T H _ .- THE MIC RIGA -NDAAIILY GAN DAILY -- . ._ . war +aarngox ra eroaa Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING AY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-3,9 in which the WPA appropriations were being discussed. Since July, the number on WPA rose from 2,900,000 to 3,350,000 as of Dec. 24, 1938, prin- cipally because of a foreign situation which had an adverse effect on business conditions and the hurricane disaster in New England, as well as the reasons given above. The increases in WPA had eaten up the appropriation so that funds left were ample to take care of relief needs only through this January. The $875,000,000 appropriation asked by the President was to meet relief requirements for the period covering this February to June, not for the period beginning June, 1939, and ending June, 1940. What the billion-dollar program didn't absorb, Senator Adams further implied, expanding busi- ness would. Those workers who are laid off will be taken up as business conditions improve, he said. Never did he mention the possible ad- verse effect of the lay-off of these workers on business conditions, even granting that there are only 600,000 cut off the relief rolls. He did not add that with these 600,000 went possibly two million others, conservatively speaking, members of the families of those who would be laid off, nor did he stop to calculate the effect upon mor- ale of other WPA workers whose security of ten- ure is theatened by more cuts of this kind. He completely and illogically reversed the theory of the administration as to relief. It holds that as more and more workers voluntarily leave the WPA rolls for private employment, the monthly relief expenditures can be cut down. Senator Adams would cut the workers first and then have them shift for themselves until business condi- tions have so improved that industry can absorb them. In the meantime who is to take care of them? The cities? The states? Friends? Relatives? Mayor LaGuardia, spokesman for the United States Conference of Mayors, has already pro- tested to the Senate sub-committee that the cities would be unable to care for those thrown off WPA rolls. The states are practically bank- rupt. The very fact that 600,000 people were on the WPA rolls in the first place is to us prima facie evidence that their private resources had been exhausted. Would not a more intelligent and certainly a more humane approach to the problem of relief be the support of workers until private industry picks up enough to absorb them. The dollars can roll for increased armaments, let them roll for the bread and clothes of 600,000 or 1,000,000 WPA men and women and their families.. -Albert Mayio TH-EATRE By NORMAN KIELL Board of Managing Editor. . Editorial Director City Editor . Associate Editor Associate_,, Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor BokEditor Women's Editor Sports Editor . Editors Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore Robert 1. Fitzhenry. S. R. Kleiman Robert Penman Earl G ilman William 'Elvin Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin tWfeeBy lo Me H eyood Br oun Aldous Huxley once wrote a book whch sur- prised his admirers by its ineptitude. It consisted of a sophomoric satire of a co-operative commun- ity, and it was called "Brave New World." The hero of the fantasy was an American Indian who, in his gallant and sav- age way, resented the bene- fits which the government would confer upon him. In a loud and rebellious way he declared that he was a free man and that he would fight for the privilege of being cold and hungry, contracting disease and starving to death. In a rough way it seems to me that Vermont, through its spokesman, Governor Aiken, is tak- ing somewhat the same position. This attitude of "Nobody is going to keep me from getting knocked about," in my opinion, is both sentimental and silly. The right to suffer is truly an ancient one, but it is better honored in the breach than the observance. * * Floods And Federals The New England fight ranges around the right of the federal goyernment to manage the business of flood control. It is quite true that neither Aiken nor any other New England leader has said candidly that he would rather have the muddy waters of swollen rivers flow above his head than take orders from the U. S. Army en- gineers. And yet it does get down to that in actual practice. The practical difficulties of leaving so much authority to local sovereignty and so much to the' national experts unquestionably makes the taske of unified control difficult if not impossible. It was my notion that the country had gone all through this phase of thought during the dis- cussion of TVA and that a vast majority of Americans were in favor of following natural geographical boundaries, .in certain instances, rather than the more artificial barriers set up by State division. It is true that the Founding Fathers acted in a wholly necessary way in making compromises to fit the fears and suspicions of various com- munities. Without certain reservations of rights there could have been no Union. Indeed, para- doxically enough, unity was founded by. the sharpest sort of definition as to its limitations. Even today a man would be doctrinaire to argue for the abolition of all local authority. A union may fall through its own weight. It 'can become too perfect for its own good. Even Earlier Authorities But, though the Founonmg Fathers were wise in their own generation and even for centuries to come, I think there is a higher wisdom. The. rivers and valleys and watersheds were created long before there was a free State of Vermont. And I do not see how local pride should operate until Governor Aiken is powerful enough to say to a raging flood, "Mark you well, oh waters, this is Vermont and over there is New Hampshire. Remember, flood, we were Republican even inI 1936, and so I issue on behalf of the sacred doc- trine of States' rights the command, 'River stay away from my door!, It is my notion that the smallest brooks may get into a mood where they mill be just as dis- respectful to a. Governor as the tides were in defying King Canute. And so, I think it would be bettei all around to keep the floods out and let the federals in. The FLYING TRAPy EZoy E - By Roy Heath - THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 84 Business Department 84siness Manager. .Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . Leonard P. SiegelmAn Adverktising Manager'. . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Economy And WPA Cuts.. T HERE IS a much too ready willing- ness to laud the action of the House in cutting a -hundred and fifty million dollars from the relief bill; a certain indefensible prone- ness to look at the dollar sign and not behind it' to the husband and father, wie and mother, and the children who make up the human ele- ment for which the bill is supposed to provide. President Roosevelt at a press conference Tues- day said that a million workers will have to be removed from WPA rolls if the reduction goes into effect. He estimated the total number which would be affected by the cut at four to five millions. He was of course thinking of the families of the million who will be laid off.+ The President was promptly attacked by Alva Adams, Colorado Democrat, chairman of the Senate subcommittee on relief expenditures. The figures of the President, he said, were gross ex- aggerations: no more than 600,000 workers would be affected, and many thousands of these would be absorbed by the billion-dollar PWA program and by industry which is expanding because of better business conditions. We don't know whose figures are correct, the President's or the Senator's, as to the number of people who will be cut off from relief. But despite the importance of the difference be- tween the two figures, we should like to disregard it and take issue with the more fundamental thing, the summary fashion in which Senator Adams dealt with ,those 600,000 he admitted would be ct off. Senator Adams was evidetly referring to the budget for the fiscal year 1940 beginning July 1, 1939. His statement seems to us, misleading on two counts: first, because it confuses the purpose of the funds which the President requested, and second, because it overlooks the lag between WPA cut and absorption of unemployed by private industry. The $875,000,000 which the President asked was a deficiency appropriation. It was not a figure belonging in the budget which the Congress will consider for the fiscal year 1940. It was an emergency figure designed to provide for WPA workers for the period beginning in February and ending in June, 1939. It is not, as Senator Adams implies by his reference to the billion- dollar PWA program, intended for the fiscal year 1940. To understand the present request of the President we must go back to June 21, 193 when Congress approved an appropriation for $1,425,- 000,000 for the fiscal year 1939 which began July 1, 1938. At that time, according to the Presi- dent in his relief message to Congress, Jan. 5, it was understood that the funds were to.be appor- tioned to cover the first eight months of the fiscal year. This would have covered the period between July 1, 1938 and F.eb. 28, 1939. The President, according to' his. message, was authorized to modify the ,appOrtiQment in the event of an extraordinary emergency which couldn't be an- ticipated at the time when the appropriation was passed. Buisiness 'colditiots were improving from July, 1938, and'it'was felt-'that the appropriation 'The Petrified Forest' And a 23-Skidoo! Play Production breezed into the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre last night with a rip-roaring mellerdrammer, couched in the venacular, half- baked philosophy, two-gun shooting and some durn good acting. The play, of course, is Robert Sherwood's "The Petrified Forest." Mr. Sherwood divides his play into two acts, the scene, a gas station and lunch room at a lone- ly crossroads in the Arizona desert. After writ- ing a beautifully moving first act, the playwright goes into the most obvious clap-trap and melo- dramatic honky-tonk we have seen on the stage. But it is almost good melodrama, for Mr. Sher- wodd gives us people who are real and authentic. Into his lonely scene comes an intellectual hitch-hiker, Alan Squier, in search of something he knows not what. The people he meets at the lunchroom are also looking for something, they know not what. Gabby Maple, who helps her father run the place, thinks she wants a trip' to France, and dancing people and happiness; her boy friend is looking for the rainbow; her father, for material gain. And after some sensible observations on life and such, Alan and Gabby and the rest meet, in Act 2, Duke Mantee and his gang, wanted for murder, robbery, etc, etc. It is here we see the author attempting to pit Alan. the intellect- ual, the man of inaction, the "noise without sound," against Duke Mantee, the man of action, the "shape with substance." But Mr. Sherwood brings no depth to his Hamlet-like character, only a merciful final gun-shot. No, Duke Mantee wasn't joking when he said he'd be glad to leave a good impression with Alan, and obliger. Play Production acts out Mr. Sherwood's ex- cellent first act and bad second act with swerve and 'intelligence. Give first notice to Edward Jurist's persuasively quiet performance of the gangster, Duke Mantee; as he portrayed the man of muscle suffering from the pangs of frustra- tion, the role was doubly for-eful. As Alan, the specimen of this in-between age in which we live, Karl Klauser gave a charmingly understandable and effective peformance, unhampered by any priggisheness he could easily have fallen' into be- cause of the part. But Nancy Schaefer, as Gabby, was too obvious in her winsomeness to win the sympathy the role called for; she tried too hard to gain effect. The rest of the cast, especially the gangsters in Duke Mantee's crew, turned in commendable performances. Robert Mellencamp's set for the Bar-B-Q lunchroom is the best thing he has done to date; it was beautiful collaboration with Mr. Sherwood. As a final note, the two roles of Alan and Gabby will be taken over tonight by James Bar- ton and Ellen Rothblatt, and the two sets will alternate on succeedin'g showings. It should make for- interesting comparison.'- Pleas Hull, official University of Georgia bell ringer, estimates he has rung the instrument 250,000 times in six years. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11: a.m. on saturday. The Press ri ~ i (Editor's Note' This is the second in a series of articles on the press. The last< installment will consider the nature and quality of political news reportingt during the November 1938 campaign in Michigan. Mr. Edward Magdol, '39. col- laborated with the writer in the pre- paration of this series.) By ROBERT PERLMAN t Adequate and fair presentation ofr the news day by day is necessary in a democratic nation, but it is never more indispensable than at electiont time when voters must rey to a great' extent on their newspapers for infor- mation on the policies and beliefs of candidates and parties in order to* support men who will represent them1 in government. The role played by Michigan news-t papers last November makes a par-c ticularly interesting case study, fort vital issues were at stake in the elec- tion and the people were in sore needt of the facts about Murphy's andt Fitzgerald's activities in office and their views on current social prob- lems, This is not so much a problem oft the Michigan press and politics ast it is a question of the Michigan press in politics. A simpler way of posing the question would be to ask, "Did t the papers of this state favor thet Republican or the Democratic Party in their news columns and if so how?"r The amount of space given to eacht party can be considered a reliable measure of favoritism in the hand- ling of poltical news on the reasonable assumption that the Democrats did and said as much as the Republicans t and vice versa to warrant an equal number of column inches in the papers. The Republicans were giveni 60 per cent of the news space de- voted to the two parties in 138 week- ly newspapers selected at randoml from all parts of Michigan outside of Detroit. While it is true that the1 Detroit daily papers cover the state, the influence of the country weekly shoud not be minimized-a considera- tion which makes this figure of 60 per cent significant. The papers onf which the calculation was made repre- sent 37 per cent or more than one third, of all the weeklies in the state. The issues were for Oct. 20 or 27 or in some cases for both dates. Analyzing the division of news space further, we find that these .138 papers gave 57 per cent of their front page Democratic-Republican news to the GOP and its candidatest --another important fact when it is3 remembered that page one is the most coveted and influential spot for any news. Sixty-five per cent of the two- party news space on pages other than page one went to the Republicans. Another interesting matter in an analysis of the press during a politi- cal campaign is the relative amounts of advertising space bought by each party, since advertising and the rev- enues that flow from it may and often do, have a bearing on the news and editorial policy of a paper. For the weeklies covered in- this , survey 58 out of every 100 column inches of advertising were bought by the Re- publican Party or itfs candidates. Michigan country weeklies do not go .in heavily for editorials so that the exactly 50-50 division of editorial support between the Republicans and Democrats' can be explained by qne or two strongly New Deal papers that over-balanced. . a more. widely dis- tributed support for the Republicans and their policies... Most editors and .publishers will admit; perhaps, reluctantly, that not very' many newspaper readers pore over editorials. And astute politicians will admit, with ,little reluctance, that publicity iii the news 'columns of their party's meetings, platform and candi- dates is worth far more than favor- able -editorial 'comi'ent. ~VIt follows that the 3 to 2 ratio 'of news cover- age in favor of the Republicans was a boon to 'Fitzgerald, and. Republican office-seekers in general in this state. Statistics alone do not give an ade- quate picture of the' Michigan weekly Press during the campaign; it is im-. Noticesr Henry Russel Award: The Commit-E tee oi the Henry Russel Award re- quests the members of the various 1 faculties to submit nominations for< this distinction for the year 1939. Nomintion blanks have been sent to each of the heads of the several departments of instruction in the University and to the deans or ad- ministrative heads of the various! units. The Chairman of te Com- mittee will be glad to supply addition-' al blanks on request. The attention of the various facul-" ties is called to the statement on the1 blanks concerning the nature of the award and the qualifications which will guide the Committee in the selec- tion of the recipient. It is desirable! that consideration be given to all! eligible faculty members who have rendered conspicuous service to the University, and that full information be submitted ccncerning all candi- dates nominated. It is customary to announce the award at the time of the Henry Rus- sel Lecture, which may take place this year as early as the first of March. It is therefore requested1 that all nominations, accompanied by' supporting material, be submitted to l the Chairman of the Committee, Margaret Elliott, 201 Tappan Hall, not later than Feb. 15. Scholarship Award for Detroit Stu- dents of Armenian Descent. The De- troit Armenian Women's Club an- nounces that for the college year 1939-40 it will give a scholarship. of $100 to a young man or woman of Armenian parentage whose residencet is in Detroit and who has demon- Arated high scholastic ability in his or her particular field of concentra- tion. Recommendations of candi- dates are to be made by the various colleges and universities in Michigan. Final selection of the recipient will be made by the Scholarship Commit- tee of the Club. Students in this University who are eligible and desire to become candi- dates for the scholarship may apply1 to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to s the President, 1021 Angell Hall. E Dance Orchestras: Any college band ' or orchestra, limited to five members, that is interested -in obtaining pas- sage to Europe and return next sum- mer in exchange for furnishing or- chestral music while on ship board,: should communicate with Room 2, i University Hall at once. - i Choral Union Members. Members of the Choral Union in good standing] may obtain their pass tickets for the Gigli concert Thursday night, Jan.' 19, by calling at the Recorder's Office at the School of Music, Thursday be- tween 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. Mem- bers are .required to call in person, and are reminded that no tickets will be given out after 4 o'clock. Student Book-Exchange: Attention, Cashiers! Owing to the large number of .applicants to the ,Exchange cash- iership, there will be a test given to those desirous of securing this posi- tion, to be held Thursday night be- tween the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. in Room 319 of the Michigan Union. Please be there, .as final selection will be based on this test. Academic 1'V o ices Chemistry 63. For the blue book on Thursday, Sections 1 and 2 will meet in Room 151 and Section 3 in Room 464. .Latin 42, designed especially for professional students in medicine and the sciences, may be elected without the usual prerequisite as announced in the catalog. The content of the course wlil conform to that of Latin 41. Medieval Latin 136 may be elected without the usual prerequisite as an- nounced in the catalog. The content of the course will conform to that of Latin 135. Scientific German. A course, Ger- man .36, "Scientific German" will be. offered in the second semester. It is designed for and open only to stu- dents who are concentrating or pre-} paring to concentrate in one of the natural sciences. Prerequisites: Courses German 11 and 2 in the University (or equiva- lent in high school), and German 31! or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 U.H. Nord- meyer. Four hours credit. Graduate Students: PhD. exam 'inations" in chemistry. Preliminary and qualifying examinations will be held in Room 165, Chemistry Build- ing, at one o'clock 'p.m., as follows: Analytical Chemistry, Feb.'17, 1939 Organic Chemistry, Feb. 21, 1939. General and Physical Chemistry, Feb. 24, 1939. SThose planning to take any of the examinations are requested' to consult Professor Bartell not later than Feb. Ac13r Attention is called to. the' ruling 19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, taking the place of Kirsten Flag- stad, whose November concert was cancelled. Cancertgoeis will please present for admission coupon Number 4, reading "Kirsten Flagstad." The concert will begin on time, and the doors will be closed during numbers. Exhibitions Two Exhibits: Paintings by Sarkis Sarkisian, and prints from the col- lection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to 25, afternoons from 2 to 5, North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall' Textile Exhibition, College of Ar- chitecture: A showing of modern textiles consisting of rugs, hangings, bedspreads and pillow cases, de- signed by Marianne Strengell, now on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca- demy of Art, is on display in tie ground floor cases of the Architec- ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, ox- cept Sunday, through Jan. 25. The public is invited. Exhibition of Chinese Photograp : Exhibition of Chinese photograpic studies ' by Cheng Chao-Min will be presented in the Galleries of the Rackha m Building from Monday, Jan. 16, to Saturday. Jan. 21. Ti showing is sponsored by the Inter- national Center and is the last in "a series presented for this semester. Ex bition of Chinese Amateur Pho- tograhy: Because of the interest, in the exhibition of Chinese photog- raphy which it is sponsoring in te Rackham Galleries, the Internationl Center has arranged to continue the exhibition through next week; it will close Saturday, Jan. 28. The display rooms are open all day and in. the evening, except on Sunday. Mr. Cheng will be present most of the time to comment on his work. Lectures University Lecture: A.J.B. Wae, Laurence Professor of Classical Arch- aeology in Cambridge University, will give an illustrated lecture on "Sparta in the Light of the Excavations" oni Thursday, Jan. 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre under the auspices of the Department of Greek. The public is cordially invited. Lecture, College of Architecture: Mr. Alden B. Dow, Architect, of Mid- land, Michigan, will speak on "Mod- ern Architecture," accompanied by colored moving pictures. Ground Floor Lecture Room, Architecture Building, Thursday, Jan. 19, 4:15. The public is invited. Events Today The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 this afternoon, in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. W. Carl Rufus will speak on "The Tektites, Celestial or Terres- trial." Dr. Rufus will exhibit some specimens of tektites brought from the Philippineq. This meeting should be of especial interest to the depart- ments of Geology and Mineralogy, Any one interested is cordially invit- ed. Tea will be served at 4:00. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting of the I.Ae.S. this evening at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042, East Engineering Bldg. Mr. Robert W. Middlewood, '30E, Chief Engineer of Stinson Aircraft, will talk on the practical aspects of aeronautical engineering, which talk will be followed by open discussion. Refreshments 'will be served. Varsity Glee Club: Because of the concert this evening, rehearsal has been set ahead from 7:30 to 7:00. Zeta Phi Eta: Lambda chapter will hold its regular meeting tonight at 7:15 in the Portia room. Please bring notes from last meeting, and be prompt, as there will be pledging be- fore the regular meeting. Actives are requested to remain for a few min- utes afterwards. Vocation Guidance: Prof. David Mattern will, discuss the "Vocational Aspects of Music" today at 4:30. Smnall ballroom, Michigan Union. Women invited. Life Saving, Women Students: Women's class in life saving will not meet tonight. The next regular meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 24. Outdoor .Sports, Women Students: There will be an organization meeting for women's ski lub today at ,4:30 at the Women's Athletic Building. All women interested in skiing are urged to come. Class in elementary Hebrew will meet in afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Coming Events Economics Club: The next meet- ing will be held Friday, Jan. 20, at 7.RT7mSi.tn n .-nnit 'h n f'..aa4f t~h 4 The Editor Gets Told Urges Pressure On Embargo To the Editor: The readiness with which congressional circles received the President's proposal for $552,000,000 emergency rearmament fund is significant.,Last week our ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph P. Kennedy, and William C. Bullit; Ambassador' to Franca, were in" Washington. They reported to President Roosevelt that Europeans conditions might bring about war by' spring. Apparently con- gressional leaders are impressed by these condi- tions. If the fascist powers are to bring about a war by spring, they must be assured beforehand of a victory in Spain. Mussolini has declared that he hopes for the successful completion of his inva- sion. It seems to me that if the United States is tor rearm to protect itself against fascism, we can- not ignore the value to us of the continued re- sistence of the Spanish people., Our unneutral embargo, contrary to international law and our own ideals, is helping to throttle the fight of Spain to maintain democratic government. Yet the sentiment of Ametica is against this tragic act. Avowedly so as indicated by the Gallup' poll showing a 76 per cent majority in favor of a Spanish victory. That the President is aware of the importance; of this war to. democracy and to America' and that he is aware of the general feeling of Ameri- cans he showed in his talk'to Congress on the' state of the nation., We who share this realization with him should immediately inform our representatives of the