys. Greenhut, W. Lec. Phys. Haines, 2054 N.S. Hanna, 2003 N.S.t Hart, 6 A.H. Hathaway, 2235 A.H. Helm, 2014 A.H. Knode, 4203 A.H. V Menger, 205 S.W. Ogden, '1018 A.H.} O'Neill, 103 R.L. Peake, 202 W. Phys.# Schenk, 203 U.H.' Schroeder, 201 U.H.t Stibbs, W. Le'ct. Phys. Stocking, W. Lee. Phys f Weimer, 103 R.L. Weisinger, 302 MH. Wells, 200 S.W., Williams, 2016 A.H- Woodbridge, 103 R.L. Room Assignment for Final Exam- inations In German 1, 2, 31, and 32. Feb. 4, 1939, 9-12 a.m. German 1. 1025, A.H., Schachtsiek; Striedieck; Diamond. 25, A.H., Sudermann; Pott; Gaiss. 101, Ec., Graf; Eaton; Willey; Phil- ppson. B, H. H. Ryder. German 2. B, All sections. "-German 31 C, H. H., Braun; Diamond; Van Duren; Gaiss. 35, A.H., Eaton; Philippson; Reich- art. D, H.H., Graf; Striedieck. 301, U.H., Scholl, 201, U.H., Wahr. German 32 231, A.H., All sections. Geology 11 make-up bluebooks will be given on Friday, Jan. 27, at 9 a.m. in Natural Science Auditorium. At no other time will they be given. Geology I1 Final examination (b. 3. 9-12 a.m.) will be held ini the samcnr rooms as usual. A-M, Natural Sci- ence Auditorium; N-Z 231 Angell Hall. Gradnate Students may now obtain Section 4 (Myers), 2231 A.H. Section 5 (Dwyer), 2235 A.H. Section ' (Odle), 202 M.H, Section 8 (Nesbitt), .202 M.H. Section'2Myes)3209AH. Section 5 (Greville) 225 A.H. Mathematics 7' Section 1 (Raiford) 402 M.. ,Section 2 (Nesbitt) 3010 A.H. Section 3 (Elder) 201 U.H. Section 4 (Anning) 302 M.H. Mathematics 36 Section 3 (Anning) 203 U.H. Mathematics 51 Section 1 (Craig) 203 U.H. Section 2 (Greville) 402 MH. All other courses and sections, will meet in their regular classrooms. Political Science 1. Final examina- tion, Thursday, Feb. 2, Hayden's and Dory's sections: Room 1025-A.H. Cuncannon's and Perkins' sections: Room 25 A.H. Calderwood's and Kallenbach's sections: B Haven. French's sections: Room 13 RL. Political Science 2. Final examina- tion, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2 p.m., Room 1035 A.H, Political Science 52. The final ex- anmmation in Politiqal Science 52, Section 1, M.W.F., 9, will be held on Friday, Feb. 3, 9-12. Political Science 107. The final examination in Political Science 107 will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 9-12. Students concentrating in Political Science: During the next two weeks, I shall be in my office, 2037 A.H., at the times listed below for consulta- tion concerning second semester pro- grams: Feb. 3-4-10-12. Feb. 8-10-10-12, 2-3:30. Feb. 11-10-12. H. B. Calderwood. Psychology 31. Lecture Section Il (Dr. Thuma). The regular final ex- amination will be held Saturday, Feb. 4, from 2 to 5 pm. Students with initials of last name A through K, go to Room B, Haven Hall; students with initials L through Z, go to Room C, Haven Hall. Students in this lec- ture section who have a conflict With the examination period, will take their examination on 'hursday, Feb. 2, from 2 to 5 p.m. in Room 1121 N.S. Scientific German. A course, Ger- man 36, "Scientific German" will be offered in the second semester. It is designed for and open only to .stu- dents who are concentrating or pre- paring to concentrate in one of the natural' sciences. Prerequisites: Courses German 1 and 2 in the University (or equiva- lent in high school), and German 31 or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 U. H. Nord- meyer. Four hours credit. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, will give the eighth number in the Choral Union Concert Series, Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, 19,39, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are still available at the of- fice of the School of Music. I Exhibitions Exb'bition of Chinese Amateur Phow. tograhy: Because of the interest in the exhibition of Chinese photog- raphy which it is sponsoring In the Rackha Galleries, the International Center has arranged to conitinte exhibition through next week; it will close Saturday, Jan. 28. The display rooms are open all day and In the evening, except on Sunday. Mr. Oheng will be present most of the time to comment on his work. Events Tod The Graduate Outing Club will have