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January 21, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-21

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..+ subjlet of Dr. Par's sermon willl tae
Contest Reporter Finds Assembly-Line Family Prey TheMotIiPoaxi
.1. .c. DAILY OFtautAL i rL the
racts Eight Spirit At New York University Of Insecurity DAIL TFICICAristian Reformed Church servl
P ;I BULLETINic~~SifRfomdCuh
!ices in the Michigan League Chapel
TF ya S-ud e'avon Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30
Program To Be Forty Thousand Students lough and Greenwich Village govern- Haber Sees It Weakening (Contnued from Page 4) p.m. Rev. E. Holthrop of Cleveland,
led Next Week Seek Higher Learning etofe b .ildingdreminscent of a local Under Incn 0loIent meet at Zion Church House at 5 Ohio, will speak.
Al Metropolitan School laundry. p.m. Sunday for social hour and sup-
N .ely eight scripsroN.Y.U. has six different centres of nn'nuerrnm P'1)1per. Professor Dow Baxter will show First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
heshe MichiganachDay"Aradio
h csed day An By LEONARD SCHLEIDER instruction scattered around Greater pictures of his recent Alaskan trip Brashores will preach on "A Back-
hdonatedbyspominent From the penthouses- of midtown New York, and half of them are con- children thef nsurit abt and the Student a Capella Choir will sliding World at 10:40 a.m
be given for the best 45 Majhattan to the frozen outposts of centrated at Washington Square. The also pointed out that a basic weak- s-g.k
mBrooklyn, New York University is college of law, school of education and ness of the act is that it gives em- -" Stalker Hal. Student class at 9:45
amn submitted. Iso teatista t ie m a.m. Mr. Ken Morgan is the leader on
ent of the winner will known to 43,510 students and un- I literary college (one of four) are 'h to th "indivdual th th Tryouts for the 3-Act Play l os- oi Action a Sr L n
estof hewmnr wllcoutedalmnias tht bg fctry ocaedin epaat buldigs whle asis t te "niviua, rahertan pital Hill" by Harold Gast will be "Social Action and Social Living."
week, Prof. Waldo M. on Walifao rya "theatcSchoolatngcorofysi eCommercebuildings, whilAccounts the amy. held at the Hillel Foundation Mon..Place Stalker Hall
nedysedy ugson Washington Square." leolofCmece cout ~ur 'ed that all social legislationMWn- leySa leeingall.h
ed yesterday Judges and Finance, greatest undergraduateday and Tuesday, Jan. 23 and 24, Wesleyan Guild meeting at the
eest are Prof. Carl G. This succinct description of the business school, occupies two fifteen- in the fiture be drafted on the prop- from' 2:30-6 p.m., and on Wednes- Church at 6 p.m. Dr. Charles Web-
busitinschat, ouruipopulationen-is c om'a. a25,fom-710p.m . Al ar edn es-fte'oilAcinComte
he speech department, worlds largest institution of higher story structures. Sixty per cent of its oi n that our population is om- day, Jan. 25, from 7-10 p.m. All are ber of the Social Action Committee
Kenyon aid T. Hawley education is, to be sure, only part of psto stuctres Sxtyer n t o t s ped families, and not single in- welcome to attend these tryouts. Any- of The Methodist Episcopgl Church
retary of the Alumni the story. New York University's bet- ~d20000 attend evening classes tha. one interested, and not able to at- will be the speaker. His subject is "A
ter half is its Unversity HeightsjOne )f the causes for the poverty- tend, kindly call Madeline Betty My- Christian Attitude Toward Poverty
tsf division situated among the concretea Day and night batteries of elevators sickn condition of our famies is ers at 2-2591and Unemployment." Fellowship
ag program Irpbb st; steppes of the Bronx and offering its carry men and women to the heights that our national wealth is poorly dis- hour and supper following the meet-
m wto :45rp.m.,March5,000 men students such outstanding of learning. The visitor notices, first tributed. He stressed the need for a
ni t, 3s4n m, arch features as the Guggenheim School of of all, the noisy crowds, and second, better method of distribution, but alsourch s_

on: 1. "Economic Consequence of
R Pe i of. M it Elliot; 2. "The
Community s Responsibility to Non-
college Youth," Mr. Roger Freund:
3. "Personal Adjustment through
Worship," Miss Leinbach; 4. "Com-
munism and Christianity," Prof. A. K.
Stevens: 5. Ethics Symposium, Prof.
R. W. Sellars.
Saint Andrew's EpiscopaL Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 9
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar-
ten; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and ser-
mon by the Rev. F. W. Leech; 7:30
p.m, Epiphany Candlelight Choral
Evensong with address by the Rt.
Rev. Frank W. Creighton, Bishop
Coajutor of the Diocese of Michigan;
8:30 p.m. Student meeting, Harris

Ithe speed at which they work. And, cited the necessity for a total in-
a; can be expected, records show that crease ii all our national income. "On
N.Y.U.'s turnover each year is tre- the basiL of the present sixty billion
jmendous; many students complain dollar national income, both inade-'
that the pace is much1too swift. quate e onomic goods and insecure
Professors know fe4 of their 1pupils economic states will be the lot of the
by names; assignments are made by great majority of American families."
number. Registration is accomplished
qy automatic recording machines and society transport Washington Square's

The Christian Student Prayer
Group will meet as usual Sunday af-
ternoon at 5 p.m. in the Michigan
League building. Please consult the
bulletin board there for the room. All
Christian students are invited to en-
joy the quietness and fellowship of
this hour with the members.

fixed programs of study. rcgimen'; to and from their homes. Disipls Guild (Church of Christ)
Despite the student union and The proportionately-small number 10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev.
its attendant r a d i c a 1 political of undergraduates who do not reside Frederick Cowin, minister
groups, social life is at a mini- in New York/live at the Judson, uni- 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
mum. Fraternities a r e useless, versity-operated hotel, and pursue 6:30 p.m., Prof. Mentor L. Wil-
their members complain, where so after-clo ss activities on the "Gay hams will speak on the topic "The!
many commute. Seven subway and White Way." Nearby is Greenwich Prospect for Democracy in 1939." A
bus lines, the town cars of cafe soci- Village with its night clubs and Bo- discusion period will follow the ad-
ety and the flivvers of cafeteria hemian bistros. dress.

4:30 p.m., Candlelight Communion tended to all Lutheran students and
Service in celebration of the First their friends.
Anniversary in the new sanctuary.
The Session will convene at 3:45, to Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Service:
receive new members. Mr. Marley will speak on "Manifesto
6 p.m., Westminster Guild, student to Man."
group, will meet for a supper and 7:30 p.m. L.S.U. Discussion led by
fellowship hour. At the 7 o'clock ° Mr. Don Siegel "Football and other
meeting the following speakers will I Contests."
lead the informal discussion groups 9 p.m. Coffee Hour.


First Church oT Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St., Sunday morning
service at 10:30, subject, "Truth."
Golden Text : Deuteronomy 32:
3, 4.
Sunday school at 11:45.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William Streets. Min-
ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr.
10:45 a.m. Service of worship. The

FOR RENT-For second semester. LOST and FOUND
Large single room. Opposite intra-
mural building. Reasonable, 936 LOST-Saturday afternoon. Senior
Mary. Phone 5410. 343s , proof pictures from Dey Studio for
y.Pn _4._3 'Ensian. If found please return tol
FOR RENT-Boy's room for rent, very D. Staebler. Phone 5940 or 2-3241.
fine single room, small house, 849 LOST- e strnd of pearssn Tun
E. University, reasonable. Phone
9828. 339 day somewhere on Campus and
Stat. St. Call Janet at 7225. 323
FOR RENT-Two large singles; one LOST-Green Shaeffer fountain pen
double. Reasonable rent. Furnished. on Diagonal Saturday. If found
Near Intramural Building, 720 please call Lee at 2-2569.
Arch. Phone 8873. 338 -la----- at--2-69 -
LOST-Pair of binoculars bearing
FOR RENT-To men students, 2 name below. Reward offered. Jack
single or will make into study and MacLeod, 1601 Washtenaw, phone
sleeping rooms for 2, innerspring 7142. 325
mattresses. 933 Forest Ave. 340
LOST--Crystal ball watch on wrist
FOR RENT--Large first-floor front chain. Reward. Call Nancy Shaefer,
sunny room. Can be used single or 7948. 342
double. 722 Church. 335
WANTED - TYPING FOR SALE-Tux, size 38 regular,
TAlle, like new, price very reasonable.
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79 MISCELLANEOUS
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M. WANTED--Apartment close to Law
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone Club desired for J-Hop weekend.
5689. 271 Please address Box 10. 297
TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs. WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176 way travel, washed pebbles. Killins
--- -- --*- -- - Grave? Company, Phone 7112. 17
-- PAPERHANGER---Craftsman, cap-
LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned, able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
Careful work at low prices. 9 CASH- PAI- - o ~ ~o-r -~i~~a~d~~
- ______CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
847 Hoover Phone 5594 -- - ---
Free pickups and deliveries EXPERIENCED cook, houseman,
Prite- List goocl reference. Consider anything.
All articles washed and ironed. Phone 2-2482. 321
Shirts ...................... .14 WANTE ?--Girl to sha re attractive
Undershirts ................04 apart rent with two others. Good
Shorts ....... ........ . .... .04 locatieu, reasonable. Phone 2-2165.
Pajama Suits ....... ........10 319
pocks, pair .. ..... . .. ...... ,03 -- --.- -
Handkerchiefs ............... .02 J-HOP urniture for rent. Call 3670.
Bath Towels ... . ......... . .03 Alexander's, 417 E. Liberty. 324
All Work Guaranteed - -~ ~t---~
klso special prices on Coed's laun- A'1TEN'i ION AGGRESSIVE Students
dries. All bundles done separately. Real Wilk Hosiery Mills have open-
No markings. Silks, wools our ings for two on local customer con-
specialty, tact v .* See Mr. Boyd, Room 304,
Michi an Union, 9-12 today. 344

fl !



1I _. _ _ - -- __ ,. _ _- - .__..


East University at Oakland. Dial 3779
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Associate Director
Sunday, Open house all day.
4:15 p. m. Thursday, Elementary Hebrew
3:30 p.m. Friday, Advanced Hebrew Class.
8:00 p.m. Friday, Services. Sermon by Dr.
Bernard Heller.

Corner State and Huron Streets
Rev. Harold Pe Marley, Minister.
An Open Door for the Open Minded.
11:00 a. m. Service. Topic: "Manifesto to
7:30 p.m. Student meeting. Speaker : Don
Siegel. Topic: "Football and other Con-
9:00 p. m. Coffee hour.

i +

409 South Division Street
10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the
age of 20 years
7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening 'Testimony
Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East
Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

rtlet Rbertso



-Boston Transcript

The friendly little church around
Fountain Street at Miller Avenue
Rev. Emil A. Shetler, Pastor




a. m. Sunday School.
a. m. Divine Worship. Sermon: "Why

8:30 P.M.

the Church?"
7:00 p. m. Praise and testimony.
7:45 p.m. Congregational singing.
8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Sermon.
7:30 p.m. Thursday Prayer meeting and
Bible study at the Church.

in Hill Auditorium
Taking the place of Budapest Chorus-

Please use Coupon No.


Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 7840
9 a.m Church School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon topic:

I lifi

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