I WeBather Considerable cloudiness today; mueh, colder tomorrow. A 44 )t VOL. XLIX. No. 86 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1939 Move To Oust Hitler Removes Him Adolf Hitler 'Frolic Heads Lst Fellers, This Ain't Martin' Begun Reorganizes AreSelected TEMPE, Ariz Jan. 20--The ArTMPE izna ri JB. F-(h-T" j H ectic Fia .u u~ Arizona State Teachers College cam- Exe u ve c s apylresfimen pus quieted down today after three uproarious days of wholesale hair cut- Of Auto Union Schacht Is Discharged As William Comstock And expulsion. yOiDea iO Finances Are Put Under Jack Grady Will Be Gangs of yelling students, armed with shears and clippers, roamed the Board Charges President Rigid Control Of Nazis Chairmen Of Affair campus, seizing classmates and for- Kil UAW cibly snipping their hair, On The Way Down IMich9 pr T Walther Funk Is Close Vote Marks Approximately 150 men students Tie 'Dual Body Is Possible were victims of the hair cutting spree. DaBdsoilPlaced At Head Frida It began Monday after several stu- Afte -".. .e .. I _ ^5..l:.infiPt l A n ra fy r -~nn...f _ bf Editorial 'Chamberlain Offensive'.. PRICE FIVE CENTS Take i Race ck Meet gan And Ohio State With 42.42 Score r Nine Wild Events YS' ; t A' Both Factions Plan To Hold Convention DETROIT, Jan. 20 -(R)- Anti- Martin majority members of the United Automobile Workers' Execu- tive Board, retaliating after their sus- pension by President Homer Martin, voted unanimously tonight to im- peach the president of the big CIO union. The Board preferred eight charges against Martin, who locked the inter- national union's headquarters here this morning, removed records to his hotel and announced he had suspend- ed 5 members of the board who have opposed him. Those 15 and two other board mem- bers not disciplined by Martin joined in the unanimous .vote to bring the union president to trial with a view to removing him from office. Charge Conspiracy The principal charges the board lodged against the former clergyman who heads the big auto union were that he had "conspired" with high figures in the automotive industry to "disrupt" the union. Martin, in announcing suspension of his opponents, set up his own ex- ecutive board; the anti-Martin board which had curtailed his powers dur- ing the past ten days fought back. Each group claimed to be the con- stituted authority in the union and planned rival conventions to elect officers. Compicity With Ford ? One indictment by the board against Martin said he had conspired with representatives of the Ford Motor Co"to create a secession move- ment within the union with the view to destroyin the union and building u al org i ation anong the auto workers." Another accused the UAW presi- dent of "conspiring with known and notorious enemies of the UAW and the CIO and the labor movementin general with the view of its affect- ing the 'membership of the United Automobile Workers, disrupting the' union and creating an organization of auto workers functioning in opposi- tion to the UAW and dominated by the automobile industrialists." Ar Cinema Brings \Revival Of 'Gxreed' Here Tomorrow "Greed" starring Jean Hersholt and Zazu Pitts, the first picture in part two of the Art Cinema Series, will be shown at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Eric Von Stroheim, in a.desire to present' realistic material on the screen adapted, Frank Norris' novel "McTeagU'e" for this movie. The theme of the story isthe demoraliz- ing and dehumanizing effect of money. Because of the vividness with which the film is done, it was attacked as! bein'g unwholesome and was extreme- ly unpopular both in this country and abroad. As a relatively new; movie method, however, it caused HJALMAR SCHACHT Ke Towns Fall' To Insurgents Outside Capital Only Three Main Defense Points Now Separate Franco From His Goal HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier), Jan. 20-AP)-Spanish Insurgents announced in quick suc- cession tonight the capture of Igual- ada and Vendrell, two towns of high military importance to the Barcelona defense lines in eastern Spain. Igualada was one of four main keys to the government defense and Ven- dre~l a government outpost and con- trol point for coastal highway traf- fic leading to Villanueva and( Villa Franca. Thefall of Vendrell, 32 miles south- west of Barcelona near the Mediter- ranean coast, was reported shortly after the Insurgents announced an-, other force had taken Igualada, little industrial center of 10,000. Igualada is 28 miles northwest of Barcelona and the first of four main keys to the Government's inystery. line' of defenses. Its capture cuts the Government's main north and south line of communication, which ran just behind the full length of Govern- ment fortifications. Other main defense points are Manresa, northwest of the Capital; Villanueva, on the Mediterranean coast, and Villa Franca, between Vil- lanueva and Igualada. Insurgent military headquarters said the fall of Igualada placed Gov- ernment forces at Villa Franca and Vendrell in desperate positions. Villa Franca is a main communica- tion center for the southern sector of the Government defense line while Vendrell is a Government advance post for -the line. Insurgent reports received at Leri- da, behind the Insurgent line, said another force of Generalissimo Fran- cisco Franco's troops captured the village of La Llacuna, 15 miles duej south of Igualada, and pushed to within 26 miles of Barcelona. J.B. Condliffe TalksMoiday Professor Will Discuss World Organization BERLIN, Jan. 20.-(P)-Adolf Hit- ler dropped his orthodox financial pi- lot, Hialmar Horace Greeley Schacht, from the presidency of the Reichs-: bank today and gave the post to Ec- onomics Minister Walther Funk to bring the powerful financial institu- tion under full Nazi control. The startling dismissal was seen in informed quarters as a fordrunner of five broad developments in German economy: 1! Acceleration of credit i"flation to finance Nazi rearmament and gigan- tic building programs under 48-year-] old Funk, a long-time Nazi. Schacht, who is 61, opposed this course. ] 2. Crossing off the United States as a possible source of raw materials for Germany. No Bearing On Trade (In Washington, Departznent of Commerce experts said the change from Schaht ,to Funk had no real] bearing on German-American trade and they predicted that Germany would continue to buy certain neces- sities because the Balkans could not supply them. One high official never- theless saw Funk's appointment as a slap. at the United States. Of- ficals who recently made a survey of the German situation said Funk was noted for his animosity toward the] United States, in contrast to Schacht's friendliness). 3. Intensification of Germany's ec-1 onomic drive through the Balkans toward the Near East and in South America.y Debt Collection Difficult 4. Increased difficulties for Ameri- can and other holders of German bonds in salvaging some of the money leiit 'eriany before the Nazis came to power Jan. 30, 1933.] 5. An. end for the t'ime being, at least, to hopes of several hundred thousand Jews that they would be able to emigrate with aid of the In- tergovernmental Refugee Committee. Negotiations which George Rublee American executive director of the committee, had been conducting with Schacht broke down quickly after the Reichsbank President's dismissal when official notification was made that the conversations would not be continued. Families Prey - Of Insecurity, Haber Claims Economic insecurity, bringing with it fear, unemployment and poverty is pounding at the foundations of the1 American family and is periling the liberties and institutions of democ- racy, Prof. William Haber of the ec- onomics department declared in an address delivered last night before the Great I,,akes Regional Conference of the Family Welfare Association of America in Detroit. Unemployment is the most serious problem today, Professor Haber as- serted, and when the American people have found a solution to that question they will have established the best possible defense for protecting our "Bill of Rights." 4 "But the solution which we must find for unemployment will have to be more constructive than the mere building of armaments," he warned. "The basis of economic security in the present day can be found only in the continuous functioning of the ec- onomic system," Professor Haber con- tinued. "This situation can func- tion only so long as there are jobs. When unemployment comes the fam- ily 'takes it on the chin.' Whether the individual suffers or not, the family always does." He praised the Social Security act as a "consfructive step that has been taken to protect the men, women, and (Continued on Page 2) Columbia May Broadcast J-Hop On National Chain 1 .ro- -r mnn - .e a n .rn ,rP +. Close ballotting in all divisions fea- tured the election of eight Frosh Frolic committee chairmen yesterday as 338 literary and engineering fresh- men went to the polls in the last class vote of the year. William Comstock and Jack Grady, who tied with 96 votes each to lead the literary college voting, were named co-chairmen of the affair, which will be held in the spring. The third delegate elected to the commit- ee is Richard Scherlfng, who received 82 votes. Other men on the literary college ballot were:' Robert Alpern, Robert Besser, William Caruthers. Lawrence Gluck, Thomas Goodkind, John Hoglund, David Meier, John Rookus,dGerald Rosensweig and Rob- ert Shedd. Thom And Farriss Win Margot Thom and Betty Farriss, with 81 and 80 votes i'espectively, nar- rowly defeated Frances Aaronson and Agnes Crow to win the other two jobs from the literary college. Miss Aar-' onson and Miss Crow were tied with 79 votes each. Other women candi- dates were Carolyn Denfield, Ruth Parsons and Ann Withers. Norman Taylor led the field of{ eight in the engineering college with 37 votes. Robert Hotchkiss and Har- old Wood, second, and third with 30,1 and 23 votes, respectively, complete the committee. Wood was victorious over Ted Kennedy by a single vote margin. Other candidates were George Gotschall, Robert Imboaen, James Martin and Wesley Swift. Use Voting Machines Voting by machine in the literary college was conducted from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 231 Angell Hall, while engineers voted by ballot from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the lobby of the Engineer- ing Arch. Fred Luebke, '39E, presi- dent of Men's Council and Ted Spang- ler, '40, of the Union, directed the elections. Drama Forum MeetsToday State High School Students To Discuss Problems Students and dramatic directors from more than 500 high schools in the State will discuss various phases of dramatic work in a forum begin- ning at 10 a.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The forum is being sponsored by the Michigan High School Forensic Association. Prof. William P. Halstead of the speech department is in charge of the program which will deal with stage- craft and design, make-up and cos- tuming, direction and organization and radio drama. Discussion lead- ers will include Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of University broadcasting; Robert Mellencamp, art director of Play Production; and James V. Ioll, art direk'tor of the Federal Theatre Project in Detroit. cen s, apparently prematurely attect- ed by approaching Spring, had their hair cut short. Jibes of classmates aroused themh and roving squadrons of amateur barbers went into action. College authorities were swamped with letters and telegrams from pro- testing parents of the victims. Varsity Quintet To Meet Iowa Tearn Tonight Cellar Awaits Wolverines If They Lose; Stephens Paces Hawkeye's Attack "Blazing Ben" Stephens, the Big Ten's number one scoring threat, leads his resurgent Iowa teammates against a down-trodden Michigan quintet tonight at Iowa City in a" battle which may be the turning point in the Conference race for either team. The Hawkeyes, victors over Pur-, due and Chicago last weekend, are eager to convince the home-town fans that their impressive performance was no fluke by winning tonight and thereby moving a notch higher in the+ title chase. Reports from the tell corn country indicate that the local optimism is not as high as thestalks however. That's because they know what has happened to the Wolverines -and' that they are liable to bounce back with a vengeance one of these nights. And as they put it, "it might be to- night." Certainly the stage is set. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's boys scored six straight victories in their pre-season, warfare and were riding the crest of the wave but then the wave broke. The injury jinx hit the team, at the same time, the Wolverine sharpshoot- ers lost their touch and as a result the squad has lost four out of the last five cotnests. So tonight it's either win or fall (Continued on Page 3) treasure's Committee To Meet At Union Today The legislative committee of the Michigan Association of County Treasurers will meet with State Au- ditor Vernon J. Brown at 10 a.m. to- day in the Union to discuss charges that the State is attempting to gain control of land in northern Michi- gan. A proposal which would require county treasurers to keep transcripts of all tax delinquent lands was sub- mitted yesterday by Auditor Brown to the legislative committee of the Michigan Association of County Treasurers. -aily Photo by Sheeline Al Patnick, one of the nation's finest divers, displays the tech- nique which earned him another first place in the Michigan-Ohio State swimming meet here last night. Ire's from O.S.U. Hockey Teanm Plays Gophers AgainiTonight Stodden Replaces Captain Hillberg At Defense Post. In Contest At Coliseum By NEWELL McCABE Once again the Wolverine hockey sextet will have a chance to show the, local fans, on home ice, that they can match the Golden Gophers of Minne- sota shot for shot and blow for blow' when they tangle with John Mariucci and the other Minnesota stars tonight in the second of their two game series. Last Thursday night a Gopher tidal wave hit Coach Eddie Lowrey's squad and did not recede until six goals had been pushed past "Spike" James, who turned in a brilliant per- formance, but received no support from the Michigan defense men. Gopher Defense Powerful Although this year's Minnesota's hockey team is not as powerful as the previous squads they have sent to the Coliseum, it is the Gopher defensive play which kept the Wolverines score- less in their first Big Ten battle with Minnesota. In the course of the whole game Michigan's forward wall was able to send only a few powerful shots into Big Marty Falk who guarded the visit- ors' net. Should the formerly high scoring combination of Cooke, Doran, and Chadwick get through Mariucci and Cramp in the back posts they would .have little difficulty in slip- ping the puck through Falk. Over-anxiousness Hurts Several times in Thursday's game Cooke had open shots at Falk but overanxiousness caused them to be mere flukes which could be turned away by any average goalie. On the other hand "Spike" James made some saves which will be hard to match by (Continued on Page 3) Political Enemies To BackHopkins WASHINGTON, Jan. 20-UP)-Two Democratic Senators, whom New Deal forces attempted to unseat in last year's elections, told the Senate to- day they would vote for the confirma- tion of Harry Hopkins as Secretary of Commerce-and added a scathing indictment of politics in WPA while Hopkins headed that agency. Senator Tlydings of Maryland whom President Roosevelt tried per- sonally to defeat, said he would not be "vindictive." It was not Hopkin. who opposed him, he said, "but a higher authority." Senator Gillette also said he would vote for Hopkins Senators Holt (Dem-W. Va.) and Bridges (Rep-N.H.) made speeches hi~.rl ritir lof nnin Three Pool Marks Fall InOnslaught By MEL FINEBERUx Three touches in three different events spelled the difference be- tween victory, defeat and a tie last night at the Intramural Building pool where Ohio State University and Michigan fought their way through nine hectic events to a 42-42 dead- lock, and broke three pool records and three Big Ten marks in the pro- cess. The climax to the stirring finishes came in the 400-yard free-style re- lay. With Michigan needing a, vic- tory to tie, and with the Buckeyes mustering comparatively fresh men, Bud Benjamin, '39, Daily sports editor, won himself a place in the top-rank of crystal ball artists yesterday. Speaking from Morris Hall on the "Michigan F;anFare" ro-- gram over WMBC before last night's swimming meet, Benjamin prognosticated: "The most likely outcome is a tie." And he's got the script to prove the Wolverine quartet had to better the Big Ten mark of 3:35.6 to nose out the invaders by a isp of hair. The final event wag in doubt all the way. Bill Beebe, led off for the Wolverines and was down about four feet to Johnny Hartline. But then sensational Charley Barker, after having won the 50-yard free-style and taking second in the back strok, was even at the half-waym.a handed Dave Holmes a three-quar- tern of a length lead. By the time Holmes hit the first turn he had increased the Wolverine lead to a length over the Buckeye captain, Bob Johnson. The lead was slowly whittled down by the Ohio leader but Dave was still ahead by two feet at the end of 300-yards. Ed Hutchens, with a tremendous first lap, was a length in front of Billy Quayle but no one expected him to withstand the tremendous last 50- yard kick of the Buckeye ace. Quayle was even at the three-quarter mark and looked like the end of Wolverine hopes, But Hutchens, with a powerful drive, held off Quayle for the last lap in a photo finish. The meet (Continued on Page 3) IScarlett; Selected By Detroit Students, Is Searching Rhett The University of Detroit's student newspaper, Vasity News, announced last week that a committee to pick a student cast for "Gone With The Wind" had chosen Nancy Scallen, freshman co-ed and daughter of one of Detroit's judges, for the role of Scarlett O'Hara. The committee ran into difficulties Incasting the role of Rhett Butler, however, and admitted themselves "chagrined and at a com- plete loss to discover suitable talent" at the University, although more than 3,000 men- are enrolled there. SMichigan extended its helping hand yesterday when another committee, formed by students interested in pro- moting better relations between the two schools and getting a better grade of class B movies, announced they would choose a Rhett Butler from I Michigan. The committee created by I the Varsity News to help Hollywood out of all casting difficulties whether they want it or not is apparently un- daunted by the fact that both roles i have been filled and the casting near- ly completed. In fact enthusiasm ran high, in- deed, when a photograph of U of D's Nancy Scallen, now better known as "Scarlett O'Scallen," arrived. Said Max Hodge, editor of the Gargoyle, as he looked at the pretty co-ed's picture, "I'd rather be Rhett than president." Stalker Elected Officer Of Aeronautical Institute i much favorable comment among film Prof. John Bell Condliffe. Univer- critics and theorists. sity Professor of Commerce at the Tickets for the series can be ob- London School of Economics, will de- tained at Wahr's book store, the liver a University lecture on "The Michigan League, and the Union. Breakdown in World Organization" Other pictures to be shown as ex- at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the +Gradu- amples of comedy, the musical talkie ate School Auditorium. and the gangster film, are "The Love Professor Condliffe, a visiting mem- Parade" with Maurice Chevalier and ! ber of the University economics fac- Jeanette MacDonald, "Little Caesar" ulty in the year 1931-1932, was from with Edward G. Robinson, and a se- 1926 to 1931 research secretary for ries of Buster Keaton comedies. the Institute of Pacific Relations. Fol- lowing his year of teaching here, Pro- et ' 'fessor Condliffe joined the intelli- gence service of the League of Na- In UIo To a tions, where he had charge of the 1In Un Todayannual World Economic Survey. He became connected with the London V. F. Calverton, noted author and School of Economics in 1936. historian, will address two student -----....-_ meetings at the Michigan Union to- j i r day. Piasts 1o Play "The Modern Novel and Social , - Varsity Band Will Introduce New Michigan March Tomorrow "Michigan On Parade," a new Michigan march to be presented for the first time at the Varsity Band concert at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, was written by Karl L. King, president of the American As- socation of Bandmasters. King has composed a great major-I ity of the marches used by Big Ten schools, and is considered one of the most proficient baritone horn artists in the country. He wrote "Michigan On Parade" in 24 hours, without a stop, on his 21st birthday. The inclusions of his march on the program is p-articularly significant in that the principal soloist of the afternoon will be Donald 1.", Marrs, Grad., also a baritone horn artist. William D. Revelli, director of the band, and a close friend of King, be- lieves that Marrs is unequalled among young musicians today. "Michigan On Parade" has never been played before an audience, andj the presentation tomorrow will serve! Change" will be the subject of an address by him to be delivered at 3 p.m. He will also speak before a luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. Mr. Calverton, editor of "Modern, Monthly" magazine, and a book critic for "Current History" magazine, is "n n 'r, hi '.r Ieinalrno l nyn of nIa u or r'wXI u.on1cer * i Bartlett and Robertson, well-known British piano team, will appear here Wednesday in the seventh Choral Union concert. They have been en- gaged to replace the Budapest Univer- KARL L. KING R,nhcrt Pii _Q l'39 rs Ain f the