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September 28, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-28

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twismw I rM ++ or
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Bloard in Oontrol of
8tt~4ent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
!t. or not otherwise credited in this ne8wspaper. All
rights of republication of ail other matters herein alas
Ent ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
400; by mpaii, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Ref.resentative
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Beok Editor .
Women's Editor

. . . . Robert D. Mitchell
.. .,Albert P. Mayio
. . . . Harace W. Gilniore
. . ,. Robert I. Fitzhenry
. .. S. R. Kleiman
. ..Robert Perlman
. . ..William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
. Earl'-Gilman
. ....Joseph Gies
. . . Dorothea Staebler
..Bud Benjamin

Business Department ,
Business Manager . . . Philip W. 8uchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
T.e M eans
Defeat The End ...
at best, nebulous terms and that
through overuse and misuse. The emotions, the
eager desires with which a million youths each
fall face college campuses over the country are,
quite iturally, rinxed. The middle class back-
rounds from wvhich they largely spring and the
structure of curricula in recent years indicate,
however, that the strongest craving is for prep-
aration for the after-college struggle for material
wealth, for the chaotic battle to grasp a little
economic security from a depression-wrought
world. Yet, combined with this dominant im-
pulse, is a yearning for an undefined "liberal edu-
cation," for a distant, still desirable "culture,"
for an understanding'of the intellectual heritage
of centuries of civilization. And too often this
yearning is hardly whetted by a four-year so-
journ in our catch-as-catch-can universities.
This is not peculiar to the literary college, to
the lit students who get at most a tantalizing
lng of what they desire in a hodge-podge of
unorganized courses that makes travesty of a
liberal ,education; it is deeply and poignantly felt
by the thinking engineers, pre-medics and pre-
laws whose closely-knit and carefully prescribed
programs make a liberal education impossible.
Are these things immutable? Is there a physi-
cal' law which says that just as water seeks its
own ,level and force equals mass times accelera-
tion, so the University curriculum must remain
unchanged? We frequently hear that it is danger-
ous'for society to "thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world." Too often this is only a
homily which really means: "Sure, go ahead and
change the world. But not this world, not the
universityw orld." Close at home platitudestof
liberalism are often labeled "Dangerous Radical-
ism-Do Not Touch!"
There are those, however, who welcome the
students interest in his intellectual fare. There
are men in high positions in the faculty and ad-
ministration who await and applaud the student's
expression of and pressure for the needs he feels.
And there are means for expression and organi-
zations for bringing pressure to bear.
The letter column of the Daily is open; we in-
vite your views throughout the year. Toward the
end of the year the Spring Parley presents an
unequalled opportunity for hammering out a new
fabric. But the Daily for several years has advo-
cated specific changes and the Parley discussions
have reiterated year after year the necessity of
similar reforms with no striking results. The new
tutorial system is a step in the right direction, but
this does not touch the most neglected period in
tIe student's course: his first two years.
Discussion at the freshman smoker conducted
by the Progressive. Club last week indicates that
this organization has planted its feet more firm-
ly in the ground and may well become the center
for a concerted drive to liberalize the curriculum.
How well it succeeds depends entirely upon the
support it can enlist on the campus and how
completely the desire to broaden its base is ful-
filled. '
The Student Senate, however. may yet prove
to be the decisive factor. Its election by propor-
tional representation from the campus at large

Y o u of l
By Sec Terry
NOW THAT Hitler has given the world 24 hours
to get out, this little note is not amiss, though
perhaps a bit mossy after a summer of repetition.
It seems that the mustached Machievelli and his
two aides, Goering and Goebbels, were discussing
the map of Europe. Goering mentioned a small
territory nearby, and Hitler said, "That shall be
the next country we annex." Goering smiled com-
placently and observed, "Ah, yes, that's God's
country." "Never mind," snapped Hitler, "send
him the usual ultimatum."
* * *
This notebook respectfully awaits your contri-
(A man commits suicide by jumping off a bridge)
* * -*
From my portal perch atop this bridge, I-gazed
Into the placid sea; and there, in silken gown-
Her skin as fair as summer skies-she stood,
And wisked at me, then motioned I come down.
Around her steel-stone walls rose; motors swirled;
Yet she remained unruffled, ever wreathed in
While to my tender ears, those walls and motors
A cacophony of rasps, urging me to heed her wiles.
I leaped! Those mundane sounds erescended,
Awhile I missed the clank and roar, but she-
Delightful hostess-showed me through my new
Of quiet reflections-and I learned the ioy of
being free.
* * *
In view of precipitant international crises, H.S.
reports, the main thing that worries the Russians
is how long it will be before the Japanese start
taking steppes. By the way, what ever happened to
that undeclared dispute between the Chinese and
* * *
THERE'S ONE economics student on the cam-
pus who is combing the recesses of his men,
ory in an effort to recall just what, in his private,
unguarded conversations he might have said
about the Ec department. For when he walked
into his class yesterday, his emotions were con-
fused when he found the instructor to be a man
with whom he had washed dishes last year. At
last reports, the student didn'tknow whether he
had stumbled upon a possible pipe, or whether he
ought to seek a change of venue.
SACK DAVIS, Lit senior, was one of a horde of
University students who toured Europe the
past summer. But unlike his cycling brethren, he
learned that his voice, hitherto untouted, had a
most distinctive quality, about it. In Geneva,
Switzerland, he dashed upon a train platform,
singing-if one may call an off-key rendition,
singing-"My Beer Missed the Train," or some-
thing equally indicting, when out of the window
of a waiting train popped a head, shouting, "Hey,
Davis, for Pete's sake, shut up."
Itnwas Tuure (The Flying Finn himself) Ten-
ander, enroute from Vienna to Paris. Ture
worked his way across to Helsingfors, Finland,
by tooting a saxophone in' the ship's orchestra.
He was a bit chary of accepting the job when he
was told that others in the band included mem-
bers of several symphony orchestras, but evi-
dently he survived. When Davis spoke with the
Colonel, as the former editorial director of the
Daily was known, he (the Colonel) was hopeful of
landing a post with the New Yoi'k Herald-Tri-
bune bureau in Paris in case war broke out, a
not unlikely! eventuality according to the press.
But since then, he has been reported back in
America. We must remind ourselves to call up
>ne of these days to find out.
Bibliography come to life.
An athlete--Collegiana's gift to conscription.
The Parrot at 10-a dilemma in retreat.
P-Bell-Mediocrity on a binge.
'-The Ypsi Imp
* * *

By way of propagandizing the 1Miichigan State
game here Saturday, have 'you heard of the E.
Lansing description 'of our Carillon Tower: "A
silo with cow bells."
C n g c
Come an in, gentle contributors,

-eywood Broun
Maybe I just don't like pictures. Judging from
most of the reviews of "Marie Antoinette" which
I have read, the cinema critics found the big
charade impressive, lavish,
thrilling and stupendous. But
I must admit that after the
first couple of hours my own
interest lagged and that I
was much minded to say, "Go
on, Marie; get guillotined."
But certainly I cannot
quarrel with the word "lav-
ish." The picture magnifies
everything it touches. Even the little palace at
Trianon looms as large as the Grand Central
Station in the moonlight.
But I wonder whether it might not be a good'
idea if movie producers were put on a diet of
bread and water. As things stand now, they some-
times seem so bereft of resources that they can-
not give the baby art anything but money. In-
stead of picturing life they merely shoot a million
dollars. The folk who framed the story for Nor-
ma Shearer hit upon the part about the French
Revolution as a kind of afterthought. They almost
forgot to give Marie a tumbrel.
Possibly it might have been just as well to
omit the cataclysm, because an epoch-making
event seems pretty silly when it is presented
merely as a nasty accident ordered for no other
purpose than to gelatinize the lovely cheek of
Norma Shearer.
* * *
Forgot To Turn Of f Tap
Nor do I intend to suggest that Miss Sheaer
simply knifes into the proceedings like something
of carved ivory. Louis was correct when he re-
marks, "After me the deluge," and surely the
plot must have been conceived upon St. Swithin's
Day. Iri the closing moments the star got little
more than one foot per gallon of moist anguish.
When first I saw a tear glisten upon the face
of the lovely lady I was moved. "The little Aus-
trian seems to be having a tough time of it," I
thought. "It really is a pity." But when the dam
burst my sympathies were swept away.
"No tears, no good," wrote Ruth McKinney
in anadmirable essay, but there is a law of dim-
inishing returns, and that same brine which
kindles sorrow may cool the ardor'of the specta-
tor's emotion when nobody remembers to turn off
the tap.-
In only one sense was the verdict of history
made good. In the closing years of the eighteenth
century the mob decided that they had had a
little too much of Marie Antoinette. I gravely
fear that the masses here may have a similar feel-
ing about the spresent stupendous production.
Some of the things which Miss Shearer does are
well done and others are less felicitous, but even
Garbo could hold the center of the screen so
unbrokenly throughout an entire evening'sen-
Springboard For A Field Day
One cannot give as much as a working picture
of the French Revolution merely in terms of the
life of the Queen. I am quite ready to admit that
a motion picture show must of necessity be a little
less than Thomas Carlyle, but the Bastile fell in
vain if it is to be remembered as nothing more
than a springboard for a Shearer track and field
day. The fim makes no suggestion that the ast
earthquake was conditioned by an underlying
fault; of the preliminary rumbling there is no
hint. In the picture those days which shook the
world seem little more than a palace coup.
The Lord have pity on those who get their
history wholly from M.-G.-M. production, for
they will go out into the world with the firm con-
viction that the monarch fell as the result of a
snatch racket rather than a revolution.
An exception was made in the case of the
gracious Lafayette, because American audiences
have heard of him. After all, he did say, "Noih
voila." But all the rest who cry, "Liberty, equality,

fraternity," are cast in the tradition of Lon
Chaney. When the dollars fall like hailstones it
is hard for any actor to keep his head. Only John
Barrymore and Robert Morley managed to peek
out from beneath their umbrellas. PoornTyrone
Power as the great lover from Sweden acted
throughout as if he feared he might be sent to
Ellis Island for moral turpitude.
Indeed, as far as the student of history goes,
I rather think that when "Marie Antoinette"
comes to his neighborhood playhouse he will sit
home and read two good books.
debacle all over again, but on a grander scale
and with modern variations.
Although Henri's prophetic view of passing
events does not establish the infallibility of his
calculators, one sees clearly that all proportions
in the European situation are immediately al-
tered if his conclusion-that German faith in
the Hoffmann Plan presages its defeat by Russia
--is taken as a reference point.
There would be yet more wheels within wheels
in the effort to find a peace formula. Hitler,
serving a strategic plan that did not permit of
war on the western front, would be obliged to
risk that danger to make certain of a war with
Russia. Chamberlain's position would be no less
involved. Perhaps feeling that Hitler would not
risk war in the west, and that the interests of
empire were not concentric with the. fate of
Czechoslovakia, he would be looking beyond the
immediate situation, to the attrition of the armies
of fascism and socialism in the eastern war,
and the consequences to Britain.
* * *
As to what recent developments augur for
peace, there is first that Hitler did delay at
Godesberg and that he temporized in his Berlin

Blessings on thee, verdant fresh-
man! Wit and wordly wisdom you
may not have, but one thing you
should have in plenty by now: advice.
Verily, no bureaucratic Roosevelt has
been more advised, what with par-
ents, professors, and upperclassmen
all joining voices to start you aright
on the path of college life. May you
never swerve therefrom. Amen.
With all this advice, though, there
is one voice still lacking-the voice
of Euterpe, she of the lyre and dulcet
tones. Now while Euterpe may not
be the kind of a girl you want to
marry or go steady with, she never-
theless makes a mighty good friend,
and her advice is worth heeding. Or
in other words, even though you
probably don't have serious musical
ambitions, one of the important fac-
tors in that cultural growth which a
college education is supposed to pro-
mote is the development of a love for
and a taste in .fine music.
It is to aid this development in
its students that the University,
through its School of Music, sponsors
a variety of concerts and recitals of
all sorts, in addition to the regular
academic activities intended for
those with professional ambitions.
Yet it is true, if sadly so, that such a
development does not come about by
the student's merely exposing him-
self to the music thus provided, any
more than the love of football comes
from one's idly watching the actions
of men on a gridiron. The true foot-
ball fan enjoys the game not as a
mere spectator, but as an imaginary
participant in all that goes on down
on the field. To so project himself
imaginatively into the game he must
know something of the rules and
regulations; understand the cormon
principles of gridiron strategy; have
his own idea, about what to do as each
situation arises. His is not such a
thorough and detailed knowledge as
that of the actual players, probably,
but still it must be enough so that he
understands a good part of what he
The enjoyment of music, likewise,
requires more than mere attendance
at a concert. The capacity for an
emotional response to a musical stim-
ulus is inherent in nearly every hu-
man being; but, as in every other ac-
tivity, that native capacity needs to
be, cultivated and augmented by the
development of an intelligent famili-
arity with music, a knowledge of its
status as an art medium, and at least
some understanding,;of its technique.
That is asking no more ,than foot-
ball asks of its fans, and is merely
re-expressing the old adage that "you
get out of anything just what you put
into it." It has been said that mu-
sical criticism (ie., intellectual reac-
tion to musical experience) depends
on the "relation of two variables,"
which means that the listener is just
as important in the re-creation of a
piece of music as is the performer.
And the listener who expects only an
idle, sensuous pleasure from hearing
music, who turns up his nose at such
things as art and aesthetics as being
"highbrow," is but robbing himself
of illimitable enjoyment of a far
deeper, permanently enriching kind-
as well as betraying either an empty
head or an inferiority complex.
How to develope this quality, which
usually goes by the outmoded title of
musical appreciation?" Certainly by
a formal study of musical subjects
if such a thing is possible. But at
any rate, by reading books about mu-
sic and musicians; by following mu-
sic's own march of time in newspa-
pers and magazines; by studying ac-
tual music itself, as you would read,

in book form, a play really intended
for stage presentation. Then by ap-
plying this fund of extra-musical
knowledge whenever music is heard;
by listening with the eyes as well as
with the ears at concerts, to the radio,
to records, or informal performances.
By thinking about music as much' as
possible, giving it a chance to grow
and ripen ir the warmth of one's
personality. A philosophy of aesthet-
ics, and thus of music, is a part of
every mature philosophy of life.
At least, one should not be hypo-
critical. If you have no musical abil-
ity and don't like music, frankly say
so. No one is lower than those hypo-
crits who refuse all opportunity for
musical activity and yet pay lip serv-
ice to Euterpe by saying, "Oh, I just
1o-a-ove music, but I can't even
carry a .tune."
Math Department
Changes Faculty
Three new appointments for posi-
tions in the University mathematics
department were announced yester-
day. They are Doctors C. J. Nesbitt,
I P. C. Hammer, and R. F. C. Bartells.
Dr. Nesbitt who will specialize in
I actuarial mathematics, received his
degree at Toronto University a year
ago and has been at Princeton Uni-
versity since.
unexpected, dealt with every ounce of
strength before the enemy has begun
Such things ,may mean much or

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vaivereity. Copy receved t the officeof the Assistant to the Presidesst
t~l 3:30. 11:00 a.m. eon Satutrday.

(Continued from Page 2)
Emena, Austin
Enos, Frances
Epstein, Herman
Erwin, Jack
Fales, Willard
Finney, Mary Louise
Forberg, Catherinem
Fuller, Donald H.
Garricks, Harry
Gele, Emil H., Jr.
Gilfillan, Mrs. Henry W.
Gillis, John C.
Glaesner, Robert D.
Gladding, Miss K. T.
Goldsmith, Paul
Gould, Betty
Haber, Juliane'
Haber, Dr. G. G.
Habsoler, Dr.
Haigh, Frances
Hadley, Wayne N.
Hanmer, Howard
Hansen, Thomas
Henry, Jessie
Hiatt, Janet
Highland, John N., Jr.
Hill, Betty
Hill, H. .
Hmiel, Felicia
Hughes, Betty
Huttlinger, Burns M.
Hyde, Gertrude
Ireland, Thomas W.
Jacobs, Arthur
Jacobs, A. T.
Jones, Mary Beth
Kahrs, Frances R.
Kammrass, Murray
Katz, Robert M.
Kempter, Albert
Kilman, Julian
Kingsbury, George
Kinsey, John
Kirkpatrick, J. E.
Kirkpatrick, L. A.
Knight, Clare,
Krey, Mattie
Krell, John
Kubba, Fakhri M. S.
Kuney, Richard
Landis, Cary
Lawrence, Warren
Lehman, Richard F.
Lewis, W.
Lohr Fred
Lovejoy, Howard ,
Ludwig, Richard
Lumsden, Dorothy
Luther, Bill
Maury, Clayton
Marble, Kenneth
Markley, C. Gordon
Martin, Kirk
Mason, James
May, Frank P.
McAllister, W. Kermit
MacT.aren, Myron
Meagher, Margaret Lee
Merit, E. D
Meunter, Rolf
Miller, Stuart B.
Mowat, Charles
Munde, Mrs. B.
Mussen, Emma
Nahey, Roger
Nauzetta, Leonai-d
Navin, Dr. K. W
Noffsinger, Forest4B.
Ochs, Lilburn
O'Dell, Jack
Panar, D.
Paschal, Anne
Pejic, Dr. S.
Persky, Lester
Peters, Arthur
Porter, John D.
Proudfoot, Charles
Quinn, J. F.
Reed, Jean
Reed, Robert, Jr.
Reeds, Dr. J. F.
Reid, Peggy ,
Reidel, Kelly
Reynolds, Phillis
Rich, Jess
Roberts, Herbert
Robison, Hope
Rojem, Marjory
Rovin, Mathilde Adelaide
Rowe, Betty Anne
Rowe, Robert
Rudgers, Donald T.

Russell, Stuart
Ryan, Clarence J. Lieut.
Safren, Gwen
Salvateria, Arnold
Sappington, Eleanor
Sappington, Virginia
Sargent, Elbert
Sargis, George.
Sarracino, John
Schley, L.
Schwartz, S. S.
Schwartzkopff, Ralph
Sharpe, Richard}
Silva, Felipe
Silverstein, Morris
Slater, Phil
Smith, Carpo C.
Smith, Lloyd L., Jr.
Smith, Elsie
Smith, Melvin
Sofiak, Mike
Spaulding, Phillip 6
Spinney, Rachel
Stephen, Edwin
Stevens, Martin B.
Stevens, Rachel
Stevenson, David H.
Stewart, Henry
Stille, Wayne
Stonington, Nancy
Strauss, Larry
Taylor, Elaine.
Ullrich, Osmar
Wallace, Robert

Wiseman, Merrill
Wright, Margaret
Young, John G.
Youngquist, Orrin C.
Zimmerman, Louise
Zinn, W.R.
Zittel, Redfield
Zumwalt, Faytene
Fraternity Registration: All new
students desiring to be rushed or to
pledge a fraternity must register at
the Union, Room 306, between three
and five this week.
Michigan Dames. Members of Mich-
igan Dames for the past year are
asked to leavertheir addresses and
telephone numbers by Oct. 1 with Mrs.
Dixon, 2-3955 during the day, and
Mrs. Shilling, 2-3061 during the eve-
Medical Students: The Sophomore,
Junior and Senior Classes will be
dismissed Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 1, in
order to attend the lectures of the
Medical Alumn'i Reunion, and the
Special Convocation of the Medical
School in the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies Lecture
Hal.The Freshmen will be dismissed
Saturday morning, Oct. , to attend
the Special Convocation. As an act
of courtesy to the Alumni, students
are asked to kindly occupy the side
and rear seats of the Lecture Hall.
A. G. Furstenberg, Dean.
Eligibility for Public Activities: The
attention of all those participating
in public activities is called to the
following ruling.
Certificate Of Eligibility.-At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his el-
igibility is affirmatively established
(a) by obtaining from the Chairman
of the Committee on Student Af-
fairs, in the Office of the Dean of
Students, a written Certificate of
Eligibility. Participation before the
opening of.the first semester must be
approved as at any other time.
Before permitting any student or
students to participate in a public
activity (see definition of Participa-
tion above), the chairman or man-
ager of such activity shall (a) require
each applicant to present a certifi-
cate of eligibility, (b) sign his in-
itials on the back of such certificate
and (c) file with the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the names of all those who have pre-
sented certificates of eligibility and a
signed statement to exclude all bth-
ers from participation.
epartment of Astronomy
Astronomy 24. Spetrophotometry.
Williams. To be offered during the
first semester.
Astronomy 205. Cosmogony Curtis.
To be offered during the second se-
Degree Program Advisers, 1938-1939
American Culture, Development of,
addition of D. L. Dumond, 214 HH.
Anthropology, addition of M. Ti-
tiev, 4506 Museum.
Chemistry, addition of B. A. Soule,
48 Chemistry.
'English 31, Section 14, The place of
meeting has been changed from 220 S.
W. to 3231 A. H. The place of meet-
ing of English 159, Section 2, has been
changed from 1209 A. H. to 3209 A. H.
Paul Mueschke.
,English 230: There will be a meet-
ing of the students enrolled, (Studies
in Spenser and His Age),'Prof. Tilley's
class, on Thursday, Sept. 29, at 4 p.m.
in 2213 A:H. to arrange the time of
meeting for the semester,
English 297: I shall meet my stu-
dents in English 297, Wednesday at
4:30 in Room 3216 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter.

Times of meeting of courses in Eng-
lish. The courses listed below will
meet at the hours, and in the places,
English 47, Allan Seager. TTh, 10,
3217 A.H.
English 153, A. L. Bader. Tu, 7:30,
3217 A.H.
English 197, L. A. Strauss. W, 4,
2235 A.H.
English 211B, W. G. Rice. MWF, 9,
2219 A.H.
English 211C, Paul Mueschke. Tu,
4-6, 3217 A.H.
English, 211F, E. L. Griggs. Th,
4-6, 3217 A.H.
English 211G, J. L. Davis. Th, 2-4,
3217 A.H.
English 211K, R. W. Cowden. Tu,
2, 403 Library.
English 230, M. P. Tilley. Th, 4,
2213 A.H.
English 259, Paul Mueschke. Tu,
4-6, 3217 A.H.
English 297, R. W. Cowden. W,
7:30, 43 Library.
English 300A, A. H. Markwardt. F,
2-4, 2212 A.H.
English 300B, J. R. Reinhard. W, 1,
2215 A.H.
English 30G, C. D. Thorpe. Th, 3,
2214 A.H.
English 300H. F. .L. Gri. W .-5

Russian Role

In his "Hitler Over Russia?", published last
year, the military critic, Ernest Henri, forecast
a war in which an unaided Russia would meet
a Germany supported by most of the small states
along, or adjacent to, Russia's western frontier. ,
Henri reasoned that Austria and Czechoslo-
vakia would be liquidated during the prelimin-
aries, and their resources would have fallen into
German hands. Accepting as his premise that
Nazi Germany was spiritually and materially
committed to the Hoffmann Plan-which inter-
prets the future of Germany in terms of expan-
sion eastward and a military conquest of Russia
-he argued that it would not again commit the
supreme blunder of engaging the enemy simul-
taneously on its eastern and western frontiers.
As Henri:saw it, the Army's immediate mission
under the Hoffman Plan would be a general ad-
vance along the Baltic-Leningrad line, with a
secondary thrust aimed at the Ukraine through
Rumania. The essence of the German diplomatic
technic would be to harry and bluff the western
democracies and so reduce their influence amnong
the small states of Central Europe, but in all cir-
cumstances to avoid war with tiem.
It was his conclusion that such a war, prose-
cuted within the limits of the Hoffmann Plan,
would result in crushing defeat for Germany at
the hands of Russia. It would be the Napoleon

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