PAGE FOUR T HE. MIICHI GAN .DAI LY ..... .. ----- ------ . ..... .... THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Readers, In A Critical Mood, Choose Politics And Daily For Commentaries It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I:- t ;, -- w rtAfM~f'i~nn~V0hw o .rr+ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.0.5 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ALVVERTING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative ' 420 MAOISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAO' - OSTON . LOS ANGELES + SAN FRANIcSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor EditorialtDirector City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor r. Women's Editor Sports Editor. Board 4 of Editors . . Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. Mayio . orace W. Gilmore . . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . . S. R. Kleiman . . . Robert Perlman . . . Earl ilman William Elvin ..Joseph Freedman * . . .Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler . . BUd Benjamin' Business Department usiness Manager. . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON C. JAMPEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Doctor's .ils . POWER INCOME groups dread hos- pitalization as though it were a plague. Hospital treatment means an aftermath of bills which dwarf the worker's monthly sal- ary and which, for many months, take from him the money he needs to maintain a decent living standard for his family. A service that the labor- er should look upon as a necessity is to him a luxury.' Now that public opinion is demanding changes in this system of hospital treatment, scores of solutions are being tested by cooper- ative groups, cities and states. Hospital insur- ance services have suddenly developed through- out the country, and before the end of 1938 these services had enrolled more than two million members., Last week the Michigan Hospital Aociation and the Detroit District Hospital Council an- nounced a plan that will establish in Michigan an ambitious program for hospitalization. If the plan is adopted, Michigan hospitals will be joined in a non-profit association to provide adequate hospital service for the state's lower income. groups. Under the plan, hospital service is made avail- able to employed persons in the state for 60 cents a month. An entire family, including hus- band and wife and all children under 19 years, may purchase hospital service at five cents a day or . .1.50 a month. This includes room and board, general nursing, operating room service and clinical laboratory service. Maternity service will be available to subscribers who have held con- tracts for 12 months or more, but ordinary medi- cal service is not included in the plan. In this way the bugbear of hospitalization will be removed from the lower income groups of Michigan. The hospitals are to be commended for planning this initial reform. There will still remain, however, the important step of lowering the cost of ordinary medical care, which will not be affected by the Michigan plan. A plan that goes all the way is being considered by the California Medical Association. The plan allows any worker earning less than $2,500 a year to obtain, at a cost of $2.65 per month, a maxi- mum of 21 days of hospitalization, and all the medical care needed with the exception of treat-. ment for mental illness or tuberculosis, which is already provided by state institutions. A maxi- mum payment of $72 a year would provide full family coverage, and for smaller families the charge would be less. Reforms in medical care are needed fully as much as those in hospitalization. The lower in- come groups are unable to plan for the pay- ment of doctor bills under present conditions, and the Michigan hospitalization plan does nothing to alleviate ths burden, although a separate group medical insurance plan has been proposed by the state doctors. But, furthermore, prevent- ative medicine is severely limited in its applica- tion when great numbers of the population are unable financially to visit a doctor before their illnesses become acute. IfPr.}linnn. '7n-r .1 malita i9:? .r Suggests Refugee Scholarships To the Editor: Why don't you publish the following quotation from The New Republic for Jan.. 25, 1939. Its relevance to us at the University of Michigan will be obvious. "The generous offer of scholarships for stu- dent refugees made by Harvard College and its students has been widely copied. Yale, Ford- ham, Bryn Mawr, Radcliffe, Mount Holyoke, Northwestern, Swarthmore, the University of Wyoming, Columbia and about fifty other colleges have established committees to help those whom the Nazis have robbed of the chance for education. Harvard offered twenty $500 scholarships for German refugee students with the proviso that the undergraduate body raise an additional $10,000 to pay for living expenses. The money was subscribed in six weeks. Most of the other college refugee-aid plans are on the same basis: the administration and the student body match equal contributions. During Christmas vacation delegates from thirty col- leges alid universities met and formed an Inter- collegiate Committee to Aid Student Refugees. It will assist in coordinating the work of the campus locals, help in the difficult task of rais- ing money, act as a clearing-house for informa- tion and technical advice and try to increase national sympathy for the project. This pro- gram of student-help-student works both ways. Since its inception, the Nazi government has been sending us exchange students, carefully handpicked to represent the Hitler government. For a change, the classmates of German stu- dents in American universities will get the minor- ity report. --R. B. Deplores Barrenness Of Play To the Editor: I suppose one should for decency's sake, object to at least one phase of University life during his sojourn here, or people might say that his educa- tion has proved to be fruitless, or that he is something of an educational sluggard. To date, I have taken education as it comes, in one ear and out the other, as many students do, but I was snapped out of my mental lethargy the other day when I saw the stage presentation of "The Petrified Forest." Lest I be condemned for failure to appreciate an artistic presentation of an extremely dubious play, I should like to state that the interpreta- tion of the characters was excellent, and the people involved really did a splendid job in their By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Bartlett And Robertson Musical pleasure of the most substantial yet unspectacular sort was- the offering of the hus- band-and-wife piano team, Rae Robertson and Ethel Bartlett, in Hill Auditorium last night. It was too bad imminent exams and icy weather were on hand to greet the team's first Ann Arbor, appearance, for a number of empty seats leered unexpressively through some of the most satis- fying musical performances we have heard heard in a long time. Not the least attractive aspect of the evening was the program, superbly varied in material yet forming a unified whole. The Handelian flour- ish which announces the arrival of the Queen of Sheba in the Oratorio Solomon preceded three Bah transcriptions in the first group: a Gigue, the aria "Sheep may safely graze," and a Pre- lude in E major. Then came the piece de resist- ance, Brahms' Variations on a Theme of Haydn in the composer's original two-piano version. Milhaud's Scaramouche Suite of three pieces, Infante's Andalusian Dance, Granados' "Lover and the Nightingale," Abraham Chasm's Rush Hour in Hong-Kong, and the Liszt Campanella formed the second half of the program. Two qualities were most striking in the per- formance of-the two pianists. One was the infinite feeling shown for each of the numer- ous styles represented on the program. The broad, sustained melodic line of the Bach aria; the harpsichord-like grace of Gluck's Paris and Helen Gavotte, heard in encore; the Southern verve of Milhaud's Brazilian D3iice; the tender romanticism of Liszt's Liebestrauxn, another en- core, and the glittering virtuosity of La Can-, panella; and finally the rich meat of the Brahms Variations-each was treated with perfect sym- pathy for its own individual style. There was no highly individual "interpreting" of a composer's music; one felt that what he heard was the only right and possible meaning. Secondly, the evening was remarkable for the brilliancy of its piano ensemble playing. Not a digital brilliancy, or one of volume, but the per- fect execution of complete understanding be- tween the performers. The piano, for once, did not break its strings trying to be an orchestra, and neither did it dally with sweet and tinkling sounds, signifying nothing. Robertson, particu- larly, displayed that rarest of techniques, one of which the listener is not consciously aware. Both left no doubt of the sincerity of their musical ideals or of their ability to carry out those ideals in performance. acting. The numerous details,which must be at- tended to, were, by and large, competently executed, and a general atmosphere of able directing seemed to permeate the entire two acts. But the selection of "The Petrified Forest" as representative of an educational institution dedi- cated to the task of improving mankind-ay, there's the rub! What a sterile philosophy of life underlies the action! The young writer in the play, Alan Squier, becomes a victim to something akin to futilitarianism and molds his life along the pattern suggested in T. S. Eliot's, "The Hollow Men." He feels he is ac- complishing something when he gives up his life and life insurance policy for the good of Gabriel Maple, but he has done nothing smore than meet an untimely end. Alan realizes that there is nothing in life for him and his actions are ap- parently the result of a philosophy derived from influences of weak and ineffectual literary ef- forts.% Such plays as "The Petrified Forest" are re- flections, I believe, on the sterility of contemp- orary literature, and the weaknesses of such works lie in the absence of ability to present a relationship between man and civilization in a disordered world. The result is a literature, like life itself, full of futility and smacking of the psychopathic ward. Yet there are many writers today who can write passionately of the life of man energetic, and it is to these men that we look for comfort and guidance. Alan Squier evidently embraced the philoso- phy which is reflected in Eliot's, "The Hollow Men," one which is a feeble lament over a dead past. Three lines from his poem are sufficient to illustrate my statement: "We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together." Few present day writers escape this hollow- ness, and "The Petrified Forest" is a production devoid of that binding element which ties man to his society and gives him a vital purpose in life. Is not one of the purposes of education to provide a means by which an individual can become adjusted to his environment? How can one justify the presentation of a play in a large University that conveys nothing but an air of dejection and a feeling of futility? Certainly, those who were instrumental in choosing the play are much to be condemned for their choice. Having given vent to my feelings, and, as a result in a much better mood, I can retire into my vacuum of suspended animation and resume once more the aimless frivolities of student life. -George R. Beissel, '?l* Lambasts Reviewer To the Editor: Your screen critic, Mr. Harvey Swados, in yesterday's Daily reviewed the Arf Cinema League's film "Greed." I do not wish to find fault with his comments on the production- that is his opinion; however, in his synopsis of the plot I do not feel that he presented an accur- ate picture. In the first place, Mr. Swados says: "He (McTeague) marries the girl friend of his pal. His pal becomes angry and reports him to the authorities as a quack." Thus Mr. Swados im- plies that McTeague's friend, Marcus, is jealous because McTeague got the girl. The jealousy, however, is caused by the fact that the girl won $5,000 in a lottery, which would have belonged to Marcus had he not given her up to McTeague. Then your critic comes out of a clear blue sky and says "McTeague kills his wife to get $5,000 she has won in a lottery," without even mentioning the privation and poverty McTeague went through so that his money-grabbing wife could have more gold to fondle. Mr. Swados apparently loses the entire point of the picture when he describes the ending. "They fight, McTeague kills Marcus, but Marcus has handcuffed him to himself. McTeague re- leases the canary and sits down next to Marcus waiting for death." He neglects to mention that Marcus was fighting McTeague so that he might get the $5,000 which he believed rightfully be- longed to him. He also neglects to mention Van Stroheim's whole idea,-the fact that McTeague wa there, he had $5,000, and yet he was in the middle of death valley with no water, about to' die. Norris' and Stroheim's point brought out in both the novel and the cinema was that after all of this fighting, skimping, and misery through which the three major characters had gone to obtain the money, it did them no good. -Dave Lachenbruch, '42 Student Addresses Professor To the Editor : A few days ago, Room 231 Angell Hall was a stock exchange for positions on the Cen- tral Frolic Connittee. Candidates and their staunchest supporters handed out election prop- aganda right in front of the polls. They harassed those on line with pleas, last minute advice, and innumerable "don't forgets." I overheard this conversation between- a pul- chritudinous candidate and a prospective voter: Campaigner: "Are all your girl selectionsfilled up?" Voter: "Well, I did have Miss "Blank" in mind, but I still have another choice. Do you have any suggestions?" Campaigner: "Oh, vote for , she's swell." Doter: "But I don't know ." Campaigner: "That's nothing, take my word for it, she's smooth." I protest against this modified log rolling. If Turn about is fair play. On numer- ous occasions I have picketed, and yesterday afternoon, on 41st St. and Broadway, I was being picketed. That was not the orig- inal intention of .. the line, but it developed in that It-may even be that I gave the demonstr a t i o n some aid and en- couragement. It ended ironically enough with my being in the strange estate of having a lieutenant and five cops as an escort to protect me from mob violence. I told the police I wanted to be on my own, but they insisted upon ringing around me to offer sticcor. With a confrere I went to watch the Father Coughlin line which every Sunday gathers for a demonstration against a radio station which fell into dispute with the kindly cleric of Royal Oak. The interest of myself and my col- league lay in the growing manifesta- tions of anti-Semitism in these gath- erings. While prejudice has existed in America before, I have never seen it in such flagrant form. I think it is abominable. The line shifted from its original rendezvous down to WOR, which seems to enter somewhat dimly into the controversy. It was at this second spot that I talked with some of the leaders of the line. I said then and am glad to say again that obviously any group has a right to demonstrate against lifting the embargo. On many occasions I have spoken for loyalist Spain. In spite of my own feelings it would be wholly illogical to me to maintain that the other side should not have every right to use identical tactics. AI Imported Produtct But I still cannot understand why the issue of anti-Semitism should be lugged in. Leaders of the line denied that there was any anti-Jewish ani- mus in their intentions. It is true that some of the slogans set up by the marchers are not reflected in the plac-; ards carried. And one might mini- mize vagrant calls by saying, "We cannot control what some volunteer enthusiast may choose to cry out in his excitement." But in the placards themselves1 there is much to justify the accusa- tion that the Father Coughlin picket line has translated an anti-Com- munist demonstration into a Hitler- like drive against Jewis participation in either business or politics in Ameri- ca. This is not in accord with the' American tradition which the march- ers pretend to support. Specifically, one of the placards which is carried reads, "Two chickens in every pot. No Frankfurters." Cars parked along the sidewalk in the line of marchers are found with stickers which say, "Buy Christian." Another placard which I saw read, "Buy Christian and employ Chris- tian." On The Factual Front "Thats a lie," he said. I pointed out the Frankfurter placard and he re- plied, "We do not approve of that. We dont want it." Nevertheless, the' sign has been displayed for more than two weeks and it was not removed when the pickets shifted from WMCA to WOR. At this latter point I went into a huddle with several men who pro- fessed to be in charge. On some points we agreed, but finally one of the spokesmen -made the assertion, "After all, Hitler saved Christianity." On that I took an immediate dis- sent and I am willing to pursue it. I think that the Father Couglln picket line has brought New Yok noticeably closer to Berlin. I'm against it. And when I stood and listened to a chant from the marchers, "Send Broun back where he came from," I submit that as a free American I should have the right to refuse to be deported to the land of my birth, which, by an ill chance, happens to be Brooklyn. Seek To Alter Patent Laws Assistant Secretary of Commerce Richard C. Patterson yesterday pro- posed that legislative action be urged by the government's monopoly in- vestigating committee to curb any abuses which might have crept into the operation of the federal patent law. The proposal is sound and by no stretch of the imagination does it imply that changes are sought which would render the patent law impotent. That would indeed be foolhardy. For through the many years of its exist- ence the law has encouraged 31ven- tion and thereby stimulated pro gress. It has guaranteed to protect the in- (Continued from Page 2) University, and that full information be submitted concerning all candi- dates nominated. It is customary to announce the award at the time of the Henry Rus- sel Lecture, whihe may take placei this year as early as the first of March. It is therefore requested that all nominations, accompanied by supporting material, be submitted to the Chairman of the Committee, Margaret Elliott, 201 Tappan Hall, not later than Feb. 15. Student Loans: All applications for loans for the second semester must be filed in Room 2, University Hall not later than Friday, Jan. 27. Automobile Regulation: Permission to drive for social purposes during the week-end of the J-Hop from Fri- day noon, Feb. 10, until Monday morning, Feb. 13, at 8 a.m., may be obtained at Room 2, University Hall, through the following procedure: 1. Parent signature cards should beI secured at this office and sent homeI for the written approval of the par- ents. 2. Upon presentation of the signed i card together with accurate informa- tion with regard to the make, type and license number of the car to be used, a temporary permit will beI granted. It is especially important to designate the year of the license plates which will be on the car during the weekend of Feb. 10. 3. Out of town cars used for the week-end must not be brought into! Ann Arbor before 12 o'clock noon on Friday, Feb. 10, and must be taken out before 8 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 13. The foregoing will not apply to' those students who possess regularj driving permits. The above permis- sion will automatically be granted to this group. - . Office of the Dean of Students.c All Engineering College studentsi classified by Professor Frank A.z Mickle in September, 1938, pleasei watch the bulletin board just outsideI of Room 339 West Engineering Bldg. for announcement about classifica- tion numbers. - All students having lockers in Roomsr 323, 333 and 335 West Engineering Building, please remove your loks and equipment on or before Wednes- day, Feb. 8, 1939. If you are going to enroll in any design course next semester your teacher in that course will assign you another locker the first week of the second semester. All locks will be cut off after the above date so that the lockers can be as-.. signed for use the second semester.I The Bureau of Appointments has received notice of the following Civilt Service Examinations. Last date for1 filing application is given in each case. United States Civil Service: Chief Topographic Draftsman. Sal-t ary: $2,600. Fseb. 21. Principal Topographic Draftsman., Salary: $2,300. Feb. 21.l Senior Topographic Draftsman.I Salary: $2,000. Feb. 21. Topographic, Draftsman. Salary: $1,800. Feb. 21.1 Assistant Topographic Draftsman.3 Salary: $1,620. Feb. 21. Biologist (Wildlife). Salary: $3,800. Field Representative. Salary: $3,- 200. Feb. 14., Scientific Aid (Graphic Arts). Sal- ary: $1,800. Feb. 13. U.S. Nat'l Museum, Smithsonian Institution. Assistant Wool Technologist. Sal- ary: $2,600. Feb. 13. Supervising Inspector. Salary: $3,- 800. Feb. 14. Senior Inspector. Salary: $3,200. Feb. 14. Inspector. Salary: $2,600. Feb. 14. Wage-Hour Division, Dept. of La- Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M., 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. b1 bor. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall, office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appoinments and Occu patfinal informaati01n,21 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notwie Biological Chemistry123: The couse in blood chemistry will be given in he second semester on either Mon- lay, Tuesday or Wednesday morn- ing. Students who wish to take this ,ourse should obtain permission, be- fore the end of this semester, from either Dr. H. C. Eckstein, Room 320 Yest Medical Building or Dr. H. B. Lewis, Room 317 West Medical Bldg. Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam- ics: The final examination in this ourse will be given on Mohday, Jan. 30, from 2 to 6 p.m., in .Room 3046 Cast Engineering Building. Aeronautical Engineering, Students: lassification numbers for sophomore, funior and senior students in Aero- autical Engineering will be given out n Room B-47 East Engineering Mdg. t 10 a.m., Friday, Feb. 10. In the ,ase of students who have board jobs tr other employment during the se- nester, early classification numbers nay be obtained from the Secretary a ' the Department of Aeronautical engineering before Feb. 10. Geology 11 make-up bluebooks will e given on Friday, Jan. 27, at 9 a.m. n Natural Science Auditorium. At io other time will they be given. Geology II9 Fial examination (Feb. 19-12 a.m.) will be hield in the same ooms as usual. A-M, Natural Sci- nce Auditorium; N-Z 231 Angell Hall, Graduate Students may now obtain "egistration material in the Admin- strative Office, Rackham Building. payment of fees and classifications by alphabetical sequence will commence [hursday, Feb. 9, and. continue ;hrough Saturday noon, Feb. 11, in Naterman Gymnasium. C. S. Yoakum, Dan Psychoogy 103: Students intending ,o elect this course next semester ;hould make application for entrance >efore the registration period in Rooms 2134 or 2125 Natural Science 3ldg. All students who have elected ip- lied music for credit must -make ap- ointments for individual examina- ions in applied music before the 8th of January at the office of the Musical Director, School of Music Building. Scientific German. A course, Ger- man 36, "Scientific German" will be offered in the second semester. It is desin wd for and open only to stu- dents who are concentrating orpre- paring to concentrate in one of the natural sciences. Prerequisites: Courses German 1 and 2 in jthe University (or equiva- lent in high school), and German 31 or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 U. H. Nord- meyer. Four hours credit. English I Room Assignments for Final Examination Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2-5 p.m. Arthos, 101 Ec. Bacon, 101 Ec. Baum, 1121 N.S. Bertram, 202 Ec. Calver, 4003 A.H. Cassidy, 1209 A.H. Chang, 2215 A.H. Dean, 229 A. Everett, 215 A.H. Ford, 18 A.H. Giovannini, W. Lee. Phys. Greenhut, W. Lec. Phys. Haines, 2054 N.S. Hanna, 2003 N.S. Hart, 6 A.H, Hathaway, 2235 A.H. Helm, 2014 A.H. Knode, 4203 A.H. Menger, 205 S.W. Ogden,1018 A.H. O'Neill, 103 R.L. Peake, 202 W. Phys. Schenk, 203 U.H. Schroeder, 201 U.H. m m. m LT T,r -- h. Feb. 21. It Associate Biologist (Wildlife). Sal- F ary $3,200. Feb. 21. Assistant Biologist (Wildlife). Sal- ary: $2,600. Feb. 21. Associate Aircraft Inspector. Sal-c ary : $2,900. Feb. 20.C Associate Air Carrier Maintenancec Inspector. Salary: $2,900. Feb. 20. t Associate Aeronautical Inspector.r Salary: $3,500. Feb. 20. Assistant Aeronautical Inspector. Salary: $3,200. Feb. 20.l Link Trainer Operator-Instructor. Salary: $2,900. Feb. 20.z Deck Cadet and Engineer Cadet in American Merchant Marine. Mini- mum pay: $50 per month plus main- tenance. March 1. Principal Informational Represen- Lative. Wage and Hour Division, De- partment of Labor. Salary: $5,600. Feb. 20. City of Detroit Civil Service: Senior Accountant. Salary: $3,300. Feb. 9. Principal Accountant. Salary: $4,-: 020. Feb. 9. Bricklayer -(Tunnels). Prevailing rate. Feb. 7. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor-' mation, 201 Mason Hall; Office Hours 912 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. i 1 i he Bureau of Appointments has re-I ceived notice of the following civil service examinations. Last date for filing application is given in each; case. New York City Service. Able Bodied