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January 24, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-24

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter. }
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mall, $4,50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Board of
Managing Editor
Editorial Director.
City Editor .
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

Robert D. Mitchell
I . Albert P. May1o
* Horace W. Gilmore
Robert 1. Fitzhenry
. S. R. Kleiman
. Robert Perlman
Earl Oilman
. . William Elvin
. . Joseph Freedman
S . . Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Bpslness Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager -: . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Tom Mooney's
Wasted Years .
T EN YEARS AGO a mid-State Michi-
gan farmer was sentenced to life
imprisonment for murder. As the final act of his
Administration, Gov. Frank Murphy commuted
the convicted man's sentence on the grounds that
he had been convicted on faulty evidence, a con-
clusion borne out by the testimony of ballistics
experts. Wednesday a bill was introduced into
the Michigan House of Representatives by two
Detroit Democrats to grant the maltreated far-
mer $12,900 or $100 a month "for the time spent
in prison for an offense he did not commit." This
seems only fair.
On Jan. 8 a more famous prisoner was re-
leased from San Quentin prison .in California
after having served 22 years of a life sentence for
a crime which it has been proved conclusively he
did not commit. It is truly impossible to fix any
arbitrary monetary value on a man's life, but it
seems only just that the State of California
make some retribution to Tom Mooney for the
grievous wrong it committed.
--Carl Petersen
A Primer
For Democracy . .
T ONIGHT the University Extension
Service will open a new non-credit
course in contemporary problems and the co-
operative movement. Prof. Richard Fuller of
the sociology department will give the first of a
series of lectures in which seven members of the
University faculty and an economist from
Michigan State will analyze the current scene
and discuss one solution to the complex problems
arising from economic and social disorganiza-
These matters will be discussed: the inter-
related nature of community welfare, poverty,
delinquency and the distintegration of the fam-
ily; distribution of goods: the education of the
individual in his duties and privileges as a mem-
ber of a democratic, cooperative social order;
what cooperative action has to offer in the field
of housing; the bearing of the cooperative prin-
ciple on various national and international
"isms;" the cooperative movement in Europe;
medical care for the low-income groups; and the
potentialities of cooperation in the broader sense
as a "technique for living together."
Although the course is intended primarily
for non-students, it is open to the campus and
'its nature should draw a large student attend-
ance. It fills an important .gap in the University
curriculum. It is a step towards stimulating a
thoughtful application of the knowledge of poli-
tical theory, economis, sociology, architecture
medicine and educational theory to the necessi-
ties of life today.
In 1929 the University student faced a world
that was slipping from under him. In 1939 the
world has already slipped. All around there is

Y ou o f
By Sec Terry
DURING the Michigan-Minnesota hockey game
Saturday night we leaned over to inquire of
the referee if he didn't think the game was a bit
rough, and maybe, we dared to suggest, a trifle
on the unsportsmanlike side.
"Naw," he said, "dey're just crude."
The arbiter probably learned his trade in the
Michigan-Ontario hockey league, which fosters
spontaneous mayhem as an extra added attrac-
tion, and he was quick to recognize the utter
lack of subtlety in this college display. Here, when
a man got a high stick across his brow, there
was no doubt about his assailant; when a man
was bumped or boarded unnecessarily, it was-
quite evident to the spectators; when John Mari-
ucci, bleeding from an ugly gash above his eye,
passed Coach Ed Lowrey on the Michigan bench
and started toward him, with teammates trying
to restrain him, few interpreted the gesture as
one of unconcealed affection. Had a stranger
witnessed the proceedings and heard remarks
exchanged between opposing players and coaches
he would have smiled knowingly and wagered
confidently that lurking in the wings was some
wily promoter counting the evening's proceeds,
secure in the knowledge that his well-rehearsed
act wouldn't muff any lines or mess up "the
Yet, this was a game between representatives
of two fairly respectable Universities, an ama-
teur contest supposedly. As we left the rink we
heard a spectator mutter, not with a sadistic
delight, either, "What a fine bunch of choppers
out there." And now comes a poem from a read-
er which, we believe, crystallizes the sentiment
of many who saw the game. It is signed, "An old
pro who still loves the amateur spirit," and ad-
dressed "To the Michigan Hockey Team." And
it speaks for itself.
How did you play when the game was on,
When the odds were great and hope was gone?
When the enemy team, with aim so true,
Was shooting the puck in the net behind you?
When strength and speed and endurance quit,
Did honor keep pace with determined grit?
Did you keep the faith with the rules of the
Did you play up square without fear or shame?
Did your grim set smile make your enemy your
As you fought it through to the bitter end?
Did your self respect rise a notch or two?
Are you bigger men now the game is through?
If so, true sportsmen will sing your fame,
If not, then its time the Board in Control of
Physical Education lived up to its lily white re-
port and cleaned up the game.
EORGE Bernard Shaw, whose devastating
wit has deflated pompous individuals and
less affected lights for a long time now, was r-
cently bested by Cornelia Otis Skinner in an ex-
change of cables. When Shaw heard that Miss
Skinner was doing "Candida," he cabled, "Ex-
cellent. Greatest."
The appreciative actress wired her reply: "Un-
deserving of -such praise."
"Meant the play," countered Shaw.
"So did I," wired Miss Skinner, and nothing
more was said.
ORMAN Kiell, who forgot Benoway's por-
trayal of Gramps Maple in "The Petrified
Forest" because it was "just another Benoway
characterization," has forgiven and forgotten our
slight disagreement with him on the matter. He
writes :
"Dear See:
In return for the 'plug' Saturday last,
here's an item to fill up the hole that usu-
ally takes you so long to generate.
"Thumbing through Gertrude Stein's
text, 'Lectures in America,' while studying
assiduously for our mutual course in mental
hi-jacking (Ed. note: we disclaim any con-
nection with the course in question), I came
across these souvenirs of what would make
up a perfect comprehensive final examina-

tion (for those of us who took 'pipes' any-
"Without further ado, then, I give Stein's
gyrations for the Examination Perfect:
If a sound is made which grows louder
and then stops how many times may it be
In which way are stars brighter than they
What is poetry and if you know what
poetry is what is prose?
Discuss the following.
Battles are named because there have
been hills which have made a hill in a battle.
Poplars, indeed, will be cut down and will-
be sawed up and will be used as wood.
P6etry is essentially a vocabulary just as
prose is essentially not.
Nouns are the names of anything.
And with these little tid-bits, I leave you
solution, are now condemned to intellectual
Besides the functions of advancing knowledge,
preserving and teaching the cultural heritage of
man, and turning out professional men and lead-
ers in many fields, the free university in this

JItfe er o e
Heywood Br own,
It would, be presumptuous of me to set up as
an authority on the subject which I purpose to
discuss briefly. Still, everybody is taking a crack
at it, and why shouldn't a
self-effacing columnist join
in? It is my notion that most
people are wholly mistaken
about the current pre-occu-
pations of American radi-
Ever since the beginning
of the new year, in accord-
1- ance with a resolution, I
have honestly endeavored to be my own cross-
section man without relying upon the good offices
of Dr. Gallup. And so in the course of a day or
a week I contrive to run into a certain number
of radical friends and an even greater number
of conservative acquaintances.
And the curious thing is that the conservatives
are forever talking about the revolution and the
precise state of Russia at the moment, while
the radicals seem to be wholly concerned with
some bill before the State Legislature in Albany
or a measure pending before the Congress. In
other words, my Republican friends are. gazing
for the most part across the waters, while those
to the left of them seem to be entirely engrossed
in domestic problems about relief, housing, peace
in the labor movement and similar questions.
There Are Many Mansions
Perhaps those friends of mine whom I call
radical are not typical. It may be that they are
concealed reactionaries. And still I will maintain
that any inquiring reporter will hear far more
about the revolution in the pleasant hideaways of
Park Ave. than he can now encounter in the talk
of those who stem from Union Square.
This is set down as an impression and not a
definitive finding. I am not qualified in any
way to speak as an authoritative spokesman of
either the extreme left or the extreme right.
Naturally I have read many editorials and maga-
zine articles in which it is set forth that the
purported enthusiasm of radical groups for the
defense of democracy against Fascism is just a
false front to fool the naive and the sentimental.
All I can say is that I must be among the
gullible, for it seems to me that such radical
authorities as I know are convincing in their in-
sistence that they are so engrossed in the ques-
tions of the here and now that speculations as
to what the future may hold have been definitely
put aside.
I could be fooled, but I was once a dramatic
critic, and I think I can tell the difference be-
tween an act and a performance by a player
who feels his part.
And, naturally, I have often met the argument
that radicals do not want an amelioration of
harsh conditions and that they go upon the theory
that things must get much worse before they can
get better. I have even heard it said that some
radicals would be pleased to see a Fascist Ameri-
ca, since the only road out of that condition
would be a complete swerve to the left.
Not In The Cards
It may be that scholars of Socialist literature
can find documents to justify such a picture of
radical philosophy. I am ill read in the surce
books. But it is not in the cards. All I can say is
that men and women who identify themselves to
me as radical seem to be working with might and
main to keep living men and women off bread-
lines and out of the pinch of starvation.
As for the materialistic concept that many
Inust suffer for the final good, that is enunciated
more by Republicans than Reds. It is from con-
servatives that I have heard the doctrine, "We've
got to begin to economize sometime, and even if
a million are hard used let us be brave and face
the pinch in order to cross over into prosperity."
I do not think that either my conservative
friends or my radical acquaintances will like the

conclusion to which I am forced. And yet it seems
to me that the average radical in America is
romantic in saying, "Something must be done
here and now to relieve misery, even though it
does not furnish a fundamental solution for
poverty and privation."
It is the other camp which says, "Let us not be
sentimental, but remember that the end justifies
the means."
with the thought that exams are but one
week away, and if we can expect anything
like the above samples-oh, boy!
"Tennessee," spelled Tenese
N THE publisher's press release heralding RuthT
Lininger Dobson's new novel, "Today is
Enough," the author (1937 winner of a Hopwood
with "Straw In The Wind") writes, "I came on
this title back-handedly, by remembering the
familiar (The bold face is mine) Sanskrit phrase
'Yesterday is a dream, etc . .."
That reminds us we'll have to brush up on our
middle Coptic.
OFF THE CUFF: H.O.S. lists 56 different bands
- that he'd rather see at the J-Hop than HenryI
Busse, including among them Sammy Kaye,
Shep Fields and Phil Spitalny's All-Girl Orches-
tra . . . If the gentleman feels that badly, the
J-Hop committee ought really to do something
about it . . . Unfortunately, the President's Ball

Greed ..
The Art Cinema League began the
second half of its historical series
with the showing of Gred at the
Lydia Mendelssohn on Sunday. The
picture was adapted from Frank Nor-
ris' novel McTeague, directed by Eric
Von Stroheim, and starred Gibson
Gowland, Jean Hersholt and Zazu
Pitts. Von Stroheim was twice the
realist that Norris or Zola was: not
only did he insist on photographing
real backgrounds and rejecting studio
imitations, but he also took the book
and made it directly into a movie
with no changes in plot, character,
or incident. Consequently, any criti-
cisms which might be made of the
plot or development of the movie
would be criticisms equally applic-
able to Norris' novel.
McTeague is a big ox of a fellow
who becomes a quack dentist. He
marries the girl friend of his pal. His
pal becomes angry and reports him
to the authorities as a quack. His
wife becomes not merely a miser,
but a psychopathic case; in one hor-
rible scene she takes her gold to bed
with her and lies there caressing her
coins. McTeague kills his wife to get
$5,000 she has won in a lottery and
becomes a fugitive, setting off through
Death Valley with the five thousand,
a pony, and a canary in a cage. Mar-
cus, his pal, sets off to capture him
with a pair of handcuffs. They meet
in the middle of the desert, dying from
thirst. They fight, McTeague kills
Marcus, but Marcus has handcuffed
him to himself. McTeague releases
the canary and sits down next to
Marcus waiting for death.
Even in such a brief synopsis, the
weaknesses of the story are apparent
at once. Greed is not a tragedy, for
there is no protagonist. McTeague
is a nice fellow, but he is dumb. His
wife loves him, but she is abnormal.
Marcus is also obsessed with the lust
for gold. Within these limitations,
Greed is a wonderful film. It un-
winds with a cold and bitter logic
that is blood-curdling in its sim-
plicity. Gibson Gowland gives a fine
performance as McTeague, Zazu
Pitts is surprisingly good in the tragic
role of the psychopathic miser, and
Jean Hersholt is OK as the friend
afflicted with the desire for gold. The
most important thing about Greed,
however, is that it makes a point
simply and boldy, with few digres-
sions and absolutely no backsliding.
This is because the film was the crea-
tion of Von Stroheim. In 1924, when
the movie was made, the director was
still the artist, and the picture was
his creation. Von Stroheim set out
to make a propaganda picture and
Incidentally, Von Stroheim has one
of the leading roles in the Cinema
League's next film, Grand Illusion,
coming to the Lydia Mendelssohn in
a few weeks. Next in the historical
series is The Love Parade, with a man
named Maurice Chevalier.
The Editor
Gets Told...
Press-Abused Germany
To the Editor:
Or is it something else? At any
rate, your editor of the editorial
"Germany's Fourth Front" in his re-
ply to Mr. Aupperle's commendable
comments, half heartedly admits that

perhaps his information is not as un-
impeachable as it might be. But, he
says, it will take more than letters
from people living in Germany to con-
vince him that the testimony of refu-
'gees is false.
I believe that I'm perfectly safe to
assume that the testimony referred
to is that gathered from the daily
newspapers. However let me refer to
an. editorial in The American Mercury
of last month in which the writer de-
plores the handling, and the distribu-
tion, of information in the public
press and points out that, what might
be a justifiable indignation has been
turned into an ignorant frenzy. He
relates that. Quote: "The governing
sense of fact and history, which has
never been very strong, has wholly
given way to an uninformed emotion
which insists on remaining unin-
formed." And, still quoting, the writ-
er goes on "Every semblance of edi-
torial objectivity,every sign of re-
spect for truth and 'fact, is swept
away to make room for efforts like
those of Mr. Sheean in the Times and
Miss Thompson in theHerald Tribune;
and since many newspapers through-
out the country take their tone from
those in New York, the net result of
those efforts is wide spread."
In accounting for the misinforma-
tion obtained from our international
news correspondents the writer says
of them, Quote :,"They are ignorantly
seplected. poorly naid. and1 their iiuda-

(Continued from Page 2

' _

inations in German 1, 2, 31, and 32.
Feb. 4, 1939, 9-12 a.m.
German 1.
1025, A.H., Schachtsiek; Striedieck;
25, A.H., Suderinaun; Pott; Gaiss.
101, Ec., Graf; Eaton; Willey; Phil-
B, H. H. Ryder.
German 2.
B, All sections.
German 31
C, H. H., Braun; Diamond; Van
Duren; Gaiss.
35, A.H., Eaton; Philippson; Reich-
D, H.H., Graf; Striedieck.
301, U.H., Scholl.
201, U.H., Wahr.
German 32
231, A.H., All sections.
Final Examination Schedule, First
Semester, 1938-39. College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts Regular
Time of exercise. Time of examination

Mon. at 8
Mon. at 9
Mon. at 10
Mon. at 11
Mon. at 1
Mon. at 2
Mon. at 3
Tues. at 8
Tues. at 9
Tues. at 10
Tues. at 11
Tues. at 1
Tues. at 2
Tues. at 3

Mon., Feb. 6, 9-12
Fri., Feb. 3, 9-12
Wed., Feb. 1, 9-12
Mon., Jan. 30, 9-12
Tues., Feb. 7, 2-5
Mon., Jan. *30,2-5
Tues:, Feb. 7, 9-12
Moin;, Feb. 6, 2-5
Tues., Jan. 31, 2-5
Wed., Feb. 1, 2-5
Tues., Jan. 31, 9-12
Wed., Feb. 8, 9-12
Fri., Feb. 3, 2-5
Thurs., Feb. 2, 9-12

Special Examinations
Special Period

Exb bition of Chinese Amateur Pho.
tograhy: Because of the interest in
the exhibition of Chinese photog-
raphy which it is sponsoring in the
Rackham Galleries, the International
Center has arranged to continte the
exhibition through next week;. it will
close Saturday, Jan. 28. The display
rooms are open all day and in the
evening, except on Sunday. Mr. Cheng
will be present most of the time to
comment on his work.

Publication in-the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thw
U~fiverity. Copy received at the office at the Amistant to thePreaia
Until 3:30; 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday.

cept Sunday, through Jan. 25.
public is invited.

No. Tian
I. Sat., Fe

II. Sat., F
III. Sat.,

ie of Ex. Courses
b. 4, 9-12 German 1, 2, 31,
Spanish 1, 2, 31,
Music 31.
eb. 4, 2-5 Zoology 1.
Botany 1.
Psychology 31.
Music 1.
Jan. 28, French. 1, 2, 11,
31, 32, 41, 71,
111, 112, 153.
Speech 31. 32.

IV. Thurs., Feb. 2, Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51,
2-5 52, 107.
Irregular Examinations
English 1 shall be exaMined on
Tueslay, Jan. 31, 2-5.
English 30 shall be examined on
Friday, Feb. 3, 9-12.
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101 shall
be examined on Thursday, Feb. 2,
9-12. 1
It shall be understood that classes
entitled to the regular examination
periods shall have the right- f-way
over the above-mentioned ,irregular
examinations and that special . ex-
aminations will be provided for stu-
dents affected by such conflicts by
the courses utilizing the irregular ex-
amination periods.
Any deviation from the aboye
schedule may be made only by mutual
agreement between students and in-
structor and with the approval of the
Examination Schedufe Committee.
Freshmen. and Sophomores,;L.S. and
A, All students who have not had
their elections approved by their
counselor must do sol at once. Coun-
selors will notAbe available during the
examination period to sign elections.
Scientific German. A coursc, Ger-
man '6, "Scientific German" will be
offered in the second semester. It is
designed for and open only to stu-
dents who are concentrating or pre-
paring to concentrate in one of the
natural sciences.
Prerequisites: Courses German 1
and 2 in the University (or equiva-
lent in high school), and German ,31
35. MTWF, 9. 203 U.H. Nord-
m er. Four hours credit.
Choral Union Concert. Bartlett and
Robertson, distinguished two-piano
virtuosi, will be heard in recital on
Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, at 8:30
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, replac-
ing the Budapest University Chorus,
whose American tour has been can-
celled for political reasons.
Concert patrons will please upon
use coupon No. 7, reading "Budapest
Chorus" for this concert.
Twko Exhibits: Paintings by harkis
Sarkisian, and prints from the col-
lection of the Detroit Institute of
Arts, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to "25,
afternoons from 2 to 5, North and
South Galleries of Alumni Memorial
Textile Exhibition, College of Ar-
chitecture: A showing of modern
textiles consisting of rugs, hangings
bedspreads and pillow cases, de-
signed by Marianne Strengell, now

Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae-
co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods
-from Seleucia on the Tigris and
from Roman Italy. In addition, a
special exhibit has been arranged of
a portion of a recent acquisition of
Roman antiquities presenited by
Esther Boise Van Deman.
Chemistry Lecture: Prof. Otto Red-
lich, formerly of the University of
Vienna, will lecture on the subject
Molecular Vibration and Raman
Spectra of Deuterium Compounds in
Room 303 Chemistry Building at
4:15 p.m., Thu1'sday, Jan. 26.
Events Today
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting tonight at 6:15 in
the Union. . Professor E. T. Vincent,
of the Mechanical Engineering De-
partment, will speak.
Michigan Dames are invited by Pi
Lambda Theta to attend their meet-
ing this evening at 7:30 p.m. to hear
Professor Glenn D. McGeoch, of the
School of Music, talk on Music Ap-
preciation. The meeting will be in
the Burton Memorial Tower.
Parapsychology Club. Important
business meeting tonight at 8 p.m.
in the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building, following which
Dr. Greville, Prof. 'Higbie, and Prof.
Hyma will report briefly on recent
literature in the field.
Christian Science OrganizatIgn:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
The Music Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet at the home
of Mrs. Max M. Peet, 2030 Hill St. to-
night, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Maud K. Okkelberg will pre-
sent a program of piano selections.
Tryouts for the 3-Act play, "Hos-
pital Hill" by Harold Gast will be
held at the Hillel Fotndatidn today
from 2:30-6 p.m., and tomorrow from
7-10 p.m. All are welcome to attend
these tryouts. AnyonT interested, and
not able to attend, kindly call Made-
line Betty Myers at 2-2591.
Book yShelf and Stage Section of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
today at 2:45 p.m. at the hotie of
Mrs.. Thomas A. Knott, 1504 Brook-
lyn Ave. Mrs. William C. Steere is
assisting hostess.
Bibliophiles will meet today at, 2:30
p.m. with Mrrs. Richard Finch as host-
ess at her hoine at 1619 South Univer-
sity Ave.
C nig Events
Chemistry Colloquium will meet at
4 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry bldg.
on Wednesday, Jan. 25. Professor
Otto Redlich, formerly of Vienna,
will speak on "Some Physical-chem-
ical Investigations on Nitric Acid."
Phi Sigma meeting Wednesday eve-
ning, Jan. 25, 1939, at 8 p.m, in the
GradulateOuting Club Room of the
Rackham Building.
Professor C. W. Bachmann will
speak on "Carcogenetic Substances."
Refreshments will be served. -
University Oratorical Contest: The
annual University Oratorical Con-
test will be held March 15, the pre-
liminaries the week preceding. ,The
winner of this contest will represent
the University in the Northern Ora-
torical League Contest to be held at
the University of Iowa. Orations are
limited to 1,800 words. Further in-
formation may be had in the office
of the Speech Department, Room 3211
Angell Hall.

1939 Mechanical and Electrical En..
gineers: Mr. F. L. Pierce, Product
.Engineer of the Hoover Company,
North Canton, Ohio, will give a group
talk on Thursday evening, Jan. 26, at
, 7 p.m., in Room 311, to outline the
general policies of the company, and
I explain the possibilities open to those
interested in employment with them.
Appointments will be taken for in-
dividual interviews to be held Friday.
Graduate Luncheon, Wednesday,
Jan. 25, twelve noon, Russian Tea
Room, Michigan League. Cafeteria

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