I"H MICUTGA DAILY ,:. , s ..: . -T IIs .a v ia. c. - A N fl.v .cA 1y . .V . - . ,,, Former N RA Chief Hopkins Denying He Ever Said It, OrchestIra Group To PlayIn. Toledo Under the direction of Trhor M. Johnson, the University's Little Sym- phov ill play the second ini a series' of four concerts, 'Tuesday,.;:t the Mu.- 3eum gof Art, Toledo, 0. The orchestra will play Haydn's "Symphony No. 12 in E major"; "Concerto in D major," also by Haydn, with Ruth R. Krieger, '39SM, playing the~ violoncello solo; Mehul's overture to the opera, "Joseph"; five pieces "For the Children," by Tausman; and Glazounov's "Interlu- dium in Modo Antico." ENow in its third season, the Little Symphony plans a concert tour later' in the year, which will cover 22 states. Dentists To Hear Wilson Dr. C. W. Wilson of Detroit, form-j er director of the pedodontic section of the Detroit Clinic Club. will ad- dress the Washtenaw District Den- tal Society at its monthly meeting at 16:30 p.m. Tuesday, in the Union. i . , .. C r ill m .r _..__ ...« .,.. . . .. d II SMARTEST ! I HOSIERY SHOPP MichiganTheatre d. Chinese Handmade and hand embroi- 71® Senator Arthur H.' Vandenberg (Rep) asked the questions and Harry L. Hopkins (left) gave the answers at a hearing in Washington before the Senate Commerce Committee on the former WFA administrator's nomina- tion for Secretary-of Conmnerce. The nmicrophone between #them carried their rema rks to the far reaches ,of the crowded room. Hopkins denied he had ever said: "We will spend and spend and tax and tax and elect and elect." !ii M.I .+Ne. G Vnf1 and Sims /AL/ AniariY H of a durable pure silk - Tea Rose and White,.. Illinois Men Like Thelir Women Pretty;Girls Prefer, Intellectuals 'Su rvey Shaws Clleg" ians 1were list dl in that order by the col- Like o re Of OwniitSex lege you .hs as reasons for the un- Savc- LoveForpopulari y of a girl. The women said . a , ~e o Opposite- hat the;. did. not enjoy the company t"TIe may be beautiful aind db 3f men vho were "self-centered, un- but ttniversity of Illinois, men still telei.odihns" Ohly three students said that they insist that pulchritude is thie quality(Idsie oepesn hnte ithat they' seek most in their co-eddilkdMrpesn thn hy friends. ikd This finding was made by two f University of Illilnois psychology pro- fessors, William F. Thomas and Paul !T. Young, who conducted a series ofC e r nc tests., wit more than 700 students to C e- a t- Sal. disliker reasons, why they like and dsieother people. In spite of the male emphasis on beauty, the co-eds maintained thatBigradB intelligence was the quality ,thiey sought most in their campus boy- m\I1KTF I-AT 1a Gowns now $3.95 Slips now $2.95 were were $5.95 $4.45 ICI Hosiery "tDexdale" Silk Sealed 2 and 3 thread Hose -- $1.00 value Wol 79C lWolAnkle Sox, angora finish1 ___39C__ le Continues Ltter Values .friends. Manly beauty ranked far down their list, but consideration,. kindness, and cheerfulness were rat - ed after intelligence as essential tcharacteristics of the popular male. FjSubjects of the experiment, evenly l divided between men and women, .were all between the ages of 17-22. 'They were given a series of blanks to fill by listing the initials of the persons whom they liked and dis- liked, and their reasons for the at- titude. Results of the survey were published~ in the "Journal of Social Pyhology," a scientific magazinej published in Provincetown, Mass. I Both men and women like moreI persons of their own sex than they do of the opposite sex, the testst showed. At the same time it was re- vealed -that the one person most loved f by men or women is likely to be a member of the opposite sex. Both ! agreed that the one person most un- popular is generally a member of their own sex. Conceit, snobbishness, and deceitI ii F r c N oI IiX 11ri .3J'.JIv ~i Yliv~.I~Ur5 IU I rerL 22-23-24 head. size DANA RIC'HAIRDSON 309 South State Street-- At the Dillon Shop gJ ... -______. Hair Styling LA GORE PERMANENT4 TECHNIQUE by THYRA 4r4 Collins 93eauty Shoppe 618 Last Lberty 7400 The ONLY Store in Ann Arbor with those sensational new yrr MIL ' *OXFORD *NATURAL *NAVY * BLACK *BROWN I I ............... "SEASON SKIPPER" A Smzart New UTILITY COAT with a Zi p-hzLining ;. - g:;:.:j )) r t / .. / ' 39.75 I I A coat that knows no season is this classic Balmaccan type with a lining that zips in or out in an instant. The coat is ? of soft wool fleece. Top and sleeves of the lining are wind- proof chamois, the skirt wool plaid in colors that harmonize with the coat fabric. The new carapus rage that all girls 4% Ac~ Irl yuuu i I I