Fair, slightly cooler today;
tomorrow fair and warmer.
Lit I gun
~E ti
Prof. Louis
A. Strauss . .
Harlan County
After' Twenty Years ..
. _ ,
Washington Grants
$450,000 To Build
Dorm For W omen
PWA Funds Appropriated
For Project To House
356 Women students
Total Cost To Be
Dormitory expansion plans of the
University gained impetus for the
third time in recent months yester-
day when announcement was received
from Washington of a $450,000 PWA
grant making possible a new $1,000,-
000 dormitory for women.
Intended to house 356, the dormP.
tory was unofficially reported to have
been at least partially due to the
efforts of Regents John D. Lynch and
Edmund C. Shields.
A continuation of the Mosher-Jor-
dan development begun eight years
ago, the new building is to be locat-
ed at the northwest corner of N. Uni-
versity Ave. and Observatory lodge
between Mosher-Jordan Halls and
the Women's Athletic building.
Financing of the University's share
of $550,000 will be carried out through
a self-liquidating loan plan similar to
that used for the new $2,100,000 men's
dormitory and the $200,000 medical
dorm announced last spring. Profits
from operation then pay off the debt.
Coming exactly a week after an-
nouncement of a $193,500 PWA grant
for a new dental building, the grant
will make possible a five-story build-
ing architecturally similar to Mosher-
Jordan.Featuring an exterior of brick
with stone trim, it will extend ap-
proximately 250 feet along each street .
and have a width of 40 feet.
The new building will contain more
single rooms than Mosher-Jordan.
Another difference will be two din-
ing rooms extending north and westt
from the main building toward the
center of the block. '
No date has been announced for the
beginning of construction which must
be preceded by purchase of three lots.
: and razing of the buildings upon them.
Football Rally
To Hear Sabo,
Band Also Will Partiipate
In Pre-Game Activities;
Captain Janke To Speak
Johnny Sabo, '24, of Gary, Ind., will
be the principal speaker at the pep
rally to be held at 7:45 p. m. Friday
in Hill Auditorium, Frederick Luebke,'
'39E, chairman, announced yesterday.
Mr. Sabo, who is described by the;
University of Michigan Club of Gary
as "150 pounds of red-headed dyna-I
mite," is former president of the
group and is chairman of the club's
scholarship committee, which has a-
warded over $1,000 in scholarships,
Luebke said.
Well-known on campus during his
years here, Mr. Sabo is a member of
Sphinx, and was editor of Chimes, a
defunct literary magazine.
Head Coach Fritz Crisler will be a
speaker, Luebke said, and Captain
F'red Janke may be introduced, as
well as Phil Woodworth, '39, student
nanager of the football team. Bob
Canning, '39, is in charge of group
vocal effects, which, according to
Luebke, will play an iihportant part
inz the program.
About 125 members of the Varsity
Band are scheduled to appear at 8:15,
Luebke said.\'
600 Register s
For Fraternities
All Preference Lists Will'
Be ReadyOct. 6
More than 600 prospective fratern-
ity pledges have registered for rush-
ing thus far with the Interfraternity
Council, it was announced yesterday
by Robert Reid, '39E, president of the
Council. The total number of regis-
trants could not yet be ascertained,3
Reid said, since registration will con-
tinue until the end of the rushing
period on Thursday, Oct. 6.
At the end of the period the rushee9
Grants To University
Now Total $1,892,250
Yesterday's $450,000 PWA grant
for construction of a new women's
dormitory brought the total contribut-
ed to the University by that govern-
ment agency within three months to
the amazing total of $1,892,250. This
was matched by the University with
The resulting work necessitates raz-
ing of 38 buildings which last year
housed a total of 250 students.
The allotments:
$945,000 for men's dormitory and
medical dormitory;
$193,500 for addition to dental
$90,000 for addition to Hospital; '
$450,000 for women's dormitory;
$213,750 for new health service.
EXpect ,000
F or M edical
Alumni M eet
President Ruthven, Dean
Furstenberg, Dr. Rous
To Speak At Reunion
More than 1,000 medical alumni of
the University will gather here today
for the opening of a three-day reunion
held in conjunction with the eighty-
ninth annual opening exercises of the I
Medical Schol.
Dr. Peyton Rous of the Rockefeller
Institute for Medical Research will
give the principal address at the ex-
ercises to be held at 10 a. m. Satur-
day in the auditorium of the Graduate,
Schol. President Ruthven and Dean
Albert C. Furstenberg of the Medical
SchOol also will address the gather-
Dr. Rous, a graduate of Johns Hop-;
kins University, became an instructor
in pathology here in 1906 and kept1
that position until 1908, when he left
to become assistant in pathology and
bacteriology at the Rockefeller In-
stitute. He became a mlnber in that;
department in 1920. He was chairman
of the medical division of the Na-
tional Research Council in 1918, and,
is a member of several medical soci-,
A complete program of round table
discussions, lectures and luncheons
has been arranged "for the reunion,
which is the first of a series of annual
meetings. Highlighting the alumni
activities will be a banquet at 7 p. m.
Thursday in the Intramural' Building
at which President Ruthven, Dean
Furstenberg and Dr. Frederick G.f
Novy, dean-emeritus of the Medical
School, will speak.l
Students interested in joining
the photography staff of Michi-
ganensian are requested to see,
Dave Laing at the Student Publi-
cations Building today between 2j
and 5:30 p.m. Personal equipment
is unnecessary.
Move Ii iatead
To sbolishAll
Class Offices
Plan Would Replace Them
To End Voting Abuses;
Needs To eBe Ratified
Bursley Endorses
Council's Proposal
The Engineering Council, student
governing body of the College of En-
gineering, in an attempt to eliminate
all abuses from class elections last
night unanimously voted to amend
its constitution and abolish all exist-
ing class officers.
The move will result in a new stu-
dent organization of the College along
class lines.
The amendment, as introduced by
Wes Warren, '39E, president, and rati-
fied by the .Council, provides for the
election of two students every year
from each class who will be known as
Engineering Council Representatives
and will act as sole representatives of
the several classes in the student gov-
ernment of the engineering college.
Delegates to the four class dance
committees each year will be chosen
from this number, thus keeping the
number of elective class positions
down to a minimum.
Before taking effect, the amend-
ment, which has been endorsed by
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley,
must be approved by the membership
of the 15 societies represented on the
present Engineering Council. If ap-
proved, it will be put up to all stu-
dents of the engineering college for a
referendum vote, and if again ap- -
proved will go into immediate opera-,
t ion.
This referendum vote will in all
probability be held during the latter
part of October, Warren said. -
The present drive for the passage
of this amendment was given new
impetus during the past week, whens
the Council, operating in a manner
similar to the projected amendment
plan, collected over $600 in class dues,;
threreby: braking .all records in this
field. "This is but another indication,"
Warren stated, "that with fewer fig-
ureheads and more competent class
representatives we will remove any-
thing questionable about class ele-,
tions and point to a far greater effi-
ciency in our student government."
The Council also voted to conduct
an open meeting Wednesday, Oct. 5,
at which time all students of the
engineering college are invited to pre-1
sent their opinions of the proposed{
Perspectives Staff
ToMeet Tomorrow
Students interested in working on
Perspectives, quarterly campus lit-
erary- magazine, are asked to reportf
4 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Pub-
lications Building for a general or-
ganization meeting, according to F.j
Randall Jones, '39BAd, editor-in-
James H. Robertson, Grad., has
been appointed new member of the
advisory board. Section editors of
the magazine are Donald Cozadd, '40,
fiction; Rolfe Weil, '40, essay; Robert
Wayne, '39, poetry; Harvey Swados,
'40, book review; and John Stiles, '39,
Agree To Talk Peace In Munich;
Hitler To Confer With Duce Firs
Conference A Last Effort
By Fuehrer To Work
In Peace, Berlin Hears
Nazi Troop Moves
BERLIN, Sept. 28-(A')-The peace
conference at Munich tomorrow to
be attended by the ranking states-
men of four leading European powers
was semi-officially described tonight
as Reichsfuehrer Hitler's "last effort
to accomplish peaceful cession of
Reliable sources said tonight that
Hitler would meet Mussolini, already
enroute to Munich, at Brenner Pass,
historic gateway between Italy and
now German Austria, and then ac-
company Il Duce to Munich.
Announcement of the Munich
meeting brought joy to the German
public and hope that Hitler would
score a bloodless victory over Czecho-
slovakia. Hitler's demands for peace-
ful surrender of Sudetenland by'the
Prague Government had set Satur-
day as the deadline.
War Talk Fades
Word of the Munich get-together
coincided with a decline in talk of
German mobilization. The official
news agency, DNB, had flatly denied
reports that 2 p. m. (8 a. n., E.S.T.)
today was a new deadline for Czecho-
slovak capitulation under threat of
German mobilization.
"It is hoped," semi-official circles
said, "that even in the last hour this
exchange of views will lead to an
agreement over putting into immedi-
ate effect measures for cession of
Sudetenland as promised by the
Czechoslovak Government."
Thus, comment on the four-power
conference showed Hitler was as in-
sistent as ever on cutting off from
Czechoslovakia the area in which re-
side most of the 3,500,000 Sudeten
German minority.;
Hunt Peace Plan<
The task for the Munich conferees1
was to find a peaceful method to con-
duct the operation-apparently on
the basis of a new Anglo-French plan..
Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph
Goebbels told a Berlin throng late1
today that he foresaw a peaceful solu-'
tion of the dispute "within a fewr
days." Goebbels, usually given to ora-
torical fireworks, sounded that note
of peace without mentioning the
Munich gathering. j
To a deafening chorus of "Heils"
in historic Lustgarten, Goebbels mere-1
ly said:
"I, as a man in the know of things,
can tell you we neither can nor want
to retreat, as the Fuehrer has pledged9
his word to support the Sudetens, but
the solution is imminent.- '
"Herr Benes (President Eduard;
Benes of Czechoslovakia) now will be
forced to stick to his promise" -
Prof. Strauss'
Funeral Today
Services To Be Attended"
By Family And Friends
Funeral services for Prof. Louis A.
Strauss, former chairman of the
English department who died sudden-'
ly of a heart attack Tuesday, will be
held at 2:30 p. m. today at his home
on 1601 Cambridge Rd. for members
of the family and friends.
Active pallbearers will be Prof. Karl
Litzenberg, Prof. Albert H. Marck-
wardt, Prof. Earl L. Griggs, Prof. War-
ner G. Rice and Mr. John F. Weim-
er of the English department and
Mr. Otto G. Graf of tie German de-
Hlonorary bearers will be Dr. Reub-
en Peterson, professor-emeritus of ob-
stetrics and gynecology; Dean of Stu-
dents Joseph A. Bursley; Prof. Camp-
bell Bonner, head of the Greek de-
partment; Prof. Wilbur R. Hum-
phrey of the English department;
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School, Dr. Frederick R. Waldron
local physician, and Prof. Morris P.
Tilley of the English department.
Former Faculty Man
Shoots Self In Head
While Great Ones Talk, The People Pray
When Europe's most important diplomats gather around a Munich
conference table today, in the balanceiwill be the lives of such men as the
Czech soldier shown above holding his child in his arms as his wife walks
beside him for a last farewell at the station before he starts toward the
German border.
i Duce Urgred By Dem~ocracies
To Of f er Olive'Branch ToHitler
Pres. Benes' Resignation
Believed Desired Price;
British AskPapal Aid
ROME, Sept. 28.-(IP)-Prime Min-
ister Chamberlain and President
Roosevelt today drew Benito Mus-
solini into the circle of peacemakers
striving to pull Europe back from
the brink of war.
Each appealed to him to help keep
Chamberlain urged Il Duce to use
his influence with Adolf Hitler
against immediate conflict in Eu-
His peace plea, arriving first,
brought response at once from Mus-
solini who got in touch with the Nazi
Reichsfuehrer by telephone.
A personal message a few hours
later from President Roosevelt added
further urging that Mussolini aid in
settlement of the German-Czecho-
slovak controversy gravely threaten-
ing peace.
Announcement followed shortly
that Chamberlain, Hitler, Mussolini
and Premier Edouard Daladier of
France would meet tomorrow at Mu-
Wasting no time, Mussolini board-
ed a train for Munich at 6 p.m. (noon
EST) and departed to assume the
role of mediator in the crisis. A vast
crowd gave resounding cheers as he
left with Count Galeazzo Ciano his
foreign minister and son-in-law.
Chamberlain's appeal, delivered by
the British Ambassador, the Earl of
Perth, asked Mussolini to "urge"
Hitler to take part inM four-power
discussions that would "keep our
peoples out of war" over the German-
Czechoslovak dispute.
"I have already guaranteed that.
Czech promises will be fulfilled and
I trust that complete agreement may
(Continued on Page 2)
Bad pus Kiz,'
Oct.18, T'o Helpt
B and SieYale
Prof. Brumm
Questions At
Heads; Band
Will Fire
6 Campus
To Swing
Soviet And Czechoslovakia
Not Invited; Talks May
Seek A General Peace
Chamberlain Tells
Of Plea To Rome
On the eve of the four-power con-
ference which European diplomats
hopefully regaided as a means to
peaceful settlement of Hitler's Su-
detenland demands, Great Britain,
France, Germany and Italy agreed to
suspend mobilization of their armed
forces pending the outcome of the
eleventh-hour peace talks in Munich
Prime Minister Chamberlain yes-
terday called upon Premier Mussolini
to use his influence with his axis part-
ner to bring about the conference,
and foreign observers expressed the
belief that Mussolini's price for his
efforts would~ be the resignation of
President Edouard Benes of Czecho-
LONDON, Sept. 28.-AP)-Europe
was halted on the brink of war to-
night by a swiftly called peace con-
ference of Great Britain, France
Germany and Italy.
The four powers, working against'
expiration of Germany's 24-hour sus-
pension of mobilization plans, will
meet tomorrow in Munich seeking
some peaceful solution of Adolf Hit-
ler's demands for Czechoslovakia's
Sudetenland by Oct. 1.
If any solution of the Gern ian-
Czechoslovak problem is reached the
big four might go on to wider issues
in an effort to achieve a general
European settlement.
Diplomats To Meet
Chamberlain, Hitler, Premier Da-
ladier of France and Premier Mus-
solini of Italy are to meet in Munich
for a peace conference, possibly the
most vital since Versailles, which
yet may avert war .over German de-
mands for Sudetenland.
Before he spoke Chamberlain had
sent a last minute appeal to Mus-
solini to urge peace upon his German
Even until he was well into his
Parliament speech the British Prime
Minister did not know the result of
that appeal,
President Roosevelt in a personal
message also urged Mussolini to use
his influence to keep Europe's armies
from marching to a new world wa r
a plea that was credited with in-
fluencing the Italian Duce.
The threatened victim of the attack
which Europe feared and expected-
Czechoslovakia-will be absent from
the Munich council table, though her
minister to Britain, Jan Masaryk,
quickly protested to Chamberlain
against the fact.
USSR Overlooked
So will another power, Soviet Rus-
sia, whose millions of man-power
had been counted on to help the vic-
Chamberlain appealed to Hitler's
Rome-Berlin axis partner-Benito
Mussolini-to use his influence with
the German Chancellor for a peaceful
Tie result was not known as the
pale, weary 69-year-old Prime Min-
ister rose to address a hushed Par-
liament saying "We are faced with a
situation which has no parallel since
In a voice filled with emotion h"
went on to relate how one measure
after another-even his own twoo dra-
matic flights to Germany-had failed
to weaken Hitler's determination to
take the Sudeten areas of Czecho-
slovakia at once.
Then, unnoticed by many :n the
old "mother of parliaments," a piece
(Continucd on Page 2)
La Guardia Settles
Trucking Dispute
NEW YORK, Sept. 28-(P)-A four
day strike of truck drivers was ended
--at least in New York City-tonight
when the Merchant Truckmen' Bur-
eau voted to accept Mayor La Guard-
ia's compromise proposal. The vote
was reported to have been "about 3
to 1."
The strike apparently remained in
A new departure in the form of a
'Kampus Kwiz" will feature this;
year's'Varsity Show, to be held Oct.
18 to raise funds for the Bands trip
to Yale.
Six campus leaders, three men and
three women, will take wpart in the
"Kwiz," which will be modelled after
the radio programs of Professor Quiz
and Kay Kyser. Questions for the
"Kwiz" will be selected from those
submitted by students and faculty
members beginning today. Questions
in the fields of popular music, ath-
letics and college affairs will be ac-
cepted, Ballot boxes for the ques-
tions will be posted at the Engineer-
ing Arch, in front of the library, and
in the lobbies of the League, the
Union and ,Angell Hall.
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department, who has acted as
master of ceremonies at the two pre-
vious Varsity Shows, will again be
in charge.
Self-Determination Outgrowth
Of Nationalism, Sellars Holds
The principle of political self-de-
termination is the logical culmination
of the idea-system of liberal or ro-
mantic nationalism, Prof. Roy W.
Sellars of the philosophy department
declared yesterday. Its ascendancy,
which produced such idealists as
Mazzini and Wilson, marked the cli-
max of the trend of political develop-
ments that included the unification
of Italy and Germany, the crystal-
lization of national consciousness in
Ireland, and the rise of the Balkan
Czechoslovakia, Dr. Sellars ex-
plained, owed 'its very existence to
the prevalence of this principle at the
time of the Versailles Treaty. The
Czechs, a small ethnic group sub-
merged in the large Austro-Hunga-
rian Empire, were affected by the
ideas of romantic nationalism. Con-
scious of their cultural and racial
individuality, they saw little hope of
but there had been a single failure
to apply the principle of self -de-
termination of national minorities, a
failure that laid the way for the
crisis in Europe today. In the de-
termination of the boundaries of
Czechoslovakia the device of the
plebescite was not employed; rather,
the boundaries of the country were
laid down arbitrarily by the Allied
diplomats without reference to the
wishes of the people.
And now Germany, in a new cycle
of imperialistic nationalism, is upon
the scene once more with a bid for
its "place in the sun." Essentially
undemocratic in its political phi-
losophy, Germany now employs the
democratic idea of self-determina-
tion toward the attainment of her
end. We have the paradox, Dr. Sel-
lars pointed out, of a totalitarian
state using a democratic principle.
against a democratic state.
To iudge right and wrong in a
Roosevelt Pleased As Powers
Negotiate; Hoover Gives Support
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 - (IP) -
Washington heartily applauded to-
night the decision of Europe's great
nations+to try the conference table
again instead of resorting to the
President Roosevelt, the author of
repeated appeals for peace and, too,
of a letter which urged Premier Mus-
solini to take a hand in the situation,
was tremendously pleased. '
Whatever the extent to which his
efforts influenced the day's historic
turn of events, the result was exactly
what he had urgently requested-that
there be no breakdown of negotiations,
lest a devastating war ensue.
Although opinions varied as to the
outcome of tomorrow's session, the
view was general that an immensely
heartening breathing spell had been
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 28-(P)-Her-r
bert Hoover, food administrator dur-
ing the World War and the leader of;
Belgium refugee work, said tonight
"the efforts of 'our government to
maintain peace deserve our full sup-
"The President will find every Re-
publican and every thinking person
behind him in that effort,". Hoover
said. "In that there is no partisan-
"The President has rightfully urged
negotiations as the way out. There is
no American who will not agree that
the council table is the solution-not
the battlefield."
His comment on efforts of his suc-
essor, President Roosevelt, to per-;
suade European powers to continue
peaceful negotiations prefaced an ad-