Weather Cloudy today: snow Wednesday followed by Thursday Y Ar Alo, low 4tj t CIL r t VOL. XLIX. No. 82 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 17, 1939 __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _, PRICE FIVE CENTS Badger Rally Whips Frantic Michigan Five By42-39Score Lead CIanges Six Times In Final Period As Game Turns Into 'Dog-Fight' Tom Harmon Stars, Scoring_14 Points By TOM PHARES After 13 minutes of play last night, Wisconsin's scrappy Badgers sud- denly discovered how to hit the bas- ket and fought on to score a 42-39 victory that pushed a frantic Michi- gan team further back into the dust of the Big Ten title race. A field goal by forward Andy Smith and two foul throws by Johnny Run- dell in the final minutes of the game climaxed a rough battle which saw the lead change six times in the final period. Long shots by Eddie Thomas and Leo Beebe plus a dog shot by a driv- ing Tom Harmon had given the Wol- verines a 38-36 lead with only four minutes left to play, but the Badgers refused to be licked and came back with their game-winning flurry. With Center Jim Rae out for the rest of the semester nursing his in- jued back, Danny Smick moved to the pivot for Michigan but it was Tom ,l{1rmon, sophomore forward, who stole the show and threatened to whip the Badgers. Harmon scored five field goals, four foul shots for 14 points and did an excellent job of ball-hawking as h repeatedly ha- rassed the opposing guards by inter- cepting their passes. His one-man dribble-in sht worked three times for scores. Accurate Andy Smith, who count- ed 13 points, snapped Wisconsin out of their prolonged slump. After sink- ing only 16 shots in their first three Conference tilts, Coach Harold Fbs- ter's boys connected for 17 last night and scored ore points in the .irst. half than they did during the entire game against Indiana last Saturday. The Wolverines opened fire at the first Whistle and in four minutes had rolled up a 7 to 1 lead. Harmon caught the whole Badger outfit nap- ping with his solo dash down the floor for Michigan's first field goal. The visitors looked slow, their passing was bad, tfieir defense loose. "It looked like the Indiana game for 10 minutes," admitted Coach Foster afterwards, "but then we start- ed hitting them." And hit them they did. With Michigan leading 18 to 8 at the 13 minute point, Gallagher, Schwartz and Bell came into the Wis- cosin lineup and the drive was on. Gallaghernand Smith sank long shots, Schwartz and Bell tipped in baskets in quick succession and then Smith's second long shot tied the score at 18 all before the startled Wolverines could assemble their forces. Schwartz scored on a push shot just before the half ended and Wisconsin (Continued on Page 3) SEC Inquiry Held Unlawful 'Investigation Damaging' RichbergCharges WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -(P)-- Donald R. Richberg, the former NRA administrator, accused the Securities and Exchange Commission today of attempting to conduct an unlawful and damaging public inquisition into the affairs of the Bank of America, huge West Coast branch banking firm. Acting for the famous figures of finance who head it, Amadeo P. Gian- nini and Amadeo's son, Lawrence, the erstwhile New Deal official asked the Federal District Court to restrain the Commission from obtaining the institution's books or further publi- cizing bank examiners' reports which he said had been obtained illegally' from the treasury. Richberg contended that federal authority over national banks was vested in the comptroller of the cur- rency, who directs examinations; the Federal. Reserve Board and the Fed- eral Deposit Insurance Corporation.; He expressed apprehension that the SEC would divulge records of the Bank of America in partial and mislead- ing form in an effort to sustain "false imputations" regarding Transamerica Henry Busse And Count Basie WillSwing Out For '39 J-HoP Contrasting Bands Chosen 'years ago. He has recently made Assure Dance Patrons numerous recordings for the Detca Assur Danc Patr n d V~ictor corporations. Of Varieties In Rythm During the summer Busse appeared ,at the HotelnNew Yorker and at pres- Dancers at this year's J-Hop will swing to the music of the orchestras Netherland Plaza in Cincinnati. His band has 19 members. of Count Basie and Henry Busse, it Count Base has just finished a was announced yesterday by Donald long stay with the Famous Door in Treadwel,'40 general chairman of New York. Described by one of the r- Ital ~?ans Petitions Are Due Today~ Italy Warns"s For Frosh rolxic eds All petitions for the Frosh Frolic Aiccinittee must be received by 8 p.m. today at the Union student offices or the League undergraduate offices, or Loyalists'Fred Luebke,'39E, president of Men's Council, announced yesterday. Bal- loting will be conducted Friday. Romne-Berlin Axis Would Candidates will be judged on the basis of 200-word statements con- Block French Attempt, cerning their qualifications, and per- I ------l,' "1, £ -4L -W - - - - - - the Hop. The dance will be held Fri- day, Feb. 10. Arrangements for the bands were{ completed yesterday by Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea, Treadwell stated, after considerable delay occasioned by difficulty in closing a contract with Busse. The J-Hop will be Basie's first appearance in Ann Arbor, al- though Busse has provided music for a number of local dances, notably the 1934 J-Hop andlast year's senior Ball. He also played at the Frosh Frolic in 1932. Variety in dance music styles will be assured bythe contrast presented by the two orchestras, similar to that between Kay Kyser and Jimmy Dor- sey, who played at the J-Hop last year. Basie, discovered by Benny Goodman only a few years ago, has his own particular brand of swing, featuring his piano, recognized as one of the best in modern swing circles. Busse's orchestra affects the "sweet" type of dance music, with muted-trumpet solos by Busse himself. 1 l Busse's rise to a commanding posi-' tion among top-flight popular dance orchestras in the past few years has been rapid. He recently completed a two year engagement with the well- known Chez Paree, in Chicago. Busse himself was once first trumpet in Paul Whiteman's orchestra, which played at the J-Hop a number of New Charges Widen Breach In'UEAWFight Hillman And Murray Seekd To Carry Olive Branch To Martin And Board DETROIT, Jan. 16.-(P)-A vital hour in the United Automobile Work-, ers' intra-union row now again under scrutiny by the parent CIO drew near tonight while fresh accusations against President Homer Martin wid- ened the breach between him and the Union's executive board majority. Sidney Hillman and Philip Murray, vice-presidents of the Congress of Industrial Organizations and mem- bers of the CIO-tAW co-ordinating committee which Martin has sought to dissolve conferred at length with anti-Martinites of the factional fight. Upon adjournment of the Board meeting tonight, and before going in- to secret hotel conferences with Hill- man and Murray, the Board opposi- tion said *Martin's "recent state- ments" were "as ridiculous" as Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling's charges against President and Mrs. Roosevelt. "Recent statements by President Martin intended to discredit the ex- ecutive board and weaken the union," Martin's foes said in a statement, "are as ridiculous as the charges made by Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling that President and .Mrs. Roosevelt and Felix Frankfurter were Communists. critics of popular music in the Chica- go Daily News as "one of the most exciting bands in creation" and "and possessing a rhythmic abandon that is nonexistent north of the band's home, Kansas City," he has become one of the idols of the "jitterbug" sect by virtue of his style and enthus- iasm. Basie's aggregation will present a number of featured soloists, both vocal and instrumental. Providing the piano background'and solos himself, he-~will be assisted by Buck Clayton, trumpeter, and Lester Young, saxo- phonist. Jimmy Rushing will do the vocals. Fight Program Presents Local Boxers Tonight, Congress.Sponsored Affair To Provide Scholarship' Fund For Independents By HERB LEV Featuring the University's out- standing fistic talent, Congress, in-j dependent men's organization, willI present it's all-star boxing show at the Field House this evening at 7:30. With a definite objective in mind,' the provision of a scholarship fund for deserving independent men, the executive committee of Congress, headed by Phil Westbrook, '40, has lined up ten bouts, each going three, rounds. Wolverine fans will get an oppor- tunity to witness two Golden Gloves, champions in action tonight. In the3 main go, big Don Siegel, state heavy- weight champion last season, faces3 Paul Lovett, a rangy colored boy who ranks high in Detroit fistic circles.. In three years of boxing, Siegel has tasted defeat but once in eleven starts,, winning eight of his victories by knockouts. Since boxing coaches Vern Larsen and Marty Lewandowski have no stu-, dent pugilists capable of giving Siegel; a battle, Lovett, semi-finalist in the Detroit Diamond Belt show last year, was imported to attempt to halt the streak of the ,Michigan football star. A 200 pounder, Lovett is extremely1 fast and packs a terrific wallop in either hand. Aside from the heavyweight class, the other matches will all feature local talent, and the Intramural De- partment will award medals symbolic of all-campus championships to the! winners of the bouts. A second Gloves title-holder who will perform tonight is Tommy Root who won the 165 pound championship in the Ann Arbor tournament last winter. Torn, a junior who learned his boxing under Vern Larsen, faces freshman Bob Kovalec, one of this year's prize newcomers. The opening bout on the program will pit 165 pounders Al Wittenberg and Don Monroe against each other. (Continued on Page 3) Fascist Newspapers State: 'Favor Insurgents' Says Vatican Paper1 ROME, Jan. 16.--R)-France wast warned today in 'the Fascist Press that any French attempt to save the Barcelona Government would dash itself against the Rome-Berlin axis. Newspapers also called on the Italian people to be ready to avenge French "insults" against their na- tional honor. In a third development. L'Osserva- toer Romano, Vatican -City newspa- per, asserted that Catholics could fa- vo r only the Insurgent side in the Spanish civil war. La Tribuna charged that there was a growing move in France to "rush to the aid of the tottering Loyalist government." "France and Europe," it said, "knowt exactly the consequences which anyt inadvisable and provocatory act wouldE bring: that Italian determination, in perfect harmony with the unshat-t terable directives of the Rome-Ber- lin axis, would oppose any desperate attempt with an insuperable barrier.E France Is Flooded By Pleas For Loyalists PARIS, Jan. 16.-UP)-Demandst for a last desperate effort to save the1 hard-pressed Spanish Government poured in on the French Govern- ment today as Generalissimo Francos appealed to his foe to lay down armsc in face of his advancing legions. t In a troadcast message, the Gen-1 eralissimo declared his forces weret advancing on Barcelona "not to de-.. stroy her but to save her."1 While 150,000 Insurgent soldiers-t Spaniards, Italians and Moors-con-.. verged relentlessly on the Govern- mnet capitlfris became the focalt paintfatl-Fascist hopes. In all,E Franco's Catalonian forces were esti- mated at 300,000.' Reports were that the capital might be transferred to the extreme north- eastern tip of Catalonia on thet French frontier, if Government of-c ficials were forced to flee. From anti-Fascists Game warnings that a Franco victory would mean a dangerous setback for the democra- cies. French Premier Daladier, whose! country has sent at least its moral support to the Spanish Government, was swamped by demands for some£ kind of action. . Behind the Spanish issue - for France, at least-is the question oft whether she is to have a neutral neighbor or a Fascist camp.' Daladier's own radical-socialistt party has told him the matter was far too important for a further- hands-off" attitude. Former Premier Leon Blum's socialist party which re-' cently went into the radical-socialist opposition is said to have offered to return to the Daladier fold in ex- change for some decisive action. I ' Magic Potion' Aids Tenor Gigis Voice Bef ore Appearance A short time ago, a legend flour-, ishedsin Europe that Beniamino Gigli, famous Italian tenor who will pre- sent the sixth Choral Union concert here Thursday, imbibed some magic potion before going on the stage, whereby his voice achieved added resonance and lustre. The legend centered around a ther- mos bottle, always present in the star's dressing room and which was carefully guarded at all times It wasn't until an enterprising young French reporter, skeptical of magic and unversed in awe, asked Gigli point-blank what the bottle con- tained that the mystery was solved. At Gigli's invitation, the reporter tasted the "magic potion." He made a \wry face and announced gravely: "Cafe au lait, and far too sweet for my taste." He was then informed by Gigli that he. used the hot coffee merely to stimulate his vocal cords, while the sweetness was nothing but a case of a pronounced sweet tooth. I 1 N Italian Newspaper Praises Coughlin sonal interviews which will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday at the Union. The official list of candidates will be published Friday. The central committee will be com- posed of three men and two women from the literary college and three men from the engineering college. Fhht Training; Approval Given For University Michigan May Be Among U.S. Colleges To Prepare Students For Air Service Meeting yesterday in Washington, the Civil Aeronautics Authority in- cluded the University of Michigan in a list of 13 schools in which a test will be made of the President's plan to t'ain 20,0000 students a year as reserve pilots. Pending approval of the University authorities, the plan will be institut- ed at the start of the second semester. Approximately 20 students will be given an average of 50 hours of dual and solo flying, more than sufficient to qualify them for private pilot's licenses. Preliminary physical examinations will be conducted by the school phy- sicians and final weeding out will be done by Army flight surgeons. Candi- dates will be required to meet the physical standards set by the mili- tary flying services, the Civil Aero- nautics Authority stated. A nominalt laboratory fee will also be chargedt to be sure candidates are interestedI in the project.F The CAA will furnish flight instruc- tors, planes and all other necessaryr equipment; the cost to be borne by a $100,000 appropriation to the Nationai Youth Administration.I The University was chse along( with Purdue, Alabama, Minnesota,t Washington, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Texas A&M, Georgia Tech, New York University, Northj Carolina, Kansas, San Jose, and1 Pomona. The schools were selectedl on the basis of pioneering aviation training already done by them. i The program will be a practical test of the plan to train 20,000 students a year which was suggested by Presi- dent Roosevelt in his recent defense. message to Congress. If results prove the plan sound, the training program' will be used in colleges and universi- ties throughout the nation during the 1939-1940 school year. 'Ensian Pictures To Go On Display WednesdayI Prize-winning pictures submitted to the Michiganensian for the month of December will go on display Wednesday in the windows of Slater's bookstore. The snap shots, dealing with cam- pus subjects, were judged by a group of Detroit artists and declared the best of several hundred entries. The contest will be repeated from time to time and all winning pictures will appear in the "Ensian." Students interested in submitting photographs may present them at the 'Ensian edi- torial offices in the Student Publica- tions Building. Nippon Newspaper Asserts Tokyo Navy Will Crush A Move Toward China TOKYO, Jan. 16-0P)-A Japanese newspaper considered an organ of the army and ultra-nationalistic ele- ments warned the United States today against fortifications of Guam and Wake Islands if it is intended as the means toward a political foothold in China. If such is the case, Kokumin Shim- bun declared, "the Japanese people are determined to smash the Ameri- can fleet." The newspaper demanded to know "the real intentions of the American people in the western Pacific-not those of the President or the State Department." If the United States wants only to increase trade with China, the edi- torial continued, then Japan will assist but if the United States seeks to interfere with Japan's China policy even resorting to arms, then Japan must be ready to smash the Ameri- can fleet. "This is not the view of the army and navy but the determination of the Japanese people," Kokumin Shim- bun asserted. The newspaper said that since Japan had abrogated the Nine-Power Washington Treaty pledging respect for territorial integrity of China and maintenance of the Open Door for trade she was unable to protest forti- fication of Guam but "realized such fortification would menace Japan's mandated islands and naturally the Japanesedare gravely concerned. " Col. Ruppert Is Buried While Thousands Mourn NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-VP)-Col. Jacob Ruppert was buried today af- ter his friends and the church had paid him moving tribute in a solemn high requiem mass in St. Patrick's Cathedral. WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-(')- President Roosevelt asked Congress for a broad liberalization of the So- rlal Security program today and drew an immediate reply from Republican quarters that the first necessity was the correction of the "mistakes" in the present system. The Chief Executive submitted, with an approving special message, a report by the Social Security Board which recommended that: Federal old age insurance payments begin in 1940 instead of 1942, the date fixed in the present law. Old age insurance payments be larger during the early years of the program than the law now requires. To Include 6,000,000 More The old age plan be extended as rapidly as possible to some 6,000,000 workers now outside the system. The unemployment insurance sys- tem also be enlarged to embrace mil- lions now uncovered. "As regards both. the Federal Old Age Insurance System and the Fed- eral-State Unemployment Compen- satioh System," Mr. Roosevelt said in his message, "Equity and sound social policy require that the benefits be extended to all our people as rapidly as administrative experience and public understanding permit." Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.), who has made an extensive study of the problem, commented: "He ignores the fundamental ne- cessity of puting the existing system on a sound basis before it is expanded. I emphatically agree that' there should 'be an expansion, but mani- festly it is logical that we must first correct the mistakes in the existing formula." FDR Asks Early Payment Mr. Roosevelt suggested, as did the- board, "a two-fold approach" of the problem of old age payments, sugges- ting that "one way" was to begin in- surance payments earlier and make them more liberal, and a second to increase Federal grants' to states of "limited fiscal capacities, so they may provide more adequate assis- tance to those in need." To extend both old age and unem- ployment compensation to new groups, the board suggested the par- tial inclusion of agricultural work- ers; the gradual inclusion of domes- tic servants, and extension of the plans to non-profit and charitable organizations, national banks and ether instrumentalities of the Feder- al government and to seamen, Senate To Vote On Appointees Frankfurter And )Murphy Pass Judiciary Group WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-W ---TWG of President Roosevelt's most import- ant nominations-Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court and Frank Murphy to the post of Attorney Gen- eral-are to go before the Senate to- morrow, with approval considered a foregone conclusion. In preparation for the official sanc- tion of the Senate, the full judiciary committee, with 16 of its 18 members in attendance, voted unanimously to- day to recommend the confirmation of both appointees. Chairman Ashurst (D-Ariz) reported the appointments to the Senate, but under the usual procedure, a day had to elapse before action could be taken. The third of the three major nomi- nations submitted by the President last week, that of Harry L. Hopkins to the post of Secretary of Commerce, meanwhile awaited action by the Sen- ate Commerce Committee, scheduled for Wednesday. Members of the com- mittee, notably Chairman Bailey (D-NC) and Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich) questioned Hopkins severe- ly last week on the subject of politics in relief. I Associated Press News Flashes Tour Country For Daily Readers ed Cr@ WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-(P)-More than 100,000 messages urging Con- gress members to retain the embargo against arms shipments to Spain had been delivered up tonight, telegraph :ompanies reported. The messages began to flood in on the capital soon after several mem- bers of the Catholic clergy made appeals yesterday for retention of the embargo. PHILADELPHIA, January 16.- Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt declared today that a nation in which "some people can't eat without the govern- ment providing some of the food" is not "a true democracy." Addressing the Women's Interna- tional League for Peace and Freedom, the wife of the President said there are in the United States some who never will be good citizens "as long as they have to keep thinking about their next meal." respondent of the New York Times, received instructions from the De- partment of Interior tonight to leave the country in 24 hours. No official explanation was issued. LANSING, January 16.-Clarence. V. Smazel, director of the Stage Hous- ing Commission, said today he had been informed a $35,000,000 "ceiling" has been placed on the United States Housing Authority's allocations toj Michigan. No further funds will be available from the Federal Government for low cost housing projects in this state, he said, unless Congress appropriates more money. NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-Alfonse Capone, who inherited the Chicago rackets of John Torrio 18 years ago, was expected today to be called as a government witness in Torrio's in- come tax fraud trial in March. Petrified Forest' To Open Here For Four-Day Run Wednesday, Tickets for Play Production's "The Petrified Forest" that opens a four day run Wednesday at the Lydia E. Mendelssohn Theatre went on sale yesterday at the box office and a brisk, sale followed. Edward Jurist, veteran amateur actor who played the title role in "Counsellor at Law," early this season will play one of the most important parts. In addition to the four perform- ances Play Production will put on a special matinee 2:30 Saturday. Jurist will play the role of Duke Mantee, fugitive gangster, portrayed on the stage and screen by Humphrey Bogart. James Barton and Karl Klau- -ser '39, will alternate performances. "The Petrified Forest" is a fast- moving play almost diametrically op- posite Play Production's last vehicle "Pride and Prejudice." At the time of its long run on Broadway Sherwood's "The Petrified Forest" brought the following com- ment from Stark Young in the New Republic: "Mr. Sherwood's play de- serves all the success it has had." Brooks Atkinson wrote in the New York Times," . . . an exuberant tale of poetic vagabonds and machine- gun desparadoes. The story is set in a gasoline station in the eastern Arizonahdesert, and has typnical A mericrancha~rters th at