0 SALT:-4;, 1 - TRHFlI4NCH IGA-N DAILY ________________________________________ ____________4a..t...,.~ ,-~-- -. -- '.--.- - - - ~-'-~ -'--- --~--'- _______---~--- -- - Stanley Waltze Heads Ticket Sale_ For all Late Permission Granted Women; Sawyer, Boyd To Play At Two Dances Stanley G. Waltz, manager of the Union, has been appointed chairman of the ticket committee for the an- nual .President's Birthday Ball to bef held Jan. from 9 n.m. o i. a.m. Monday, 30, ,Reade S. Pierce, general chai'man, announced yesterday. ' Two dances will be held, one at the Union and one at the Masonic Temple, and one ticket will admit couples to both dances. Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will play at the Union, while music at the Temple will be furnished by Bill Boyd and his orchestra. A floor show will be pre- sented at each dance, Pierce said. Norman A. -Ottmar" was named. treasurer' of the ticket . committee. Other members .of the 'committee"in- elude Mrs. 'Horatio Abbott,' Robert Greve, Otto W. Haisley, Joseph Mun- dus, Oswald J. Koch, Bruce Palmer, George Earle. Charles Preketes, Fred Norris, Mrs.; F. E. Shurtliff, .Mrs. .George Wild, Howard L. Preston, Francis O'Brien, Murton Peer, Mrs. Lowe.ll J., Carr, Mrs. Gladys Schott, LeoBurns, Bert Reynolds, Aubrey Whitfield,, LeRoy Staib, Mrs. Julio del Toro, John Walker, Louis F. Hallen and Richard Whitker. Late permission will be granted to, women students desiring to attend the dance provided they call :at the, office. of the Dean of Women, ae cording toDean.Alice C. -Lloyd. Tickets may 'be obtained at the Union, Wahr's, 'Slater's,.State Street Bank, Ann Arbor Trust Co., or from any member of the committee. The ONLY Store in Ann Arbor with those sensational ew M eUt&rd duate Tea At Lea gue IA ttractsM any' a, tII s Betty Joag, Helen Rhodes, Annabel Van Winkle, Others Perform More than 400 women attended the first undergraduate women's tea, held' from--4 p.m. to 6 p.m. yesterday in the ballroom of the League, Mary{ Frances Reek, '40, chairman of the tea, announced, Charlie Zwick furnished music fort dancing. Several soloists sang dur- ing the afternoon. Annabel Van Winkle. '41, sang "Yo~u Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby" and "Two Sleepy People." Barbara Teall, '39, sang "My Reverie" and "Night and Day." Ann Schaeffer, '40S4, chose "The Umbrella Man" and "Deep in a Dream." Trio Sings Helen, Rhodes, 41, sang "So Help* Me." A trio, :,consisting. of Ruth' Chatard, '40, Jeane Clemmons, '40. and Helen Nutting, '41, selected "On the. Bumpy Road to Love." Betty Hoag, '41; tap-danced for the group. Barbara Heath,- '39, chairman of the social committee, directed the pro.-. gram .:. . . { Among those who attended were l Edith Lynch, '41, Sybil Swartout, '39, Roberta Leete, '40, and' Frances Bourke, 41. Gathered around an- other table were Helen Ralston, '40,, Anabel Avery, '40,, Mary ,Mae Sco- ville, 40, Jane Jewitt, '40, Ella Stowe,, '40, Enora Ferriss, '40, and Alberta Wood, '40. Bety Oth rs Attend SBettyThompson of Detroit was cir- culating among old friends. Barbara Bassett,' '40,'Frances Besancon, '41, Maxine Baribeau. '40, Jane Hart, '40, and Betty Slee, '40, were all busy try- ing to get in a word. Virginia List, '41, Betty Brooks, '41, Stephanie Parfet, '39, Elizabeth Allington, '40, Ann Kingston, '40, Margaret Gardner, '42 and Virginia Appleton, '42, were enjoying the en- tertainment. Elaine Jacobs, '40,: Anna. Martin, '39, Mary McCrory, '39SM, Ruth Allen, '41, Ruth Fitz- ;patrick, '41, Jean Tibbits, '40, and B~arbara Backus, '40, Jane Lord, '40 anL a yMel '39 ,also attended. - - I } It / ' K..:' t ^l :: Y <' -' , . ' bo ' ,.. o Wiier Is Back, A nd $ki T railA Beckon Varied Activities Planned For 'w ek-End -'.--- * .4., Students will lay aside their books given at the Betsy Baruour clormi- given at Kappa Nu tonight. Mr.,and ai worie this week-end to -dance At, a-, oftes{'ri"ies. fraternities tory tonight. Caperoni'0 1; will 1 Mr-- Sai.I1 hiotl nn, Mr. and Mrs. # Mr. and Mrs. Lardi A. VanDPrsei.i enjamin Kessel, and Mrs. Frank F. and dormitories. ig Among the organizations giving Mrs. C. St'rnley Mitchell, Miss Jean Loeb wi]: chaperon. dances is Acacia fraternity, which will Carrothers and Miss Elizabeth Shor- Psi Upsilon fraternity 'is giving a give i " Millionaires" radio dance ney. radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight from 9 p.m. to midnight today. The Chi Omega sorority will also cele- today. Mrs. H. A. Poppleton and chaperons will be -Mr. and Mrs. C. brate the weekend with a ance. M's M. acd Mrs. R obert Miller are chap- Russell l ryce and Mr. and Mrs. Her-V i bert Wagner. Helen Matt, Mrs. Granville Mitee - roiing the allahr. Alpha Xi Delta sorority will be-. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruyiere, Of Sigma Nu is giving a closed radio gin their radio dance and bridge af- Toledo, have been asked -to chaperon. 1a)ce from 9 p.m. to midnight to- ter the basketball game. Mr. and After the. basketball game tonight night, Mrs. H. B. Phelps, house- Mrs. W. C. Steer and Mr.. and Mrs. Delta Sigma Delta fraternity is giv- mother. will chaperon. Franklin Kuenzel will chaperon. ing a radio dance. The chaperons ThIeta Xi will give an informal radio A lorinal supper dance is bein wil be Dr. and Mirs. ThomaS Gihl dance from 9 p.m. to midnight. Chap- arid Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Mo, 1. roing air Mr. and Mrs. James W. An informal radio dance will be Freeman and Prof. C. A. Siebert. A - -- lea At Leaguife Hoi"ors FaciltI rwS liIem 1r 1 Are Aiiiouiced Members of the receiving line for the faculty tea to be given from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. tomof'row in the League Ballroom have been an- tounced by Gladys Engle, '40, chair- man of the affair. Included in the list are Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women; Dean Jeaunet c Perry; Dean Byrl F. Bach- Bc Marie Hartwig; Dr. Margaret Bell; Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, Assembly { President; Jean Holland, '39, League President, and Betty Myers, '39, presi- dent of the league house group. Given by Zones IV, V, VI, VII and VIII of Assembly, the tea is one of the events in their new social program and designed to acquaint league house women with the facilities of the League, and to help them to par- ticipate in other campus social af- fairs. New Formals, o MeetNeed OfPartyGe Spring is practically here, but so are exams and J-Hop and lots of par- ties, So now is the time to have a new formal in which to celebrate the coming of the new semester. Chiffon, because it is flowing and soft, is especially popular this year, andl even more so when combined with still starched lace. A dress on % ? T %". i% 4i - =s:., .,, q. ".- k wt Aw With old man winter here again, ski suits are in the fashion once more. This week-end will find many who seek relaxation from,.pre-finals study romping in the arboretum. The plaid jacket with hood makes even a strong north wind ineffective, and the waterproof gabardine ski pants make "spills" a pleasure. The boots are an important part of the skiing outfit, experts say. They must be stout and well made. A brightly colored scarf with mittens to match complete the perfect combination for braving the winter chill. i The new campus rage that all girls are crazy about! Of soft NATURAL $ COWHIDE with 39 wooden soles- as light as air! Hurry they sell fast! Loveliness A possession every woman desires .. . And, a possibility for allwomen. Let us give you new charm and enhance your beauty with our mod- ern. methods. kUDOLPH'S. Beauty Shop f11 East Liberty Phone 3083 I ( P_ committee this order is of 1OW-shoulder and has All: lA -full three-quarter length sleeves with 0.Ve £ .U JA"11 a . ." Xlace cuffs. e ABlond tulle is something new in Notes 'T e Posted 'ITO Entertal At Tea fashion this season: It forms the - skirt of a very smart dress with. a Junior women who have signed up The members, patronesses and the lame bodice. The neckline of this to work on Junior Girls Flay should Mothers' Club of the active chapter gown is very high. formed of bands refer to the bulletin board. in the of Alpha Del tt Pi sorority will be of the material which tie in the back. League undergraduate offices to see entertained by the alumnae of the The waist-line is. very low, and the on which committees they will work. group at a tea given from 3:30 p.m. tulle is shirred onto the bodice. Dorothy Shipman. general chairman, to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the League. Strapless gowns seem here to stay, announced recently. ,Plans for the Founders' Celebration and perhaps this is because .they are Mary Minor, chairman of pro' will be announced at that time. so especially flattering to the lady grams, announced that there will be Hostesses for the affair will be with lovely shoulders. Taffeta, navy- a meeting of her committee at 4:30 Mrs. Marshall B. Standing, Mrs. Ur- blue, makes a very charming dr'ess to p.m. Tuesday. Dancing classes will I ban J. Farnsworth, Mrs. Robert Dick- wear to the big party of the year. meet for the second time at 1 p.m. son, Mrs. Charles M. Waldo, Janet It has a tucked bodice, a narrow Saturday, Maxine Nelson, chairman, Hall, Grad., and Joan Wiese. waist and a mile-wide skirt. The only announced yesterday. Any women Mrs. Hugh H. Wellman, recently ornament is a gold clip at the neck- interested in being in any of the elected national director of the Al- line. Or i f you prefer not to wear a dancing choruses must attend the pha Delta Pi Mothers' Clubs, and strapless gown all the time, there are dancing classes, Miss Nelson said. Mrs. William McFall, president of the narrow straps to be used whenever alumnae, will pour at the tea table. desired. Decorations in blue and, white will If you want a dinner dress and be carried out in the diamond em- formal combined, a lacket-dress is blem of the sorority. always the solution. - I JacoL0on q -, --_- 1 I Read---bfails Claiufed Ad _________________________________ --wr- ---- , ---- -J.-- TERMS! INSURED STORAGE FREE! NORMOU \SAVINGS Now! OUR 35th JANUARY FUR "the greatest in our entire history. Larger stock than ever before because warm weather retarded early sales. Prices s!shed as neverbefore in order, to effect immediate clearance. Reductions up to 50%." Star- ring Persian lamb, Alaska and Hudson seal, Caracal Mink and Silvertone Muskrat. Every garment is backed by a 34 year reputation for reliability. Herringbone basque jacket of Strong-Hewat wool tweed . . 15.50. Four gore skirt 10.95. The thistle blouse . . . 6.50. Big matching felt slouch with thistle print band ..7.50. 4 ., :. ' . :.>, t . 11