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January 22, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-22

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VITPIT, .JAN- -1.2, 1


" '



fulkd.%R MgW,,,a V, .,,TfltrI ,,ludac~wi f l Orw.M M~f a[~. pmt-e O b.*
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.-
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$.OU; by snal, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pblshers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor. . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial Director . . . . Albert P. May10
City Editor . . . . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . . . Robert I. Fithenry
Associate Editor . . . . . S. R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . . . . Robert Perlman
Asociate Editor Earl ilman
AssocateEditor. . . . William Elvin
Associate Editor . . . Joseph Freedman
Book Editor . . . . . . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor. Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Labor Incorporation
Still A Dead Issue? .
rITH THE strong anti-New Deal fac-
tion'in the 76th Congress now in
session promising to attack everything Roose-
veltian, the question of union responsibility in
its connection with the Wagner Act is certain to
be one of the centers of attention.
In condemning the Wagner Act, the employers
claim that they are told what they may do or.
may not do and that no similar regulations are
laid down for labor. The National Labor Rela-
tions Act, they point out, provides penalties for
any act of discrimination on their part, but the
unions are allowed a free hand. It is thus pos-
sible, they claim, for a union to break a con-
tract and to inflict serious damages without in-
curring any liability. They demand that the
government undertake the compulsory incorpora-
tiorr of unions so that they will become respons-
ible, legally suable institutions.
The unions, on the other hand, insist they
have proven just as responsible as have the em-
ployers. Prominent men have backed this asser-
tion; Senator Wagner has stated that not more
than one-half of one per cent of labor's con-
tracts are broken. Lack of union responsibility
is alleged, in many cases, by employers who are
unwilling to recognize labor's right to collective'
bargaining. In regard to liability, the unions
call attention to the famous Danbury Hatters
Case which established the precedent that the
officers of a union can be sued for full dam-
ages if a contract is broken. They point to a
Supreme Court decision in 1922, asserting that
the union itself can be sued if its actions in
breaking a contract interfere with interstate con,
Why, the unions want to know, should they
be forced to incorporate when the employers'
trade associations which fight them would be
under no such compulsion? They add that in-
corporation has always been a privilege, never
an obligation; when businesses incorporate they
do so because it is advantageous, not because it
is compulsory.
These are the moral and legal arguments pre-
sented to the public. But they do not explain the

real issues involved. The employers favor incor-
poration because they are certain it will weaken
the labor movement, and the unions oppose it
for the same reason.
But why should the unions fight incoropration?
If they incorporated they would gain limited
liability and enhanced legal recognition. The
harmful racketeering which has at times in-
vaded their ranks might be dealt a blow.
The unions oppose incorporation because they
believe the courts and the state legislatures have
proven strongly pro-property. With the passage
of an incorporation law, they fear that the
employer could entirely prevent strikes with the
aid of the courts and even eliminate effective
unions by getting the legislatures to deny them
incorporation charters.
The fact that incorporation would entail publi-
cation of complete financial reports also pre-
cludes union willingness to accept incorporation.
,nea eannnion 's ahit n nao rv a wi o c+,*n.41,,

TODAY by David
ifN WASH! N GTON Lawrence
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-Issues far more per- who participated in the "sit-down" and refused
tinent to the future of labor relations than the to reemploy others. The company's reason for
question of whether "sit-down strikes are or are differentiating was that some of the employees
not valid will be settled by the decision in the were forced against their own will to participate
Fansteel Company case which has just been in the "sit-down" strike.
argued before the Supreme Court of the United The company, on the other hand, did not ac-
States. cept for reemployment a single one of the workers
Contrary to the impression which has been who were convicted either of acts of violence or
given in some quarters, the National Labor Re- refusal to obey the order of a state court -to
lations Board has not commended the "sit- evacuate the company's premises. Some served
down" strike as a method of settling labor dis- terms in jail and some paid fines.
putes, nor has it sought to establish the "sit- Now, the question is whether a company can
down" as a legal weapon. The Labor Board has regard the commission of offenses against the
introduced a different issue, which is of greater laws of the state of Illinois as a sufficient basis
importance than the "sit-down," namely whether for refusal to rehire. The Labor Board attorneys
the reinstatement of workers who have gone on take the view that the Federal statute is plain,
Act, irrespective of anything the workers may that it is concerned only with its own operations
have done in the interim, so long as the labor and that, if an employer is guilty of an unfair,
dispute out of which the alleged crimes grew labor practice, it must reinstate the men who
involved originally an "unfatir labor practice" on went out on a strike and that what the laws
the part of an employer. of Illinois do to keep order or punish those who
The Supreme Court -is asked by the Labo disobey is one thing-and what the Federal govern-
Board to rule that, if a labor dispute arises and ment does is quite another.
if the employer has been guilty of an "unfair This separation of the Federal and state powers
strike is required by the terms of the Wagner is a very important matter, because, if the views
labor practice," then every employee who went of the Labor Board is accepted by the Supreme
out on any kind of strike must be reinstated, Court, then the agitation for amendment of the
no matter whether the "sit-down" strike or Wagner Act to prohibit "concern from any*
illegal picketing or anything else of an unlawful source" will be resumed. This correspondent
nature occurred in connection with the strike, pointed out several months ago that, so long as
The lawyers for the Fansteel Company, on the states retain their police power and effectively
other hand, who thus far have been sustained by exercise it, there is no good reason for adding
the lower federal courts, insist that an employer police functions to the Federal government in
need not reinstate anybody who has participated the matter of coercion of workers by fellow-
in a 'sit-down" strike and that the right of dis- workers. The Senators who fought the Tydings
charge is broad enough to cover any. kind of Amendment at the time the Wagner Law was'
wrong-doing, whether in connection with a adopted insisted that state laws were ample to
strike or any other conditions relating to em- protect the workers against intimidation and
ployment. violence. The test now is at hand and the
Now, it so happens that the Fansteel Company Supreme Court's opinion will have a considerable
did accept for re-employment some workers bearing on amendment of the Wagner Act.
A Study In Symphonic Effect


On Gustave Mahler
A musical event of unusual importance will
take place in Hill Auditorium tomorrow night
when Thor Johnson conducts, as the finale to
the University Symphony's program featuring
the. work of student soloists and arrangers, the
last two movements of Gustave Mahler's Third
Symphony in D minor. Neither this nor any other
of the composer's nine symphonies has been per-
formed in America more than a very few times,
the name of Mahler being familiar in this country
chiefly as that of the brilliant Viennese conductor
who achieved epochal performances with the New
York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera
for several years before his death in 1911.
In Europe and in the pages of musical history,.
however, Mahler is known first of all as the one
who expanded the symphonic form to its most
colossal limits of structure and orchestral
language. Influenced mainly by Bruckner and
Wagner, he went far beyond them in the creation
of symphonic music on a vast scale. On the
physical side, the Third Symphony comprises
six tremendous movements requiring well over'
an hour for complete performance, to be played
by an orchestra actually double in size that
of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony plus such rarer
instruments as the English horn, bass clarinet,
contra bassoon, post horn (a sort of tenor bugle),
double bass tuba, harp, and a host of percussiorn,
to which are also added an alto soloist, a female
chorus, and a boys' choir.
Impeded By
Gargantuan Proportions
As might be expected, it is these very Gargan-
tuan proportions that have impeded the accept-
ance of Mahler's symphonies as a part of the
standard repertory, by blinding shallow-thinking
conservatives to the inherent beauties of the
music, and by making performances physically
impossible by any other than the largest and
most competent orchestras. Then, too, it must be
admitted that there is a good deal of Mahler's
own highly original type of dross mixed in with
the fine, so that often (as in this instance) the
most practicable thing is to present onuy the
parts which are thoroughly sound and unerring
in their appeal.
But it must be pointed out that the gigantic
qualities of Mahler's music are not the result of
the piling on of effect after effect for the sake
of mere size and volume. The external mass is
but the natural housing of ideas themselves
Gigantic and extended in conception. For in-
stance, whereas the ordinary symphonic theme
averages from four to eight measures in length,
the leisurely, profoundly philosophical opening
theme of the last movement of the Third Sym-
phony consumes 20 measures at a slow tentpo
in its entirety, and the subsequent elaborations
and developments cannot but correspond in ex-
tent. And it is not that all the implements of
sound required throughout the entire symphony
are heaped together in one mountain of tone.
Mahler's orchestra has infinitely more variety
of tone, but not necessarily more volume, than
are certain that employers recognize the legal
right of labor to organize for collective bargain-
' ~ mno To---carmon hc r -an7_a +ii rabs.

that of Brahms or Tchaikowsky. In the fifth
movement, a joyful paean of tolling bells and
exultant voices, with words taken from Des.
Knabes Wunderhorn, such things as a quartet
of piccolos and combined boys' and women's
choruses are used-but for the freshness and'in-
evitableness of the orchestral effect, not f or
plain bulk or bizzarity. Mahler's music is wholly
music for orchestra, not simply music that can
be played by an orchestra, as is, for instance, that
of Bach or even Brahms. Whereas most. music
is first conceived as music and then orchestrated,
as a novel is dramatized for the stage, Mahler.
was an orchestral dramatist, writing directly
for his medium. And in his Third Symphony,
commonly understood to be concerned with cer-
tain abstract aspects of "Nature," though it has
no indicated program, he has produced an orches-
tral drama that, if not quite epochal in its sweep
or sublime in its beauty, is still musical "good
theatre," worth hearing much more often than
it is.
*1 * *
Radio City Music Hall, Viola Philo soprano,
Erno Rapee cond. Overture to Iphigenia in
Aulis (Gluck), Mozart's G minor Symphony, ex-
cerpts from Gounod's Queen of Sheba and Smet-
ana's Bartered Bride. 12-1, KDKA, WOWO.
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl director. 12-12:30
New York Philharmonic Symphony, Nathan
Milstein violinist, John Barbirolli cond. All-
Tchaikowsky program; Suite for Strings ("Sou-
venir de Florence"), Violin Concerto, Fifth Sym-
phony. 3-5, WJR, WBBM.
University of Michigan Concert Band, William
D. Revelli cond. Komm, suesser Tod (Bach),
Overture to Weber's Euryanthe, "The Debu-
tante" (Clarke), Second Movement from Sym-
phony for Band in C minor (Ernest Williams),
Procession of the Nobles from Mlada, Sarabande
from Handel's Seventh Suite pour le Clavecin,
transcription of the aria "Let flow my tears" from
Handel's opera Rinaldo, A Michigan Fantasy
(arr. Donn Chown), Saint-Saens' Phaeton, Stars
and Stripes Forever (Sousa). 4:15, Hill Aud.
New Friends of Music Orchestra, Alexander
Kipnis baritone, Fritz Stiedry cond. Bach's
Orchestral Suites II and IV, and a Solo Cantata.
6-7, WWJ.
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein cond.
Cantata No. 124, "Meinum Jesum, lass ich nicht."
7-7:30, CKLW.
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri-
son cond. 3-4, WXYZ.
Curtis Institute of Music, Nathan Goldstein
and Charles Libove violinists, Bianca Polack and
Cary Graffman pianists. 3-4, WADC, WHIO
Music of the Restoration, Bernard Hermann
director. Purcell Overture in G, Matthew Locke's
Second String Quartet. 5-5:15, WJR.
University Symphony Orchestra, James Wolfe
and Burton Page pianists, Ruth Krieger cellist,
University Girls' Glee Club, Thor Johnson cond.
Three settings of Hassler's chorale melody "O
Sacred Head Now Wounded": a Chorale Prelude
and Chorale by Bach, Chorale Prelude, Op, 122,
No. 9, by Brahms, transcribed for orchestra by
Marion McArtor; Allegro from Bach's D minor,
Piano Concerto; Adagio from Haydn's Cello

You of M
By See Terry
WHEN Dr. Walter Judd, back in the
United States after ten years of
work in China, spoke in the Union
a few weeks ago, we persuaded Forest
Evashevski to accompany us to hear
him, but not without difficulty. Evie
was in the Field House at the time,
planning a workout, and didn't savor'
another lecture; the word has devel-
oped an unpleasant connotation, fora
reasons academic. we think. Anyhow,
we prevailed upon the big gridder,
pointing out there are more important
things in this cosmic scheme than
athletics, and the idea of improving
his mind appealed to "The One Man
Gang." So off we hurried.
Dr. Judd had just finished his dis-
cussion of the American paradox
which permits us to supply the ruth-
less Japanese dictatorship with trucks
and motor fuel while repudiating at
the same time the totalitarian credo,
when our watch showed us already
late for an important appointment in
the Beta kitchen. But Evie wouldn't
budge; his chin cupped in his hands,
his eyes fastened on the militant doc-
tor, he was completely arrested by
this story of cruelty and carnage in
the Far East. When, half an hour
later, we tiptoed out of the hall, Evie
was still deeply concerned with the
Chinese plight and ready to write his
congressman. It took him several
hours to return to the casual things'
about him.
, * * * '
FOR trends in world affairs, it may
be useful to follow the career of
Frank Kluckhohn, the New York
Times correspondent who last week
was ousted from Mexico. In 1934 the
Times sent him to France, compara-
tively quiet then and unmindful of
the web of financial chicanery which
encircled it. But within a short time,
the Stavinsky scandal broke around
the heads of Parisian titans, and
Klukhohn found he had accidentally
fallen heir to a story of international
For their own reasons, the Times'
editors transferred Kluckhohn to
Madrid, where in 1936 he was in the
midst of a civil war. Shortly there-
after he was moved again, this time
to uneventful Mexico, and sure en-
ough the expropriations business
cropped up to place him once more in
the center of a "hot" situation. As a
harbinger of news, the man's uncanny,
and you may draw what you like
from the fact that the Times is now
sending him to Germany.
WILE on the subject of the New
YokTimes, this story may inter-
est you. Broadway recently revived
Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Be-
ing Earnest," and Brooks Atkinson,
the paper's erudite dramatic critic,
wrote facetiously that a brilliant play-
writing career for young Oscar Wilde
was virtually assured. The Times'
readers were dumbfounded at At-
kinson's apparent misapprehension
and wrote so many letters that the
paper found it necessary to print an
apologetic explanation.
The incident confirmed the sus-
picion of most New Yorkers that it
isn't safe to be funny in The Times.
* * *
WITH this ditty we dispose com-
pletely of the affairs of Miss
Marian Phillips. And it may well apply
to Gargoyle's counter blast on the
subject, which should confront you
any day now.
Oh, once there was in our school
A freshman wonderous wise.
She listed reasons eighty-eight

(And all of them were lies!)
Why she, despite her tender age,
(I think 'twas seventeen)
Disliked the so-called stronger sex.
(Don't you think men are mean?)
And when her list was published,
And national was her fame,
She ranged her hatreds in a row-
And took her pick from same.
The reason for this paradox
(Don't think that I'm unkind.)
Is simply this: "Impulsive miss,
You yet don't know your mind!"
-If I should put my name here,
I would find out what Hell
hath no fury like-
ham), Wagnerian excerpts. 3-4, WJR.
Choral Union Concert, Bartlett
and Robinson piano duo. Handel and
Bach transcriptions, the original set-
ting of Brahms' "Haydn Variations,"
Suite Scaramouche (Milhaud), pieces
by Infante, Grandos, Chasins, and
Liszt. 8:30, Hill Aud.
United States Marine Band, 3-3:30,
United States Navy Band, WXYZ,
Columbia C h a m b e r Orchestra,
Howard Barlow cond. 'Two dances
from Handel's opera Terpsichore.
Serenade by Suk. 3:30-4, WJR.
New York Philharmonic Young'
Peoples' Concert, Salzedo Harp En-
semble, Ernest Schelling cond. Rim-

(Continued from Page 3)
Room 303 Chemistry Building at
4:15 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 26.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal has
been set ahead today from 4:30 to
3:30 p.rih.
Vulcans will meet tonight at 6 p.m.
in the Union.A
The LutheranhStudent Club will
meet at Zion Church House at 5:30
p.m. today for social hour 'and sup-
per. Professor Dow Baxter will show
pictures of his recent Alaskan trip
and the Student a Capella Choir will
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
All faculty members interested in
speaking Gernan are cordially in-
vited. Professor Hans Pick will con-
tinue his talk <with records) on "Ab-
solute Musik und Programm Musik."
La Sociedad Hispanica will pose for
its Michiganensian picture at the
Spedding Studio, 619 East Liberty St.
on Sunday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. All
members are urged to be on time.
Physics Colloquiu : Professor Otto
Laporte will speak on the "Elemen-
tary Particle of Spin Unity" at the
Physics Collouium on Monday, Jan.
23 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 East
Physics Bldg.
Geological Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 7:15 p.m. in
;Room 3065 N.S. Kenneth Brill will
speak on "The McCoy Formation."
All interested are cordially invited'
to attend.
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, Jan. 23, 1939, 7-9 p.m., Room
319 West Medical Building.
"The Chemistry of Hemoglobin and
Its Derivatives-Heme Enzymes" will
be discussed. All interested are in-
Botanical Journal Club, Tuesday,
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, Jan. 24,
1939. Reports by-
Alice Koynat-Mitochondria in the
life cycle of certain higher plants.
James McCranie - Mitochondria
and plastids in living cells of Allium
Lois Jotter-Chromosome studies
on Trillium Kamtschaticum.
Douglas Savile-The cytology and
development of Phyllactinia corylea.
Chairman: Professor B. M. Davis.
Philosophy Club members and oth-
er students interested in philosophi-
cal discussion are invited to attend a
meeting Monday, Jan. 23, at 4:15
p.m. in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Bernard
Friedman will read a paper on "The
Status of Logical Principles" and dis-
cussion will follow.
Fraternity Presidents: House presi-
dents are reminded of the meeting
of the Executive Committee of the
Interfraternity Council on Wednes-
day, Jan. 25. All petitions must be in
before this )date.
University Oratorical Contest: The
annual University Oratorical Con-
test will be held March 15, the pre-
liminaries the week preceding. The
winner of this contest will represent
the University in the Northern Ora-
torical League Contest to be held at
the University of Iowa. Orations are
limited to 1,800 words. Further in-
formation may be had in the office
of the Speech Department, Room 3211
Angell Hall.
Parapsychology Club. Important
business meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m.
in the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building, following which

Dr. Greville, Prof. Higbie, and Prof.
Hyma will report briefly on recent
literature in the field.
Botanical Seminar will meet on
Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 4:30 p.m.,
Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by A.
H. Smith and E. B. Mains "Studies
on Michigan Mushrooms" (illustrat-
ed by kodachrome slides).
Freshmen Glee Club: There will be
a special meeting at 4:15 Monday in
the MichiganUnion. All members are
urgently requested to attend. This
will be the last meeting of the semes-
Book Shelf and Stage Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet on
Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 2:45 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Thomas A. Knott, 1504
Brooklyn Ave. Mrs. William C.
Steere is assisting hostess.
Michigan Dames are invited by Pi
Lambda Theta to attend their meet-
ing Tuesday evening at 7:30 to hear
Professor Glenn D. McGeoch, of the
School of Music, talk on Music Ap-
preciation. The meeting will be in

joy the quietness and fellowship of
this hour with the members.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, minister.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Prof. Mentor L. Wil-
lams will speak on the topic, "The
Prospect for Democracy in 1939."A
discussion period will follow the ad-
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St., Sunday morning
service at 10:30, subject, "Truth."
Golden Text: Deuteronomy 32:
3, 4.
S'jnday school at 11:45.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and'William Streets. Min-
ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr.
10:45 a.m. Service of worship. The
subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be
"The Most Important Job in the
Christian Reformed Church serv-
ices in the Michigan League Chapel
on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30
p.m. Rev. E. Holthrop of Cleveland,
Ohio, will speak.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 9:30
a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Wor-
ship and sermon. Dr. John M. Wells
of Hillsdale College, will preach on
"The Highway of Life."
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 5:30
p.m. Refreshments will be served and
a good time enjoyed at this social
hour. At 6:15 the special program
follows. Prof. Norman E. Nelson will
give third address in a series on time-
ly topics. His subject will be "Ec-
onomic Maladjustment." Free op-
portunity for questions and discus-
sion follow this address.
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "A Back-
sliding World" at 10:40 a.m.
Stalker Hall, Student class at 9:45
a.m. Mr. Ken Morgan is the leader on
"Social Action and Social Living."
Place: Stalker Hall.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at the
Church at 6 p.m. Dr. Charles Web-
ber of the Soial Action Committee
of The Methodist Episcopal Church
will be the speaker. His subject is "A
Christian Attitude Toward Poverty
and Unemployment." Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship serv-
ice. "Under Sentence of Life" is the
subpect upon which Dr. W. P. Lem-
on will preach. The musical num-
bers will include: Prelude, "Choral"
by Honegger; Anthem, "Lord For Thy
Tender Mercies' Sake" by Farrant;
solo, "Hear My Prayer, O Lord" by
Dvorak, Burnette Bradley Staebler;
Postlude, "Choral" by Andriessen.
4:30 p.m., Candlelight Communion
Service in celebration of the First
Anniversary in the new sanctuary.
The Session will convene at 3:45 to
receive new members.
6 p.m., Westminster Guild, student
group, will meet for a supper and
fellowship hour. At the 7 o'clock
meeting the following speakers will
lead the informal discussion groups
on: 1. "Economic Consequence of
Race," Prof. Margaret Elliot; 2. "The
Community's Responsibility to Non-
college Youth," Mr. Roger Freund;
3. "Personal Adjustment through
Worship," Miss Leinbach; 4. "Com-
munism and Christianity," Prof. A. K.
Stevens; 5. Ethics Symposium, Prof.
R. W. Sellars.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar-
ten; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and ser-
mon by the Rev. F. W Leech; 7:30

p.m. Epiphany Candlelight Choral
Evensong with address by the Rt.
Rev. Frank W. Creighton, Bishop
Coajutor of the Diocese of Michigan;
8:30 p.m. Student meeting, Harris
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty
at Third.
10:45 a.m. morning worship. Ser-
mon by the Pastor Brauer on "A
Marvelous Believer."
5:30 p.m. Fellowship supper for
students and the young people of this
zone of the Walther League.
6:30 p.m. A Bible Hour service, con-
ducted by Rev. Arnold F. Kluge of
Trinity Church, Monroe, will be held
in the church auditorium. Mrs. Victor
Albrecht will be the soloist.
7:30 p.m. Entertainment in the
church parlors. Coach "Wally" Web-
ber will be one of the speakers.
A cordial invitation is herewith ex-
tended to all Lutheran students and
their friends.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Service:
Mr. Marley will speak on "Manifesto
to Man."

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University, Copy received at the office at the Assistant to the Psridat
Uint"3"30;'*1100 am, on Satrday.

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