T HE -MICHI-IAN DAILY SATUJRDAYJA, THE MITCHIG DAIL Base Rate For Football Men Would Be Starting Point For Bidding, Aigler Says ! I You of M y Sec Terry . , . ,I Edited and manlaged by students of _the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student 1Publicrtiol - Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. .Memberof the Associated Press The Associated Press -is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also resePrved. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular .chool year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50,. ERESENTEL) FOR. NATIONAL. AVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Re4resentative 420 MADISON AVE.. NEW YORK,.N. Y. CNI/'AGo ' BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRAM e,, Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 ' No doubt many readers of your editorials are inclined from time to time to take pen in hand and address the Editor. Most of them, like myself, conclude, "What's the use?", and put the pen aside. The statements and opinions of Mr. Gies or any other individual are not of much importance merely as individual views. They may become quite important, however, if there is any danger of their influencing opinions of others or if they represent common misapprehensions. The views expressed in the editorial on "Professional Foot- ball: Why Not?" are worthy of attention and perhaps of this communication simply because they do represent commonly entertained fallacies. One of the suggestions is that the evil of subsidization in college athletics would be elim- inated if the colleges would simply agree to sub- sidize and then set an amount of permissible s.ubsidization. It surely requires a remarkably naiAe mind to conclude that the fixing of an agreed amount would do away with the .present bidding that is done by a certain number of supposedly . educational institutions. One rmay wonder whether it has ever occurred to those who entertain such views, ,that the fixing of a "base price" would simply be the establishment of, a point at which the bidding would begin anew. This notion that all that is necessary ;is to fix a basic figure that is permissible is built upon the assumption that bids are made to propspec- tive athletes because the bidder is interested in helping a worthy boy to get a college education. Must we not face the fact that the real reason why these offers are made is to get a good ath- lete to go to college even though he may have to take some college work while there. The desire for high-class athletic material would not be dimmed one little bit if all the college in the country were to agree, let us say, upon a basic wage of $500.00 per year, What has just been said is applicable particu- larly to those worst forms of subsidizations, namely, "athletic scholarships" and general funds raised and administered either by the alumni or by the athletic department. The aid that may come ito athletes by an individual alumnus or an interested friend is not a real problem; and, of course, the giving or procurement of honest em- ployment for wages honestly earned is in no sense objectionable. Likewise, scholarships, loans, etc., administered impartially and available for non-athletes as well as candidates for teams are entirely permissible. It has been demonstrated, at least at the University of Michigan, that athletic teams are not closed to poor boys. Another curious misapprehension which mani- fests itself in the editorial to which reference is herc made is that if it is permissible to compen- sate editors and managers of student papers, it must be all right to pay athletes. Some people may have their doubts whether it is sound policy to give compensation to college journalists; but however that may be, the fact remains that College X is not in competition with College Y in respect to its college paper. If the time ever comes that College X feels that in order to put out a better paper than College Y it is going down into the high schools to get the best possible journalistic material, then a problem of subsi- dization in journalism may readily arise. It is un- necessary to add to this observation the further obvious one that the deeply rooted distinction be- tween amateurism and professionalism is pecul- iar to athletics. Let there be no misunderstanding about this: The writer of this communication certainly does not consider it a shameful thing for any man or boy to make money out of his athletic ability. Professional sports have a definitely established and ,accepted place in American life and this correspondent numbers among some of his most intimate friends men who are engaged in such activities. It must be perfectly clear that college athletics cannot long endure partly professional and part- ly anateur. It will have to be one or the other. If the conclusion is reached that professionalism should be the accepted thing, then the day of the end of intercollegiate athletics is not far off. Colleges and other educational institutions have no business with intercollegiate athletics except as such activities may be woven into the legiti- mate programs of the institution. Colleges are not founded nor are they supported by the tax payers or donors for the purpose of providing entertainment to the public. These are issues that must be faced and one of the discouraging things to those of us who have had to give serious thought to these matters, perhaps for years, is the sloppy thinking that is done by so many that ought to do better. Yours very truly, Ralph W. Aigler B.o Managing, Editor Editorial Director City Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor $ports Editor . ard of Edilors Robert V .M U hell * . . . Albert; P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzheniry S. R. Kieiman . Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman . William Elvin s ~. Joseph Freedman . p Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Rusiness Manager. . . Philip W. Buchen Crdit Manager . .Lenard p. segenIman Atdertising Matiager 1 .William L. Newnan WWen's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Wol en's Service Manager . . . Marian A. .Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are writtn by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. In Re lubsidization O WING to the interest aroused in the editorial by Mr. Gies in yesterday's Dily, many inquiries have been received asking ifjthis editoria represents the viewpoint of the Michigan Daily on the matter of subsidization of a hletes. It should be stated, therefore, that this editorial represents the opinion of Mr. Gies, and ii conformity with the stated policy of the Board in Control .of Publications, is signed as representing t e v ewpoint of the writer onl. Subsidiziation is an issue very much in the public eye at the moment and one which sooner or later will have to be brought out and settled definitely by the colleges acting collectively. The Daily is glad to present some of the viewpoints concerning subsidization, and Mr. Gies gave an excellent expression of one point, of view. The wide divergence of opinion, however, is shown by the fact that m mbers cf the sports staff of the Daily have expressed support for the stand against subsidiziation given Oy the chairman of the Board in Control of Athletics., In adition, the directing editors of the paper recently rejected a request that we join with several other schools in a campaign for open subsidization. This question is a perennial one, and the only answer that can ever be found will have to rest upon, the foundation of human belief-upon a belief in high, principles and mutual trust. Mr. Gies outlines a certain definite plan to which all the colleges will subscribe, but even his solution depends upon the honest . cooperation .of th colleges involved. As at present, there would al- ways be the question of whether the colleges were living up to the ce or whether some of them were secretly or technically evading it. The danger in subsidization lies mainly in the harm the system will doto the high school athlete. The high-pressure bidding that is sure to ensue on .the part of the colleges will give him a distorted value of his relation to the education- al program as a whole. The bids for the services of the high school athletes will necessarily bring in professional salesmen telling the advantage of each college. For the athlete, football and money will be the incentive for going to school.. The other salaried student positions of which Mr. Gies.speal4s, however ,are available only after a student has entered school withput thei incentive and has worked up for two or three years before being given a position. The side that would retain athletics on an amateur Oasis is presented in the "Editor Gets Told" column by a man who has taken an n- portant part in the discussions of football sub- sidization in the last few days and who, in view of his long interest and experience, can state this case far better than those of us of the same opinion opn the staff. That the Western Confer- ence has always .acted progressively, although not hastily, on matters concerning athletics is shown in the matter of the restoration of the training table last fall, when the need for the measure was clearly apparent, -Robert Mithell Renascent Liberasmlis By ELLIOTT IARANSS Sensitive men have recently been telling us that this is a time of troubles. Civilization in the post-Munich world is a death-dance, we are told, and with good reason. The twin plagues of war and depression, never more dreaded, were never more deadly in, their imminence and destructive- ness. As we look toward Europe and as we look toward Asia, we might be forgiven for believing that men in our t ime seem only to follow a single course with consistency and determination, and that course is one of self-destruction. The implications of this brink-of-war-and- destruction psychology are of far-reaching signi- fioance. Engendered by the proximity of barbdric forces, it is the key to an understanding of most social and political thinking today. It has aroused the classical liberals to sincere but, uixotic.ele- gies over the ghosts of Adam Smith and the open market; it has set the sunshine patriots todsing- ing paeans to the old and happy days, when. free- dom and liberty and justice were more than meaningless platitudes. Reappraisal Of 1L2berafisn And, more significantly, it has led men of good vill all over the world to re-appraisals of these principles of liberalism in order to change them into something more than simple and satisfying catchwords with no relation to the needs of the .day, as Mr. Lippman and his disciples conceive of them. They are endeavoring, instead, to make them the organic and meaningful concomitants of a revitalized liberalism that is capable of carrying to fulfillment jour democratic and humanistic.heritage. The essence of liberalism, now as always, can be expressed in John Dewey's conception of it: the liberation of the..capacities of individuals for. free, self-initiated expression. And to attach this definition dogmatically to the unrealities of a static economy, to limit its application and its permanence to one short-lived and irretriev- able stage in the dynamic process of history, is the surest guarantee of its death. For the general- ized creed of liberalism can live today. only if it becomes a concrete expression of contemporary efforts of a democratic majority to provide a secure economic base from which individuals can explore the possibilities of ;igher human effort,, from which men can rise to the fullest sat ure of which they are capable. The spectres haunt- ing the modern world are very real: they stand as living reminders of a liberalism which did not dare to will the means upon which the reali- zation of its professed aims depended. Intellechtal Betrayal Viewed in this light, the efforts of some pres- ent-day thinkers and publicists to effect a dicho- tomy between liberty, the essence of liberalism, and security, the basis for a democratic human- ism, is the greatest intellectual betrayal of our times. It is the very negation of intelligence, of science, and of the human spirit, for it advances the false and' barbaric notion that the creative capacities of individuals can be evoked and de- veloped only in a struggle ftr material posses- ity and for the satisfaction of man's needs in non-economic directions. Yet we are confronted today by the anomalous condition wherein men who pay lip-service to the ideals of the good- life and spiritual values, the traditional goals of liberal action, cling fervently to a state of social strife and chaos, a state in which the greatest part of man's energies must be expended in ob- taining the bare means of existence. Freedom today can be gained only through the organized intelligence of a democratic people. Inaction and fear are incompatible with liberty. Unwillingness-because of curious negativism4 that hark back to a predatory past and that have been publicized by;opponents of democratic action as innate in the nature of man--to participate in the contemporary effort to achieve new vistas of human endeavor does not lead to freedom but to stultification, decay and death. The task of liberalism today, then, is clear. In material production the method of science, of intelligence, and of cooperative human effort is now the established rule. The task is now to go on until the method of intelligence, of experi- mental, democratic control is the rulein all social relationships.. Social control of economic forces for the purpose of releasing mankind's energi* for the pursuit of the higher values of life and liberty is the only tenable position for modern liberalism. The Perrnatent Aspect This is the aspect of liberalism that is perman- ent. With it of course, go the other necessary elements that liberals from Jefferson to Thomas Mann have consistently espoused and to which Prof. Max Lerner has given this form: a central place for civil liberties in any cultural system; the principle of inclusive tolerance of all creeds anduall political beliefs; the dignity of the indi- vidual and the sanctity of human life; the com- petition of ideas in the market-place of thought and action; the career open to talent; the belief in the possibility of human expansion and the richness of human life; an unending fight against all the principalities and powers of reaction, The great adventures in liberalism, in liberty, in freedom, and in democracy are before us, The magnitude of the task of achieving a transforma.- tion of the economic base of liberalism and re- taiing its humanism and its safeguards against tyranny, is one sufficiently challenging to enlist all the intelligence and energies of mankind, It is an undertaking that fires the imagination, that calls for courage and initiative and daring- virtues that formerly were real and vital forces in America. To survive and to grow, democracy and liberalism must answer felt needs of the times; the direction must always be forward, Air Training The President's project to create air training schools at large colleges in the United States, under the direction of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, is an important step inl American training and defense plans. Aviation has become a key factor in arma- (Editor's Not:) with this Installment of tYou of M-Nots and Footnotes" we hope that you patient readers will at last understand our reasons for foisting Mr. sec Terry's tripe on you all these moths. This, then, is the justification column. You see, our fer- vent, hope all along has been that some- cay Sec would be unable to write hi triviaiunm. which would leave s free to have his very. able understudy, Sec Terry Jr., carry on. Well, Sec is sick, so carry on. Junior.) JUNIOR wants to start off with an apology for Poppa Terry Some humorist in the office delights in changing Poppa's copy, which is usually all for the good, heaven knows. But, in the last column, the saboteur change Marian Phillips, etc., to Marian Phillips' mother, etc. Humble apologies to Mrs. Phillips who, we hear, is a grand person. But we still think Marian herself is naive, wit-conscious. TWO SAINTS IN ONE PACT % A Short Play As the curtain rises . . . as the curtain RISES . . . AS THE CUR- TAIN RISES . . . come on, lift that damn curtain!) we hear booming guns in the distance: boom-boom, Bool, boom-boom, boom .,. . (aside to stage director: if your sound effects man can't make a good boom-boom, it will not hurt the action any to leave it out. In fact, it will probably be for the best). Man With Chin: (to guard at other end of the room, two miles away) "Has Mal With Mustache called in the last five minutes? No? Well, bet- ter call him; remind him that he has forgotten to send the recipe for that delicious devil's food cake" Guard: (reverently) "Man With Chin is always right." Second Guard: (rushing up on a )kiddy-car) "Begging your pardon, Your Greatness, Oh Glorious Big Chin who is always right, but there waits a salesman without." Man With Chin: (kissing guard on the chin): "No one can be without. I decree it. The very idea! Tell him if he needs, to send me a note, and I will figuretout someone to get it from." S. Guard: "I mean, Oh Heaven- sent, that he waits without the room to see Your Illustrious Grace." Man With Chin: (kicking S. Guard il the chin): "Remind me to have your ancestry looked up. What does the salesman look like?" S. Guard: Ire has an umbrella. Oh Benovolence." lan With Chin: "Oh, the Unella Man." Tnrow him in. (toodleuma- luma-toodle-eye-aye.)" Man With Chin walks over to mir- ror behind his desk, throws out his chest, breaking the mirror. He then walks back to the desk, takes out his counting board and plays with the beads. Man With Umbrella comes in from the right. ,Man With Umbrella: "I agree.,, Man With Chin: "That's the spirit. Here, sit down. Won't you have a colony?" Man With Umbrella: "No, thanks, not for me. I can take it or let it alone, you know." Man With Chin (screaming sud- denly): "Tunisia! Djibouti! Nice! Orange! Lemon! Lime!" Mian With Umbrella (absently): "Quite, quite, old chappie . ., any- thing else I can do for you, Chinnie, old chi"n? Man With Chin (in confidential tone): "Yes . . . I wonder if you're using your junior identification card?" Curtain, Ye gods, yes. Junior THEATRE By HARVEY SWADOS -I'he Art Cinema League is showing a picture called The Charm of La Beheme at the Lydia Mendelssohn., It has German dialogue and was made in Austria before Hitler moved in. Unfortunately, it looks as though it was made many years before Hitler was heard of. However, the film has a good deal to recommend it. The leading players arc Jan Kiepura and Martha Eggerth, who both sing very well. Kiepura looks like a stick of wood and acts like one, but he has a fine voice. That is, he has a voice like Nino Martini, which is well fitted for La Boheme. Martha Eggerth not only sings very well (she is in tune, which is more than you can say for Lily Pons) but she is a pretty decent actress in the bargain. The death scene in the last act of the opera is the best thing in the picture, largely because of the efforts of Eggerth, who manages the tuberculosis business very well, The Charm of La Boheme uses the old story within a story trick: Rudolf and Mimi in the opera are now Rene and Denise, two struggling young singers who finally make the grade in the Paris opera. But Denise has TB and, while singing the Mimi role in La Boheme, she suffers the same fate. There.is also a fellow who appears for brief moments who is a fine come- vents T Y a The Outdoor Club will meet at Lane Hall -at 2 o'iack today for a. hike. All students interested are invited to attend. Merit System Commtltee meeting at 1 p.m. today in the undergraduate office of the League. All -members must attend. Congress Jf-Hop Booths: Men de- siring to sign up for one of the Con- gress Booths at the 1939 J-Hop may make application in the Congress of- fice, 306 Michigan Union, from 1 to 3 p.m. today. There are only a limn- ited nutber of vacancies. The Graduate Outing Club: Mem-' bers desiring to attend the basket- ball game tonight will meet at the1 corner of State and Packard prompt- ly at 6:45 p.m. Following the game they will, return to the club room for usual Saturday night open-house. On Sunday, Jan. 15, there will be, a hike and outdoor skating if weather, permits. The group will meet at the Rackham Building at 3 p.m. and re-1 turn there for supper.-: All graduate students are cordially, invited., Congregational. Student Fellowship. Party after the basketball game, openI to all. Those who can will meet at Pilgrim Hall at :30 to attend the; [game. Stalker Hall. Open House at Stalker Hall tonight after the Basketball game until 10 oclock when we shall go roller skating. All Methodist siu-, dents and their friends are cordially invited. Services at the Hillel Foundation: 8 p.m. Services, Rabbi A.-M. Hersh-c man of Congregation Shaarey-Zedek of Detroit will speak on "Our Two-c Pold Task." Hosts at the social following serv- ices are Mr. and Mrs. Osias Zwerd- ling. Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Jan. ,18, at & .p m.ini the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg. Professor H. B. Lewis will sweak on "Inborn Errors of Metabolism"; and Professor P. E. James, on "ChangingI Patterns .of Population in Sao Paulo, State, Brazil." The Council will meet in the Assembly Hall at 7:30 p.m. German Table for Faculty Members: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief infor- mal talk by Professor Hans Pick on "Absolute Musik und Programm- Miusik." American Association of University Professors: There will be a dinner meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors on Monday, Jan. 16 at, 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. There will be a discussion of the ques- tionnaire sent to the members. Be- cause of the nature of the meeting it will be closed to all but active mem- bers of the Association. ' Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon- day, Jan. 16, 7-9 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. "The Chemistry of Hemoglobin and Its Derivatives:-Heme Enzymes" will be discussed. All interested are in- vited. Library Committee meeting on Jan. 19. Members of the Faculties wish- ing to lay requests before the Com- mittee are asked to have them in the hands of the Librarian by noon of Wednesday, Jan. 18. Deutscher Verein: Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit will speak on "Land und Leute in Holland." On Jan. 17 at 8:15 p.m. in the Michigan League. This illustrated lecture is the second of the series sponsored by the Deut- scher Verein. Chinese Stildcnts Club: The last meeting of this semester will be held Sunday, Jan. 15. at 8 p.m. in Lane will be the subject of Col. Peter Kel- ly's talk at the discussion Iur at 6:45 p.m. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ). 10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, minister. 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., Miss. Lucile Eberle .9nd Foster Campbell will speak on "The Christian And The War in Qhina." The talks will be followed by a general discussion. First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m. Sunday. Dr. Charles T. Goodsell of Kalamazoo Cllege will conduct wor- ship, and p'each. Supject: "'The Eternal Choice." Church school at 9:30. Senior B.Y.P.U. at 6 p.m. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Student Class at Guild House. Dr. Chapman is leading in a series of special studies. 5:30 p.m. The social hor, with refreshments, precedes the usual program. 6:15 p.m. Dr, Charles T. Goodsell, of ,he History Department of Kala mnazoo College, will address the stu- dents on the topic, "Christianity and the International Crisis." This is sec- ond in series of four discussions of vital current issues. , First Congregational Chrch, corner of State and William Streets. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, minister. 10:45 am. Service of worship. The subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will -be 'A River, an Oak and a Mountain." 4:30 pin. Board meeting of Sigma Eta Chi in Pilgrim Hall.e, 6 p m. This Sunday evening,.Jan. 15, Professor Maurer will. prescnt to the Student. Fellowship an exhibi- tion and lecture on his hobby, the photography of flowers. The talk will be llustrated with technicolor slides made by the speaker as, a:part of the carrying on of his hobby. The Student supper will be served at six o'clock and the talk will begin at 7. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning..serv- ice at 10:30. Subject: "Life." Golden text: Proverbs 12:28. Sunday school at .,1 :45. The Christian Student VrVAyer Group will meet as usual at 5 0!'OoQk Sunday afternoon in the Michigan League Buildiig. Please consult'the bulletin board there for the room. A welcome is extended to all Christian students. The Ann Arbor Friends (Quaers) will meet at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 15, at the Michigan League for their regular meeting for worship. All those interested are invited to attend. First Methodist Church. Morning worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. Bra- shares will preach on "Heaven-Heh." Stalker Hall.. Student class at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will be- gin a series of discussions on. 'Social Action and Social Living." Wesleyan Guild meeting at the Church at 6 p.m. Rev. H. L. Pickerill will speak on "A Christian and Cooperatives." Fel- lowship Hour and supper following the meeting. 'First Presbyterian Church 10:45 a.m,, morning worship service. Sermon, "What' Is God Like?" 6 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, will meet for a su- 'per and fellowship hour. At the 7 o'clock meeting the following speak- ers will lead the informal discussion groups on: (1) Racial Problems-' A .Sociologist Looks at Race." Ralph M, Danhof, (2) Community Prob- lms-"The Value of the Community Center," Calvin Chamberlain, West- minster Guild representative at the Dodge Community House at Detroit -for the summer session, 1938; (3) Worship in Modern Life-"Emotion- al Attitudes during Worship," Miss Elizabeth Leinbach; (4) Church and State-"The Church Under Nazi Ger- many," Fred Boernor; (5) Ethics Symposium, Dr. William Frankema. Unitarian Church, State and Huron Sts. 11 a.m. "Ethics in Business" one of many simultaneous talks on this sub- ject given in the Unitarian churches of America DAIhY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pulaication in the Bulletin Is construictive ndtlce to all memb1er8 01fVi Ivtt C7 received at the ocm. of the Asistant to the PresidoW u tft3.30,1100a.a .trday. (Continued from Page 2) of Johns-Manville will smuow sound movies on the subject of Diatoms. ehitecture: A showing, of modern textiles consisting of rugs, hangigs, 'IT Acolytes will meet on Monday, bedspreads and pillow cases, de- iJan. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Con- signed by Marianne Strengell, now ference Room of the Rackham Bldg. on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca Professor R. W. Sellars will talk on demy of Art, is on display in the the "Principles of Critical Realism." grund floor cases of the Arcitlec- ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5. ex- Tickets for the All-Campus Boxing cept Sunday, through Jan. 25. The Show, sponsored by Congress, in bene- public is invited, fit of an independent men's scholar- ship fund, are available at the Union, Exhibition of Chinese Photography: the League, Wahr's Book Store, Moe's Ehibition ofChinese photpgraphc Spie Shp the Pme Bell rekets EjAoiofC1iec ht ;'ieSotSoi1,Pc-zlel.Peeesstudlies lby lCengChano-Min will be Sugar' Bow1 lad Ulrich's book store. presented in the Galleries of the The event is scheduled for Tuesday, Rackham Building from Monday, Jau. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in Yost Field Jan. 16, to Saturday, Jan. 2L 'This H ouse. showing is sponsored by the int- The Lutheran Student Club will national Center and is the last in a mneet at Zion Parish House at 5:30 series presented for this semes5ter p.m. Sunday for social hour and sup- ___r: "Capin r onthe Western Front" 4