THE MICHI GAN DAILY FRIDAY, JAN. m Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of student Publications., Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or -not, otherwise credited in this ,n'saper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. 'Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. R~EPRSENTED .FOR NAT1ONA. ADVERTISING FlY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISION AYE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor. . Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor W'omen's Editor Sports Editor. Editors . Robert D. Mitchell . Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kliman . Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman William Elvin . Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan Womlen's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON L. LINDER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Code For Cyclists T HE APPEAL to motorists to drive safely and be especially watchful of pedestrians and bicyclists is one that is issued repeatedly. However, because many of the bicycle accidents "are found to be caused by the care- lessness of the cyclist, officials of the local branch of the Michigan Automobile Club have now attacked the accident problem by appealing to the cyclist, urging him to ride safely always, using caution and observing traffic rules. Prof. Roger Morrison of the highway engineer- ing department, who is chairman of the local Traffic and Safety Division of the Auto Club, declares that cyclists, a large number of whom are University students, have been careless late- ly, making the accident problem more acute. At times like the present, when streets are slippery with snow and ice, bicycles and autos are not easy to keep under control. This hazard- ous driving condition plus the tendency of the bicyclist to ride carelessly deem it wise that he should keep in mind the code issued by the Aulto Club. The Club's code points out that: 1. Two on a bike is one too many. 2. All traffic lights and other traffic sig- nals apply to bicycles. 3. Dismount and walk across a congested intersection where there are no traffic lights. 4. When two or more bicycles are traveling together, they should travel in single file when other traffic is approaching. 5. Always give a signal when turning or stopping. 6. Do not ride on the sidewalk. 7. Do not zigzag or cut circus stunts on the highw y. The cyclist should remember that when an auto and a bicycle collide, it is the motorist who is certain to be ableto continue on his way un- harmed. -Don Spencer Wanted: Reform You of M NOTES and FOOTNOTES _By Sec Terry FOREST Evashevski's -letter in Wednesday's column evoked a variety of responses, some praising his proposal to create "a more robust social order," others admiring his wayward wit and polite joshing. One in particular took us to task for failure to augment these sometimes pointless paragraphs with a consideration of an issue that concerns every thoughtful American. Evie himself, who was absorbed in football and nothing else during last fall, felt the impact of the problem when he heard Dr. Judd speaking of war in China, and lamented his lack of in- formation and consequent apathy. But the -letter argues its own case. "Dear Sec Terry: "It was indeed gratifying to read Mr. Eva- shevski's spirited and convincing defense of the intelligence of his football associates. This letter is written in the same spirit: it is intended as a defense of the intelligence of every reader of your column. There is nothing more palatable for breakfast than pungent paragraphs, nothing more stimulating than clever witticisms and epi- grams. In this respect the tone and content of your column are excellent; you are carrying on the great American tradition of pointed humor, a tradition that began with the tall tales that grew out of the trek of the pioneers, that was kept alive in the crackerbox humorists, the homespun philosophers, and that reached its glorius clumination in Mark Twain, Artemus Ward, Josh Billings, Peter Finley Dunne, Eugene Field, Ring Lardner, Will Rogers and Michigan's own Franklin P. Adams. "This is the point: these men were humorists, but their humor and their wit had meaning only because it was oriented toward the vital problems that confronted the American people, more specifically, the problems of American democ- racy. This is the time for you to make your bid for a place in that, tradition. American democ- racy is in the midst of serious difficulties; this is the time for you to take your stand in its de- fense, to use all your influence among your readers in making them realize the nature of our difficulties and what can be done about them. "American democracy cannot live in a totali- tarian world. The first battle in the struggle for the preservation of our own democracy is being fought today in Spain. So long as the heroic Spanish people throw back the barbaric forces of darkness, so long as they resist the totalitarian tide-so long will American democ- racy live. 'And now, Sec, just a word about this democ- racy business. We saw you at the recent Spanish meeting in the Union and know that you heard Jay Allen say that the slogan 'make the world safe for democracy' is still a noble one despite the rough treatment it has had since the end of the war. And you will remember, Sec, that just a few nights ago we heard you rehearsing a speech for your Speech class in which you said 'the embargo must be lifted in the name of justice.' "And do you remember when you said that we can't walk on one side, of the street, absolutely imhpervious to what is going on across the way? And also when you mentioned the fact that in- nocent women and children are being butchered in the streets of Spain by shells and bullets made in the United States? And, when one of the fellows also present picked up the paper and blared: 'Barcelona Falls,' mentioning he was glad the war was almost over so that all the killing and bloodshed would,stop, do you remem- ber how we took him aside and showed him that when Spain falls, it will be the cue for the real killing and bloodshed to begin? "We know that you remember all this. And we also know that you believe deeply in the principles of democracy that are now being chal- lenged by the ruthless scourge of fascism, this barbaric medievalism now threatening the civil- ized world. And we know that you agree with us that to sit back complacently and smugly on "our side of the ocean" with the attitude, "the rest of the world be damned; we'll have none of it," is to admit that our ideals must always be on the back-pedal, retreating before the aggress sion of fascism-hoping that soon they will wear themselves out and leave us to return to the old order. "If the fascists believe that totalitarianism, regimentation, intolerance, suppression, and mass murder are worth fighting for, then surely dis- ciples of democracy should hold that individual liberty, freedom, toleration, and peace are equally worthy of active militant defense. "Which simply means, in terms of the Spanish situation, that our position and attitude should not be one of indifference simply because 3,000 miles of water separate us. 3,000 miles of water are not enough to wash away ideals and prin- ciples necessary for a better life. 3.000 miles of water cannot dissolve the fact that a sister democracy is fighting valiantly to preserve our ideals. To repeat, what we must.realize is that the Spanish people are fighting our battle. And, as our aid to them, awe conjured up a mock- neutrality and installed an embargo on arms. "In short, Sec. we think you will agree with us when we say that the Spanish embargo must be lifted. Perhaps now it will be too late to save Spain, but at least it will show the world that at last we realize that America is an organic part of the entire scheme of things, unable to remain isolated or neutral. "Sincerely yours, M. E.L. M." counters and helpers are eliminated, resulting in large savings. A third objective of the club is prompter re- porting of election returns by city, county and state canvassing boards. The requirement in , some states that the canvassing be postponed until 24 hours after the polls close has two un- TODAY i WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- . V* The Editor Gets Told... Dollar Patriotism DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive Notice to all members of the-University, Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11 00 AM. on Saturday. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26-There is something. so transparently hypocritical about present-day politics that it would seem permissible to make mention of just what the debate over the con- firmation of Harry L. Hopkins as Secretary of Comerce really means. The Republicans, almost to a man, voted against Mr. Hopkins, and the Democrats, with few exceptions, voted for him. The question at issue was whether Mr. Hopkins' management of relief was political. There was no problem of personal integrity. It is true, many of the Demo- crats, in voting to confirm Mr. Hopkins, did not wish to be recorded as approving what he did in public office. From the debate, it might be inferred,, however, that the Republicans and Democrats are against politics in relief, but there is nothing to show they object to politics inside the federal Govern- ment. So ingrained is the political tradition that it is doubtful whether a handful of votes could be obtained today for a bill to prohibit any member oftheCabinet from being an officer or director or manager of a political party or its funds. Thus, James A. Farley has held the office of chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Chairman of the New York State Democratic committee during the entire period of nearly six years that he has been Postmaster General in the Cabinet of the President, and there has been really no substantial objection from the leaders of either political party. Can't Object To Hopkins Maybe someone else wouldn't be permitted to play such a triple role, and maybe it's a tribute to the remarkable personality of Jim Farley, but the fact remains that a Congress that doesn't object to an active manager of political cam- paigns in a President's Cabinet can hardly ob- ject to the retention in public office of another man in the President's official family whose contact with politics was confined to incidental effort. Maybe, if Mr. Hopkins had been known as the vice Chairman of the Democratic Na- tional Committee, or had held some .conspicu- ous office in politics openly, he never would have aroused the ire of the members of Congress. Per. haps his sin was in failing to be a part-time political manager like Jim Farley. But the fight now is over, and the question is whether Congress is in earnest or playing a little politics of its own in the Hopkins contro- versy. If Congress were in earnest, there would be legislation on the way to the statute books now not only prohibiting key executives in the entire Federal Government from engaging in political campaigns, but forbidding them to have any connection with the soliciting of delegates to any national convention of either party. The Republicans may be loath to sponsor such legislation, for they themselves have been in the habit of considering certain cabinet posts as political and their Cabinet officers have made speeches during presidential and congressional campaigns. The use of a government job to urge voters to vote a certain way was certainly not invented by the Democrats. It is, therefore, important to record these things lest the impression be broadcast that the debate over the Hopkins appointment somehow symbol, ized something more than the customary holier- than-thou attitude which every now and then arises in Congress, when, as a matter of fact, the' opportunity to cut away the abuse and de- fects in our system has been plainly apparent fo years.$ Cabinet Appointments Personal One of the curious things that showed itself in the debate was the willingness of Congress to concede that Cabinet portfolios are personal appointments, and that qualifications for man- agement of a big Government department are not to be passed upon by the Senate when asked to confirm a nomination. This is, to be sure, the traditional view and on its face there is no reas- on why Congress should refuse to confirm any- body the President wants to put in his Cabinet -that is, if one accepts the view that Cabinet officers are political appointments. A majority of the Senate feels that this is so.' Whatever, therefore, the individual members of the Senate may have felt about politics-in relief, they really supported the idea of politics in government when they accepted the customary contention that a Cabinet officer is a part of the Presi- dent's political entourage. And that's why there has not been any real objection in Congress to the presence of a Postmaster General who also is chairman of a national political party commit- tee in the President's Cabinet. Politics is still the controlling influence in government, notwithstanding all the crusades of fifty years or more for a permanent civil service and a better administrative service. In Great Britain, the political nature of the cabinet offi- cer is accepted, but he is compelled to stand before the people in an election just as are mem- bers of Congress. The trouble in America is that the electorate has no way of forcing out of office an administration whose key executives or cabi-. net officers abuse public power. The issue in a congressional election is the individual Senator or Representative, and, in a presidential election, it is the President. Cabinet responsibility to the electorate, often advocated by the late President Wilson, is still ea long way off in the American Democracy. The Latest Thing Something new in the line of student-managed insurance companies has cropped up on the To the Editor: A short while ago Brigadier-Gen- eral of the Ordance Department vis- ited the University and before a group, mainly composed of R.O.T.C. students, delivered a short address on the purpose and significance of the peace-time mobilization .that has been now going on for several years. At several points in the address he stressed the fact that the army offi- cers have found industry to be very willing to cooperate with the plans of the military. However, this cooper- ation is placed not on any patriotic basis but on cold cash; for industry is only to be taxed 50 per cent of capacity in the manufacturing of war material, so that the remaining equipment could be us'ed in the usual production to fulfill the requirements of the industry, and the portion that goes to mobilization is to be at a profit, which, no doubt, will be sub- stantial. Besides, the War Depart- ment at the expense of the govern- ment is to install the machinery nec- essary to produce the armaments, and all that industry furnishes is space at a profit during a time when the youth present at the meeting and millions like them will be called upon in the name of patriotism to sacri- fice everything that they have struggled for. They will have given up their education and positions, not in return for any profit as industry is so cheerfully accepting, but for $21 a month with the pleasure of being shot to bits, or being a permanent resident in some veterans' hospital. If wartime requires extreme sacri- fices why must industry be exempted? If the youth are to be called upon to aid in the preservation of the Ameridan system, which necessarily' means the preservation of the indus- tries for those now in control, it seems reasonable that those who are to benefit by the death of many of us should not be given a ,handsome profit under the false name of co- operation. Their patriotism is found-! ed on the dollar, and the abundant praise of the speaker was not only misdirected but seemingly perverted. In justice to those who must bear the heaviest burden in a conflict, a system that permits the accumula- tion of profits for the manufacture of war equipment is vicious and re- quires change. -Elmer Cherinsky Lift The Ebargo To the Editor: As the mechanized columns of, Italians, Moroccans and Germans converge on Barcelona, it becomes obvious that the fall of Loyalist Spain may mark the end of parliamentary government in Europe! The danger is strictly defined, the time is strictly limited, and the nature of our action is clear. Congress and the President must be overwhelmed by one message: Lift the embargo on Loyalist Spain! - H. M. Pudy Rat Race To the Editor: Exams? Phooooey! If you want to see a real merry-go-round that'll make you dizzier than any Ec. final you ever took, come to the Arch. School and walk over the writhing bodies of prospective 1939 seniors. The biggest Rat Race of the cen- tury, folks!-yeah, to graduate be- fore they change the rules. What makes it tough though is that it takes more than ten minutes to gradu- ate. (Nothing like a little free'ad- vertising to insure the Arch. School plenty of elbow room for next year and for God knows how long.) And still seriously, something has got to be done if the students are going to accomplish anything in the line of work. Periodically the "Board" decides upon a new "catch rule" for the seniors-then, as soon as every- one has raced up and down from the 1st to the 4th floor and back again seeing advisors, they change their minds-or at least one or two of the more powerful of the politicians do and that's all that counts-and where are we? Gentlemen of the Arch. School: (if they may be termed as such). With all due respect (interpret to taste) we beseech you to make up your minds once and for all and to make public announcement of the requirements for graduation. It's no fun being told your last semester that you can't graduate this year because someone suddenly decided to change the rules and you find it's too late to make any revision in your schedule. Momma and poppa have been paying our bills long enough and I've an idea my parasitic stage has reached an end at last,'more school or no more school. Have a heart for the poor stooges who want to get out of the coop next year too. Give 'em a break-it won't hurt you. Gosh! to think people have gradu- ated from this school for 30 years. (Continued from Page 2) will assign you another locker the first week of the second semester. All locks will be cut of after the above date so that the lockers can be as- signed for use the second semester. Mrs. Mariquita Dygert, Home Light- ing Director of Detroit Edison Com- pany, will come to Ann Arbor to ad- dress the Interior Decoration Group of the Faculty Women's Club on "Ef- ficient Lighting in the Home." This lecture will be held at 3 o'clock on Thursday. Feb. 2, in the Michigan League. Engineering Students: Any student who has changed from one program department to another since October should locate his photostat record and take it to the department in which he is to be classified for the second semester. This does not ap- ply to freshmen or other students who entered in September, 1938. Fraternity Disciplinary Action: The following fraternities were warned or otherwise penalized by the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Interfra-" ternity Council in meeting of January 25, 1939. Pi Lambda Phi-Illegal pledging of freshmen and initiating without per- mission. Kappa Nu-Initiating without per-I mission. Sigma Nu-Illegal pledging of freshmen. Kappa Delta Rho-Illegal pledging of freshmen. The Committee requests that all House Presidents read the Rushing and Initiating Rules as found in the Interfraternity Handbook. The Congress Cooperative House, at 909 East University, is accepting ap- plications for boarders for the new semester. Applications will be re- ceived at the Rochdale Cooperative House, 640 Oxford Road, at the Rob- ert Owen House, 922 State St., and at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. The Bureau of Appointments has re- ceived notice of the following civil service examinations. Last date for filing application is given in each case. New York City Service. Able Bodied1 Seaman (Labor Class). Applicants must file in person. Michigan Civil Service:t State School secondary Teacher of HomeEconomics. Salary: $140-160. Jan. 26. Nursing Classes. Salary: $115-150. Jan. 30. Psychiatric Social Worker. Salary: $140-160. Feb. 4.1 Sanatorium Physician. Salary: $200-310. Feb. 6. United States Civil Service: Senior Field Representative. Sal-c ary: $3,800. Feb. 14.x Field Representative. Salary: $3,-1 200. Feb. 14. Scientific Aid (Graphic Arts). Sal- ary: $1,800. Feb. 13. U.S. Nat'l Museum, Smithsonian Institution. Assistant Wool Technologist. Sal- ary. $2,600. Feb. 13. , Supervising Inspector. Salary: $3,- 800. Feb. 14. Senior Inspector, Salary: $3,200 Feb, 1"4. Inspector. Salary: $2,600. Feb. 14. Wage-Hour Division, Dept. of La- bor. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational- Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall, office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. , University Bureau of Appointments, and-Occupational Information. 201 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Aero 1. General Aeronautics: Sec- tions I and II in this course will be combined to take the final examina- tion which will be given on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 2 to 6 p.m., in Room 445 West Engineering Building. Aero 3, Theory and Design of Pro- pellers: The final examination in this course will be given on Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 2 to 6 p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam- ics: The final examination in thisl course will be given on Monday, Jan. 30, from 2 to 6 p.m., in Room 3046 East Engineering Building4 Aeronautical Engineering Students: Classification numbers for sophomore, junior and senior students in Aero- nautical Engineering will be given out in Room B-47 East Engineering Bldg. at 10 a.m., Friday, Feb. 10. In the case of students who have board jobs or other employment during the se- mester, early classification numbers may be obtained from the Secretary in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering before Feb. 10. Biological Chemistry 123: The course Botany) lectures will be held in 2042 Natural Science Building instead of 4014 Natural Science Building as heretofore announced. Education C154 will not ".e offered the second semester. History 11, Lecture II. Mr. Wheeler's sections will meet in Room E, Haven, for the final examination Wednesday, Feb. 1, F-5. All other sections In this lecture group will meet in Natural Science Auditorium. Geology 11 make-up bluebooks will be given on Friday, Jan. 27, at 9 a.m. in Natural Science Auditorium. At no other time will\ they be given. Geology H Final examination (Feb. 3, 9-12 a.m.) will be held in the same rooms as usual. A-M, Natural =4c- ence Auditorium; N-Z 231 Angell Hail. Graduate Students may now obtain registration material in the Admin- istrative Office, Rackham Building. Payment of fees and classifications by alphabetical sequence will commence Thursday, Feb. 9, and continue through Saturday noon, 'Feb. 11, in Waterman Gymnasium. C. S. Yoakum, Doan, History 11. Lecture Group III. Final examination, Feb. 6, 9-12 a.m. Sec- tions 21 and 22 in Room C, Haven, Sections 23 and 24 in Room B, Haven. History 47: Final examination, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2-5. A-G, 35 A.H.; H-Z, C Haven. Mathematics 215. Modern Algebra. Will not be offered the second semes- ter. Mathematics 239. Aigeoraic Geom- etry. Will be offered the second se- mester instead of Course 215 by Dr. Thrall, TTS, 8, 3011 A.H. Psychology 31. Lecture Section I, (Dr. Thuma). The regular final ex- amination will be held Saturday, Feb. 4, from 2 to 5 p.m. Students with initials of last name A through 'K, go to Room B, Haven Hall; students with initials L through Z, go to RooWi C, Haven Hall. Students in this lec- ture section who have a conflict wth the examination period, will takce their examination on Thursday, Feb. 2, from 2 to 5 p.m. in Room 1121 N.S." Psychoiogy 103: Students intending to elect this course next semester should make application for entrance before the registration period in Rooms 2134 or 2125 Natural Science Bldg. Sociology 51: The final examintion in Sociology 51 is scheduled for Tues- day, 2-5 p.m., Jan. 31. The assign- ment of students to rooms is as fol- lows: A-F--1025 Angell Hall. G-0--25 Angell Hall. P-S-1,035 Angell Hall. T-Z-35 Angell Hall. Scientific German. A course, Ger- man 36, "Scientific German" wll be offered in the second semester. It is designed for and open only to atu- dents who are concentrating or pre- paring to concentrate in one of the natural sciences. Prerequisites: Courses German 1 and 2 in the University (or equiva- lent in high school), and German 31 or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 U. H. Nord- meyer. Four hours credit. All Students: Registration for sec- ond semester. Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, Colleges of L.S.&A., Education, Music. Stu- dents should call for second semes- ter registration material at Room 4, University Hall as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, College of Architecture. Students should call for second semester material at Room 4 University Hall at once. The Col- lege of Architecture will post an an- nouncement in the near future giving time of conference with your classi- fier. Please wait for this notice 'je- fore seeing your classifier. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Notice to Seniors: Seniors expect- ing to teach in the state of New York are notified that the examination in French, German, Spanish and Italian will be given here on Feb. 17. Those expecting to take this examination will have to notify this. office im- mediately so that we can inform the "Division of Exammations" by Feb. 1. Professor Hugo P. Thieme, Chair- man, Department of Romance Lap- guages. In Election Procedure . . . W ITH CONGRESS and most of the state legislatures in session this month, the National Get-Out-the-Vote Club is intensifying its nation-wide campaign ;or modernization and reform in elections, ballots and registration. The first of the club's objectives is repeal of the poll-tax as a requirement for voting. The poll-tax was common in the early years of United States' history, but it had largely dis- appeared before 1860. However, mainly to de- prive the Negro of his vote, it was revived about three decades after the Civil War. The, poll- tax, called a "relic of barbarism," spread through the South and is still retained in ten states. Laws require that each voter must bring his tax receipt in order to vote. The tax ranges from $1 to $5 and keeps many Negroes and whites from voting. A second objective of the club is to have the use of automatic voting machines adopted in all of the states. These machines tabulate the total vote as soon as the precincts are closed. In New