THE MICRH1GAN-DAILY"I TUESDAY, , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all menbers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President tmtil 3:30; 11.:00 am. on Saturday. l W 1 R I ing courses offered this second semes-' ter are open to upper class and grad- uate students in other schools and colleges: Architecture 11. Domestic Archi- tecture and Housing. TuTh, 2, Room 346. Two hours credit. Professor Bennett. Decorative Design 35. History of Interiors. TuTh, 11, Room 846. Two hours credit. Professor Gores. TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 1939 1 VOL. XLIX. No. 88i Notices Automobile Regulation: Permission, to drive for social purposes during c the week-end of the J-Hop from Fri- l day noon," Feb. 10, until Monday morning, Feb. 13, at 8 a.m., may bet obtained at Room 2, University Hall, through the following procedure: 1. Parent signature cards should bet secured at this office and sent homet for the written approval of the par- ents. 2. Upon presentation} of the signeda card together with accurate informa- tion with regard to the make, type, and license number of the car to be1 used. a temporary permit will be1 granted. It is especially important to designate the year of the. license plates which will be on the car during the weekend of Feb. 10. 3. Out of town cars used for the week-end must not be brought into Ann Arbor before 12 o'clock noon. on Friday, Feb. 10, and must be- taken out before 8 a.m. on Monday. Feb. 13. The foregoing will not. apply to those students who possess regular driving permits. The above permis- sion will automatically be granted to this group. Office of the Dean of Students. Scholarship Award for Detroit Stu- dents of Armenian Descent. The De- troit Armenian Women's Club an- nounces that for the college year 1939-40 it will give a scholarship of' $100 to a young man or woman of Yugoslavia Goes To Italy ROME, Jan. 23.-()-Yugoslavia,, for years one of France's sateaures in European power politics, was pro- claim dea friend and virtual ally' of Italy today. Armenian parentage whose residence is in Detroit and who has demon-1 strated high scholastic ability in his or her particular field of concentra-I tion. Recommendations of candi- 1 dates are to be made by the various colleges and universities in Michigan.' Final selection of the recipient will1 be made by the Scholarship Commit-r tee of the Club.E Students in this University who are eligible and desire to become candi- dates for the scholarship may apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall. Passenger To California: The Bu- reau has a request for a passenger to drive to California with two women, Jan. 30 or 31. No provision for re- turn transportation. Kindly; call at the office, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9- 12 or 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments. Engineering Students: Any student who has changed from one program department to another since October should locate his photostat record and take it to the department in which he is to be classified for the second semester. This does not ap- ply to freshmen or other students who entered in September, 1938. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. o Choral Union Members. Members of the Choral Union in good stand- ing may obtain their pass tickets for the Bartlett and Robertson concert Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, by call- ing at the Recorder's office at the School of Music, Wednesday, between the hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. Members are required to call in per- son, and are reminded that no tickets will be given out after 4 o'clock. Academice Notices College of Architecture: The follow- Wednesday, Friday, Room 2039 Na- tural Scien'ce Building, and is open ,o students from other schools and col- leges of the University, with the ap- proval )f the respective Deans. For-, estry 31 will not be offered during the second semester. Music Course B-124. Richard Wag- ner and the Music Drama, will be given 3 instead of 2 hours credit. Ex, tra laboratory section's in addition to' those announced in the catalog ma, be arranged. Room Assignment for Final Exam-, (Continueed on Page 4) Forestry 194. This course "The Conservation of National Resources" will be offered by the School of For- estry and Conservation during the second semester at 9 o'clock Monday, : , ., 111 ._r. i l F I f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT ment, very attractive. Phone 7831 D. Staebler. Phone 5940 or 2-3241. or 4627. 326 OR RENT-A lovely double room. LOST-Crystal ball watch onwrist newly decorated and also one of FOR RENT-Half suite, almost like chain. Reward. Call Nancy Shaefer, the best of singles. Roommate a single room (now occupied by 7948. 342 Monroe. 352 graduate student). Clean and LOST-White gold oblong wrist 'OR RENT-Two suites at $3.00 per modern. Oil heat. Quiet house, 814 watch. Marmon or white gold mesh man. Two singles at $3.50 per. 311. Church. Phone 5003._X34 bracelet. Reward. Isabel Bruyere, II. i rd , i -,I FOR RENT-Attractive singles and suites for quiet students. Steam heat, oil burner, rhower. 928,Church St. 322, FOR RENT-Single rooms and two- room suites. Large and airy. Near campus, 615 Monroe. Just off State. 341 FOR RENT - Warm, comfortable! room, 2 blocks from campus, $3.00 double, $4.00 single. 304 F. Madison. Phone 5977. 336 FOR RENT-Boy's room for rent, very1 fine single room, small house, 8491 E. University, reasonable. Phone 9828. :x 339 FOR RENT-Two large singles: one double. Reasonable rent. Furnished. Near Intramural Building, 720 Arch. Phone 8873. 338 FOR RENT-To men students, 2 single or will make into study and sleeping rooms for 2, innerspring mattresses. 933 Forest Ave. 340 2-3159. 348 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Tux, size 38 regular, like new, price very reasonable. Phone 4852. 328 FOR SALE-G.E. Radio, Victrola combination. Table model. Good condition. Best offer accepted, Jack Knecht, 2-3101. 347 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Apartment close to Law Club desired for J-Hop weekend. Please address Box 10. 297 WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17 PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap- able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181 CASH PAID for your discarded clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main. 311 r, 4 J-HOP furniture for rent. Call Alexander's, 417 E. Liberty. 3676. 324 , ; ; , , FOR RENT-Large first-floor front sunny room. Can be used single or double. 722 Church. 335 WANTED - TYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 79 TYPING--Reasonable rates. L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone 5689. 271 TYPING at reasonable rates, Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 711I The Farm Cupboard 5400 Plynouth Road is serving breakfast after the J-Hop. Bring a party out Phone 717F5 for reservations i IL 11 Last Times Today DICK POWELL ANITA LOUISE SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Price List All articles washed and ironed. Shirts ...................... .14 Undershirts................. .04 Shorts......................04 Pajama Suits...............10 cocks, pair.................03 Handkerchiefs ................02 Bath Towels..................03 All Work Guaranteed Also special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. 1 LOST and FOUND LOST-Sigma Phi Epsilon pin last Wednesday. Reward. 733 S. State E T W."Vm