____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___THEMICHIIGANDA1LV I __ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ __WOW"_ IIbmG H M MAg I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 M A0sON :AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. SCHICAGO -'OsTON- LoS ANGELES *-SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 .......... lp" F re3: r , Board of Managing Editor. Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor Sports Editor . Editors * Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry * . S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlman . Earl Gilman * . William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. , . Philip W. Bucherf Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . William L Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JACK C. SULLIVAN IA The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Two Minutes For Democracy .. . HE STUDENTS of Spain are appeal- ing to their brothers in America as the fascist noose is pulled tighter around Barce- lona .by Hitler, Mussolini . . . and Franco. They repeat the chant, "Lift the embargo and let us buy arms to defend our land from German and Italian guns." But students in Government Spain are inter- ested parties. "Impartial observers" may choose to discount their claim that the United States Neutrality Act and the European Non-Inter- vention Agreement are two of the most active members of the lynching mob that is trying to slip the rope around Spain's neck. However, a French newspaper, La Depeche de Toulouse, is not in the line of fire and its cor- respondenits report that Franco is trading Ameri- can wheat for German munitions. The wheat that the United States is sending to relieve suf- fering on both sides is being bartered for Nazi weapons. It's not unlikely that some of the armaments the Third Reich is selling to the In- surgents came orginially from the United States, for our "neutrality law" turns its eyes away when munitions are sold to Germany for trans- shipment'to Franco. No, it wouldn't be "objective analysi to give much weight to what Loyalist students think the United States, England andFrance ishould do. More to the point is the Jan. 19 dispatch from the Christian Science Monitor's London corres- pondent, who reports that "Leon Blum, leader of the Socialists, the strongest party in the Chamber, in a verbal duel with Pierre Etienne Flandin, Left Republican leader and firm sup- porter of the British Premier's policy of appease- ment, yesterday urged that France should hence- forward interpret nonintervention pledges in precisely the same way as Germany and Italy do. There is no doubt that M. Blum had a majority of hearers with him in wanting to help the Loy- alists." The same report continues "Inquiry made in Britain by the British Institute of Public Opinion, a branch of the similar organization in America controlled by the statistician, George H. Gallup, recently showed a similar trend in Britain, the voting being between eight and nine to one against General Franco." These facts would indicate that the people in England and France, despite their govern- ments, feel that something close to them is at stake in Spain. The oft-repeated background of the conflict in Spain-the birth of the Re- public and the revolt of the fascists under Fran- co-would further indicate that that something is democracy. It does concern the people in the United States when the Loyalists ask us to help them and at the same time to help ourselves. Let's look at tl message sent by the federal Union of Spanish Students through the American Student Union to the campuses in this country: "While Italian divisions of invasion attack with ferocity on the Catalonian fronts to de- amrov the liberty of the Spanish neonle the stu- TODAY , V WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- WASHINGTON, Jan. 17-This begins to look like an era of administrative reform. Nearly every message that comes from the executive branch of the Government these days to Con- gress and some of the reports that are being made public by congressional committees are de- voted to better methods of administering the af- fairs of the federal Government. Impatient critics may wonder why so many simple changes are only just now being offered, but anything so unwieldy as the federal Govern- ment structure is not readily transformed. Thus, the President's executive order creating a federal real estate board to make a comprehensive record of just what property the federal Government holds and its relationship to taxation problems in local communities has long been needed, but it is only one of a number of things that get side- tracked in an era of social reform. Take the social security message of the Presi- dent, which now embodies the suggestions of a non-partisan board which has been studying the law's operations for several months with ex- perts thoroughly familiar with the subject. The suggested changes, such as the insistence on a merit system among the states which administer the law, might seem t be A-B-C and funda- mental, but it was not one of the needs foreseen when the Act was passed. More Pressure Felt The drive at the time the Social Security law was passed was to get the big insurance plan into operation and trust to experience to point out de- fects and additions. There can be no doubt that, once the federal Government embarks on a sys- tem of old age pensions and unemployment in- surance involving some 42,000,000 individuals thus far, the pressure to include other groups hitherto exempted would sooner or later be felt. It is a curious commentary on present-day affairs in Washington that, while "spending"- is decried, the plans for increasing the federal Government's paternalism go on apace, and no political group is strong enough to call a halt. The President's message asks for liberalizing of old age insurance payments, especially in the early years of the system, and the paying of supplementary benefits to the aged dependent wives of retired workers. All this and other recommendations will increase the total expense, which is to be met by higher and higher'payroll taxes. Yet the Republican Party, which was given a larger membership in the Houe and Senate at the last elections, presumably because of the protest of the nation against "spending," con- tains a large number of members who have pledged themselves to work for higher and higher pension payments. Recognition of the problem of old age pen- sions and unemployment insurance has been ingrained in the platforms of both major parties, and the payroll taxes are here to stay. The eco- nomic effect, or rather the impact of such taxes on the whole economic system, being reflected in higher and higher production costs and in a withdrawal of considerable sums from the stream of purchasing power, cannot but be of increasing significance. The Congress is nevertheless pre- pared to go along with the amendments to the Social Security Law because President Roosevelt has made,it unpopular politically to do otherwise. Realities Faced These realities are being faced by Congress, but the trend is to make sure that whatever sums are distributed go to the persons who are deserv- ing and that efficiency of administration is at- tained. So the emphasis quite naturally is being placed now on the problem of personnel and on the question of equitable distribution of the burden. The suggestion that states with low per capita income be given a larger share of federal aid than states with the average or better thn aver- age per capita income is one which is likely to be vigorously debated in Congress, but, broadly speaking, that's what the federal Government has been doing with all tax moneys; indeed, there has been no yardstick of measurement for federal grants. The discretionary power of the federal agencies to spend public funds in accordance with political or group pressure has been unre- strained. Some formula to measure federal' grants to states on the basis of population and state income is at least a start toward a more scientific or uniform formula of federal disburse- ment of moneys collected from the taxpayers. If now, in this new era of administrative re- form, there is developed some equitable system of levying taxes so as not to retard the processes of production or to choke the price structure, but actually to provide incentives for increasinf production and business volume, there would bWL less concern about some of the additions to those parts of the Social Security budget which are coming to be recognized as essential for the care of the aged and the unemployed. The University of Texas drama loan library last year nrovided Texas high school students with copies of 20,000 plays. to our country. Long live the Spanish Republic, long live the students of the world!" Changes in our iniquitous Neutrality Act that would allow the sale of arms to the Loyalists on a cash-and-carry basis in ships provided by the Spanish Government are being considered in Washington now. It takes two minutes by the clock to write a music By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Recent Recordings Schumann: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A minor,-Op. 54. Myra Hess and Symphony Orch., Conducted by Walter Goehr. 8 sides, 4-12", VM-473, $6.50. The first recording in five years of this most popular of piano concertos should find an eager audience. Myra Hess' performance is clean and intelligent, though in a very definite and, to us, not quite comprehensive style. The poetic and Chopinesque qualities of Schumann's music are played to the hilt. The first movement is dreamy with rubato and softly glowing under Miss Hess' eloquent but subdued touch, the Intermezzo sen- timentally reflective. Thus far it's good to hear these qualities, which are entirely appropriate and which many are ashamed to bring out to- day. But when carried into the Allegro Vivace finale they belie the presence of Vivace in the heading. The movement becomes dainty rather than jocose, sincere but without the meaty "schwung" which, even more than the dreaminess of Trau- merei, is properly Schumann's trademark. In other words, this is a highly feminine perform- ance throughout, in spirit as well as in fact. Some may like it this way to the end, but after reveling in the indisputable poetry of the first two movements we'd gladly swap our pick-up for a Schnabel fortissimo. Partly, this lack of weight behind the punch may be the fault of the engineers in over-subduing the orchestral tuttis, though the piano and incidental soloists of the orchestra are cleanly recorded, and the orchestra itself does a neat and sympathetic job of assist- ing. Bird: Pavane and Gigue (Trans. by L. Stokow- ski). Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra,, 2 sides, 1-10", V-1943, $1.00. William Bird, the "Bach" of England, was a favorite composer to music-loving Queen Bess. He worked at a time when the keyboard instru- ments (clavichord, harpsichord, virginals) were just 'coming to the fore, and instrumental music as a whole was still in its infancy. Most people today regard his work and that of his fellow Elizabethan composers with a wholly antiquarian eye. But in this transcription Stokowski gives plenty of proof that Old William had something to say, and that when its Shakespearean language is put in modern musical English for the benefit of those who shy away from anything hoary-headed, what it says is as pertinent to 1939 as last year's streamlined version of Julius Caesar. The transcription includes the Pavane (a stately, solemn, very formal Elizabethan dance in triple time) which Byrd coupled with a Gal- hard in the virginal composition known as "The Earle of Salisbury," followed by an unidentified Gigue with which Stokowski for some reason re- places the customary galliard, and then a repeti- tion of part of the Pavane to complete a three- part form. The rich, flowing, courtly beauty of the Pavane, varied briefly by the lighter mood of the Gigue, is exalted in a performance which far surpasses in effect the feathery, unsustaining style of Columbia's virginal version and Victor's previous arrangement for medieval viols. Domenico Scarlatti: Sonatas for Harpsichord in A major and C minor. Yella Pessl at the harp- sichord, 1 side each, 1-10", V-1942, $1.00. Two harpsichord pieces a century and a half closer to us than the Byrd, though without the depth and vitality of The Earle of Salisbury. Since they are carelessly labelled without reference to the numerical catalog of Scarlatti' over 500 sonatas compiled by Alexander Longo, it is impossible to say whether or not these recordings duplicate any of the two dozen or so Scarlatti sonatas al- ready on disks. Scarlattis "sonatas", or "sona- tinas," of course, are not sonatas in the modern formal sense, but are merely short, one-move- ment pieces written as key-board "etudes," each with a particular technical problem involved. The A major of this pair is a brisk Allegro, a ,4o of "perpetual motion, while the C minor is a rhapsodic Andante, full of rubato, as though it were fulfilling some unwritten "program." Yella Pessl's handling of the harpsichord is full of virtuosity and knowledge of the peculiar style of the old-yet not unbeautiful-instrument. The recording job is excellent, the rich resonance of the bass strings coming out especially well. Moussorgsky: "Prayer and ,Death of Boris" from Boris Godonnov. Royal Opera at Covent Garden, London, Chaliapin as Boris, Vincenzo Belleza conducting. 2 sides, 1-12", V-15177, $2.00. A re-pressing of a recording made at what must have been one of the great Russian's last performances, on July 4, 1928. As the Rimsky- Korsakov version of the score is used rather than the original, this tragic scene of the passing of a Tsar forms the end and the very climax of the music drama. Though some of his tones are a little shaky, Chaliapin gives a performance whose thrilling warmth and vitality are plainly sensible through the recording, from the heartbreak of his farewell to his son, his recognition of on- coming doom, to the agonies of his death. For an old and actual-performance recording the results are admirable, though the climax of the off-stage chorus is not picked up as strongly as is necessary for a perfect dramatic effect. Diplomcy The humor that seems to make U.S. citizens less susceptible to hysteria and mass-ignorance didn't fail to crop out in this crisis as it has in most others. The laugh originated when West Virginia Univernity members of Phi Sigma, Kappa fraternity staged a "Hitler Party" to mwhihmm nerscameo rstnmed like Hitler The "Amiable Sec: I note with considerable amuse- ment that you chose to magnify one of my more sober moments, re your column of Saturday last, in which you reported my reactions to Dr. Judd's story of China. My football associates, however, regarded the item as an affront to their collective in- telligence; they claim you implied I was an exception to the run-of-mine gridder, who is usually charged by unkind and uninformed critics as be- ing big, beautiful but dumb. They point to our frequent tete-a-tetes last Fall, sometimes over a foaming glass of sarsaparilla, more often in the in- timate confines bf our socialized huddle (or haven't you heard?), in which we disposed of such pressing problems as the Chinese situation with a dispatch that would have done credit to the misdirected Mussolini (what a duce of a fullback he'd make!). "As a matter of fact, See, we also managed to solve several aspects of the domestic situation. I point to one prophetic incident in particular. It occurred in the Minnesota game when we scored our only touchdown. Heikkinen lifted himself off the turf and exclaimed, his interpreters said, "Hot dog!" To the more discerning members of the team this momentous declaration portended, obviously, the appointment of Frankfurter to the Supreme Court bench. "I could pass on numerous other similar incidents, but in the interest of space I shan't. However, you will certainly be interested in our im- pending project. After having solved most of the current campus problems, we plan now to unravel this "Parrot mystery." Some of us would like to know what the hell it's like inside. "We are awaiting contributions from various members of the squad, whereupon I shall equip myself with a checkered coat and saddle shoes (maybe a feathered hat) and crash Michigan's so-called society of the elite, effete andesthete. And if the joint fails to exceed our already de- preciated opinion of such havens of hallucinated loafers, I shall thereup- on lead my intimate troupe down to Sloppy Joe's on N. Main and there, challenge the status of Michigan's B.M.O.C.'s, while we gorge ourselves with hamburgers and raw onions. But not until we've broken every bottle of coca cola in the dive shall we proceed to establish a newer, more robust social order. "Wanna come along? Yours, Forest Evashevski Do we want to come along! By all means! But please tell the fellows first that we meant no slurs upon their brain capacity. And Evie, where have you been hiding that delightful literary style. If suspicious reformers would not possibly deem it an act of subsidization, we should suggest that you enter the Hopwood contest and earn some of that soft sugar. Dick LaMarca granted us permis- sion to use excerpts from a letter he has just received from Russell Ander- son, former Michigan man who is now a foreign correspondent for INS. Russ was here in 1935, supplying the Garg with cartoons and Hearst with local news. He was taken under the San Simeon Sage's wing, carefully groomed in Pittsburgh and Chicago, and then shipped abroad. He writes: '' .. During the hectice news rush of the Munich crisis, I was sent to Paris by INS, and remained on there to cover the French strikes. I was transferred to the London Bureau two months ago. "Two weeks ago, by my usual dint of good luck, I was appointed chief of the Moscow Bureau, and at the present time I am waiting for Rus- sian officials to approve my visa. This process may take several weeks as they thoroughly investigate my journalistic status to determine if I am allowed to enter. It is of course possible that they might refuse me entrance." Fascist Breakfast Let no one doubt it. France will lose the match. Italy will go into action and with her the axis. Ob- stacles will be crushed and eventual plans of the Hoare-Laval type re- pulsed. Fascist Italy was forged in a cli- mate of war and revolution. It is the movement that creates and im- poses history in modern Europe. The Italian people know that the Hapsburg monarchy was their her- editary enemy. The Italian people are absolutely convinced their present historical antagonist is the French Republic. Both the former and the latter have a common aint: to crystal- lize Italy. The year XVII of the Fascist era will see a settlement of the secular (Continued from Page 2) nouncement in the near future giving time of conference with your classi- fier. Please wait for this notice 'ae- fore seeing your classifier, Robert L., Williams, Assistant Registrar. Scientific German. A course, Ger- man 36, "Scientific German" will be offered in the second semester. It is designed for and open only to stu- dents who are concentrating or pre-, paring to concentrate in one of the natural sciences. - Prerequisites: Courses German 1. and 2 in the University (or equiva- lent in high school), and German 31 or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 U.H. Nord- meyer. Four hours credit. Freshmen and Sophomores, L.S. and A. All students who have not had their elections approved by their counselor must do so at once. Coun- selors will not be available during the exanilnation period to sign elections. Notice to Seniors: Seniors expect- ing to teach in the state of New York are notified that the examination in French, German, Spanish and Italian will be given here on Feb. 17. Those expecting to take this examination= will have to notify this office im- mediately so that we can inform the "Division of Examinations" by Feb. 1. Professor Hugo P. Thieme, Chair- man, Department of Romance Lan-, guages. Room Assignment for Final Exam- inations in German 1, 2, 31, and 32.' Feb. 4, 1939, 9-12 a.m. German 1. 1025, A.H., Schachtsiek; Striedieck; Diamond. 25, A.H., Sudermann; Pott; Gaiss.1 101, Ec., Graf; Eaton; Willey; Phil-I ppson. B, H. H. Ryder. German 2. B, All sections.a, - German 31 C, H. H., Braun; Diamond; Van Duren; Gaiss. 35, A.H., Eaton; Philippson; Reich- art. D, H.H., Graf; Striedieck. 301, U.H., Scholl. 201, U.H., Wahr. German 321 231, A.H., All sections. Final Examination Schedule, First Semester, 1938-39. College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts. Regular1 Examinations: Time of exercise. Time of examination You of M By Sec Terry DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatbn in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.: 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. N which the mits a brief nar chores: correspondence per- respite from colum- Section 3 (Anning) 203 U.H. Mathematics 51 Section 1 (Craig) 203 U.H. Section 2 (Greville) 402 M.H. All other courses and sections will meet in their regular classrooms. Concerts Choral Union Concert. Bartlett and Robertson, distinguished two-pano virtuosi, will be heard in recital on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, replac- ing the Budapest University Chor s whoa American tour has been can- celled for political reasons. Concert patrons will plese upon use coupon No. 7, reading "Budapest Chorus" for this concert. Exhibitions Two Exhibits: Paintings by Sarlds Sarkisian, and prints from the col- lection of the Detroit Insttut of. Arts, under the auspices of tie Ann Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to 25, afternoons from 2 to 5, North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. Textile Exhibition, College of Ar- chitecture: A showing of modern textiles consisting of rugs, hangings, bedspreads and pillow cases, de- signed by Marianne Strengell, jow on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca- demoy of Art, is on display fin;the ground floor cases of the Architec- ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, e- cept Sunday, through Jan. 2 The public is invited. Ex bition of Chinese Amateur Po- togahy: Because of the interest in the exhibition of Chinese photos- raphy which it is sponsoring $h to Rackham Galleries, the Interational Center has arranged to continue the exhibition through next week; it will close Saturday, Jan. 28. The display rooms are open all day and in the evening, except on Sunday. Mr. Cheng wild be present most of the time to comment on his work. Lectucres Chemistry Lecture: Prof. Otto Red- lich, formerly of the University of Vienna, will lecture on the stbject Molecular Vibration and R anl Spectra of Deuterium Compounds -in Room 303 Chemistry Bu-ilding at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 26. Bruce Lockhart, "An Englishman Looks at the World. Oratorical Association Lecture Se- ries. Hill Auditorium, Thursda, Jan. 26, 8:15 pdm. Tickets at Wahrs. Events Toda Students, School of Dentistry: Thre will be a Student Assembly this a- ternoon, Jan. 25, at 4:15 in the Up- per Amphitheatre. Professor Gln McGeoch will talk on the subet "How to Listen to Music," using rec- ordings. All dental students and hygienists are required to attend. Botanical Seminar will meet today at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by A. H. Smith and E. 8. Manis "Studies gn Michigan Mush- rooms" (illustrated by kodachrome slides). Chemistry Colloquium will meet at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. today. Prof. Otto Redich, formerly of Vienna, will speak on "Some Physical- chemical Investigations on Nitric Acid." Phi Sigma meeting this eve- ning, Jai. 25, 1939, at 8 p.m. in the Graduate Outing Club Room of the Rackham Building. Professor C. W. Bachmann will speak on "Carcogenetic Substances." Refreshments will be served. Freshmen Glee Club: There will be a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi- gan Union. Graduate Luncheon today at twelve noon, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Cafeteria style. Dr.- Marguerite F. Hall will speak informally on "Medical-Economic Research." All Graduate studens in- 1vied. University of Michigan Flying Club: Meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. The proposed government flight training plan will be discussed and refreshments will be served. Members and all those interested are "urged to attend. Mon. at 8 Mon. at 9 Mon. at 10 Mon. at 11 Mon. at 1 Mon. at 2 Mon. at 3 Tues. at 8' Tues. at 9 Tues. at 10 Tues. at 11 Tues. at 1 Tues. at 2 Tues. at 3 Mon., Feb.'6, 9-12 Fri., Feb. 3, 9-12 Wed., Feb. 1, 9-12 Mon., Jan. 30, 9-12 Tues., Feb. 7, 2-5 Mon., Jan. 30, 2-5 Tues., Feb. 7, 9-12 Mon., Feb. 6, 2-5 Tues., Jan. 31, 2-5 Wed., Feb. 1, 2-5 Tues., Jan. 31, 9-12 Wed., Feb. 8, 9-12 Fri., Feb. 3, 2-5 Thurs., Feb. 2, 9-12 Special Examinations _Special Period - No. Time of Ex. Courses I. Sat., Feb. 4, 9-12 German 1, 2, 31, 32. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32. . Music 31.' I. Sat., Feb. 4, 2-5 Zoology 1. f Botany 1. Psychology 31. Music 1. III. Sat., Jan. 28, French 1, 2. 11, 2-5 31, 32, 41, 71,j 111, 112; 153. Speech 31, 32. IV. Thurs., Feb. 2, Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51. 2-5 52, 107. Irregular Examinations English -1 shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2-5. English 30 shall be examined on Friday, Feb. 3, 9-12. Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101 shall be examined on Thursday, Feb. 2, 9-12. It shall be understood that classes emntitled to the regular examiation periods shall have the right-of-way over the above-mentioned irregular examinations and that special ex- aminations will be provided for stu- dents affected by such conflicts by the courses utilizing the irregular ex- amination periods. Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agreement between students and in- structor and with the approval of the Examination Schedule Committee. Room Assignment for Final Exam- inations in Mathematis (College of L.S. and A.): Mathematics 1 Section 2 (Elder), 201 U.H. 3 7 1 Jr. A.A.U.W. Interior Decoration Group will meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the League. Mr. Goodheiw will speak on the use of flowers in the home. The meeting is an open meet- ing.