Weather Local snows today; tomnorrow mostly cloiu L Sictian ~~Iait VOL. XLIX No. 84 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS French Spurn Loyalist Pleas; Madrid Sends Catalonia'Aid South Offers 60,000 Men As Pressure Of British Compels ,French Action Franco Tightening Northern Blockade PARIS, Jan. 18-(A-The Govern- ment bowed today to British pressure by agreeing to keep the Spanish fron- tier closed to aid for.the hard-pressed defenders of Barcelona but deter- mined on a "vigilant defense of French intersts. Still determined to fight until the end despite the severity of the blow dealt by France, Loyalist Spain a- nounced that 60,000 soldiers have been shifted from theMadrid Front to the defense of Catalonia. The troops will be forced to travel by sea to skirt Franco's Mediterran- an salient. Meanwhile, the Rebels, announced that they were strengthening their fleet off the coast of Catalonia in an attempt to make the blockade tighter. Atlee Comments Premier Daladier's cabinet was said by informed political sources in Paris to have decided to stake its life on a continued handsoff=Spain policy rather than. risk Britain's wrath and possible loss of her support. Foreign Minister Georges- Bonnet was reported to have declared Bri- tain's friendship would cool if France allowed arms to cross the border to Barcelona armies. The decision on policy was.taken at a long cabinet meeting despite a growing fear that victory for General- issimo Franco would give Italy, which is aiding him, a firm foothold on France's southern frontier. . The British Cabinet, clinging to the old policy of non-intervention desppite the gravity of Barcelona's plight, rejected, a Labor request for immediate recall of the House of Commons to discuss the Spanish situ- ation. Tighten Blockade Clement R. Attlee, leader of the Labor Opposition, who made the re- quest, had written to Prime Minister Chamberlain: "It is obvious that the policy of non-intervention has now become the means of insuring that the Spanish Government shall be unable to provide for its defense against aggression of a foreign power." British opposition to reopening of the French' frontier in compliance with French Leftist demands was re- ported here to be based on Chamber- lain's fear that the Spanish Civil War would become a world war on the basis of Italian and German anger at any such action by France. After the close of foreign affairs debate which starts again tomorrow in the French Chamber of Deputies, Premier Daladier planned to demand a vote of confidence on his Spanish policy-in the face of heavy Com- munist, Socialist and some center op- position. a British Author And Diplomat Coming Here R. H. Bruce Lockhart, the British "boy ambassador" to Russia in the chaotic pre-war period, and author of many books dealing with his per- sonal diplomatic experiences, will speak here next Thursday as 'the fifth attraction in the current Ora- torical Association Series. At the age of 27 Lockhart was ap- pointed by Lloyd George, then prime minister of Great Britain, to head the British Mission to Soviet Russia which attempted to keep that coun- try in the war on the side of the Allies. Although he personally op- posed the Allied intervention in the Soviet Union, Lockhart finally de- cided to back it in the hope that it would be an effectively forceful pro- ceeding.. The result was imprisonment in the Kremlin until he was exchanged for the Soviet agent in London, Max- im Litvinov. His insistence on criticizing the Allied policy toward Russia wrecked his chance of promotion, and the re- Louis Untermeyer, Famed Poet, Coming Here As Guest Lecturer Faces Gophers Tonight Informality To Be Keynote Of Visit; 'Bull Sessions' Hold Prominent Place Louis Untermeyer, well-known poet and literary critic, will come to the University in March as a visiting lec- turer under the auspices of the en- gineering English department, it war announced yesterday by Prof. Carl E. Burklund. While on the campus, Mr. Unter- meyer will offer a number of lectures for the public and for all students interested in ilterature, as well as carry on informal work in connection with Professor Burklund's class in contemporary poetry. A large part of his time will be given to "bull ses- sions," conferences and meetings with students from all branches of the University. According to Mr. Untermeyer, the general purpose of his work here will be to demonstrate the creative and practical qualities of poetry and lit- erature. "I want to show that the arts and literature are related to the practical side of life and are not con- nected purely with literary activities," he said last month when discussing his then proposed visit. "Therefore, II' am glad to be able to take my posi- I Gi gi Appears Tonight In 6th Choral Concert Noted Caruso Successor Returns T Ann Arbor For Third Engagement Beniamino Gigli, acclaimed as the successor to Caruso, returns to Ann Arbor for the third time tonight to present the sixth Choral Union con- cert of the year in Hill Auditorium. Patrons are asked to present coupon four, reading "Flagstad," since this program has been substituted for the cancelled Flagstad engagement. It has been six years since Gigli, who is now celebrating the 25th anni- versary of his debut as a concert art- ist, has sung in this country. Coming here in 1920 as an unknown young tenor, he appeared in several Metro- politan Opera productions and was enthusiastically received. When, later in that same season, the great Caruso died, Gigli was immediately selected as his logical successor. Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music, announced yes-: terday that tickets were still avail- able at the Music School. 'Greed Opens' Cinema Series tion under the auspices of the English department of the engineering col- lege." Most of the attention of his teach- ing will be on the "creative enjoy- ment" side and the "sharing of pleasure' in poetry as supplementary to the academic study of the struc- ture and purpose of poetry, he said. He hopes to be able to show for his students the relationship of the self- expression of poetry to self-expres- sion in all forms of creative work and to destroy the opinion that "art, espe- cially poetry, is something sacro-1 sanct." "The expression of art is the ex- pression of the human being. There is no difference between the bridge- builder and the poet, except through the different structure," he declared. Mr. Untermeyer will arrive in Ann Arbor March 10 and will be here un- til April 3. He will give a public lecture March 13, in the auditorium of the Rackham Building on "The Poet vs. the Average Man." He has written or compiled more than 30 volumes of verse and prose and is known especially for his work as an anthologist. Among his works are "This Singing World," "Chal- lenge," "The New Adam," "Modern American Poetry," "The Poems of Heinrich Heine,"' and others. Class Of '42 Dance Election I Is Tomorrow Freshmen Will Designate Eight Committee Heads; Large Turnout Expected Tomorrow is election day for the Class of 1942. Eight posts on the Fresh Frolic central committee are to be filled, and from the interest 1 displayed in the large number of petitions submitted by budding B. M. 0. C.'s, it seems as if the freshmen will take the honors for the largest turnout at the polls this year. Voting machines will be open from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Rooms 348 West Engineering Building and 231 Angell Hall, Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Council, revealed yesterday. Identification cards will be necessary in order to vote. The official ballot will be prepared tonight at the meeting of tie Council, and will be announced for the first time in tomorrow's Daily. According to the new petition system, under which class elections are now con- ducted, the Council may nominate three to five candidates for each of the eight positions. In making this final designation, members of the Council will be guided by the recom- mendations made by the Council judiciary committee and the League Judiciary Council on the basis of scholastic and activity records and personal interviews. The Frolic committee will be com- posed of three men and two women from the literary college and three men from the engineering college. The candidate in the literary college who receives the most votes will be declared general chairman of the dance, Luebke explained, since an engineer held this post last year. Solar Movies Shown By Sawyer Last Night 'SPIKE' JAMESi Gopher's Open Hockey Series Here Tonight Minnesota Team Favored To Continue Old Rivalry By Trimmng Michigan By NEWELL McCABE Thq hockey sextet. representing the Golden Gophers of Minnesota ar- rived in town this morning ready to open their two game series tonight at the Coliseum against Coach Eddie! Lowrey's small but fighting Wolver--S ine squad. A vastly improved Minnesota hock- ey team which has finally proved Coach Larry Armstrong's contention that it is 40 per cent better than its predecessor will meet the Wolverines for the 63rd and 64th contests in the historic Big Ten puck series tonight and Saturday. Game time is 8 p.m. Led by Capt. IKen Anderson, 12 Gophers will be on hand to face their old rivals. Five veterans of the team that shared the conference crown with the Wolverines last season are back. Backbone of the colorful Gopher offense is the mercurial Johnny Ma- riucci, veteran defenseman and the squad's leading scorer since he joined the Gopher ranks last season. Al- though taken out of one the Southern ICalifornia games with a slashed cheek that required 13 stitches, Mariucci re- turned to form in the recent Illinois tilts. Paired with Mariucci on the defense will be Ken Cramp, a sophomore with Canadian hockey training. Bert Mc- Kenzie who is playing his second year (Continued on Page 3) Borah Opposes Slash In 'WPA Sentiment Against House Sum Rises In Senate WASHINGTON, Jan. l8.-(P)- Senator Borah (Rep.i Ida.) stepped into the sizzling controversy over the amount to be appropriated for work relief today with a vigorous state- ment against cutting the sum re- quested by President Roosevelt. He took his this stand while a Sen- ate subcommittee heard a succes- sion of witnesses give their views as to whether the appropriation should be $875,000,000 asked by the Chief Ex- ecutive and WPA, $725,000,000 voted by the House, or some other figure, The appropriation is intended to fi- I nance work relief until June.30. The day brought additional evi- I dences of sentiment in the Senate Fear Of Townsend Scheme Seen Behind Social Security Reform Haber Favors Extendingr" Of Benefits Of Old-Age } Pension; Hits Reserve V. By JACK CANAVAN Declaring official demands for ex- *.*.<":.. tending old age insurance are inspired in part by fear of the Townsend -Plan, Prof. William Haber of the economics department yesterday endorsed Presi- dent Roosevelt's proposed liberaliza- tion of the Social Security Act as a x constructive move. Nationally recognized as an au- thority on social legislation, Profes- sor Haber is a member of the Advisory }' - Council on Social Security upon whose report the President based his recent recommendations to Congress. The , . " Council, composed of 25 experts rep- - rsenting labor, employers and the public. The current dispute over the Presi- PROF. WILLIAM HABER dent's proposals centers around means of abolishing the huge reserve "2. To bring under the protection fund condemned as superflous by of the law several million persons both sides. Originated to make the project now excluded, particularly domestic "self-liquidating,"-capable of paying workers, agricultural laborers and for itself without governmentasub-' others. sidy-the reserve is not necessary in "3. To increase benefits during the a social security scheme, Professor early years by providing for wise al- Haber said. And the methods sug- lowances. gested by the Council to abolish it are "4. To substitute for the lump sum sound. settlement in case of the wage-earn- "The opposition to the present old- er's death, a monthly annuity to the age insurance program comes from wife. two groups," Professor Haber de- "These and; similar recommenda- clared. "One wishes to abolish the old tions will reduce the reserve, estimat- age reserve by reducing taxes. This ed to eventually reach 47 billion dol- group, represented by Senator Van- lars, to an amount between 12 and 19 denberg in Congress, presents the billions," Professor Haber declared. viewpoint of industry in general." "Under this plan, by 1955, a gov- "The other group, equally opposed ernment contribution will be neces- to the reserve, wishes to abolish it, sary and the old-age insurance not by decreasing taxes, but by liber- scheme will become a three-party alizing the provisions of the law so as system, labor, employers and gov- to increase benefits and extend them ernment each bearing one-third the to more people. expense," "The Advisory Council, on the Unanimously adopted by the Coun- whole, followed this second point of cil, these recommendations were fol- view. Their report provided for a lowed, in general, by the President broad expansion of the old age in- in his proposals to Congress. surance provisions of the act. "They constitute a move toward "Their recommendations included: liberalization, motivated to a large "1 To advance the date of pay- extent by an effort to ward off the ments from 1942 to 1940.- - (Continued on Page 2) In an effort to provide adequate hospital service for the lower income groups in the state, plans are being completed for the formation of a non- profit association of Michigan hospit- %ls, it was announced yesterday by the Michigan Hospital Association and the Detroit District Hospital Council, co-sponsors of the plan. Regents of the University are ex- pected to approve the University Hospital's participation in the plan when they meet Jan. 31. Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director of the hospital, said yesterday that he knew of no reason why all hospitals in the State should not join. Under the plan hospital service will be made available to employed per- sons in the state for 60 cents a month. An entire family, including man and wife and all children under 19 years, may receive hospital service at five cents a day or $1.50 a month. This includes room and board, general nursing, operating room service and clinical laboratory service. Maternity service will be available to subscribers who have held contracts for 12 months or more, but medical service is not included. For thedpresent, the service, which is expected to begin operation by Feb. 15, will be limited to employes of businesses which hire more than 10 workers, in order to avoidrestablish- ment of expensive collection machin- ery. Employers will make payroll de- ductions, and turn the funds over to' the association. Any surplus accru- ing from the payments will be re- turned to the subscribers either in the form of reduced monthly rates or in- creased service. William J. Griffin, a trustee of Hip- land Park General Hospital, and pres- ident of the new association, ex- plained yesterday that although oth- er states have instituted similar plans, Michigan is the first to adopt such a wide-spread program. Eventually it is hoped to extend the benefits of the service to granges and fraternal or- ganizations. { t 3 i I Senate Will Indicate U.S. Air Chief Feature Film Introduces New Group Sunday "Greed" a screen version of Frank Norris' novel "McTeague," to be shown at 8:15 p.m. Sunday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, is the first picture in part two of the Art Cinema Series, "The Post-War Ameri- can Film." This film, directed by Eric Von Stoheim, has been called his "Master- piece of Realism." Von Stroheim who started as an extra, later acted and helped direct under D. W. Griffith. It was from him that he learned the value of realism and artistic integrity in film-making. "Greed" with Jean Hersholt, Zazu Pitts and Chester Conklin, portrays with telling detail the de-humaniz- ing effect of money. When shown in America in 1924 it was attacked as' being unwholesome, although it holds the record as the greatest box office .failure in the American film industry, the film caused a great stir among film critics and theorists. Other films in the series include three Buster Keaton comedies, Maur- ice Chevalier and Jeanette MacDon- ald in the "Love Parade," and Ed- ward G. Robinson in "Little Caesar." Tickets for the series may be obtained at the Michigan League, Wahr's Book- store, the Union and the Lydia Men- delssohn Box Office. Music Profession Coffee Hour Topic Prof. David A. Mattern of the mu- Roosevelt Prestige In Vote OnHopkins WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(/P)-The Senate's expected vote tomorrow on onfirmation of Harry L. Hopkins to be Secretary of Commerce marks a najor test of the Roosevelt adminis- tration's prestige in the new Con- gress. Hopkins' confirmation was ap- proved today by the Senate Commerce Committee by a strictly party vote of 13 Democrats to 6 Republicans. Chair- man Bailey (Dem.-N.C.) did not vote. A few Democrats are expected to join an almost solid Republican opposition when the vote is taken in the Senate, but observers predicted there would not be enough to block confirmation. Ease with which the Senate rati- fied the nomination of Felix Frank- furter to the Supreme Court and the nomination of Frank Murphy to be Attorney General affords no certain guide to Senate action on Hopkins. While indications from the first have pointed strongly to his confirmation, the vote may reveal the outlines of serious Democratic Party cleavages. Wace To Speak, On Sparta Today Archaeological Authority To Talk At 4:15 P.M. Prof. A.J.B. Wace, Laurence Pro- fessor of Classical Archaeology at Cambridge University, will deliver a University lecture on "Sparta in the Light of the Excavations" at 4:15 p.m. today, in the Amphitheatre of the Graduate School. Professor Wace, who is a graduate of Cambridge University and Pem- broke College, was director of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Greece from 1914 to 1923 and deputy keeper of the Victoria'and Albert Museum, London, from 1929 to 1934. In 1924 he was Charles Eliot Norton Lecturer for the Archeological Association of America. He is hne author of "A Catalogue of the Sparta Museum," "Pre-historic Thessaly," "Nomads of the Balkans," "An Approach to Greek Sculpture" and a large number of articles of an arch~naeoloical nature. Tells Congress Aviation Needs Maj.-Gen. Arnold Calls For Expansion Of Air Corps In Case Of 'Emergency' Ii i . ;, r l s r k 1 Termed the best solar moving pic- t{ tures ever produced, films depicting against following the leadership of sun prominences taken from the Mc- the House and reducing the approp- Math Hulbert Observatory were riation requested. Senator Bone shown last night in the Natural (Dem., Wash.), for example, testified Science Auditorium with a running before the subcommittee in favor of commentary by Howard Edmund the larger sum, and Senator Dow- Sawyer, assistant astronomer at the ney (Dem.-Calif.) announced that he Observatory. would support it. Nazi Minister Of Propaganda May Be Demoted To New Post 'J WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(')-The Army's top-ranking aviator told Con- gress today "an emergency" made it necessary to complete in two years the $300,000,000 Air Corps expansion recommended by President Roosevelt. Major-General H. H. Arnold, Chief of the Army Air Corps, detailed the proposed expansion before the House Military Committee at the opening of public hearings on the major phase of the President's $552,000,000 de- fense program. When pressed by Republican mem- bers of the committee for details as to the nature of the emergency, Ar- nold declined to answer the questions in public. Arnold said the Air Corps needed four new major air bases to be able to carry out its defense mission and said they should be located at Puerto Rico, Alaska and at two points in the continental United States. In addition to expansion of the Air Corps, the Army has asked that the Panama Canal's fortifications and garrison be strengthened and that an extra set of locks be constructed to speed up fleet movements through the waterway and minimize the dan- ger of sabotage. Chown's Work Band ,Feature Medley Of Campus Tunes To Be Played Sunday When the Varsity band plays "A Michigan Fantasy" at its concert to' be held at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium, it will be presenting a novel arrangement of Michigan tunes by Donn Chown, Grad., one of its members. Chown, manager of the band last year, has included "Varsity," "When Night Falls, Dear," "I Want To Go Police Squads Arrest Young Irish Saboteurs Lightning Raids Are Result Of Activities Of Illegal Irish Republican Army LONDON, Jan. 18-()-Swift raids by police bomb squads today resulted in the seizure of large quantities of ammunition and explosives and the arrest of 14 young suspected mem- bers of the illegal. Irish Republican Army in connection with a series of explosions throughout the United Kingdom. t Police arrested seven Irishmen in Manchester, where blasts killed one man and injured two. Seven were arrested in London. All were ordered held a week pending Scotland Yard's further investigation into alleged or- ganized sabotage aimed at Britain's key public services, such as power, water and gas works. The I.R.A., banned by both the Eire (Ireland) and Ulster (Northern Ireland) governments, demands the complete severance of Ireland from Britain. It is believed to number about 25,000. Those arrested in Manchester were charged with illegal possession of six barrels of explosives. In the London Bow Street Court police testified they found several automatic pistols, rifles, explosives and more than 1.00 rounds of ammunition when they raided the homes of the seven Irish- men arrested. BERLIN, Jan. 18-(A)-Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels re- turned to his desk today after an ill- ness of several weeks, but persistent rumors in reliable circles said he would leave it soon for a new post-perhaps that of Chief Nazi District Leader- in a general re-shuffling of high Nazi officials. Late in December critics of Dr. Goebbels' tactics in the November anti-Jewish campaign said that he had failed to avert foreign criticism and that a change was coming where- by he would be divested of his propa- regard to domestic policy. It was said Heinrich Himmnler, Chief of German Police and the black-uniformed SS Elite Guards, might succeed him. These reports circulated among usually well-informed men who see in" such moves, if made, a continuation of Chancellor Hitler's policy of bal- ancing radicals and moderates. If the Goering appointment could be re- garded as a victory for the moderates, Himmler's elevation would please the more radical Nazis. Dr. Goebbels had been away from his office since shortly before Christ- ! Civil Service Probe Stymied By Snowfall