THE MICHIGAN -DA ILY w FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1 Dewey Charges Theft Of 26,000,000 Nickels From Subway Group To Hold Hopkins Says Summer Session Dance Recital Will Be Biggest Ever Seen Here More Than 100 Dancers More Than One Hundred pointed out, but it does not force in- Will Participate Students Are Expected struction into a subordinate place.In- struction and research go side by side. At Several Out-Stations Through the combined efforts of Plans thus far call for a ,special the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra and Indications are that the University group of students to be taken to Eng- the Sylvia Studio of the Dance, a Summer Session will have 15 stations I land by Prof. Bennett W eaver of the program entitled "An Evening of for work outside Ann Arbor, which English department to visit the Ballet will be presented Monday shrines of English literature. Another and Tuesday nights in the Ann Arbor will include more than 1,000 students, group under the direction of Prof. High School Auditorium, working for advanced degrees, said Robert Hall of the geography depart- More than 100 dancers will take Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Dirctor of the ment will visit Japan to study Orien- part in a series of stage acts, con- Summer Session, as he predicted that tal civilization and geography, ceived and arranged by Mrs. Sylvia this year's summer school will be I It is hoped that the four teacher's Hamer, director of the studio. MusichU colleges of the state will be included for all the dances, as well as overture the greatest the University has ever in this year's summer program, and and entr'act selections, will be fur- j seen from the standpoint of size and if present plans materialize they will nished by the Orchestra, consisting unusual character. serve as places of instruction outside of 40 pieces. "This is an unusual situation for Ann Arbor. The forestry, biology, Featured on the program is a com- a state university," said Dr. Hopkins, surveying, geology and geography plete ballet presentation of Tschai- "I know of no other institution op- out-stations will continue as in past kcwsky's "Nutcracker Suite." This is erating on so large a scale. Other years, said Dr. Hopkins, and a cur- one of the few times the Suite has universities' out-stations are usually riculum Workshop, conducted joint- been performed so in this country handled through endowment funds ly with other institutions of the since the composer's time, according and are primarily of a research char- state, wal be added to this years pro- to Prof. Philip O. Potts, School of acter. Students enter the program gram along with other stations now Engineering, manager of the Orches- only incidentally." in the procc. of formation. tra. Nearly half the members of the The Michigan program is not only Dr. , Hopkins expects the rapid orchestra are students or faculty of the largest of its kind ever embarked growth of the SCner Session to the University, he said. upon by any university but is also continue and believes 'he enrollment unique in that it is carried on prin- will pass the 6,000 mark in 1939. The cipally for the benefit of the students. total attendance in summer school Local Clubwomen Research is also conducted so far as now is more than half as large as the resources will permit, Dr. Hopkins enrollment in the winter semester. Will Boycott Japan _________ Two motions, designed to boycott Y Japan because of its war of aggres- DI A N C IN G -Ision in China. were passed at a meet- I District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey of New York (right) is shown with two of the eight employees of the city-owned subway system accused of complicity inwhat Dewey said was the theft of 26,000,000 nickels from the turnstiles. At left is David W. O'Brien and in the center is Isadore Kadisow. Alumni Prominent In Industrial Afars It's great holdings came directly un- der the supervision of another Michi- gan man-Cornelius F. Kelley, '98L, the firm's president. Jesse J. Ricks, '01, heads the Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. while Charles A. Heiss, '28Hon, is comptroller of American Telephone and Telegraph. Earle W. Webb, '02. left Ann Arbor to begin a career which finally won him the presidency of the Ethyl Gaso- line Corporation. Jesse S. Phillips, '93L, is chairman of the Great Ameri- can Indemnity Corporation's board. Of the Michigan graduates who have entered, the fields of industry and , commerce one has probably, gained more fame than any other, Robert P. Lamont, '91. Lamont served under President Hoover as Secretary of Commerce, Other alumni who turned out to have a head for business that sky- rocketed them to the top include Howard B. Bishop, '00, president of the Sterling Products Corporation. The Casein Co. of America has as its head William Callan, '00. Walter P. Chrysler, chairman of the Chrysler Coporation and a pioneer in the auto- motive industry, was awarded one of the University's rare honorary degrees in 1236. Carroll B. Haff, '13, 15L, is a mem- ber of the New York Stock Exchange Walter Itobbins, '96E, heads the board of the General Cable Corp. President. of the World Book Co. is another Michigan man, Orlando S. Reinold, '97. r a . r U7Jpn ause of its wja of aggres- , ing of the Ann Arbor Woman's Club held Tuesday afternoon in the League Ballroom. The body first passed a suggestion to abandon the use of silk stockings and to urge others to do so as a means of curtailing Japan's finances in its campaign into China. The second motion pledged the members to write letters to the United Aircraft Corp., of East Hartford, Conn., protesting the sale of aircraft and other war material to Japan for use against' civilians in China. Fulfillment of the action was left in the hands of the members themselves. Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the College of Engineering addressed the meeting on "Safety on the Highways." A thrilling epic of adventure be- yond the perilous Khyber Pass, where East meets West on its own terms, and no rules hold. n presents IN TECHNICOLOR with $ABU and a cast of 3,000 Released thru UNITyf ARTISTS Grantland Rice Sportlight JATEST NEWS - Armory - Auspices of Company K TONIGHT and Saturday' HERB "RED" RITZ and his band. Every Friday and Saturday. All in all, a listing of corporation executives in New York reveals a multitude of men who left the Michi- gan campus intent on fighting their way to the top. An amazing propor- tion of them were successful. That the background won in Ann Arbor proved an aid in other fields-to writers, lawyers, artists and a host of profes- sions also will be shown. Iii CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING G ET AH EAD IN 1939 pay -off with a'Pecol ls Then have LESS to pay each month, because you have only ONE place to pay. No co-makers. No indiscreet inquiries. "Personal Credit" loans up to $300 on your signature only, or those of husband and wife. Come in. 111 I 11 0 _WI i _h .I. lI i -. . i . > ' i. A . : ' .Kx# , . : I 1