TRE- MiCHIAN D AiLY FRIDAY, JAN. U Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited, in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mail, $4.50.. REPRESENTED FOR NATONAL. AOVERTISING 6Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO ' BosTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor . Editorial Director, City Editor d Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Womens Editor Sports Editor . Editors . Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. May1o * Horace W. Gilmnore Robert .3Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman * . Robert Perlman Earl Gilman William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman * . .Joseph Gies . . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin You of NOTES and FOOTNOTES By Sec Terry REGARDLESS of your own reactions in the matter, be they delight or dismay, we feel impelled to report that Junior, whose incorrigibly frivolous mentality led him 'o insert a cryptic playlet in this column while we grappled with the grippe,,has been thoroughly chastised and told he'll have to practice elsewhere hereafter. Junior suffers from a neurosis induced by an unending flow of rejection slips, and his latest outburst followed his failure to interest the pulps in a blood-and-thunder conception of dictators on a dude ranch. When last seen, for instance, he was reading Edgar Guest; after all, a man has to do something to fortify himself against life's little rebuffs, and Junior doesn't drink. FROM the weather box in Tuesday's Daily: "Cloudy today; snow Wednesday fol- lowed by Thursday." Which, until further notice, is how things stand. DEAR SEC TERRY: The University by stirring the dust of records adds a score of years to its age, adds a good joke to the beginning of a rather prosaic history, and finds itself obliged to change the dates on all its seals. This tendency to appropriate a segment of the past is catching. I notice that Hopwood Room is trying to claim Forman Brown. Brown, when here, was a member of Dodoes, a small group driven by irresistible dramatic urge to make and produce plays in an old barn on the west side. When I say barn I do not mean the windy barracks on the west side of the Union but an actual barn full of the aroma of hay, cobwebs, and agricultural nitrates. At that time there was no Hopwood Room. Angell Hall was a hole with a steam-shovel in it and Avery was still earning the money whose generous disbursef ment perpetuates his name on this campus. Anl yet the Hopwood group reaches out after Dodoes as Michigan reached out after and captured Catholepistemiad. It is true that the genial director of the Hop- wood Room was here and, although I never saw him in action, I believe that the editorial boards of various ancestors of Perspectives used to sit around his fire and maintain it by throwing in poems. It is, of course, possible that Forman Brown was a member of some such group. If he was, it follows that he was somewhat tenuously but indubitably connected with our present hive of creative enthusiasts. Clio Nietitans IN THE Daily's story of the Michigan- Wisconsin basketball game Monday night: It went 32 all, 34, 36 and finallyy 28 but there the bubble burst . ." As it well might. Suggested topic for research: When Angell Hall had its face lifted last sum mer why didn't the workmen erase a couple of X's from the MDCCCXXXVII? An economist is a fellow who knows every- thing about money except how to make some. TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- 4 , WASHINGTON, Jan. 19-What is the yard- stick by which the fairness or unfairness of a federal commission or board may be determined? Is it the number of times the federal courts affirm or reverse decisions of the board in question, or is it to be what the individual members of the Senate think when a board member comes up for reappointment? Rarely has a law been tested in the courts as many times or in such a short space of time as the Wagner Labor Relations Act. In the three and a half years since it was passed, there have been 78 cases arising, apart from the customary injunction proceedings. The score of the Labor Board in cases that have come to the Supreme Court of the United States is 17 to 2 in the Board's favor. As for cases not acted upon yet by the Supreme Court and still in the circuit courts of appeals, the score is 33 to 13; that is, the Board's decisions have been ordered enforced in full in 33 cases and enforcement has been de- nied in 13 instances. Much critcism has been leveled against the Labor Board on the ground that it, is arbitrary in its decisions, or that it reveals bias. What the opponents of the Wagner Act in Congress have been striving to do lately is to fix the blame for this on the members of the Board instead of on the Congress itself which wrote the law that now comes under fire. The Wagner Act was written from the viewpoint of labor unions, and the Labor Board merely takes what Congress gives it. Strict enforcement of the Wagner Act can hardly, therefore, fail, to reflect the bias which Congress itself wrote into the statute, but this is not the fault of the board members. They did not write the law, but are called upon merely to enforce it. This Congress is likely to take up the question of amending the Wagner Act, but su'rounding the discussion of revision is an unfortunate contro- versy that has arisen over the confirmation by the Senate of Donald Wakefield Smith, who was given a recess appointment for a second term by President Roosevelt, but whose nomination has not yet been sent to the Senate. There is another Smith on the board-Edwin S. Smith-and the story is going the rounds that the A.F. of L., in its original protest to Mr. Roose- velt against the reappointment of Donald Wake- field Smith, really meant Edwin Smith. The right of the A.F. of L. or the Chamber of Com- merce, or any other organization representing parties that come before a Federal board, to challenge a reappointment is technically okeh, but the propriety of interested organizations seeking to punish members of a Federal board for their decisions by blocking confirmation is something else again. Certainly, in nearly all the cases, Donald Wakefield Smith has ruled as has the Labor Board itself, so that a vote to unseat him is a vote against the decisions of the Federal Courts which have sustained his views, unless, of course, the fight on confirmation should re- volve around the question of personal qualifica- tions, which thus far has not been made an issue in the contest. The opponents have indicated they do not like the Labor Board decisions, and, if the President yields to the pressure, he may find the incident rising to plague him. Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Segelman Advertising Manager . WilliamL. Newnan Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON L. LINDER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Face-Lifting Of The Court . . THERE IS a singular fitness about the appointment of Felix Frankfurter to fill the place of Justice Cardozo on the Supreme Court. For the seat which the 'new justice will occupy was inherited by Cardozo from Oliver Wendell Holmes, generally considered the greatest liberal crusader ever to sit on the court, whose career has been the subject of Professor Frankfurter's scholarship and in whose footsteps he will undoubtedly strive to follow. The transformation the Supreme Court has undergone during the past 17 months is un- dobtedly one,, of the most significant changes which has resulted from the administration of President Roosevelt. Many observers are con- vinced that before ever a Roosevelt appointee sat on the court the complexion of decisions emerging from the high chamber altered percept- ibly, a fact for which critcism growing out of the unsuccessful fight to enlarge the court has been credited. But the appointments President Roose- velt has made will undoubtedly have a far broad- er and more sustained effect on the court's phil- osophy than pressure of opinion. In the pre-court fight days, the composition of the tribunal,.it will be recalled, ran as follows, reading from left ,to right: Brandeis, Cordozo, Stone, Hughes, Roberts, Sutherland, VanDevan- ter, MoReynolds and Butler. The first three named being liberal and the last five conserva- tive, with Chief Justice Hughes in the middle. The new court will probably line up as follows: Black, Reed, Frankfurter, Brandeis and Stone on the liberal wing. McReynolds and Butler on the right, and Hughes and Roberts in the center. The latter two justices have been frequently difficult to classify; while the majority of the other members of the court were conservative they were inclined to follow suit; now that the rest of the court is preponderantly liberal, they are likely to turn more or less in the new direc- tion. Criticism of the President's appointments has been in each case extremely mild. The bitter attacks on Justice Black for his one-time mem- bership in the Ku Klux Klan, it will be recalled, were not launched until after his confirmation by an easy margin in the Senate. When the Klan story did come out, the President's political enemies were quick to make capital of it, but the Justice himself has effectively cut the ground from under the feet of his derogators by his liberal opinions on cases involving Negro rights, which have dispelled any justifiable fears that racial prejudice might find a defender in the politician from Alabama. The most notable thing about the appoint- ments is the tacit negation they represent of the legend of judicial impartiality. At the time of the court fight it was freely asserted that the President intended to pack the court with his own creatures, who would hand down decisions in accordance with his wishes instead of with the words of the Constitution. It is now more generally accepted that the Constitution can be interpreted in various ways, and that personal philosophy has a great deal of weight in judicial opinions. As long as the President's opponents music By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Viva Gigl! We went to Hill Auditorium last night to scoff. and we remained to cheer. We had heard that Beniamino Gigli, Caruso's popular successor at the Metropolitan and returned to this country after a six-year absence, was one of the musical "beautiful but dumb," a siren with a silken voice, bringing fine music to destruc- tion upon the shoals of woppishly dis- torted interpretations. Well, if any living tenor has the voice of a siren, it must be Gigli. Full and resonant in its spacious lower register, clear and bell-like and unstrained at its top, absolutely even in quality throughout, his instrument is tantalizingly silky in mezzo and brilliant without being too loud or strident when unleashed to its full extent. What is equally im- portant, it is used with perfect tech- nical control and a purity of intona- tion well-nigh unheard of among operatic tenors. True, Signor Gigli is amply pos- sessed of those little habits beloved of tenors, particularly those with the blood of the south in their veins. He pounces upon and obstinately clings to every unsuspecting high note; he portamentos consistently from one tone to another; he holds final tones just a little longer than you think he possibly can; when emotion rises within his capacious chest a melodra- matic sob creeps into his voice and even an occasional grunt adds to the drama ofthe moment; steadiness of tempo and of tone also give way un- der emotionaltstress. In short, he has the operatic tenor's traditional disregard for the purely musical beau- ty of melodic line and for the subtler inflections of musical poetry. And yet, we remained to cheer. For the most excellent reason that whereas most tenors forsake the straight and narrow with nothing to redeem them from a ridiculous and inane perdition, Gigli does so and still attains salvation by the sheer glory of his voice and the passionate sin- cerity of his Italianate lyricism, which flows through all he does, be it Cesti, Puccini, Mendelssohn, Grieg, or Rach- maninoff. Gigli's limits are no widerT than his voice and its golden stream, but within those limits he is supreme. The program, important as a vehicle rather than for its own signi- ficance, ranged from "Intorno all'idol mio" out of Cesti's early seventeenth century opera Orontea to the slightly unappropos "Primavera" of Mendels- sohn and Neapolitan folksongs. All the leading tenor arias, from Rigolet- to, L'Africana, Pagliacci, Boheme, and Martha among others, were in evi- dence, and one of the peaks of the evening was the now too familiar "Martha, Martha" sung as it should be instead of being swung. Composers represented in addition to those al- ready mentioned were Pergolesi, Cac- cini, Hahn, Lalo, Mascagni, Brahms (the Lullaby in place of the scheduled Schubert Serenade). Denza, Buzzi- Peccia, and others in the encores too numerous to record. Rainaldo Zam-, boni's accompaniments might have been rather more sympathetic in quality with the soft-silky-smooth- ness of the Gigli voice. Mexico Again The Government of Mexico has ex- pelled from that country on twenty- four hours' notice the correspondent of The New York Times in Mexico City, Frank L. Kluckhohn. Only one inference can be drawn. Mr. Kluck- hohn has been forced to leave Mexi- co because of the very considerations which have made him valuable as a correspondent of this newspaper- namely, his independence, his enter- prise and his efficient reporting of the news. Mr. Kluckhohn has been a member of the staff of The Times since 1929 and its correspondent in Mexico City for the last two years. During these two years the news from Mexico has turned largely upon such matters as the expropriation of land owned in Mexico by American citizens, the seizure without compensation of for- eign-owned oil fields and the increas- ingly close cooperation in various fields between Mexico and fascist states of Europe. Mr. Kluckhohn has written about these matters, all of which have been a cause of concern to our own Government;with the in- sight and the promptness and the objectivity of the good reporter. The accuracy of his news has been demon- strated to the satisfaction of this newspaper in two ways: first, by the corroboration which events themselves have given to trends and develop- ments first reported in his dispatches and frequently denied in official quar- ters until it became necessary to ad- mit their truth; second, by an investi- gation made on the spot in Mexico City by an assistant managing edi- tor who went there for the purpose of sifting such criticism as had been directed against these dispatches. Hel found that Mr. Kluckhohn's honesty was unquestioned even by his sharp- , -cf.riit int reMeican Goern- terested in boarding at the Girls' Co- operative House, 517 E. Ann St.. for the coming semester, should call 2- 2218 between 6 and 7 p.m. All appli- cations must be made by Jan. 24. German Departmental Library: All books are due. :Academic Not ices Spanish 165, Grammar for Teach-1 ers, will be offered the second semes-, ter by Professor J. N. Lincoln Mon- day; Wednesday and Friday at 11 o'clock in Room 307, R.L.- Latin 42, designed especially for professional students in medicine and the sciences, may be elected without the usual prerequisite as announced in the catalog. The content of thet course wlil conform to that of Latin 41. Medieval Latin 136 may be electedt without the usual prerequisite as an-1 nounced in the catalog. The contentI of the course will conform to thatt of Latin 135. Scientific German A course, Ger- man 36, "Scientific German" will bet offered in the second semester. It is designed for and open only to stu- dents who are concentrating or pre- paring to concentrate in one of the natural sciences., Prerequisites: Courses German 1 and 2 in the University (or euiva- lent in high school), and German 31 or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 UH. Nord-t meyer. Four hours credit.- Medical German. Course 86 in# charge of Dr. Striedieck will be of- fered in the second semester as an- nounced. MTThF, 11. 306 UH. t All Students: Registration for sec- ond semester. Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, College of Architecture. Students should, call for second semester material at Room 4 University Hall at once. The Col- lege of Architecture will post an an- nouncement in the near future giving1 time of conference with your classi- fier Please wait for this notice 'e-I fore seeing your classifier. Robert L. Williams,s Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, Colleges of L.S.&.A., Education, Music. Stu- dents should call for second semes- ter registration material at Room 4,z University Hall as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures.' Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Exhibitions Two Exhibits: Paintings by Sarkiss Sarkisian, and prints from the col- lection of the Detroit Institute of' Arts, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to 25, afternoons from 2 to 5; North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. Textile Exhibition, College of Ar- chitecture: A showing of modern textiles consisting of rugs, hangings, bedspreads and pillow cases, de- signed by Marianne Strengell, pow on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca- demy of Art, is on display in the ground floor cases of the Architec- ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, ex- ept Sunday, through Jan. 25. The public is invited. Exhibition of Chinese Photography: Exhibition of Chinese photographic studies by Cheng Chao-Min will be presented in the Galleries of the Rackham Building from Monday, Jan. 16, to Saturday. Jan. 21. This showing is sponsored by the Inter- national Center and is the last in a series presented for this semester. Exhbition of Chinese Amateur Pho- tograhy: Because of the interest in the exhibition of Chinese photog- raphy which it is sponsoring in the Rackham Galleries, the International Center has arranged to continue the exhibition through next week; it will close Saturday, Jan. 28. The display rooms are open all day and in the evening, except on Sunday. Mr. Cheng will be present most of the time to comment on his work. Lectures University Lecture: John B. Cond- liffe University Professor of Com- merce at the London School of Ec- onomics, will lecture on "The Break- down of World Organization" on Monday, Jan. 23, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall under the au- spices of the Department of Ec- onomics. The public is cordially in- vited. (Continued from Page 2) cialist particularly valuable, All in-. terested are welcomed. Events Today Economics Club: The next meet- ing will be held tonight at 7:45 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Graduate Building. The speaker is Dr. J. B. Condliffe, University Profes- sor of Commerce, London School of Economics, and the subject: "Trends in World Trade." University Girls' Glee Club: Re hearsal today at 3 p.m. in Hill Audi. torium. Attendance is compulsory. Please be prompt. University Choir: The University Choir will rehearse at Lane Hall, seven o'clock this evening, for the last time this semester. All students are welcome who are interested in sing- ing the old religious music just for the pleasure of singing it. Perspectives: There will be a meet- ing of the entire staff (all membes of both the editorial board and the lower staff) today, at 5 p.m. at the Publications Building. It is impor- tant that everyone be on time. Central Committee for 1939 Junior Girls Play will meet at 4:30 p.m. to- day. Stalker Hall: Class tonight in "Through the New Testament" at 7:30 p.m. at the 'First Methodist Church. Dr. Brashares will be the leader. The Disciples Guild will hold open house at the Guild House, 438 May- nard St., from 8 to 11 p.m., this "ee- ning. Disciple students and their friends are cordially invited. Friday Services at Hillel Founda- tion tonight at 8 p.m. Dr. Heller will speak. Social hour will follow serv- ices. Class in advanced Hebrew will meet in aftes'rn at 3:30 p.m. Open House all day in Hillel Foun- dation. Recorcings, games, library. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Members: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interested in speaking German are cordially in- vited. Professor Hans Pick will con- tinue his talk (with records) on "Ab- solute Musik und Programm Musik." La Sociedad Hispanica will pose for its Michiganensian picture at the Spedding Studio, 619 East Liberty St. on Sunday, Jan. 22 at 10 aim. All members are urged to be on time. Sigma Xi: The third chapter meet- ing of the year will be held Monday, Jan. 23 at 8 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the University Hospital, second floor rear. Dr. Franklin Johnston will speak on "The Electrocardiogram in Diagnosis of Heart Ailments." Druids supper meeting at the Union, Sunday, Jan. 22, at 5:45. Student Book-Exchange: The fol- lowing students have been selected for work: Madeline Krieghoff Harriet Pomeroy Jean Holland Janet Fullenwider Norma Curtis Barbara Griffin Jean Ramsay Jane Hart Louise Garden Mary Ellen MacCready Wilma Cope Ella Carle Nancy Mikelson Robert Ulrich Jim Palmer Tom Adams Marvin Reider Don Counihan Paul Beard Marshall B'own John Spenser Harvey Sparks Herman Erke Howard Egert Jerry Cowan Harold Voeglin Herman Rackoff David Panar Larry Gubow There will be a meeting of all Book- Exchange workers Monday, Jan. 23, at 4 p.m. in Room 302 of the Michi- gan Union. The Graduate Outing Club will meet Saturday, Jan. 21 t 7:30 p.m. at the Rackham Building and will go in a group to the Intermural Building for Indoor sports and swimming. Sunday they will meet at the Club room at 2:30 p.m. and from there will go to the Saline Valley Farms for skating and taboggoning outdoors and games and dancing indoors. They will return to Ann Arbor after supper. All graduate stigdents are invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the Vniversity. Copy received at the office af the Assistant to the Preses tm until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Political News In Michigan Campaign Dismissed In Last Of Press Articles (Editor's Note: This ist he last in a series of articles on the press. This third installment considers the quality and nature of political news and advertising during the 1938 campaign in Michigan. Edward Magdol, '39, has collaborated with the writer in the preparation of this series.) By ROBERT PERLMAN 'Propaganda is like a cancerous disease when it infects the news columns of weekly and daily papers. In all its forms-suppression, distortion, editorialization-propaganda in news bodes ill for the health of a democracy. This is particularly true in the critical period before an election. For example, a dangerous type of misrepresen- tation in an election campaign consists of politi- cal advertising masquerading as legitimate news. The reader is caught off his guard and often is taken in, because he had dropped the skeptical attitude he would have if he knew he were reading paid publicity. Michigan once sought to remove this insidious practice when it passed a statute, still on the books, that states: "No publisher of a newspaper or other periodi- cal shall insert, either in its adver' ing or read- ing columns, any paid matter which is designed or tends to aid, injure or defeat any candidate or political party or organization, or measure before the people, unless it is stated therein that it is an advertisement." To call the statute a dead letter is understate- ment. Literally hundreds of advertisements were inserted in Michigan weekly papers last October and November without any indication, let alone statement, that the copy was advertising and not news or feature matter. A very pliable springboard for propaganda is the headline, which can be twisted to deliberately misrepresent a fact or to emphasize a relatively unimportant part of an article's content. An ex- ample of a headline, that might also be called wishful thinking, was the heavy type line in a Democratic paper over the story on Fitzgerald's Flint speech: "G.O.P. Candidates Flee Sinking Ship." Referring in a news story to a candidate as "Fitzgerald, who has developed into a first class orator" is an extra plug that the reporter may be But for an all-around specimen of how not to handle news there is the main story appearing in one of this state's daily papers, Oct. 26, headed "Link Demo Officials With Red." According to this paper the main story of the day was the Dies Committee hearing at which Secretary Perkins was accused of laxity in deporting Com- munistic aliens. Most newspapers interpreted the President's answer to Dies' charges against Mur- phy as the big news event. The paper in question did not want to neglect that entirely, so ran a sub-headline "F.R. Defends Murphy," and a few inches on this angle. Mayor La Guardia of New York came to Michi- gan for the express purpose of endorsing Murphy for re-election. One daily paper, however, evaded the point by headlining the story "Unity In Labor, La Guardia Asks." He probably did, but that was not the important thing for Michigan readers. It is a sad commentary on the news judgment of the editors of another daily that they should relegate to a few inches of type on page three an announcement that the WPA had spent $1,000,000 in Michigan during the past year and in the same issue to devote twice that amoun' of space on page one to a picture of two almost- famous swimmers dining in a New York niight club. What, may be talled the wrong use of the power of suggestion was employed by a man who reported a speech in which Fitzgerald said that the people had turned thumbs down on attempts by gangsterseto fasten their rule on Detroit when they defeated the CIO in the city elections. In paragraph five h6 added the read- er that "Fitzgerald's Democratic opponent Gov.- Murphy, has the support of the CIO." And so on. There is no end to examples of propagandistic devices in newspapers. People are not sensitive to these departures from straight reporting and honest editing, how- ever, and they are at the mercy of the men who control newspapers when they try to find out what is going on in the political arena. In fact the economic ties that ally large newsnaner nih - II