THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Kv rME Undergraduate Tea For Women will Be Today Mary F. Reek, Head Of Affair Lists Hostesses Soloists, Dancer And Trio Will Entertain Guests; Committees To Meet A program of entertainment is be- ing planned for the first women's: undergraduate tea to be held from 4 p.rn. to 6 p.m. today in the ballroom of the League, Mary Frances Reek, '40, chairman of the tea, announced yesterday. In addition to the dancing for which Charlie Zwick and his orches- fra will play, three soloists, Ann Schaeffer, '40SM, Barbara Teall, '39, and Annabel Van Winkle, '41, will be1 featured. Betty Hoag, '41, will dance, and trio of Ruth Chatard, '40, Jeane Clemmons, '40, and Helen Nutting. '41, will sing. Attendance To Be Checked All undergraduate women are 'in- vited to attend the tea, Miss Reek sai. Attendance of each sorority and independent group will be checked, at the door by members of the social committee. The following members of the League social committee will act as hostess committee for the tea, Bar- bara Heath, '39, chairman, said. Vir- ginia Mulholland, '39, Virginia Mc- Cabe, '39, Betty Rouse, '40, Jaros Je- del, '39, Mildred Williams, '41, Flor- ence Brotherton, '40, Nancy Dall, '39. Others Are Listed Helen Goldberg, '40, Sue Stevenson, '40, Yvonne Westrate, '41, Jane Mow- ers, '40, Jenny Petersen, '39, Jean Tenofsky, '41, Peggy Cornelius, '41, Jane Sapp, '41, Jeanne Judson, '40, Helen Brady, '40, Edith Lynch, '41 and Jane Grove, '41. x There will be a meeting of the host- ess and patroness committees at 3:30 p.m. today in the undergraduate of- fices of the League. The hostess com- mittee will be stationed at the en- trance to the ballroom and at cer- tain tables on the{dance floor. Wom- en from the Zones and the Ann. Arbor Independents will be assigned spe- cial tables. Read Daily Classified Ads Five Dances And Skating Party Compete With Pending Exams i - League Ballroom Will Be! Scene Of 'Lucky Dance' Given ByForestry Club In spite of exams, which loom ahead, several fraternities and stu- dent groups feel brave enough t make merry this weekend. Therm will be five dances and a skating party today. Kappa Delta Rho fraternity is en - tertaining from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to- day winh an informal radio dance and! bridge for its members and thei- guests. Robert Huey, '39, social chairman, is in charge of the affair. Prof. and Mrs. Walter E. Lay and Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Everett are chaperoning. Theta Xi To Entertain Theta Xi fraternity will be host from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today at an open house radio dance. John R. Robinson, '40, social chairman, is in charge of the dance. Chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Seibert and Mr. and Mrs. James W. Freeman. Zeta Beta Tau fraternity will give a "Collegiate Swing" dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today at the chapter house. Music for the dance will be furnished by a pianist featuring col- legiate and fraternity songs. Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Goldhamer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer will be the chap- erons. Pastels Are, Popular Frosh Frolie' Positions Opein Petitioning For Freshman Dance ToBegin Today i . A call for petitions for the eight committee chairmanships of the Frosh Frolic was issued yesterday by t Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Council. The freshman voting will be the last of the four class dance? elections. The Frosh Frolic central commit- tee will include three men and twoI women from the literary college and three delegates from the engineering college., Applications of would-be literary candidates should include signatures of 35 literary freshmen and those of engineering petitioners 25 signatures; of freshman engineers. Two-hundred word statements concerning the stu- dent's qualifications as well as a University certificate of eligibility should be included in each petition. Men's petitions should be deposited at the Union student offices and womens' at the League Undergradu- ate Offices. The deadline is 8 p.m. f Tuesday, Luebke said, and interviews will be held the following day. Former Member Of Faculty Tea Guest Yesterday Several students and alumni were present at an informal tea given yesterday in Room 400 South Wing by Prof. H. O. Whittemore in honor of Professor-Emeritus and Mrs. George C. Cone. Phyllis Beck, Grad., poured. Forsythia and yellow candles were used as decorations for the table. Professor Cone retired from the faculty of the landscape design de- partment last year to make his home iri Fayette, O., where he and Mrs. Cone are developing a formal garden. 2 Prizes To Be Awarded termined in the following manner: 1, yCnall women attending the dance will S yt Asemly)VCongress sign their names to a numbered list, Two passes to Friday and Saturday seven of the numbers having been dances at the League will be given selected as lucky; 2, men will record apes at the Leagesill emgiven the names of the women with whom as prizes at the Congress-Assembly they dance; 3, at 5:30 p.m. the names tea dance, to be held from 4 p.m. to 6 of the seven women will be read over p.m. Wednesday in the League Ball- the microphone and the man with room, Phyllis McGeachy. '40, co- the greatest number of those names chairman of the dance, announced. on his list wins one of the prizes; 4, A special invitation has been ex- d the winner will then select a number tended to residents of Martha Cook, at random, and the woman whose Alumnae H ouse, Helen Newberry,' name apears opposite this number Awill win the other prize. Joirdan hall, and the league houses of Mrs. C. M. Paul, Mrs. Lucy Aus- Committee Is Named tin, Mrs. Della Mitchell, Mrs. J. E. Admission will be 25 cents for men, Maddy, Mrs. Myrtle Gray and Mrs. and there will be no charge for wom- Anna Carney. Ann Arbor Indepen- en. Charlie Zwick's orchestra will dents are also invited. - play, and name tags will be provided Prize Winner Determined at the door. Winners of the prizes will be de- Miss McGeachy and Roland Rhead, Tea Iance Will Be HeldWednesday V - To Give Bad Luck Party Kappa Sigma fraternity is having a Bard Luck Party from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today. Guests will portray some superstition or incident of bad luckx by means of their wearing apparel. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Grifithf and Mr. and Mrs. Archie F. Peterson will chaperone. The Forestry Club Will entertain from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today with an informal "Lucky Dance" in the League Ballroom. The Night Riders' orchestra will provide the music. Chaperons are Prof. and Mrs. L. J. Young and Prof. and Mrs. Shirley W.. Allen. The Westminster Guild, Presbyter- ian Young People's Society, is giving1 a skating party from 10:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. today at.the Ivory Palace 's i f i t t I Triday, 3th of January IT. of M. Ice C arniv& I' a 'Y , , , !!F ' 4 : Detroit Olympic Figure Skaters Angora sweaters and gored skirts, all ip pastel shades, are Very color- ful for campus wear, and cannot be replaced in the college woman's wardrobe. Saddle shoes are having competition, however, as spectator pumps, in blue, brown or black are finding favor. Rink. Members and their guests will frnn+,of f hn e nchurytiaai Varsity Band Q ujeen Brennan- Ticket Sale Limited to Seating Capacity. meet mn front of the kPresbyterianCRETO n CORRECTION Church at 9:30 p.m. Miss Gertrude The Scabbard and Blade French, '41, social chairman, is in ported in yesterday's Daily charge of the party. place at 3 p.m. tomorrow. party re- is to take I 35c per Person TICKETS: i _ =. I,. ad . -I The Opening of Our Greatest January Clearance Sale of Fur Coats /,,,> Friday and Saturday at acobson's-2Day m m- * Just 116 Specially Purchased Fur Coats! * Every Coat Priced to Save You Dollars! * Fur Coats for Every Type of Wardrobe! * Every Coat a Brand New 1938-39 Style!r * Smart New Swagger and Stroller Models! F_ ruq ATS mommolk. tm W, I ONE PRICE-TWO DAYS ONLY! Save Up To 50% Under ; Save Up To 50% Under Last Year's Prices A : " Last Year's Prices 'k JUST LOOK AT THE LIST OF LUXURY FURS IN THIS SPECIAL GROUP! r BOMBAYLAB SILVER MUSKRAT BLACK KIDSKIN NORTHERN SEAL SKUNK JIGGERS GREY KRIMMER BLACK CARACUL RACCOON SKUNK CHUBBIES MENDOZA BEAVER WIE PUT OUR LABEL INU THSR SCO ATS \i i/ We all know that regular fur prices are lower than in many years - This event brings far greater added values IF 11Aqzaw - omi f