.__ _ _ _, ,y _V_ Chamberlain And Duce Toast 'Peace Founded On Justice' All Students: Registration for see- hire: A national exhibition of Rep- ond semester. Each student should resentative Buildings of the Post- plan to register for himself during War Period, selected by the Commit- the appointed hours. Registrations tee on Education of the American In- by proxy will not be accepted. stitute of Architects and circulated Robert L. Williams, by the American Federation of Arts. Assistant Registrar. is being shown in the third floor ex- hibition room, Architecture Build- Registration Material, College of ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun- Arctecture. udents should c , Jan. 18. The public is for second semester material at Room invited 4 University Hall at once. The Col- P ... -f Aw nh l-. tn fl t,..J " o - I lege of Architecture will post an an ToEhbt:PiigsySaks'- nouncement in the near future giving Sarkisian, and prints from the col- Research Club will meet on Wed- time of conference with your classi- lection of the Detroit Institute of nesday, Jan. 18, at 8 p.m., in the fier. Please wait for this notice'>e Arts, under the auspices of the Ann Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg. fore seeing your classifier. Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to 25, Professor H. B. Lewis will speak on Robert L. Willams, afternoons from 2 to 5, North and "Inborn Errors of Metabolism"; and Assistant Registrar. South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Professor P. E. James, on "Changing Hall. Patterns of Population in Sao Paulo Registration Material, Colleges of State, Brazil." The Council will meet L.S.&.A., Education, Music. Stu- Tcxtile Exhibition, College of Ar- in the Assembly Hall at 7:30 p.m. dents should call for second semes- chitecture: A showing of modern ter registratioi material at Room 4,1textiles consisting of rugs, hangings, German Table for Faculty Members: University Hall as soon as possible. bedspreads and pillow cases, de- The regular luncheon meeting will be Please see your adviser and secure all s g e y M r a n t e g l , n w( o t n c d o a e 4 necessary signatures. sign~ed by Mariannie Strengell. nzow C yiue o ae4 on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca-- ------_- Robert L, Williams, demy of Art, is on display in the Assistant Registrar. ground floor cases of the Architec- .e n . ture Building. Open daily. 9 to 5, ex- Choral Union Concert: Bemammo cept Sunday. through Jan. 25. The Gigli, Italian operatic and concert pusn d. singer. will give a concert in the Chor- al Union Series, Thursday night, Jan. C O M PA N Y (19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, Exhibition of Chinese Phowography: taking the place of Kirsten Flag- Exhibition of Chinese photographic stad, whose November concert was studies by Cheng Chao-Min will be Z cancelled. presented in the Galleries of the '7 Concertgoers will please present for Rackham Building from Monday, admission coupon Number 4, reading Jan. 16, to Saturday. Jan. 21. This "Kirsten Flagstad." The concert will showing is sponsored by the Inter- P R O F E S S I O N A L C begin on time, and the doors will be national Center and is the last in a 0 E XI ER M IN A T I N G closed during numbers. series presented for this semester. TELEPHONE Exhibitions Events Today Exhibition, College of Architec- Chinese Students Club: The last__ CONTINUOUS TODAY N ow 1 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. FIRST EPIC OF THE NORTH COUNTRY LAST THREE DAYS- "Neither Hardship Nor Suffering Nor Fear of Death Shall Stay My Hand--Or My Heart!" Across a million miles of wilderness that pledge is feared by the law- less! For it is the proud tradition of the men who never turn back- until they get their man!... The Royal Canadian Mounted Police! tructive notice to aD ffiembers of theI~ le of -theassistant to the President Notice to Aien Students: For the information of men students living in approved rooming houses, the first it is requested that faculty members semester shall end on Thursday, Feo. having projects needing support dur- 9' and the second semester shall be- gin on the same day. ing 1939-1940 file their proposals inII Students living in approved room- the Office of the Graduate School by ing houses, who intend to move to Feb. 1. Later requests will of course, different quarters for the second be considered toward the close of the semester, should give notice in writ- second semester. Those wishing to ing to the Dean of Students before renew previous requests whether now 4:30 on Thursday, Jan. 19, 1939. Per- receiving support or not should so in- mission to move will be given only to dicate. Application forms will be students complying with this re- mailed or can be obtained at Secre- quirement. tary's Office, West Wing, Rackham Illustrated Lecture, "Ivories From Bldg., Telephone 331. s A e Ltu e vies rom LATEST ISSUE LATEST WORLD EVENTS MARCH OF TIME NEWS OF THE DAY I DONI GIVE ME THAT FRENCH HORSELAFF I AF I %% R iDES A taroping roundup of o00.la-augbs and lassies 'way otWsti ayPrO K BEIt Of BENI MISIS AND M-ODELS B~t Mary Boland Chly a, yton and the Yacht Club Boys S e O n P irec d b itchell Lei'O ...... :