THE MICHIGAN DAILY FiRVIJAN I ---- THE MICHIGAN DAILY ; II teu~wN ~ -j- _ _ eSIa.M. uo~n . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NAIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represen.atyve 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 quirements i much more likely to lead to the debacle of college football than honest payment of athletes for services rendered. -Joseph Gies Gone Are. The Days . . QEVENTY-FIVE YEARS ago today there died in a charity ward of Belle- vue Hospital in New York City, a penniless young man. The man had been picked up in one of the flop-houses in the lower part of the city. His head was split by a large gash, the mystery of which has never been solved. His family ar- rived from Pittsburgh in time to claim the body and save it from burial in Potter's Field. The man died an ignominious death but he had, with- in his span of 37 years, made a permanent con- tribution to Americana. Songs like "Old Black Joe," "Oh Susanna," "My Old Kentucky Home," "Way Down Upon the Suwanee River," "Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground," "Old Dog Tray," and many others came from the pen of Stephen C. Foster. Born in 1826, he began song writing at the age of 14. Following a few restless years at Athens Academy and Jefferson College, he began to realize enough profit from his better pieces to make a comfortable living. It is said that his "Old Dog Tray" alone sold some 125,000 copies within 18 months of its publication. Altogether he. produced 175 songstbut most of these are never heard today. Foster went to New York where he began drinking up the sums he received for each song. During this period he used the so-called "song-factory methods," producing the most and the worst of his works. However, the works which remain will be re- membered when the sordidness of his life is for- gotten, for in the relatively short period of his 37 years, Foster had found his medium and made his mark. The greatest tribute that can be paid to Foster is in these words found in the Dictionary of American Biography: " . . . his songs are primitive, limited and uneven but the best ones gave permanent expression to one phase of American life-the nostalgic melancholy of the Negro-and remain a .valuable contribution to the folk literature of American music." -Malcolm Long Board of Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor . . (ports Editor . Editors E Robert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. May1o . Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Ftzhenry S. R. Kliman Robert Perlman . Earl Gilman William Elvin . Joseph Freedman . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler * . Bud Benjamin Ifeems io Me Heywood Broun One of the objections which have been raised against the nomination of Felix Frankfurter as Justice of the United States Supreme Court seems very curious to a for- mer baseball writer. It is charged that the professor did look about among the members of the Harvard Law School and other insti- tutions of post graduate in- struction and, as a result of his survey, suggested the names of various promising young men for employment in governmental agencies, both federal and local. In other words, Professor Frankfurter has functioned as a scout or ivory hunter for the legal profession. When Dick Kinsella, the greatest trapper of them all, carried on a similar role for the New York Giants he was much respected both by his big league bosses and the little fellows out in the sticks. Indeed, the various southpaws and fly hawks who were summoned out of obscurity through the kindly offices of Kinsella felt grate- ful that a man with an alpenstock had helped to guide them up those steep slopes whichhlead to fame and fortune. Some did not make an asceit up the sheer face of the cliff, but were farmed out to Jersey City or other bush league towns for further seasoning, but even these young fellows did not feel that they had been put upon. In the great hierarchy of organized baseball there are many mansions, and the hard-hitting second baseman who is enabled to skip a couple of classifications and leap from the Sally League to the Southern Assn. has no cause for complaint. An Honored Profession But even outside the baseball industry there were many who looked upon the labors of Kin- sella and his fellow-scouts with favor. It was felt that they paid honor to the American way and fortified the competitive system by proving to mute and inglorious Mathewsons that there is always room at the top for a lad with a good hop to his fast one. It is quite true that it was economic necessity rather than sheer benevolence which inspired baseball clubs to catch recruits while they were still young. Legal luminaries improve with age' even into the twilight of their careers. But if John W. Davis were a catcher instead of a cor- poration lawyer he would have earned his un- conditional release or been relegated to the bench as a coach or manager several years ago. I am not in a position to know whether Profes- sor Frankfurter studied the setup which prevails in our national game before he went to work upon his avocation. At any rate, he was a pioneer in persuading federal agencies that it might be an excellent idea to give a break to the younger Blackstones when they were looking for bril- liant talent which would be willing to work for a broom and an apple for the sake of prestige and experience. Business Department Business Manager. . Credit Manager . . Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager . Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelman William L. Newnan Helen Jean Dean Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS FLANAGAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Professional Football: Why Not? .. . T HE BOARD in Control of Athletics lined up Monday on the side of what s usually known as "simon-pure" football in a controversy more sharp than new. "It must be admitted," the board's statement reads, "that there are serious evis in the way in which foot- ball, particularly, is conducted at many institu- tions. There is little room for difference of opin- ion, it is believed, (sic) that it is indefensible for a supposedly educational institution to hire athletes to represent it on the playing field, and it is believed to be even worse to hire them under the guise of students by the award of 'athletic scholarships' or by such devices as remissions of. tuitions granted to athletes as such. Most of the difficulties arise out of an unwillingness on the part of too many institutions to have their ath- letic teams sink to the natural levels of accomp- lishment which man-power of their normal student bodies would produce. "Sooner or later there must be a separation of those institutions which look upon intercollegiate athletics as mere adjuncts of educational pro- grams and whose teams are composed of young men whose presence on the campus is due to a real desire for a college education from those, on the other hand, whose teams are made up of hired performers." The point to which we should like to draw attention in the above section of the report is the distinction made between students who come to college for an education and only incidentally play football, and those who are "hired perform-' ers." The implication is that the men who accept compensation for playing do not really want or deserve an education, and that only those men men shoud be allowed to play college football whose parents can afford to send them to school. As has frequently been mentioned in previous arguments on this topic, college journalists, year- book editors and other activities men draw sal- aries for their work, salaries which are ordinar- ily more or less commensurate with the value of their activity as a profit-making agency. In this respect football players undoubtedly far excel any of the rest of us, as the financial side of the board's report testifies. There is, it would appear, something shameful about an athlete ac- cepting compensation for his services, however; what is merely normal for others is viewed as dishonorable for him. The source of this apparent anomaly lies, in our opinion, in the clandestine and irregular methods of payment used by most colleges prac- ticing subsidization. If standard rates and forms of compensation were adhered to, there is little reason to believe that proselytizing would be considered particularly evil. Of course there is the obvious difficulty of enforcing fair prac- tices, but at least the situation problably would be considerably improved in that respect over the present. The most important gain would be the establishment of a system of remuneration at schools which now are "simon-pure," making possible at those institutions the athletic scholar- ships which the Board in Control deplores in their present form. The Big Ten would appear to be an ideal place to try out a system of uniform subsidization. The Chant Of The CCC.. . The FLYING TRAPEZE By Roy Heath - Lancelot Rides Again Dear Roy, Campus "Conowzes of Wimmen." In re "Nussbaum vs. Heath." Sir Lancelot rides again. Your childish adolescence personified v by your scurrilous attack on the powderless Pi Phi, to wit, Jane Nussbaum, is to be regretted by those of us who candidly crave the company of colorless coeds. If the pov er of free punch were as broad as the power of free press no doubt cowardly column- ists hiding behind the skirts of constitutional guarantees would soon be relieved of the urge to attract attention by foaming at the mouth. Not wishing to resort to modes of violence, where eac- able means are available, the writ- er wishes to inform the afore- said "conowzer"bthat adequate provision is to be found in the law oflibel for such defama- tory declarations (see exhaustive judicial consideration found in Venable vs. State, '84, Texas Criminal Rep. 354), interesting and instructive for those untut- ored in the law as well as those learned in its intricacies). The legal profession in its cus- tomary chivalrous manner realiz- ing the necessity for protection in such cases, has always stood ready to aid those unjustly ac- cused by ranting writers. (Miss Nussbaum, if interested, see Sec- tion P, Lawyers Club). The writ- er would not stir himself from his customary recumbent position to take issue with literary college boys had he not in his cloistered existence come to value highly the periodic invasion, to wit, morn-i ing, noon and night, of those comely creatures; all lawyers avidly ogling as they "jiggle" their way across Grismore Park andrpenetrate the inner sanctity of the law quad. on their way to cast their rebuffed charms on the unappreciative pagans. With personal regards, I remain, William Blackstone, P. 33 Law Club, 4145 "Jiggle," sir, is a horrid word. From here'n there and there'n here: . . Michiganites may soon be treat- ed to the sight of a senior engineer turning cartwheels down State street . he bet a fraternity brother that he woud be unable to acquire, by fair means, a framed photo of a prominent campus lovely . . . The brother col- lected the photo and the engineer will be paying off any day now . . . You can't beat Marcia Connell . like it or not . . . Ruth Ann Oakes . Burr-Pat representative was put on the pan for her consistent use of Michigan coeds . . . notably Connell . in the company's advertising booklet . . . consequently the job was taken out of her hands and placed in the impartial care of an advertising man from New York . . . Long and diligently did he labor to produce a perfect book . . . without either Michigan or Connell . . . When the book was finished and sent to head- quarters, the beautiful cover-girl was Connell . . . The expert had chosen the cover photo from among the hun- dreds of unnamed honeys in the files of Underwood & Underwood. As a none too subtle reminder of his disastrous fumble at Minnesota . . Tom Harmon's sister and brother-in- law gave the sophomore gridder a football with handles attached for Christmas. The ever-loving relatives also gave Harmon a bird cage . adding that he would, in all prob- ability, receive the "bird" next year The wire says that C'unt Basie's band will be party of the first part for the J-Hop . . . Kemp and Shaw are definitely out with Eddie Duchin a long shot . . . Margaret Bourke White . . . will in all possibility bring "Life" to a "party" at Michigan .sometime in April. THEATRE~ By NORMAN KIELL Rocket To The Moon If Clifford Qdeus had not packed his drama, "Rocket to the Moon," playing at the Windsor Theatre in New York, with so much of the trivia of human. life, his play would be twice as good as it is now. The trouble with the play is that while it tells superbly the lives of the middle-class people whom Odets knows so well, while it eats into the chaos and bewilderment and helpless- ness that is the heritage of our de- cade, "Rocket to the Moon" is weighted down by too much nerve- probing into human lives, by too many bitter and unanswered ques- tions about this half-mad and fan- tastic twentieth century. What evolves, basically, from Odets' drama is the triangle story of wife, husband and secretary; but do not think the playwright permits his drama to become tawdry or small. Rather, Odets bites into the meat and bones of his people, strips them to the marrow and then sucks the gravy. Yet, for this critic, it was, as pointed out above, too much to digest in the course of one evening. Anguish and unhappiness spins "Rocket to the Moon" along its un- even course. Into the office of dentist Ben Stark, comes Cleo Singer to take her new job as secretary. Lonely,un- loved and friendless, she is hungry for human affection and warmth. Ben Stark, warped by adomineering wife, affords the love she needs so badly and he reciprocates her love for him; but when his enigmatic father-in- law asserts his love for Cleo too, Stark is too weak to leave his wife. Stark is a sensitive, generous indi- vidual, too big for the petty common- places his wife is constantly nagging him about. The more she nags him the more he loves Cleo; but he is too deep in the rut his wife has laid out for him, and despite the promptings of his father-in-law and Cleo, he can- not take the rocket to the moon and start life on a new basis. This is the tragedy of Odets' people; they all live curdled lives, lives that were once rich in potentialities but turned sour with the passing of years. And Odets writes of them with an electric dialogue, a dialogue that spir- als and rockets and probes deeply into the hearts of the people he knows so well. he Group Theatre has actors who know the depth of these people and they act them with all the anguish and iner torment they call for. Mor- ris Carnovsky gives us, in the role of the shy dentist, a characterization that is haunting and memorable; His kindling countenance, his gesticula- tions, his inflections, conspired to make these qualities. Luther Adler, as the father-in-law, possessed a cyn- icism and wit sharpened by many en- counters with ladies and sharpies of the racing track and gambling hall, and a satanic charm that cloaked his charact&ization in mystery. As the waif-life secretary, Eleanor Lynn gave a glowing and intelligent perform- ance. Ruth Nelsor< was admirably cast as the shrewish wife. Chalk it down as a minor triumph for Mr. Odets, and a major triumph for the ensemble Group acting, and Howard Clurman's directing. (A parable on the European situation) Three strong-arm, unscrupulous fellows linked themselves together for the purpose of mending their several and collective fortunes. One, living at a great distance, chose a rich, fat old lady as his vitim. The other two de- cided to threaten and rob two pros- perous but somewhat overcomfortable citizens. The two citizens saw the danger, and decided to defend them.- selves in common. But one citizen was a narrow- minded busy-body, who at the bottom was willing to F sacrifice any property but his own in I ,r r rw r rr r 11 The Civilian Conservation Corps will turn this year from olive drab to spruce green. President Roosevelt has approved the issuance of a new and distinctive uniform of that color. "The issuance of a new uniform distinctive from other governmental services will improve the appear- ance of the corps," Robert Rechner, director of the CCC said. "It will also-aid in building up and main- taining a high morale in the camps." -New York Times, Monday, Jan. 9. Filled with glee Is the CCC Their spirits sublimely serene, Felling a tree Is a virtual spree For their uniforms are green, Oh, out with the nasty olive garb For it has no earthly use, Down with the dull and dreary drab And up with the suits of spruce. Work is like play When a uniform's gay And everyone's heart is glad, What care they For a dollar a day As long as they're brightly clad. Oh, out with the coats of sombre hue May they never more be seen And look to the cause of a high morale- The uniforms of green. Never more are they stiff and sore They never knew distress For the boys of the Corps Are sure to adore Their latest mode of dress Oh, out with the clothes of olive drab And sing the joyous day Hail the resplendent CCC In their sprightly green array. --June Harris Rxoman mHolid-iay Neville Chamberlain left London today for a series of conversations with Mussolini. It is re- ported that the British Prime Minister will en- deavor to pursue his policy of appeasement in Rome. Just what that means is not entirely clear. Judging from past experiences Chamberlain's policy of appeasement has been outright surrend- er to the demands of the totalitarian states. Their greatest triumph, of course, was at Munich. Per- haps since that time Chamberlain has suffered a change of heart and will drop a hint in Benito's ear that the democracies are now rearming and will bow no more to the dictators. Yet it is doubt- ful that Chamberlain will be so bold. Chamberlain's best bet is to appeal to Mussolini the opportunistic politician and not to Mussolini the supreme dictator. As a politician Mussolini knows how to straddle, to keep the world guessing and then to run off with a few plums while other nations are fighting. Until his Ethiopian adven- ture he had followed these tactics with marked success. The emergence of the Tokio-Berlin- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Continued from Page 2) aking honors in French and who vish to have a course in modem rench history during the second emester should enroll in History 54. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architec- ure: A national exhibition of Rep- esentative Buildings of the Post- Nar Period, selected by the Commit- ee on Education of the American In- titute of Architects and circulated >y the American Federation of Arts, s being shown in the third floor ex- ibition room. Architecture Build- ng. Open daily, 9 to 5, except $xw-. lay, through Jan. 18. The public is nvited Two Exhibits: Paintings by Sarkis Sarkisian, and prints from the col- lection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to 25, afternoons from 2 to 5, North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. Textile Exhibition, College of Ar- chitecture: A showing of modern extiles consisting of rugs, hangins, edspreads and pillow cases, e- signed by Marianne Strengell, now n the staff of the Cranbrook Aca- lemy of Art, is on display in the round floor cases of the Architec- ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, ex- ept Sunday, through. Jan. 25. The public is invited. Exhibition of Chinese Photography: Exhibition of Chinese photographic tudies by Cheng Chao-Min will be presented in the Galleries of the Rackham Building from Monday, Jan. 16, to Saturday, Jan. 21. This showing is sponsored by the Inter- ational Center and is the last in a eries presented for this semester. Events Today Architects and En'gineers are in- ited to an illustrated lecture on Lighting Equipment this afternoon t 4:10 p.m. in Room 246 West En- ineering Building by Mr. Allen J. Martin, one of our graduates broad- y experienced in illumination en- ineering and research in lighting. He will treat the features which hould be considered in selection of ighting equipment, with emphasis on hose which are important to the in- taller as well as the user. This is a pecial session of the class in E.E. 74 >ut should be significant and interest- ng to others, and all interested are nvited. Graduate Student Council members .re urged to attend the informal Jraduate Coffee Hour to be held to- lay from 4 to 6 p.m. Each member is requested to bring at least one ;uest. The Executive Committee of the uraduate Student Council will meet t 3 p.m. today to formulate plans for the second semester. Student Book Exchange: Don't for- et your interviews today, to be held n Room 325 in the Michigan Union. Please be punctual and avoid con- fusion. If you have no interview time as yet please get in touch with Union Student offices between 3-5. The Suomi Club will hold, a meet- ing tonight at 8 o'clock in Lane Hall. Dr. Soivio of Helsinki will speak. Re- freshments will be served. All stu- dents of Finnish descent are cordially invited. University Choir: Rehearsal 7 to 8 o'clock, this evening, Lane Hall. Stu- dents and members of the Faculty are- welcome. Senior Society: Group picture for the Ensian will betakentoday at 4:15 at Dey's Studio. Please be prompt. Independent J-Hop Booths: All in- dependent students desiring accom- modation in one of the Congress booths for the 1939 J-Hop will please make application at the table pro- vided in the Union Lobby for that purpose at the time they purchase their ticket. Applications will be ac- cepted from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to- day. Westminster Guild: Reservations for the roller skating party, to be held at the Ypsi rink today can be made by calling 2-4466. The Avukah will meet at 7:30 p~m. tonight at the Foundation. The class in elementary Hebrew will meet at the Foundation this after- noon at 4:15 p.m. Coming Events American Association of University Professors: There will be a dinner meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors on Monday, Jan. 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. : ,* Unto The Least The notion that this scouting work of his be- gan only with the coming of the New Deal is, of course. fallacious. The Harvard ivory hunter placed dozens of his bright young men with Hoover long before Roosevelt loomed up on the horizon, and it is my impression that he sent others even before the days of the great engi- neer. Nor is there any evidence that he was particu- larly concerned with the political or economic beliefs of the budding lawyers whom he recom- mended to fulfill certain assigned tasks. It rS- quite possible that some of the "hot dogs" may burn with a revolutionary fervor far out of line with the comparatively mild liberalism of their sponsor. I assume that Professor Frankfurter never stopped to inquire about their inner con- victions. He thought it was enough to send along young men who were capable of performing the job. That was the system of Dick Kinsella. When he .found a youngster who could throw and hit, run bases and go to his right or left for ground- ers he promptly signed him without bothering to say, "May I ask what is your religion?" And I believe that ought to remain the Ameri- can way concerning big leaguers of either or- ganized government or organized baseball. i r t died. While the two strong-arm fel- lows made no bones of their intentions r and did not allow themselves to be divided on any subject, the busy- body publicly declared-that he saw no reason why the gangsters and the The Editor Gets Told I Study Hall. Lighting January 12, 1939 To the Editor: Having spent manyhours during the last two and one-half years of my college career in the first floor study hall of the Main Library, I am at last voicing an appeal for better lighting. One finds it impossible to study there for more than one and a half hours without suffering from the faulty illumination. As an institution of higher learning, the University of Michigan should do everything possible to promote better study habits among its students. It can not do this with- out first improving the conditions in the study halls. I am sure that I am in accordance with all students who use this study hall, and I sincerely WPA Funds; The first decisive skirmish between the President and Congress on the; economy issue is scheduled to come on the amount of supplemental appro- priation for the Works Progress Ad- ministration. Funds appropriated by the last Congress are sufficient to serve only through the remainder of' this month, and for the five remain- ing months of the fiscal year, Mr. Roosevelt is asking Congress for a special appropriation of $875,000,000. Since the President, in his budget message, spoke of a "supplemental" item for recovery and relief of $750,- 000,000, it may be assumed that his increase of the proposal to $875,000,- 000 is for bargaining purposes, to off- set the demands of the economy bloc that the amount be held to-$500,000,- 000. It is up to Congress to make up its mind as to what it will do. It can proceed to put into effect the econ- omy mandate which it apparently re- honst citizens could not quite well co-exist peacefully in the same world. When one gangster raised claims to the property of the busybody's friend, the busybody, instead of reaching for his gun, decided to go see the threat- ening gangster and try to persuade him to be nice. Meanwhile, through an intermedi- ary, the busybody let it be known that, after all, his friend, the other citizen, ought to be willing to make certain sacrifices "wherever there are legiti- mate grievances." On the way to the gangster's house he stopped off to visit his friend, who was still alarmed at the busybody's well-known gener- osity with others' property. -Chicago Daily News dustry are sufficiently recovered to go forward under their own steam. On the, problem of protecting re- lief politics, Mr. Roosevelt has this. to say: It is my belief that improper political practices can be eliminat- ed only by the imposition of rigid statutory regulations and penal- tip b he fl-'t, rPCj.-_vadthis achnnild